Dilbert_X wrote:
I don't get it
On the one hand Israel carves off a bit of someone else's country - which they ceded to the Romans 2000 years ago - shells villages, terrorises civilians out of their homes - no nation does anything, except America applauds and sends more money and weapons.
Russia does something similar - the world goes nuts "this can not stand" etc.
what an incredibly stupid take. why am i not surprised?
what’s striking to me is how LITTLE the world community, europe, the US, etc, have done in response to the flagrant landgrab.
it’s totally unsurprising to me that putin is totally in command of events and is calling all the shots. the worst that the US, EU/NATO, etc, have said from the outset is that they won’t engage in a conflict and will instate ‘huge sanctions’.
but they never materialise. putin literally rolls tanks into another country and the first response of the US/UK, vis-a-vis these fearsome sanctions, is that they’re taking a ‘gradualist’ approach and will sign off on some of the eensy weensie minor ones soon.
lmao it’s almost comical. the UK is awash with dirty russian money, it’s an oligarch’s playground, most of the senior russian kleptocracy has deep ties to the UK economy and elite … putin knows this full well. the sanctions thus far are have been trivial.
According to one diplomat, Austria, Germany and Italy stressed the importance of incrementalism. The source said: “This fetish for incremental steps really raises questions on these countries’ willingness to approve the ‘big bang’ sanctions package when we need it.”
ouhhh! scary! sanctions ‘targeting the individuals involved in approving this invasion’. lmao it makes it sound like they want to freeze the bank accounts of a few russians. that’ll do it!
Johnson says sanctions are being imposed on five Russian banks, and three high net-worth individuals.
haha. invade territory and displace 40,000 people and we will respond by ... stopping 3 mega-millionaires from visiting their property in leafy surrey or chelsea!
in terms of brinksmanship this has been an auto-win for russia in every respect. the rest of the world has made salutary protests and efforts to ‘help’ ukraine but zero in the way of actual resistance. now tanks are rolling and the sanctions are evaporating. total capitulation.
Last edited by uziq (2 years, 11 months ago)