SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

do the right thing. post the pics.
She looks like this girl

Dilbert wrote:

If cousin marriage was a part of American civilization you'd all be too retarded to think - like most of Pakistan
25% of Americans are already special ed.

Dilbert_X wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

You are right but if cousin marriage was a part of American civilization nobody would think it is weird if I asked my cousin out.
If cousin marriage was a part of American civilization you'd all be too retarded to think - like most of Pakistan.
marrying cousins was part of american culture for most of its history. britain too. it's typical bougeois family-clan type stuff. victorians and before were always marrying cousins or second cousins.

it's still legal in a large number of american states.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
First cousin marriage is actually legal in the traditional blue states and illegal in most of the traditional red states. So if I were to elope with my cousin, we wouldn't have to go live in Appalachia.

Is this the right thread for this?

JFK-obsessed QAnon cultists set off alarms with ominous chatter: 'We have to experience physical death' … 655776085/

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Do you think JFK Jr. had any idea there would be a death cult surrounding him seconds before he entered the Atlantic ocean?

I don't think any of us had any idea at the time.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I thought the lizard people had gills
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Who knew that a bunch of chortling internet trolls would eventually shake the country down to its foundations? I wonder how many of them predicted that a death cult would be built out of their big joke?
it’s too unhinged to make any sense, and really reflects the widespread historical illiteracy and decline of the american public.

why are a bunch of far-right republicans obsessed with the … kennedys? fucking what?
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Boomers still obsess over the Kennedy assassination for some reason.

The republicans obviously hated the Kennedy family just as they've blindly hated every other democrat president and politician.
Retards make everything personal.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i mean, you’d think we could put to bed the JFK conspiracy stuff at this point. part of the general cold war, deep state, CIA, the mob/cuba, etc., zeitgeist. i can almost understand it as a cultural epiphenomenon.

but why are republican subscribers to a crypto-fascist 4chan-branded MLM scheme obsessed with bobby kennedy? the two other kennedy brothers were even more outright democratic progressives. america would have turned out very differently if RFK had become president.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Well its a fact the Kennedys were lizard people, but the republicans need to prove democrats are genetically evil and always have been.

Personally I think the idea of political dynasties is anti-democratic the same as royal families - we're back to lizard people again.

Ready or Not was a fun film.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I blame the history channel. It was like the MTV of History. Constantly playing "the hits of history".  The Kennedys are "the hits" of the boomers. Pig people only know "the hits".
probably a good point. the history channel and all that 'factual' cable programming really veered off the road into nonsense in the mid-aughts. i mean, even before then it was just 95% hitler and the nazis, anyway, which is kind of weird when you think about it in terms of the mass psychology of their viewer demographics.

this was a meme to internet-literate people but it's pretty much the paranoiac, fantasy-lit imagination of the QAnon mouth-breathers.

Personally I think the idea of political dynasties is anti-democratic the same as royal families
political dynasties arise when democratic processes ossify and inequality/stratification starts to set into the body-politic. same thing happened as rome went from a republic to an imperium. being the pre-eminent global power with an economy 5x bigger than just about any near-competitor will do that to a free country; too much money, too much power and political prerogative.

ironically, though, you're against any radically egalitarian or 'bottom up' politics. you don't want political dynasties, but you do want only 'the right sort' of people to be represented and in power. in a country that is majority non-white, still being sniffy about migrants or non-WASP culture generally seems like a pretty funny way to be 'anti-elites' like the kennedys.

a self-elected elite of technocrats who all went to the right engineering college or business school and claim to have all the answers to every political question in the universe isn't paticularly 'participatory' or 'democractic', either, by the way.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

probably a good point. the history channel and all that 'factual' cable programming really veered off the road into nonsense in the mid-aughts. i mean, even before then it was just 95% hitler and the nazis, anyway, which is kind of weird when you think about it in terms of the mass psychology of their viewer demographics. … 4e7053d84b

I really wish I could find this full clip in English on youtube just to make RTHKI's day.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

probably a good point. the history channel and all that 'factual' cable programming really veered off the road into nonsense in the mid-aughts. i mean, even before then it was just 95% hitler and the nazis, anyway, which is kind of weird when you think about it in terms of the mass psychology of their viewer demographics.
The jews are never going to stop telling the holocaust is the most important thing to happen in the last 5,000 years, the Kennedy stuff is going to get pulled along in its wake. "Somebody died 50 years ago! Here's another hot take! We interview more people who weren't there and don't know anyone who was!"

ironically, though, you're against any radically egalitarian or 'bottom up' politics. you don't want political dynasties, but you do want only 'the right sort' of people to be represented and in power. in a country that is majority non-white, still being sniffy about migrants or non-WASP culture generally seems like a pretty funny way to be 'anti-elites' like the kennedys.
Not said that, what I do think is people from corrupt anti-democratic tribal cultures shouldn't be in positions of power - they'll use it to benefit their own tribe. Applies to Etonians and Ghanaians equally.

a self-elected elite of technocrats who all went to the right engineering college or business school and claim to have all the answers to every political question in the universe isn't paticularly 'participatory' or 'democractic', either, by the way.
Might be better than what we have now.
Don't most political theories, Marxism, Adam Smith etc advocate for technocratic governance?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Boomers still obsess over the Kennedy assassination for some reason.

