being a rent boy selling your body to craven obese diplomats doesn’t make you james bond. it’s just pillow talk bro.

One of the mil-sim guys I sometimes catch when I have little else to do apparently had a four hour stream just dedicated to trying to piece together what's going on, where elements may be, and what stories/posts/clips are nonsense, unverified, or unverifiable at this point (the latter of which he spent a lot of time reiterating to the watchers), mostly to the effect of my previous. Hardly authoritative, I understand, I just appreciate honesty about one's own content and can appreciate the reticence to show straight up snuff like mac's death porn.
As far as info on hour-by-hour tactical movements go open source intel is actually very reliable. It's always wild just how much a group like bellingcat manages to figure out that way. He can make a pretty good analysis probably.
bellingcat is fake news. i cited their stuff a lot during the peak of the syrian atrocities and i was reliably informed by shahter, A Russian, that it was grade-a misinformation from george soros.

One of the aggregators (I guess you could call it) I'm using right now is where I can click stories by location.

Currently on watching USAF FORTE12 make patterns off the southwest of Sevastopol. The most watched flight on the website right now, if I'm reading that figure correctly.
just the one we know about I guess

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-02-24 14:08:11)

some of the news is extremely metal-as-fuck.

headline: Every single soldier guarding Zmiinyi Island, or Snake Island, in the Black Sea has died, Zelenskiy said.

Reportedly audio from Snake Island in Black Sea:

-This is a Russian military ship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary victims. Otherwise we will open fire on you.

-Russian military ship, go fuck yourself.

They were all killed

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Interestingly the Australian juxtaposed on the front page the international response to Saddam invading Kuwait - "This shall not stand, the free world must unite, bullies have to be taught a lesson" etc etc with Ukraine "Er, best of luck guys, let us know when its over"

Meanwhile in Ukraine Zelensky is rightfully complaining the world has abandoned them.

If it were me I'd declare a NATO air defence zone over half of Ukraine.

What would be interesting would be to see some analysis on Putin's endgame

- Install a puppet regime and withdraw

- Plough through the Baltic states and maybe Poland

His medium term plan is clearly the latter

Maybe a bigger problem is that China is siding with Russia and - thanks to western stupidity in gifting them all our technology and manufacturing know-how - they can supply everything which is being sanctioned.
Fuck Israel
comparisons to kuwait?

putin has 6,000 nuclear bombs and one of the largest militaries on earth. plus the will to use both of them.

we haven’t seen a toe-to-toe conflict like this since ww2. mass deployments and foes with something like technological parity.

the gulf war? lmao. oh yeah that simulation computer game where the world’s sole superpower unloaded its laser-guided new sci-fi armaments on a bunch of iraqis taking a cigarette break in the desert.

it’s amazing how hawkish people are for war. it was frightening enough proposing a conflict with iran. russia are a much worse foe than the iranians.

kuwait lmao. here are some more relevant comparisons where the ‘world abandoned’ the victims: poland, czech republic, hungary.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-24 23:20:19)


"Clearly the latter," dilbert? Poland and the Baltic states are EU and NATO countries. How the heck is Russia going to "sweep through" them especially after slugging it out with Ukraine?

Didn't Russia cause China to lose face over this? Weren't Chinese papers saying there was nothing to worry about?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
America has no appetite to get nuked for Ukraine, do you think they will for Latvia?

Putin will start destabilising other states - if he hasn't already, then we'll find out what NATO really means.

Saddam really did have WMD for Gulf War 1 yet we went to war against him.
All the noble talk about democratic principles - not that Kuwait was democratic - only applies when you have an overwhelming military advantage I guess.
Fuck Israel

That's a heck of a take. It seems unlikely that EU/NATO is within the scope of his war goals, or that the rest of Russia would even go along with it. This isn't Command & Conquer.


Dilbert_X wrote:

All the noble talk about democratic principles - not that Kuwait was democratic - only applies when you have an overwhelming military advantage I guess.
genuine question: why don’t you sign up for the military?

i guess it’s easy to advocate for total war when you’re sat in a bungalow in wagga wagga? it’s not going to be you going to face down armoured and air divisions or squatting under airstrikes, is it?

saddam’s WMDs were nothing compared to russia’s arsenal. even comparing biological and chemical weapons alone. the comparison truly is inane. kuwait never risked a global conflagration.
I'm not surprised Russia took Chernobyl early.

