
Why towards black criminals specifically, when there's numerous examples of them already being punished more harshly.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I meant it to show that I wasn't being bias or hypocritical in wanting to harshly punish Kyle. I don't want to see him suffer just because he is a white kid. There are people on both sides of this whole thing who are being hypocritical and want to punish or acquit him because he is white.

Interesting approach. Just so we're clear that America itself isn't "too lenient" towards black people, because lmao.

I think there's going to be people who want to punish or acquit based on race (or gender) for years to come. Hopefully, American justice can get a bit ahead of that curve and even the scales so to speak. Also stop electing judges who "consult god" for "difficult" court decisions.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2021-11-18 10:52:53)


You know, your macbethed content probably represents more deleted material on this site than the combined past eight years of mod action. Maybe you should be promoted.

Nobody threatened to karate chop me over CRT. If I ever said I was afraid it would come to a fight, it was mostly for dramatic effect. I've only ever felt genuinely threatened at the prospect of a fight once in my adult life; maybe I'll tell that story later if I haven't already.

I find that people can be sometimes really passionate and violently emotive about politics and politicized notions whether or not they understand them. I think he feels contrite at his display and was apologetic later, even if I don't think he read up further on the subject he was so angry about. There might have even been day drinking at the time (dilbert's reminder that alcohol is a drug). Things are currently subdued, and there's been a general downturn of the political conversing that I both miss and don't. I wouldn't dream of getting involved in that sort of thing if I had a "cushy" teacher's job, although I'm probably at less risk from getting canceled by that lot now than I would've been for my 1990s views.

I've explained this before (getting a little tired of having to), but I don't have a boss in the traditional sense. I don't have to go in for "chats" or performance reviews, and haven't had to since my start at that company. I mostly operate independently, taking tasks that need to be completed and, you know, doing them. A bit similar to how it was when I was in IT.


Do you remember being a teenager at all or are you already too old? I'm not going to justify the abuse they hurl at teachers, other school staff, and fellow students. But it probably doesn't come from a void. Even prepubescent kids can be towering little shits. Do all of your students treat you like that? Maybe part of the reason is you.

Have you ever told a black student that they are treated too leniently for their race?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2021-11-18 16:38:44)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

We should be harder on violent criminals. I don't like how some of the BLM movement people downplay violent crime and its effect on communities. I don't like reading stories about people getting killed by guys who did 20 years for murder and then got released. It happens too often.
don't you spend hours every day on sub-liveleak websites watching people beat each other over the head?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am doing research.

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