The republicans obviously hated the Kennedy family just as they've blindly hated every other democrat president and politician.
Retards make everything personal.
We should be beyond thinking that QAnon and all this Republican claptrap are purely boomer affairs though. I've seen Trump trucks driven by and Trump-festooned residences occupied by people who haven't even started graying yet. The QAnon shaman is barely older than uzique ffs. If they're boomers, what does that make you? What did you do during the Great Depression, dilbs? Or was it the Great War?
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
If I had to guess I'd say boomers are driving and manipulating this and the remainder are being sucked along.
I bet the Q guy is a boomer angry that the taxes he got reduced aren't now paying all his medical bills.

Same with Al Qaeda, some miserable old guy angry with the world suckers younger people into dying for a cause they don't even understand.

It has always been thus.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You need to be at least 57 to be a boomer. Gen X also is a problem. Someone should do something about them.
marxism advocated for a dictatorship of the proletariat, its kind it’s core idea, the idea that there should be a transitional ‘soviet’ stage made of technocrats who can better manage and enable the transition was one of the developments of leninism. which isn’t a surprising development when you consider how woefully inadequate the much-vaunted ‘proletariat hero’ was in tsarist russia, which even by the standards of the time represented some of the worst-deprived feudal serfs in the world (the state of the peasantry in russia, in particular in comparison to her european neighbours, was a perennial concern for 19th century tsars).

and those experiments in societies led by experts, scientists, engineers, technicians, etc., didn’t really go very well, did they? avoidable famines and mass death, runaway inflation and worthless currencies, incompetent centralized supplies and inferior mass-produced goods made to quota. neat! what’s the engineer’s response? ‘hmm, if only we include a few more variables in our modelling we can do better next time’.

society and politics are not ‘problems’ with logical ‘solutions’ and rational ‘outcomes’.  this is one of the main criticisms – albeit a superficial and shallow one – levelled at marx: that his teleological vision is sometimes tantamount to a sort of lame determinism, and that history can be properly understood as a vast mechanism, which if only we could peer inside and perceive … etc. well, human societies are many things plus brute mechanism, and the mechanics tend to fuck it up when they underestimate the other stuff. 

economics has fallen prey to the same delusions of omnipotence and omniscience, especially in the last century as they tried to ground themselves in hard maths and clothe themselves in a professorial mien. all those models and all those equations and yet the economy still seems to be a system with so many multidynamical processes, including its fair share of human folly, fear and irrationality, that the whole thing falls into sheer disequilibrium once every 3 generations and wipes out the bottom 80%'s finances, leading to global conflagration and war. ‘we just need better experts!’ you cry. most of the worst depredations of the 20th century were dreamt up by economists from the chicago school armed with 'superior' perceptions about how the world-system should be organized 'rationally'. engineers, economists, political scientists, etc, can constitute tribes in themselves, call them 'secular tribes' or 'cults of rationality' or whatever you want – just as prey to self-preservation, bias unconscious or otherwise, etc.

modern and future societies will only be increasingly pluralistic, and we need representative governments and a wide balance of knowledge as a result. engineers don’t possess some master key to the universe, even amongst scientists they’re a fairly limited bunch, and they certainly haven’t divinated some deeper level of understanding into humans and human societies generally. engineers and computer scientists can only try and remake society in their own image, that is, with their own presumptions about how humans work and what constitutes ‘the good’: there’s nothing in mech-eng or elec-eng that points a way in this stuff. you may as well suggest that a cadre of art historians would know how to run society because they’ve spent centuries studying the human passions and human motivation.

any elite which has consolidated its power long ago, that is, its economic ascendancy and security, will soon invent a whole panoply of codes, mannerisms, customs and ‘distinctions’ (à la bourdieu) to ringfence them off from hoi polloi. that in europe this takes the form of expensively educated people who are familiar with roman history, medieval latin grammar books, hunting and boating regattas is besides the point. they are surface execresences not substantive root causes. their outward appearance and ‘intellectual’ backgrounds are just the chosen pursuits of the otherwise idle rich.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-22 17:53:05)

clearly your average boomer slash x-er

It's a whole battery of stuff that doesn't really fit into one neat package. The death cult news is very alarming, lots of red flags, but 15% of Americans aren't migrating to some compound in California to commit suicide when the leader gives the sign. There are probably more pressing concerns about the direction Republicans are taking.


