The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
I've been reading about Indian cooking fires and stove for decades.

Inefficient stoves are literally causing deforestation of huge areas.
Fuck Israel
and vegan prize crops are causing deforestation of the amazon.

are all of your climate change arguments really going to come down to 'there are too many blacks, yellows, and browns'? because the actual emissions data does not reflect this claim that indian wood-fires are making the biggest contributions to global warming.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-16 19:03:48)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You guys ever consider that maybe the world exist go be totally used up by man?

You are all selfish and want to sacrifice the economy so you can have one more Earth day with the planet whole wearing hemp slippers on your feet.

Honestly I don't regret the jay stuff from the pandemic thread. It gave us two years of tissue box memes.
The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

are all of your climate change arguments really going to come down to 'there are too many blacks, yellows, and browns'? because the actual emissions data does not reflect this claim that indian wood-fires are making the biggest contributions to global warming.
Didn't say anything like that either.

People have been interested in this for decades though

https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio … cover_data

http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.i … -in-india/

"But its biomass" Grown with fertilisers
Fuck Israel
do you even read the studies you post? look at figure 5 of the journal article. open crop burning and forest burning account for fractional amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. biofuels and fossil fuels are, obviously, the much bigger component.

i understand people's dismay and criticism of india based on their coal-fired situation. but claiming that their population is the true problem because 'they cut down and burn forests and cook using open fires' is just silly. india won't elevate itself out of the climate emergency by switching to more efficient home ovens.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-16 20:17:14)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
I'm sure the average Indian produces more CO2 from cooking their peasant diet over an open fire than you do popping your ready meals in a microwave.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
Maybe, I don't know, stop letting off fireworks?

Authorities in the India capital, Delhi, have shut all schools and colleges indefinitely amid the worsening levels of air pollution.

Construction work has also been banned until 21 November but an exception has been made for transport and defence-related projects.

And only five of the 11 coal-based power plants in the city have been allowed to operate.

A toxic haze has smothered Delhi since the festival of Diwali.

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I'm sure the average Indian produces more CO2 from cooking their peasant diet over an open fire than you do popping your ready meals in a microwave.
dilbert. look at the co2/capita emissions. look at the household co2 consumption/capita if you really want to filter out all the heavy industry and modern agribusiness. your lifestyle literally consumes about 12x as much co2 per annum as an indian's.

australia: 15.5 metric tonnes/capita.
india: 1.8 metric tonnes/capita.

you daft cunt.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-16 21:57:37)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
Erm, I bet it doesn't after filtering out all the heavy industry and modern agribusiness.

I don't eat meat so I don't have a cow, a couple of pigs and 20 chickens farting methane all day on my behalf, methane being 28x worse a greenhouse gas than CO2
Fuck Israel
do you think your average peasant-cooking indian drives a subaru everyday? do they order things online using vast international freighting networks? do they spend 6 hours a day connected to a 600W power source posting shite on the internet? do they have huge wardrobes full of resource-intensive (and environmentally ruinous) cotton and nylon clothes? are their homes full of plastic goods? do they live in giant, low-density suburbs full of concrete and paved over with tarmac?

do you literally have ANY idea how much of a bigger carbon footprint your basic first-world lifestyle, just at the fundamental level, incurs than a poor peasant indians? again, their gas stoves aren't contributing jack shit, on a personal level, compared to the immense amounts of luxury you live in and evidently take for granted. as in, take for granted so much that you can't even SEE it in terms of emissions costs.

there are 1 million cows in SA for 1.7 million people.
https://www.mla.com.au/globalassets/mla … 2018-1.pdf

what do you reckon the ratio is for cattle:people in india, genius?

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-16 22:01:05)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
I ordered a spring, jesus christ.

