SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I don't think the U.S. is actually all that diverse anyhow. The vast, VAST majority of people born and living here speak English, and watch media that is uniquely American. People from each of the four corners can travel to the others and live pretty much the same exact lifestyle with access to the same media and products.
Bad representation, definitely not homogeneous. It's a different kind of diversity, though this obviously pales a bit when compared to Europe or Asia as their own gigantic wholes.

Pumping your own gas used to be alien to Oregonians. It just wasn't something you were supposed to do, and actually illegal to do. New visitors from neighboring states weren't always clued into this and would get ambushed by the attendant when going to fill their own gas like they committed some huge cultural gaffe. You've probably seen stuff like this in NJ, now the last prideful bastion or something.

Even my own state has different vibes depending on where you're at. Five places could have a completely different walkthrough feel even if they all have a Walmart. The climate, coastal vs. inland, mountain vs. prairie, high desert vs. forest, local industries / what people generally do for a living, how close together they live, local wealth. Even the contents and quality of two same-brand grocery stores can wildly differ from location to location (there are people in Tacoma who cross a toll bridge to shop in Gig Harbor; I myself will stop at a few places around Olympia or in cow country for certain supplies).

Availability of foreign goods, between a chunk of miles I could either be in a place with clusters of (just to name a few) Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Filipino (Filipinx?), Indian, American Indian, or German/Scandinavian stuff on just one corridor within the state, run by, and worked in by people who came from those places, or from families who had.

Growing up in a foul neighborhood, might as well be living in a completely different universe than attending a good private school in yuppieville. Are you taught to avoid eye contact to avoid trouble with gangs, or maintain it with a firm handshake to better represent yourself? Body language, inflections, attitudes, differences even visible among siblings of a family who moved around a lot.

There are faux pas you can make from state to state just as in from country to country. West coast culture different than east coast differs from Chicago. Tons of specific, local quirks. We all note the latest exploits of Florida Man with rapt fascination and a certain fear. What is he going to do next? Wrestle a gator? Eat his neighbor's face? Both of those at the same time? Reality has no Bugs Bunny to safely separate the state from the rest of the country.
It sounds like a lot of what you are talking about is class distinctions. Ghetto culture in the big cities is probably very alike. I assume upper middle class people in different parts of the country share the same ethos around work and education. The fact that we are drawing distinctions around what somebody's Walmart experience is evidence that we are more alike than not. I don't think there is actually much cultural difference between New Yorkers and people in LA.

I acknowledge I live in an urban bubble while you seem to live among more rural types. It is easy to forget you aren't in the center of the universe when everyone in the country has to watch Spiderman and the Avengers save NYC from Loki and whatever else.

That's not what I meant about Walmart. A town could have the same, usual Corporate America markers as another town, but the towns themselves could still be totally different experiences depending on the people who live there, quirks and histories, and other local realities not hinging on the presence of a McDonald's next to the offramp, or as "simple as class."

This stuff should really be embedded in the social studies catch-all. A lack of understanding is contributing to the divisiveness in the country.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Man armed with a boxcutter dies by firing squad in Mount Juliet, TN" … ing_squad/
20 cops to stop one guy with a boxcutter? Murder

Beanbag guns are only allowed to be used against people holding signs.

I thought we were clear on that.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"The story of a racist MAGA teacher" … a_teacher/

Hmm. A lot of his post sound familiar.

Speaking of NR and red pills, surprisingly sober (longish) content on NR on the whole "red pill" thing:

Even without such a stark scene, The Matrix would bear more than a passing resemblance to the ancient beliefs associated with gnosticism: that reality itself is a war between two competing yet equally matched good and evil forces; that the physical world is a deception foisted on us by evil; that our bodies, being physical, are also a trapping of evil to be resisted; and that true knowledge of all this is achievable only for an elite few. If an idea survives for centuries, then it must have some appeal. Reality can often seem disappointing; heroic self-conceptions can be fun; and imagining oneself as the holder of true knowledge amid the horde of rubes can feel empowering. A digital age in which so much of one’s experience seems to have some degree of remove from reality likely makes this notion even more alluring.
Comments are as you'd expect.

bonus cartoon from the bottom of the page:

oh no, the experts!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
mmmf mmmf mmmf
keeping cops off the street
I am all that is MOD!

Tell me more about liberal indoctrination in our school system

Supposed to be heartwarming, but sad and spooky.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-02-02 21:35:14)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Miami Police Officer charged after video emerges showing him kneeling on a pregnant woman's neck, tasing her in the stomach twice. She miscarried shortly after. Officer lied in his report and fabricated events that never occurred, charging her with Battery on an Officer and Felony Resisting" … o_emerges/

6 hours old +60,000 upvotes. Deplorable.
why in the fuck would anyone want to watch something as depressing as that? you need a hobby.

watching women being given forced miscarriages. ok pal.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It just came across my desk.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

New black mayor of NYC. Less than a month into from 2019 shows him clearly talking about beating crackers at the NYPD.

This is not good for race relations.

How many white people honestly care about the word "cracker" unless making some stupid racial politics point about how they want to say the n-word but can't.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
He should resign.

"Wow, you couldn't make Blazing Saddles in 2022."
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

How many black people honestly care about the word "nxxxxx" unless making some stupid racial politics point
Fuck Israel

That, er, historied word has its own gigantic ecosystem of context. Cracker, honkey, etc., nobody cares.



SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I wouldn't want to live under a mayor who bragged he 'kicked spic ass' everyday at the NYPD. White New Yorkers shouldn't have to just suck this up. The mayor needs to resign.

It's really funny to me that you lead into all this with the word 'cracker,' easily one of the least offensive, least impactful words we could talk about in a race thread.

It really is an opportunity to blunt/deflect dialog about more important issues in police departments and politics. They even got him behind a microphone to apologize for saying the word 'cracker.' lmao

The more exhausting thing about listening to the guy is his use of possessive pronouns in relation to the city's workers. It's also funny to see political language shift back from complimentary (but still refraining from promoting thanks in benefits and higher wages) "essential workers," back to "unskilled labor" and "low skill jobs." We're back to burger flipper now. Ew, burger flippers. "But at least they're my burger flippers." Like, think that highly of yourself, eh? The king of the city, subjects bow down.

Very Trumpian, e.g. my generals.

Literally who actually cares about that word in terms of feeling personally wounded by it. About as racially charged as a roll of electrical tape. One of the least eyebrow-raising things a cop could have in their background. What is this, the NR comments section? Are you sure that all you do is hate read these publications?

All secondary anyway to Americans being kept overworked in multiple jobs with a non-livable net income for their household (ironic term for an unhomed family). Can we talk about that? What actionable thing does the mayor plan to do to make it so people can afford to live there? If nothing, then they can run him out of town on a rail.
In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, Minneapolis police pledged to limit their use of no-knock warrants. Then, in the span of 10 months from 11/20 to 8/21, they requested more than 90 such warrants. And this week they used one to kill a sleeping 22-year-old, then lied about it.

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