(part) 3. Most Americans who have heard of QAnon conspiracy theories say they are bad for the country and that Trump seems to support people who promote them … mote-them/,602

More polling:

Majority Of Republicans Believe The QAnon Conspiracy Theory Is Partly Or Mostly True, Survey Finds … 2cb6f25231


How Long Can Democracy Survive QAnon and Its Allies? … qanon.html

Don't blame a lack of education — QAnon proves privileged white people are losing their minds too … minds-too/
QAnon should be the death knell of the idea that wealth and education can insulate people from conspiracy theories -good point made by this headline

What Kind of Person Believes in QAnon? … s-in-qanon
and the related links rabbit hole at the bottom of the article:
- The Psychological Needs That QAnon Feeds
- How Far Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole Did Your Loved One Fall? (there's support groups in social media for this, eerily similar to stuff seen from ex-mo, ex-jw, ex-scientology, ex-etc.)
- 4 Keys to Help Someone Climb Out of the QAnon Rabbit Hole

Some of the psychological quirks that are thought to drive belief in conspiracy theories include need for uniqueness and needs for certainty, closure, and control that are especially salient during times of crisis. Conspiracy theories offer answers to questions about events when explanations are lacking. While those answers consist of dark narratives involving bad actors and secret plots, conspiracy theories capture our attention, offer a kind of reassurance that things happen for a reason, and can make believers feel special that they’re privy to secrets to which the rest of us “sheeple” are blind.

With an invisible leader (it’s not even clear if “Q” is a single individual or several), no organizational structure, and no coercive element for membership (people are free to “come and go” as they please), it would be a stretch to call QAnon a religious cult. But it has been increasingly modeled as something of a new religious movement, especially inasmuch as it’s often intertwined with an apocalyptic version of Christianity. Previous research on cults has revealed that people who join them are more likely to have symptoms of anxiety and depression and are often lonely people looking for emotional and group affiliation.1 Anecdotal evidence suggests that a similar psychological profile may also account for why some might find QAnon appealing.
Data Suggests QAnon Followers More Likely To Be Mentally Ill … tally-ill/
Research has long revealed connections between psychological problems and beliefs in conspiracy theories.

weird effects elsewhere:

New Age communities are driving QAnon conspiracies in Brazil … in-brazil/
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America

uziq wrote:

probably a good point. the history channel and all that 'factual' cable programming really veered off the road into nonsense in the mid-aughts. i mean, even before then it was just 95% hitler and the nazis, anyway, which is kind of weird when you think about it in terms of the mass psychology of their viewer demographics.

this was a meme to internet-literate people but it's pretty much the paranoiac, fantasy-lit imagination of the QAnon mouth-breathers.

Personally I think the idea of political dynasties is anti-democratic the same as royal families
political dynasties arise when democratic processes ossify and inequality/stratification starts to set into the body-politic. same thing happened as rome went from a republic to an imperium. being the pre-eminent global power with an economy 5x bigger than just about any near-competitor will do that to a free country; too much money, too much power and political prerogative.

ironically, though, you're against any radically egalitarian or 'bottom up' politics. you don't want political dynasties, but you do want only 'the right sort' of people to be represented and in power. in a country that is majority non-white, still being sniffy about migrants or non-WASP culture generally seems like a pretty funny way to be 'anti-elites' like the kennedys.

a self-elected elite of technocrats who all went to the right engineering college or business school and claim to have all the answers to every political question in the universe isn't particularly 'participatory' or 'democratic', either, by the way.
This image has been on my hard drive since college for this very reason.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
QAnon people are overwhelmingly Evangelicals. Trump is just the latest mega church leader. I wouldn't worry too much about all of this.

The documentary channel stuff becoming increasingly psuedo-science and outright fantasy has been a long time, FWP pet peeve of mine.

What the Bleep Do We Know!? … e_Know!%3F

Scientists who have reviewed What the Bleep Do We Know!? have described distinct assertions made in the film as pseudoscience.[11][12] Lisa Randall refers to the film as "the bane of scientists".
You almost have to see it to get the full effect. Watching this with people who are leaned forward taking it very seriously must be a distinctly uncomfortable experience.

Spicing up your conspiracy theories and pseudo-sciences with with random factoids and occasionally scientific lingo doesn't really true your message.

There's this fish scientist guy on youtube (AVNJ) who's been trending for awhile on reaction videos like watchmojo, etc., "'true facts' about the ocean" sea monster garbo. Had a good laugh at a couple. Interestingly, he's started a series on ichthyology I've been meaning to get around to. The kind of content I wish the site was better known for, that I usually look for on Great Courses and so on.

What is pewdiepie up to now, 100 million subs? 200?
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

and those experiments in societies led by experts, scientists, engineers, technicians, etc., didn’t really go very well, did they
Dunning-Kruger effect in action, Mao was a moron who thought himself exceptional.

France and Germany are going OK-ish.
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