My PC PSU is 250W, I bet it rarely hits 100W.
Fuck Israel
the spring isn't the only thing you've ever ordered internationally, or long-distance, though, is it? online shopping is a part of the everyday fabric of your life. as are international just-in-time grocery supple chains, offering you the world's pantry on your doorstep, at fridge temperature, in just about every neighbourhood within 25km of your home. do you think your average peasant indian is consuming avocados and buying shoes from germany?

they eat locally sourced ingredients with zero transport or cold-chain storage costs, zero carbon emissions for their supply and logistics. your average peasant indian probably walks to get water and walks to get their food. every single meal you eat, by virtue of its complex and international supply route, consumes MANY TIMES more carbon than an indian peasant over a wood-burning stove. how fucking thick are you? 'they emit more than you popping a microwave meal in your microwave'. what, you mean a meal that was likely made in a factory 150 miles away using a complex supply chain with dozens of sub-suppliers and sources, packaged in petrochemical products, shipped to a large supermarket and stored on the shelves at fridge-temperature for 2 weeks, picked up by the consumer in a car, driven home, heated in a microwave ... erm, HELLO!? jesus christ you are thick. even the feel-good 'organic vegan healthfood' fad diet ingredients, on their route to your plate and stomach, normally have carbon footprints 20x the cost of growing them.


there's a reason your co2/capita emissions are literally 12x that of an indian person's, and it's not because 'of the collapsed costs of industry and agribusiness'. it's just not. your standard of living and every modern convenience that you take for granted HAS AN EMISSION COST.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-17 00:33:40)

I don't eat meat so I don't have a cow, a couple of pigs and 20 chickens farting methane all day on my behalf, methane being 28x worse a greenhouse gas than CO2
you've really got to love this shit.

australia, as per 2018 'meat & livestock australia' association figures, had 26.4 million heads of cattle.
that's more cows than people.

india, as per similar figures, has around 300 million heads of cattle.
for 1.3 billion people.

which country is living above their means? is it purely accidental, some devilish quirk of statistics, that australia's co2/capita emissions are at 15.5 tonnes but india's are at 1.8 tonnes?

tell us again that the real problem is there's just too many indians and they should stop breeding. the indian diet is largely vegan/vegetarian by the way, you know, on account of their religious beliefs and the fact that those methane-emitting cows are sacred. and don't ask which country is a huge international exporter of beef ...

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-17 00:31:06)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
Erm, 60% of Aus beef is exported.

Australia exports 60% of production in the form of live exports or processed beef.
https://www.pwc.com.au/industry/agribus … -nov11.pdf

So really thats 10m cows/26m people.

Like coal the carbon footprint applies to the people who consume it.

I'd be fine if Australia stopped exporting coal and beef, you can tell the Indians they can turn of their refrigerators and stop eating red meat.
Fuck Israel
oh, okay, it's not australia's responsibility or problem because it's exported.

so i guess that gives all the coal, gas and oil exporting nations of the world carte blanche to keep hoovering the stuff up, processing it, and selling it on.

carbon footprint is measured in many metrics, household/domestic consumption being one of them.

it turns out that in the space of about 10 pages you've gone from your habitual gloating over how australia is a 'green renewable paradise' to recognizing that, actually, even in the tiny and limited case of your 1.7 million pop. 'green state', you're knee-deep in planet-destroying practices and exports, and your co2/capita emissions are some of the worst in the world. ooops.

evade responsibility, shift blame, point at someone else. ok, sure.

an indian burning wood to heat some locally grown produce is not incurring anywhere near the costs of a fucking modern processed foodstuff in a western industrial nation. you are insane. keep obsessing over the thermodynamic efficiencies of their stove-burners though. LMAO.


there's a reason food started disappearing from shelves when covid became a global concern ... should have given you a hint dilbert. hilarious that you obsess over indians' cooking technologies when every western person in every western nation in the world takes shit like the above for granted.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-17 17:42:55)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
If people choose to ship avocadoes half-way around the world is it the farmer's responsibility or the consumer's?

Really its the consumer who is responsible for their own carbon footprint.

an indian burning wood to heat some locally grown produce is not incurring anywhere near the costs of a fucking modern processed foodstuff in a western industrial nation
I bet they do actually, plus there are about a billion of them cooking over open fires with a thermal efficiency of about 10%.

