
haffeysucks wrote:

[1.8.7]TheHemphog wrote:

it was fun to fly those U.S choppers before they changed the machine guns accuracy on the choppers. I remember taking spawn ans getting atleast 10-20 driver ability points cuz people was whoring from the chopper machine guns, since they changed that, its fun to fly, but not as rewarded as it should be
ahem, that's the BlackHawk, not the Apache that the rest of us are talking about.
aww i should read the entire thread before replying then
BF2s' little helper

Hacial wrote:

I think myself that I'm good attack helicopter pilot. Then I take good co-pilot with me and HE gets lots of kills! HE uses the TV missle to destroy enemy choppers, and HE can get like 6 kills with just ONE missle! And HE can take tanks out with TV missle! And then when we go to kill infantry, if enemy has just one flag HE gets massive amount of kills! But then when I go to co-pilot the other guy (usually) doesn't fly well and I can't get kills b/c he doesn't know how to fly good so = chopper not steady = I can't hit anynody.

So if he like gets 40 points I get just half of it and I thinks it's somehow unfair because he couldn't get those kill without good pilot, he just needs to shoot...
I feel the same way.. so I usually just fly with clan mates or alone.. I'm sick and tired of it too..
i dont have any problems with killing armor or infintry with my missles. learn how they shoot.

if my gunner misses the armor with a tv, i go in after it.
is drunk and crazy

fierce wrote:

Take a look at FLTSIM-2005 (http://bf2s.com/player/47495174/). I know him since the Gulf Of Oman Demo Version and this guy flies only - now tell me, you cannot make kills as pilot.
He is one of the best Solo pilots, Ive played with him a few times and luckily enough he's let me fly with him. Thats how he gets his kills most of the time - TV missile.

Anyway. a lot of people think they can fly a chopper, sure they can do cool things like weave between trees, fly under the dam ect, but when it comes to strategy, they suck.

As a pilot, I'd never ever consider capping an enemy flag, unless it is neutral and there is definately nobody around - early flag capping on fushee for example. Too many times as a gunner I've had a noob pilot hover over a flag only to be eryxd/srawd to death.

Another thing, Hovering, nothing irritates me more when a pilot hovers over an enemy flag to for me to kill infantry, again, you're begging for an AT rocket/TV missile/Tank shell/Jet missile up your ass.

Circle strafing is key, infact, NASTIE_BUTLER taught me how to do this and since I've become a good pilot. The way to do this is by tilting the chopper one way with the mouse, and holding down the key that would sent the chopper in the opposite direction if turning (A or D key) keeping the nose pointing down, using the W to gain ALT or speed up.

I'd rather have a noob gunner than a noob pilot as I can easily take out another chopper with the missiles.

Also, I've noticed on the HAVOC chopper, there are still 16 missile bays, but only fires 8. Stupid Dice.
404 - Not Found

T0rr3nt wrote:

i dont have any problems with killing armor or infintry with my missles. learn how they shoot.

if my gunner misses the armor with a tv, i go in after it.
I don't have problems killing tanks and choppers, but usually happens this:

I see tank. Shoot it with rockets and it's just about to explode then my gunner shoots TV missle and I'm like "Oh, I got 2 driver kills assists! That's nice! Now he got 4 points for sending tv missle after I did all the work! How nice!"
If you can't get kills and let your gunner get kills while piloting then you aren't a good pilot.

Suck it up.

Solo piloting owns all.

Last edited by switchbladezz (2006-05-31 04:42:36)


Hacial wrote:

I think myself that I'm good attack helicopter pilot. Then I take good co-pilot with me and HE gets lots of kills! HE uses the TV missle to destroy enemy choppers, and HE can get like 6 kills with just ONE missle! And HE can take tanks out with TV missle! And then when we go to kill infantry, if enemy has just one flag HE gets massive amount of kills! But then when I go to co-pilot the other guy (usually) doesn't fly well and I can't get kills b/c he doesn't know how to fly good so = chopper not steady = I can't hit anynody.

So if he like gets 40 points I get just half of it and I thinks it's somehow unfair because he couldn't get those kill without good pilot, he just needs to shoot...
Score does not mean shit as long as your team wins... thats the reward of being a good chopper pilot. To many poeple are "point whores" and dont worry about winning.
If you give chopper pilots the extra point for gunner kills then tank drivers will have to get 2 points for every kill the turret gunner makes. The same for apc drivers, jeep drivers, boat drivers, transport chopper drivers and bomber pilots.

Seriously, they'll never change this. Choppers are already one of the highest points scorers around, to give them more points seems incredibly silly.