Can you imagine how that place could be wielded as a weapon? Like a dirty bomb and a flamethrower have a one night stand and 9 months later Belarus is getting cucked.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-25 03:03:02)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

All the noble talk about democratic principles - not that Kuwait was democratic - only applies when you have an overwhelming military advantage I guess.
genuine question: why don’t you sign up for the military?

i guess it’s easy to advocate for total war when you’re sat in a bungalow in wagga wagga? it’s not going to be you going to face down armoured and air divisions or squatting under airstrikes, is it?

saddam’s WMDs were nothing compared to russia’s arsenal. even comparing biological and chemical weapons alone. the comparison truly is inane. kuwait never risked a global conflagration.
Once again, I did sign up for the Royal Engineers, and not for free college.

OK, so we're agreed, the world is going to sit back and let Russia and China do what they want.
Bad luck for the Baltics, Poland, Finland.
Fuck Israel
haha, ok, the royal engineers. great. you were a boy scout too? did you LARP as part of the TA?

the world doesn't have a well-defined playbook as to how to deal with nuclear-armed militaries tearing up all known accords and acting unilaterally.

clearly it is trying to deal with the conflict using non-military means, which is surely laudable.

a military escalation involving the US, the NATO powers, etc, would just lead to far more death and a much bigger conflict. it should be avoided at all costs.

i don't know why people cry for 'no fly zones'. it's a euphemism. you know what it means: NATO pilots shooting down russian planes. if you want to take the conflict there, just say so. the consequences will be far worse than any folly in the middle east.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
OTOH You're never going to sign up for anything which doesn't benefit you directly.

An air exclusion zone, say 100 miles out from NATO borders, would make sense to avoid 'misunderstandings'
Or we're going to have Migs doing what Migs do, skirt along borders locking on their targeting radars and provoking trouble.
Fuck Israel
i'm not the one acting all machismo and bellicose and calling for war with russia and china every week, am i? so i don't see why i need to justify my lack of zeal for military service. i'd rather we didn't go to war, thank you.

your habit of making all of your personal decisions into selfless, valorous acts of a committed saint is tedious in the extreme. we get it: nothing you have ever done has been with an eye on your own career, pandering to your own tastes, or involving payment or advancement in any way. you paid for a bench. you don't like the taste of meat. bravo. is it hard climbing that 3km ladder up into your umpire's nest every morning?

when it comes to self-delusion you're way up there with steven seagal. why don't you phone putin and have a word with him? i'm sure he'll see your point of view.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-25 05:04:51)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Your solution to everything is do nothing but criticise, then kick back and party.

Sorry, you do agitate for your drug habit to be legalised, but I bet that doesn't go as far as doing anything concrete which puts you at risk.
Fuck Israel
'criticise'? criticise your stupid ideas, certainly. i'm not critical of plans to sanction russia or to rid the UK of russian influence. i applaud those steps.

taking steps that will domino-effect into war in multiple states with a heavily armed and tenacious foe, not so much.

the problem with my input to most discussions is that they contradict you. like your idiocy over covid vaccines and the pandemic. 'nothing but criticise'? that's described you for the last 12 months at least of impotent, rage-filled discussion of covid. i have applauded the efforts of science and the virologists in particular. your input? to spread strange whispers about their 'insider interests'. great job! you are a highly intelligent person!!!

'my drug habit' . nevermind that all the drugs i have spoken about w/r/t legalisation have been completely nonaddictive and non-habit-forming. nevermind that the only drug i've consumed in the last 3 years has been the same 'habit' as yours: alcohol. what a dumkopf.

otherwise, i do apologize for enjoying my life. you miserabilist little shut-in.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-25 05:33:31)


Where the heck is Shahter.
Former US presidents on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:

Clinton: “Brazen violation”

GWB: “The gravest security crisis on the European continent since World War II”

Obama: “A brazen attack on the people of Ukraine, in violation of international law”

Trump: “That’s pretty smart”

and the funniest thing is ... half the republican base agree with him.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Anyhow latest update from Ukraine. Russians on the outskirts of Kiev. Yet to try to go into the city which will be a terrible fight even for the Russians. The Russians have yet to occupy any of the major cities.
haven't they just secured an airfield or two on the outskirts of kiev? that means lots more APCs and support for an assault on the city?

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