1 Billion Indians felling forests and burning wood at 10% efficiency vs 20m Australians running their microwaves on solar power?
Why do you have progress and efficiency so much?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
Oh wow, my electricity is 84% wind and the price is forecast to be zero all day.



Amazing, just takes a bit of gumption.
Fuck Israel

It's probably not very fair to dump India's poor infrastructure on the shoulders of Jyoti Average. Indians are well aware of issues in their country. But you can't fix so many years of bad planning and execution, let alone government corruption overnight.

Western nations have stepped up onto the punchdown platform using other people's heads as stairs. And now we just can't bring ourselves to shut up about other countries using us as an example for reckless industrialization. SMH
we have already pointed out about 5x that your own 'green supply state' isn't even a fraction of the total of australia, which seemingly doesn't have its shit together in the case of individual other states or on a federal level, which somewhat negates your own claims. can 1.7 million australians with clean energy sometimes really absolve for the fact your country is world-topping on other emissions metrics?

evidently all of australia isn't as clean or conscientious as you, otherwise how would a country of 25 million be fifteenth globally on the table of total emissions.

why do you consistently ignore and malign this? it's dumb beyond belief.

and, no, an indian cooking a meal using locally sourced ingredients, even on a 10% efficiency stove that half poisons them to death, is not committing anywhere near as much of an environmentally selfish act as a westerner who buys a fucking factory-processed, internationally shipped microwave meal. do you have any idea how much international logistics, how many supplier systems, how much plastic and non-recyclable waste, petrochemical waste products, etc, are involved in that 'convenient' 3-minutes-in-the-microwave meal? i'm sure your house is only stocked with ingredients and supplies from the state of south australia, dilbert. otherwise you might want to think twice about the carbon emissions of your food as compared to an indian who cooks what is local and to hand using a stove.

your focus on the consumer and their buying decisions, to the exclusion of all else, is inane. 'i'm just buying a microwave meal, i'll ignore the huge in-built carbon footprint of this product. i'm just a guy using a 1000 W microwave from a green local grid, therefore i am blameless'. 'fossil-fuel exporters and red-meat exporters bear no responsibility; it's the end-consumer who is to blame for generating a demand for premium australian beef in the first place'. and yet whenever anyone does any analysis on your actual consumer footprint, you pivot to 'oh, there's too many people, billions of chinese and indians, etc'. so is it down to individual choice or collective action and top-down policy? make up your mind for fuck's sake.

in that case, i guess drug cartels, pimps, hitmen for hire, etc, really are blameless. they are merely agents servicing a demand. don't you mock at people here who hide behind the false ideology of 'the free market', and who want to see all political matters and global issues in terms of supply-demand and consumers-suppliers? why is it that a literally global problem such as climate change is always viewed by you as 'my household energy bill' and 'well i don't buy bananas at the market'? you sound so fucking dumb.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-17 20:51:20)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX
I've never blamed drug cartels, the consumer is to blame for the poor mexicans caught in the shootouts and tit-for-tat beheadings. People like you don't care though.

evidently all of australia isn't as clean or conscientious as you, otherwise how would a country of 25 million be fifteenth globally on the table of total emissions
We export a lot of energy intensive materials and a hell of a lot of of farmed produce. If we didn't I'm sure we'd be well down compared with the OECD average. Other states are behind the curve and still burning coal.

Some things aren't entirely consumer driven, large scale energy generation for one.
Why India and China are ploughing ahead with hundreds of new coal fired plants when everyone else is shutting theirs down and there are alternatives is for them to explain.

