i've lived in 3/4 cities now without ever driving. you're making it sound like it's impractical or impossible ... erm, what?
It's entirely possible until you have kids for example. There's a reason every family has at least 1 car. It's more a happy coincidence that single adults can move about without needing personal vehicles.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My dream is to never have to own a car. Just walk to work everyday.

I used to be a big advocate of mass transit but after COVID I think we should reevaluate sticking people in poorly ventilated boxes.
my commute to work in bristol was about 3-4 minutes by foot. literally lived around the block from my office. it was hell for motivation and discipline, though. too easy to walk home on lunch and snooze. too easy to hit the snooze button the morning alarm, in fact. saved a helluva lot of time not commuting, though.

9/10 would recommend. the only better experience i've had is, uh, working remotely full-time ... from anywhere i want in the world .
Same I've always made sure my work commute is walkable. That's a luxury many can't afford though.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
Mine would be walkable if I worked at the goddamn corporate center. Shit, I better apply for one of those businessy jobs.
talking about billionnaire's row and such, this is a fantastic vid:

agree with the reading of the row as the summation of our epoch. the 70s had brutalism: an architectural idiom that was both aesthetics and politics at once. the 2010s gets pencil-thin investment cubes. 'a spatialization of advanced finance capitalism'. yep. no style, no adornment; no homeliness; no artistic expression; just pure engineering utility and maximized investment. sad!

a lot was written on this theme in architectural periodicals, the new yorker, LRB, etc, 5 or so years ago. i remember reading these critiques of 'the aesthetics of finance capitalism' and thinking they were spot on. now it seems to already be the accepted critical consensus. hideous eyesores and, worse, deleterious to the social fabric of the city.

an average home in the bronx pays $4-5k dollars a year in property tax and a billionaire's condo pays $450. LOL. it says it all. piketty again ...

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-08 13:16:48)


uziq wrote:

my commute to work in bristol was about 3-4 minutes by foot. literally lived around the block from my office. it was hell for motivation and discipline, though. too easy to walk home on lunch and snooze. too easy to hit the snooze button the morning alarm, in fact. saved a helluva lot of time not commuting, though.

9/10 would recommend. the only better experience i've had is, uh, working remotely full-time ... from anywhere i want in the world .
10/10 on short foot commutes. I had the liberty of walking to and from high school half of the time, and college most of the time (when I wouldn't need the car for some other task). Brisk foggy mornings, warm afternoons or a pleasant winter overcast.

6/10 on bicycle if there were big hills or I couldn't lock it up inside.

uziq wrote:

agree with the reading of the row as the summation of our epoch. the 70s had brutalism: an architectural idiom that was both aesthetics and politics at once. the 2010s gets pencil-thin investment cubes. 'a spatialization of advanced finance capitalism'. yep. no style, no adornment; no homeliness; no artistic expression; just pure engineering utility and maximized investment. sad!

a lot was written on this theme in architectural periodicals, the new yorker, LRB, etc, 5 or so years ago. i remember reading these critiques of 'the aesthetics of finance capitalism' and thinking they were spot on. now it seems to already be the accepted critical consensus. hideous eyesores and, worse, deleterious to the social fabric of the city.

an average home in the bronx pays $4-5k dollars a year in property tax and a billionaire's condo pays $450. LOL. it says it all. piketty again ...
And they're spotting the same/similar trends all around the world.

Pretty ridiculous that it's costing the city about 2 billion in missed taxes per year. What I truly can't understand is that the compromise now is that billionnaires have to now pay a one-time fee to property tax instead of a structural amount.

The video is trying to be optimistic in a way but it's hard to believe things would actually change with that sort of dealmaking going around and stuff like occupy wall street not having had that much of an effect. Income inequality is only set to increase if wealth and wealth assets aren't taxed much at all.
Just read that globally gen z strongly prefers nationalism and populism over any other political ideology. Seems the very strong presence of conservative/populist right on the new social media platforms is bearing fruit.