If you don't think your getting enough points, don't fly the chopper.
+52|7051|Cambridge, England

jjrp02 wrote:

....the attack chopper WAS designed to be a killing machine for the GUNNER, and the PILOT's job is just to keep the GUNNER alive
Spot on (+1) the Pilots job is to keep the chopper alive, the gunners job is to gun (clues in the name) I fly with my tourny mate (Jimmany) i always get a sucky KD but 100s of teampoints so a nice silver star.

I now have 3500 + driver assist points, TBH they arent difficult to come by, should i really have 7000? lmao i can earn 60+ driver points and hour so lets double that to 120 http://bf2s.com/player/48198537/history/DriverSpecial/ bear in mind, i dont fly every day

General rule we use is. Attack choppers, give the Gunner a Few easy TV's if he cant hit / wont use the tv, then move in and kill it urself or runaway lol.

Rule #2 when at a point gunners primary target is to MG the AA and the TOW then to take care of INFANTRY the pilot can easily deal with armour at close quarters. From further off, targets are ALWAYS the GUNNERS priority.

and the EBC tournament http://www.eu.battlefield-command.com/ takes players who are under 18 see http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=27156 for more information and cool footage from one of the latest battles.

Lastly http://files.filefront.com/C3_battle_3W … einfo.html is a 3 minute video showing the flying and gunning the Tiger HAP

I do not think that the driver should get 2 points, as he didnt actually kill the people, I think one is plenty, basically the more kills you get the gunner, the more points the driver gets. and IMO A full chopper crew working together over TS or similar is ALWAYS going to be more effective than a solo pilot. a solo pilot can get up to about 100 points a round? just from tv-ing an organised crew will get all of those tv kills, plus whatever he can get with the MG when you hover over a flag. (no not to cap, but to suppress)

TBH the pilot could hover at 200ft and just let the gunner tv everything. All the pilot has to do is to avoid the occasional jet and he is getting points for every kill the gunner is making

Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2006-06-05 01:22:06)

see im an alright pilot, and its hard for me to trust someone flying me around. haha. because i know i can keep us alive longer. if i get a gunner whos good and i know hes good, we'll switch every death between pilot and gunner.

and i agree solo does own.
Dropped on request
I don't know. Doesn't seem very fair how it is points wise. In a good gunner/pilot duo the gunner will ALWAYS get more points than the pilot even though the pilots job is alot harder and more stressful. Only thing that really bugs me, not very much though, is that chopper stats are all put into one. Piloting and gunning aren't even close to the same thing. The stats shoulda been done seperate. Oh well, I can't play this game right now anyways.

Hacial wrote:

So if he like gets 40 points I get just half of it and I thinks it's somehow unfair because he couldn't get those kill without good pilot, he just needs to shoot...
Mass Media Casualty

Look at it this way. Gunners get a lot of flack regarding missed shots. If I miss with a TV, sometimes my pilot goes apeshit at me. Not fun.
There have been numerous anti-gunner threads here with people either complaining that their gunner is a fuck-tard, or that they didn't get the gunner they wanted and that they killed them by flying to the edge of the map. It's a tough gig. Us gunners wish we could do the same when we get a pilot we don't want, after all, you have no control as a gunner.
Also, as a gunner and a schite pilot, it is quite difficult to get a pilot who allows me to... perform. When it does happen it is really great, and I do feel kind of guilty for getting a lot of kills when it is really my pilot who has the real skills.

I hope, you good attack chopper pilots, feel the appreciation.
I reckon their should be some incentive for pilots to let their gunners get kills... some kind of award or point system, but for the while, accept my unstemming respect and appreciation.

- Ty.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-06-05 01:47:32)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Headshot Specialist
+104|7156|Woodland Hills, Ca
I am grateful as a helicopter pilot to have a gunner that can save my ass if I fuck up. Those massive monster kills that hey may be getting are possible anti tankers or igla occupants or tunguska, linebacker occupants I really dont want to evade, or engage in risk of dying to make the kill.

Cant really complain as you get points either way, 1 point for the driver ability assist and they count towards your driver ability points. In which you need about 5000 still last I checked for a certain medal.

So in actuallity he's doing you a favor. Chopper pilots are not always all guns and glory and should always be encouragable about setting up shots or listening to their gunners for input on staying alive or engaging targets.
I love [fiSh]

137[CSi] wrote:

Cant really complain as you get points either way, 1 point for the driver ability assist and they count towards your driver ability points. In which you need about 5000 still last I checked for a certain medal.
It's the Medal of Valor that requires 5000 driver ability points (+1000 flags defended, 30k teamwork score). This is a reward you get for good chopper/bomber flying.