Its still a fact that overpopulated countries could cut their emissions, and raise their standard of living, by cutting their populations.
Fuck Israel
yes, right, drug cartels have no culpability or choice whatever, which is why they are legally immune ... ahem.

i thought carbon emissions weren't calculated based on exports, and so the 'cost' of your vast cattle industry, your huge fossil-fuel extraction operations, etc, were negligible compared to the people burning and eating it at the other end? now you're telling me that teenie-weenie australia is 15th in the world for total emissions because 'we export a lot of stuff'? WHICH is it?

india and china are ploughing ahead with more coal-fired stations in the short term, yep. but in the next 5 years the australian government are ploughing ahead with 100s more schemes to get the stuff out the ground. but i suppose you're absolved of all responsibility? LOL. 'just meeting a demand, ma'am'. i'll make sure all those nasty drug dealers you demonize so much have that copy+pasted into their phone. i'm sure it's a fine legal defense. the next time someone sells a drug that goes on to kill someone, should the end-consumer be the one who takes sole responsibility? so why are the nations who dig, refine, process and sell the planetary equivalent of fentanyl completely off the hook, and shouldn't do anything or commit to any goals? australia notably being one of the recalcitrant nations who have helped to push back ambitious goals on coal, as saudi arabia has done for oil.

it's still a fact that countries whose standard of living is on the rise DO by default cut their populations. that's how population growth and development work. idiot.

it's still a fact that the biggest and most consequential population explosion in the history of the planet was the european-western one, around the time of the first and second industrial revolutions. that's the culprit for putting 150 years' worth of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. so far the indians, chinese and africans haven't contributed much, when you consider the total over the last century or two.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-17 22:33:57)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

I've never blamed drug cartels, the consumer is to blame for the poor mexicans caught in the shootouts and tit-for-tat beheadings. People like you don't care though.
Fuck Israel
right, so you're to blame for your world-topping levels of consumption and its concomitant emissions.

you live a rich first-world lifestyle. there is no other way for you to cut the mustard. 'i don't own a cow' is not good enough.

no matter what terms you use, taken individually – which is your fixation – you are way ahead of 95% of people on this planet.

Australia’s share of global CO2 emissions from domestic use of fossil fuels was about 1.4% of global fossil fuel combustion emissions in 2017. We find that accounting for fossil fuel exports lifts Australia’s global carbon footprint from domestic use and export of fossil fuels to about 5%. This carbon footprint is equivalent to the total emissions of Russia, which is ranked the fifth biggest CO2 emitter globally.

Australia is the world’s largest coal (thermal + metallurgical) exporter, accounting for about 29% of traded coal globally in 2016 and will soon be the world’s largest natural gas (LNG) exporter. As a consequence, Australia's global carbon footprint is very significant, with exported fossil fuel emissions currently representing around 3.6% of global emissions. In 2017, Australian coal and gas exports produced around 2.9% and 0.6% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion respectively.

Australia is one of the highest per capita CO2 emitters in the world. On a per capita basis, Australia’s carbon footprint, including exports, surpasses China by a factor of 9, the US by a factor of 4 and India by a factor of 37.

The results of this analysis show that if current government and industry projections for fossil fuel exports are realised, Australia could be responsible (including both domestic and exported emissions) for about 13% (between 11.9% - 17.4%) of Paris Agreement compatible global CO2 emissions in 2030–1. By far the largest growth would be coming from coal exports.
https://climateanalytics.org/media/aust … ly2019.pdf


Last edited by uziq (2021-11-18 00:16:22)

The X stands for
+1,815|6356|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

it's still a fact that countries whose standard of living is on the rise DO by default cut their populations. that's how population growth and development work.
Ah no, their population growth slows, not the same as a cut. Words are complex I know.

Dropping like a stone.


Massive drop coming up any moment now


it's still a fact that the biggest and most consequential population explosion in the history of the planet was the european-western one, around the time of the first and second industrial revolutions. that's the culprit for putting 150 years' worth of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. so far the indians, chinese and africans haven't contributed much, when you consider the total over the last century or two.
How does India have 50% more people than the whole of Europe when they're still a third world country, and with ~1/4 of the landmass? Thats the real unexplained overshoot.

Same for China.

Fuck Israel

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