
How did a food thread turn into homicide?

https://www.theguardian.com/society/202 … ffee-liver

someone really needs to reign in these imperial college research groups.

first one of them proposes that psychedelics might actually *checks notes* be quite good and harmless.

then another finds that alcohol is ... wait ... alcohol is bad for you?

science can be so inconvenient!
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Is this one of those things where that Nutt guy extrapolates from a single bogus datapoint then cites himself for confirmation?

Because I'm really bored of those.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The Imperial study looked at data from 860 reviews of published studies, which explored the association between food and nutrient intake and the risk of either developing or dying from 11 different cancers.
a single bogus datapoint, yes. write them a letter and tell them how to do science properly.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Can't see anything about psychedelics, that was the Nutt thing you blinkered know-nothing.

Coffee protects against cancer - I shall live forever.
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i was alluding to the fact that the scientific picture – across many institutions, research groups and published articles – seems to rather inconveniently contradict your personal animuses.

alcohol is bad for you.
dune is sci-fi.
you are a cuck.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
If Dune is sci-fi then so is LOTR

All the drug-related 'research' you've posted so far has been drivel which leads back to garbage data from that Nutt guy.
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Psychedelic research has so far resulted in regulatory approvals of a ketamine-derived depression treatment, clinical trials testing the potential of psilocybin in magic mushrooms, and the estabishment of psychedelic research centres at Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University.
https://www.theguardian.com/science/202 … n-compound

https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/ne … tudy-shows

https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/ … chedelics/

UC davis, john hopkins, harvard ... but yes, it's all just one guy putting out bad data. that's exactly how scientific research works.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
'Can possibly be used for treatment of medical conditions' is a world removed from 'quite good and harmless'.

I'm sorry that your hobby is illegal, if you suffer from a medical condition maybe some psychiatric treatment would be appropriate.
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Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

kolaches. convenient, tasty, versatile. gave them a try after we went to japan, they had these amazing doughy rice flour balls stuffed with i'm guessing red bean paste. the concept is amazing because it's simple, and anything you could possibly want can be stuffed into a nice warm pastry shell.

oh, and coffee


Still feeling that Beavis effect from the energy drink I had the other day for boring drive alertness. It's probably time to cut them out altogether even for sparing use. I like a regular heartbeat from an unexploded organ, thanks.
I am all that is MOD!

I have only sampled one of those once, and it was a 5 hour energy that I drank in between two rounds of golf. I started drinking at 7am for the first round and around 12pm I was dragging. It worked, really well actually. Never again.

I hear people make weird red bull cocktails with those. Nnnope.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Screw all day breakfast. I really want a cheeseburger for breakfast today. I might have to settle for a 7/11 microwavable.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I had to help cook Thanksgiving. I was asked to hold up the Turkey while it was seasoned or whatever. I was really high. I looked at that dead, featherless bird and said fuck that. I am not touching that thing.

I didn't eat any Turkey. Couldn't even look at the thing.

Dude, are you going vegan?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
No. I just need my meat processed into squares, circles, and other stuff that doesn't look anything like a once living thing.

Some of that hyper-processed meat probably comes from shittier farms where the animals are treated no more or less horribly than the turkey on your table. I get that not everyone can go inspect a farm in person before they buy a bird to take to the butcher, but still.

Do you not do wings, ribs, drumsticks? Anything that still has a bone? I couldn't imagine just restricting myself to nuggets and burgers all the time.

re: other thread, "pig men stuffing their faces with dead animals" lol
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I eat wings and steak. Don't eat ribs. Not a fan of pork. Won't eat ham either.

Would you eat an animals that had hands like a human? What if the hands were really delicious?
processed meats are normally rinsed in nitrates at the abattoir and packaged with all sorts of other nastiness.

swapping out fresh poultry for processed-meat-intensive diets is a good way to give yourself heart disease and ass cancer.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
When was the last time you touched a dead bird?
i used to roast a chicken once a week. it's called 'not living with your parents'.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Would you eat an animals that had hands like a human? What if the hands were really delicious?
Why wouldn't you, if it was tasty? Comparative anatomy was a hobby of mine when I was heavily into 3d modeling. You can google plenty of charts that color in bones and muscle groupings of humans and various other animals. This Mr. Hands looking side-by-side:


Side note, we have about as much DNA in common with dogs as we do cows, but eating dogs Is Bad.

uziq wrote:

processed meats are normally rinsed in nitrates at the abattoir and packaged with all sorts of other nastiness.

swapping out fresh poultry for processed-meat-intensive diets is a good way to give yourself heart disease and ass cancer.
Also for those health reasons, not just animal welfare.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So you want to eat horses and dogs too?
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i used to roast a chicken once a week. it's called 'not living with your parents'.
No its called being faux middle-class.

Its the 21st century - who the  fuck roasts chicken?
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