Having said so, fuck gen z
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Gen Z is too young to know what they prefer. Plenty are kids still in high school/college not sure if they want dick or not let alone their feelings on nationalism. What is nationalism anyway? Word your survey questions however you want and you could get whatever results you want.
it started out as 'lolz' and now it's not lolz, eh.

mind you, gen-z are also highly literate when it comes to communism/socialism. they are not dirty words to that generation.

left-wing nationalism/socialism is making a return, even in 'soft' forms like the 'rebranded' labour party (after corbyn/starmer, etc.)

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Gen Z is too young to know what they prefer. Plenty are kids still in high school/college not sure if they want dick or not let alone their feelings on nationalism. What is nationalism anyway? Word your survey questions however you want and you could get whatever results you want.
this is quite obviously right, and yet ... it can't be denied that gen-z/zoomers are way more politicized and way more 'switched on' than the last few generations. even with epochal events like 9/11, i don't really feel like my adolescence was very 'politicized'. young people nowadays are extremely switched on, not only to radical left/right wing ideologies, as such, but to a whole range of activist/popular issues ... sexual politics, gender issues, critical race theory, environmentalism ...

look at the mass school walkouts and protests over the climate change issue w/ greta at the helm. did our generation ever have anything like that? i literally can't remember even a single time that my cohort were so overtly called to something political. not until university, at least.
Which is good, but the rather irreconcilable beliefs in the necessity for climate change activism and populist-nationalism is a tad worrisome. Weirdly enough they overlap.
as they must, tbh. environmentalism can't be a pet hobby-horse for liberals in their spare time anymore. it has to be a foundational part of any future political ideology.

nationalism is a predictable reaction to 40 years of neoliberal centrist orthodoxy that have done worse than nothing for the mass of people: they've actively deprived them and made their living conditions worse. you can thank the EU as well as the friedmanites for that.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Gen Z is too young to know what they prefer. Plenty are kids still in high school/college not sure if they want dick or not let alone their feelings on nationalism. What is nationalism anyway? Word your survey questions however you want and you could get whatever results you want.
this is quite obviously right, and yet ... it can't be denied that gen-z/zoomers are way more politicized and way more 'switched on' than the last few generations. even with epochal events like 9/11, i don't really feel like my adolescence was very 'politicized'. young people nowadays are extremely switched on, not only to radical left/right wing ideologies, as such, but to a whole range of activist/popular issues ... sexual politics, gender issues, critical race theory, environmentalism ...

look at the mass school walkouts and protests over the climate change issue w/ greta at the helm. did our generation ever have anything like that? i literally can't remember even a single time that my cohort were so overtly called to something political. not until university, at least.
Is the youth more energized about politics than kids were in the 60's and staring down the draft? I am not sure. We have social media to scream at each other through but the Kardashian Instagram blows any other political Instagram out of the water. Plenty of people still going through life totally disengaged.

I don't know about what is going on in Europe but I know that in the U.S. since the 90's there has been a collapse of the white middle class monoculture the country was stuck in. That scares a lot of people and they make it political though most people in the cultural branch offs don't know they are in the middle of some culture war. They are just out there thinking about their preference for dick while watching the Kardashians live the life they want.
i mean, i don't see why it has to be a comparison with the 60s ... that was an entire human lifetime ago. the kids today are more political than our generation/millennials, certainly more energized than gen-x'ers, probably more so than the complaisant thatcher-reagan years, too ... if they even in any way match up to the decade of the civil rights movement, the counterculture, and vietnam then they're doing pretty fucking good.

uziq wrote:

as they must, tbh. environmentalism can't be a pet hobby-horse for liberals in their spare time anymore. it has to be a foundational part of any future political ideology.

nationalism is a predictable reaction to 40 years of neoliberal centrist orthodoxy that have done worse than nothing for the mass of people: they've actively deprived them and made their living conditions worse. you can thank the EU as well as the friedmanites for that.
It can't be only a liberal hobby, but it's unlikely effective climate action will emerge if there is a simultaneous reliance on national interest/solutions and a rejection of global cooperation. That's just asking for trouble.

