twitter at this point has like a 5-strikes-and-you're-out policy. you have to be really dedicated in your intransigence to get perma-banned.

fuck her.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Yeah the article explained that. If they can ban a president then nobody is safe.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-02 09:15:59)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I watched that whole thing. I have a lot to say about the phantom pain.
i particularly enjoyed 'noam chomsky: 6000 year old sorcerer'.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I liked Jeff Bezos fucked up eyes
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Politicians complaining about social media bans. This is where we are at.

There has to be a way for politicians to promote their ideas without social media. Social media gives too many opportunities to promote your "brand" as a celebrity.

see, twitter isn't all whining snowflake republicans with their weird sexually repressed delusions.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't want to hear anymore about Jan 6th or the "CoUp". Stop treating everything like 9/11. The solution to 9/11 was locks on cockpit doors. The solution to another capital riot is more police.
once again, all gas no brakes coming through with the best topical coverage of any media outlet, mainstream or online.


I like this style of interview, and this guy's work: allowing people to say their piece with little or no interjection. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman did a good job of that too in The Party's Over.

he's the best thing to happen to 'gonzo' or beat journalism in ages. highly entertaining channel. basically a cultural and anthropological record.

uziq wrote:

he's the best thing to happen to 'gonzo' or beat journalism in ages. highly entertaining channel. basically a cultural and anthropological record.
hell ya channel 5.
1 year lateur
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I haven't followed the Democrat's pity party about January 6th. It wasn't that serious.

A left-wing podcast accused average Democrat voters of wanting to punish the Jan 6th people because they are jealous that the right wing sacked the capital and they didn't. FOMO "What average American doesn't want to destroy Congress? Who doesn't want to chase congresspeople around a building?"
that sounds like an incredibly dumb podcast, and not at all representative of the sorts of – quite justified – critiques i've seen around on the internet. there's no way it's the 'left-wing' or supposed liberal line that they want to sack the congress building or terrorize elected representatives. wtf?

'it wasn't that serious', well, touche. but many more people died, police officers and representatives of the state, nonetheless, than at any left-wing or 'terrorist'-organized activity in D.C.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-08 05:03:44)

The tiring part is when you strike up a conversation about the storming of the capitol the other side will start foaming at the mouth because of all the BLM protests and the damages/deaths that caused.
erm mostly the only people to die at BLM protests were people mowed down by right-wing thugs in vehicles.

i think there's only been one recorded instance of someone getting killed by antifa? and that itself was an exchange of fire in the streets between a proud boy/PB-adjacent guy and some antifa guy who had nothing to do with BLM.

e: have googled it and seems there's a decent list of such cases as the above. right vs. left and both sides turn up to protests with guns. highly smart behaviour.

Garrett Foster was reportedly carrying an AK-47 rifle when he was shot to death in July by an armed man who had been driving a car through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters in Austin. Whether Foster threatened the driver with his gun is still disputed. The man who shot and killed Foster, the US army sergeant Daniel Perry, had previously tweeted “Now is the time to take up arms and protect yourselves against violence” and responded to a Trump tweet in June about “protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters” by saying, “Send them to Texas we will show them why we say don’t mess with Texas.”

In Louisville, the photographer Tyler Gerth was shot and killed at a downtown park where protesters gathered. The alleged shooter, Steven Nelson Lopez, was homeless and had a history of severe mental illness, and had reportedly been asked to leave the park earlier because of his behavior. Many of the protesters in the park were armed and on edge, and returned fire when Lopez started shooting, local news outlets reported.

In Las Vegas, Jorge Gomez was wearing body armor and carrying several guns when he was shot to death by Las Vegas police at a protest in June. Before he was shot, several protesters told Gomez they disapproved of him being armed, and even a journalist questioned him about why he was holding his gun in his hand with his finger on the trigger, the Las Vegas Sun reported. Las Vegas police officer Shay Mikalonis was shot in the head during the same protest, and reportedly remains paralyzed from the injury. Officials have said the 20-year-old Las Vegas resident charged in the shooting had not been participating in the protest before the attack, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
highly politically motivated . 'BLM is a dangerous movement!'