Last edited by fierce (2006-06-05 01:57:59)

+190|6944|Home of the Escalade Herds
I love it when i'm pumping another chopper/tank/apc full of rockets and then my random gunner tv's is as it's about to die anyway

I wish they would put the rocket pods back to holding 14, why they nerfed that is completely beyond me

To the OP. I agree but i don't really care anymore.

Flying isn't as important as using TV guided missiles, if you know how to use that you don't need to know how to fly.

Just hover and own everything within half a click...

Last edited by PRiMACORD (2006-06-25 21:10:28)

Primacord, I think I played with you tonight on a 24/7 Iron Gator server. You killed me in the Hind a couple times. I blame my gunner.

In the past couple days, I aim the chopper at a chopper or whatever, and the gunner either stares at it or just fires his cannon at it. It's like, "good job slick, you were shooting your gun while he was laughing at us as his TV missile was flying towards us at mach 3 even though we had the drop on him." Actually, that's not completely true, I had one gunner today who was decent on that Iron Gator server, but I can't remember his name at all.

They should make a stat that keeps track of who you helped get the most kills.  "You got 23,493 driver kill assists with Player 1" or something. That would be neat.
+190|6944|Home of the Escalade Herds

cablecopulate wrote:

Primacord, I think I played with you tonight on a 24/7 Iron Gator server. You killed me in the Hind a couple times. I blame my gunner.

In the past couple days, I aim the chopper at a chopper or whatever, and the gunner either stares at it or just fires his cannon at it. It's like, "good job slick, you were shooting your gun while he was laughing at us as his TV missile was flying towards us at mach 3 even though we had the drop on him." Actually, that's not completely true, I had one gunner today who was decent on that Iron Gator server, but I can't remember his name at all.

They should make a stat that keeps track of who you helped get the most kills.  "You got 23,493 driver kill assists with Player 1" or something. That would be neat.
Thats the problem with flying. If you have a good TV gunner, you win. If you don't you lose. SF isn't so bad in this regard but in vanilla, who cares about having a good pilot as long as your gunner is good with the TV.

Hacial wrote:

I think I should get more points than my gunner even though I get lucky and get gunners who actually know how to press the fire button and thus get me more kill assists but hey what can I say, I'm just lazy
EDITED for truth.

jjrp02 wrote:

If you have a good gunner and you can help him get about 30-40 kills, and get even 10-15 kills with your rockets, you end up with 50-70 points and your gunner will have around 70-90 or so....the attack chopper WAS designed to be a killing machine for the GUNNER, and the PILOT's job is just to keep the GUNNER alive
QUOTED for truth.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7038|Las Vegas
Fucking stats are the problem with this game.  People are so worried about their precious points and stats that they forget how fun it is to actually FLY a fucking chopper in a war simulator (hell, forget the actual game itself, some of you just need a stats simulator!).  IMHO it's pretty goddamn fun no matter how many points the "other" guy gets vs. your own.

Enjoy your stats and points though.....whatever.

Jesus christ!  Take away the stats and this game would be a whole other ballgame.  I used to be a big proponent of more detailed stats and awards.  Now I've seen the light.  It is a detriment to the game and it shifts the focus of teamplay (which this game is supposed to be about) to the whole "what's in it for me?" thing.

FUCK STATS!!!  I've seen enough.  Yes they do add a layer of interest, but on the other hand, in general they have taken teamwork and  thrown it out the fucking window.
+48|7012|United States of America
I know exactly what your sayin... this happens to me all the time too.
-1: "piloting requires way more skill newb and should pay of more!!!"

Who was this?  Grow enough balls to sign your name or don't issue karma
I dont generally have a problem getting a decent kdr as a pilot, if I have a terrible gunner im going to be the one racking up all the kills & if I have a good gunner he knows im going to line him up for a shot, he hits the tank I hit an apc or a clump of infantry while he re-arms. In my experience the best gunners are always at least good quality pilots, so usualy you can ask to go gunner & they will agree. If they complain about it & say they want the points, just remember they arent going to get them without you. A chopper pilot isnt a point raking job, but it is an important one for the team, not just your gunner relies on you, but a lot of the team as well. They rely on you to take that tank out before it reaches a friendly flag held only by infantry, to cover a squad as they go through hell to cap a flag & for armour people who need you to eliminate the opposing attack chopper so they are safe.

Bottom line: With Great Power comes great resposibility, not great points

Last edited by -=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon (2006-06-25 22:37:03)

+12|6876|whitehorse, yukon
fly solo?   it's more satisfying anyways.  plus rockets vs troops = troop juice.
+31|7007|Phoenix, AZ
one word:


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