I don't see why the EU as an institution should be blamed at all. Political and market liberalism yes, but the institution of the EU is not in itself of an inherently oppressive design. At all. Shoot your arrows at northern european countries if you must, it is their wishes & ideologies that have steered the course of economic policy most of all, and who for the longest time rejected most market regulation and fiscal policy initiatives. The UK was actually the most prominent voice when it came to these matters.
yeah it was the U.K. that steered the eurozone

recall that the sequence of events leading to brexit was the EU leaders hastily trying to patch together a new treaty to save the euro. you know, that currency that the U.K. never used. and then the EU leaders refused to give any changes to the UK’s own interests, and france and germany went outside all the established protocols to veto the brits anyway. LELL.

but shure thing. quantitative easing and the clusterfuck of the last 15 years which has ennobled neo-nazis in greece, italy, germany, poland, hungary (take your pick), coupled with far-right nativists and ‘why should we pay?’ chauvinists from france to the netherlands, is *checks notes* the UK’s initiative.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-12 16:18:43)

The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Gen Z is too young to know what they prefer. Plenty are kids still in high school/college not sure if they want dick or not let alone their feelings on nationalism. What is nationalism anyway? Word your survey questions however you want and you could get whatever results you want.
this is quite obviously right, and yet ... it can't be denied that gen-z/zoomers are way more politicized and way more 'switched on' than the last few generations. even with epochal events like 9/11, i don't really feel like my adolescence was very 'politicized'. young people nowadays are extremely switched on, not only to radical left/right wing ideologies, as such, but to a whole range of activist/popular issues ... sexual politics, gender issues, critical race theory, environmentalism ...

look at the mass school walkouts and protests over the climate change issue w/ greta at the helm. did our generation ever have anything like that? i literally can't remember even a single time that my cohort were so overtly called to something political. not until university, at least.
Can't see GenZ signing up to fight for Taiwan or Ukraine, carrying out a revolution, anything much really. They're only interested in issues which affect them directly, there's no idealism to speak of.

Your cohort did nothing at all, you're right.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
sorry i forgot that you were a brilliant social revolutionary in your spare time, in between being privately educated, given a free university education courtesy of the tax paying non-U majority, and then fucking off to the antipodes to pay tax elsewhere for your entire life.

you must have fit a lot in when you weren’t drinking shandy at the imperial SU, studiously avoiding girls, and shooting little plastic targets.

‘old guy accuses youth of being lazy and complacent’. well, i’m astonished at your insight and originality. ‘gen-z have no idealism’ says dilbert the dreaming political radical

They're only interested in issues which affect them directly … lston-four

signing up to fight for Taiwan or Ukraine
what are you going to do in the great civilisational showdown between china and the west? are you going to die on foreign soil? are you itching to go and join the ukrainians in their freezing trenches this winter? joining in the chorus of nattering aussie whiners on your tabloid and news websites isn’t fighting a war, dilbert. i’m asking on behalf of my gen-z cousin who’s an officer in 45 commando in the royal marines.

‘i donated to building a park bench and i volunteer at cat shelters. i’m a selfless freedom fighter’.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-13 07:53:02)


"Real dangerous looking BLM crowd in the above. Very violent."
dilbert is literally beyond parody sometimes. he is the hero of his own adventure. i bet his mom still reads him bedtime stories.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Gen Z is too young to know what they prefer. Plenty are kids still in high school/college not sure if they want dick or not let alone their feelings on nationalism. What is nationalism anyway? Word your survey questions however you want and you could get whatever results you want.
this is quite obviously right, and yet ... it can't be denied that gen-z/zoomers are way more politicized and way more 'switched on' than the last few generations. even with epochal events like 9/11, i don't really feel like my adolescence was very 'politicized'. young people nowadays are extremely switched on, not only to radical left/right wing ideologies, as such, but to a whole range of activist/popular issues ... sexual politics, gender issues, critical race theory, environmentalism ...

look at the mass school walkouts and protests over the climate change issue w/ greta at the helm. did our generation ever have anything like that? i literally can't remember even a single time that my cohort were so overtly called to something political. not until university, at least.
Can't see GenZ signing up to fight for Taiwan or Ukraine, carrying out a revolution, anything much really. They're only interested in issues which affect them directly, there's no idealism to speak of.

Your cohort did nothing at all, you're right.
You would have to be stupid to sign up to be part of America's Army ™️

It has been plainly clear for 2 decades that America doesn't care about their soldiers. America doesn't care about anyone really. "America isn't a country, it's a business"

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-01-13 05:38:03)

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