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-08 05:08:30)

Point is that you'll get caught in a pissing match where one will mock the january 6th remembrance as a show trial of sorts while accusing the left/democrats of taking no accountability for all the damages and violence that occurred during the BLM riots.

The lack of a multiparty democracy and the winner takes all system erodes any sort of middle ground and leaves the political arena in some sort of state of continuous warfare between two competing narratives.

Last edited by Larssen (2022-01-08 05:12:48)

yeah, i know, i wasn't disagreeing with you. just the absurdity of these people's viewpoint. fully bedranken the kool-aid.
I still remember my run in with a couple of Trump supporters who earnestly asked me if I just disagreed with his policies or the stuff he said on TV. Then we had a discussion about the borders and stopping immigration. One of the two by the way ran a business brokering DoD contracts and was actively looking to hire people from the Philippines because they could work remote for cheap. The other was half native and grew up on a reservation. They were both sad Trump was gone because 'he was so much fun'

I just don't know where to start really.

Last edited by Larssen (2022-01-08 05:31:53)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

that sounds like an incredibly dumb podcast, and not at all representative of the sorts of – quite justified – critiques i've seen around on the internet. there's no way it's the 'left-wing' or supposed liberal line that they want to sack the congress building or terrorize elected representatives. wtf?

'it wasn't that serious', well, touche. but many more people died, police officers and representatives of the state, nonetheless, than at any left-wing or 'terrorist'-organized activity in D.C.
Congress has a 20% approval rating. It is the least liked institution in America.
If BLM had managed to sack Congress, liberals would be mealy mouth about the whole incident too.

The people who did it should be put in prison. But we really need to stop giving into our post-9/11 impulse to hyperventilate.
i think it’s seen as a bad augury of things to come, not necessarily a full-blown 9/11 scale tragedy. the fact is that there’s now a sizeable chunk of the US population who wouldn’t think twice about storming your institutions and blocking the democratic process. fascism is right on your doorstep and it’s being denied and lied about – even most egregiously by the republican party itself. you’re heading into some potentially dire straits. sleepwalking. it’s not about seeing the capitol attack as equivalent to 9/11 …

i really doubt BLM would have ever attempted such a thing. or been allowed to by the police or guard, for that matter. clearly there was an awful lot of ‘white privilege’ involved in letting a bunch of flyover-state yokels have a tantrum in the Capitol rotunda.

citing approval ratings to support the notion that most americans are okay with rioting and sacking the government … interesting thesis. and very, very dumb. most centrists and progressives are used to registering their disapproval at the ballot box. hence why biden got elected, not trump got stormed.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-08 05:39:07)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think January 6th actually showed the strength of the republic. The police didn't mass defect to the rioters. National Guard and militarized police had a delayed response but still went and put down the riot. Congress was back in business only hours later and finished their count that night. Nobody was emboldened to fight against the recount. People in other parts of the country who showed up to their local government offices got sent away or arrested. The government is now continuing to find and prosecute people who were there. Everyone went to work the next day just fine. I don't think the stock market even went down the next morning.

Maybe things would have been different if Trump marched there with the crowd like he said he would. Maybe the police and national guard at that point would have been cowed into submission. Trump's people occupy congress while he declares the count void. But Trump is lazy and a coward so no worries there.

Fascism isn't here. We aren't near a fascist takeover. My point about the approval ratings is that congress is universally loathed in this country. Both sides are willing to excuse their side sacking congress.
Both sides are willing to excuse their side sacking congress
no, they're not. there's a huge difference between disapproval and criticism and being willing to throw your institutions on the bonfire or set dynamite under them. you are being willingly stupid, here. democrats do not want to sack congress.

no shit that polling is low when we are in year 3 of immense turmoil and unprecedented disruption.

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