
Dilbert_X wrote:

The takeaway is the per capita murder rate by blacks is out of control.
If they were disproportionately emitting CO2 you'd be ranting about this.
i have never denied that crime and violence blight black communities. i said above, in the first post, that it is overwhelmingly black-on-black violence – which is wholly borne out by the statistics. i never denied that people get shot a lot in the south side of chicago, or disputed the existence of black ghettoes where street-crime is practically a way of life. everyone knows this.

but you make out that blacks are overwhelmingly committing violence against whites, and not attracting public attention or controversy. that's just not true. you want to racialize it and make out that african-americans have a better time of the justice system than white americans, like poor victimized rittenhouse who is being bullied by 'woke hipsters' apparently, which is almost parodically, diametrically untrue. you literally couldn't be more wrong on this topic. why you want to wring your hands and make everything into a 'boohoo, my poor white brethren' topic is weird and not a little creepy. you sound like a quisling.

bringing down the crime rate in black communities involves tackling decades, if not centuries, of deprivation and intergenerational malaise. crime correlates with poverty; those on the lowest socioeconomic rung are, almost by the design of the private prison system, those who end up trapped behind bars and in cycles of recidivism, without hope of a constructive place in society or any proper rehabilitation. any professor of law or public service will be able to tell you this: the carceral regime in the united states doesn't work, and has only turned an historic underclass into a criminal underclass (so much the better so that the upper classes can profit from them rather than spend tax dollars on their communities).

you just want to make it about 'blacks are violent by nature, it's in their genetics', blah blah blah. read a fucking book you daft cunt.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-09 23:23:34)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, if the data doesn't fit your ideology the data must be wrong.
Fuck Israel
the data doesn't fit YOUR ideology, dipshit. data is open to interpretation.

you just tried to make out that black-on-white violence was a problem and the data showed the complete OPPOSITE.

now you've pivoted to 'well blacks commit the most crimes'. what's your interpretation of that data? what's the cause? hint: it's not genetic. you don't know anything about justice, you don't know anything about sociology, you sure as hell don't know anything about genetics. you just make shit up that fits your emotional world-picture and prejudices: that is PURE IDEOLOGY.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
No, I made the point that random black violence wasn't noteworthy.

Blacks are wildly over-represented as offenders in murders.

The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites
Its the same in practically every country.
If its not genetic what is it?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-11-10 05:10:20)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I wonder how many people who reflexively support Kyle know he offed two white guys. Talking about how violent the blacks are has nothing to do with this story.

It looks like every white guy in this story was a fuck up on some level. The world is definitely better off with the first guy dead. But Kyle didn't have a right to be out there in the first place. Whatever took place after that stemmed from that original sin.

Anyhow, all of the support Kyle is getting from the internet is because he is a young pig person and maladapted 14 to 35 year old internet people look at him and see themselves.
It makes me sick knowing that there are these pig people roaming the Earth.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Which is worse, pig people minding their own business or thug people making the world a shithole?

Oh look, Ethipia is in civil war again, who could have predicted that?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think a major part of the Rittenhouse case is that the piglet didn't mind his own business. I have never crossed state lines with a gun.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Its the same in practically every country.
If its not genetic what is it?
but that's not true, is it? and the ethnicity isn't the salient point. in the 1990s, romanians were the highest-represented immigrant group in the australian criminal justice system. were white europeans then just genetically predisposed to lives of crime? make u think.

for e.g.

In the decade to June 2017, close to half of all crime in Victoria was committed by a small fraction of offenders; 6.3 per cent of offenders perpetrated 43.9 per cent of recorded incidents;

■There’s no link between ‘‘repeat offenders’’ and ethnicity; 84 per cent of chronic criminals were born in Australia;

■There are about 150 young Africans involved in crimes – out of an immigrant African population of 94,000;

■Victoria’s overall crime rate fell by 9.9 per cent last year
again, don't let actual statistics confound your weird and creepy race science.

some reading for you:

Although the vast majority of prisoners in custody were born in Australia, the media has perpetuated the idea of a link between immigrants and crime for many years.

In 2012, concerns were raised by the media in Victoria that there were increasing crime rates among the migrant community in Melbourne, particularly the Somalian community.

Refugee groups responded by saying that any such link would likely be a result of social isolation, difficulty finding work, and education issues.

A paper was produced by Victoria University in 2006 on the links between crime and ethnicity.

An analysis was undertaken of the crime rates within certain selected local government areas in Victoria and the birthplace and cultural identity of the offenders.

It excluded those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent.

The findings indicated that those born outside of Australia were slightly more likely to commit property and drug offences in the selected communities than those who were Australian-born.

The study also found that the rate of crime for those born outside Australia but who had Australian citizenship was lower than the more recent arrivals, who didn’t have citizenship.

Rates were also slightly higher for immigrants who originated from non-English speaking countries than those who came from the UK or North America, leading to speculation that difficulty adjusting and language issues could be a significant contributor to a higher rate of crimes committed by recent immigrants in that particular area.

Other suggestions were made in the report which could explain the findings, including that new arrivals to Australia generally started off in already disadvantaged areas which might have a higher crime rate.

It was also suggested that the crime rate among newer immigrants were partly reflective of their young age, and that as they got older their level of criminal activity would reduce.

This suggestion is consistent with statistics indicating that younger people in Australia have a greater tendency to commit crimes, so this could just be a reflection on general trends in society rather than anything to do with ethnicity … tionality/ … ndi117.pdf

but i guess you'll say, like priti patel says whenever she loses her latest legal case to drown migrant boat-people at her whim, that such liberal-minded lawyers are the enemy!

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-10 16:10:18)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I'm talking about violent crime, not low level 'property and drug offences', once against you've deflected to distort the argument.
I'm sure there is no particular racial bias in parking offences etc.

Fact is african-heritage people are far more disposed to violent crime than any other group.
Fuck Israel
fact is, crime is a historical phenomenon grounded primarily in sociology and culture, not genetics.

outside of inherited sociopathy/psychopathy, there is little scientific consensus on 'genetic' predispositions to crime.

africa is the most genetically diverse region on the earth. please tell me which gene allele this gigantic swathe of humanity possess which makes them raise hands?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

fact is, crime is a historical phenomenon grounded primarily in sociology and culture, not genetics.
According to you.

Looking at the actual data wherever people of recent african heritage go they are disproportionately involved in violent crime.
Fuck Israel
lmao for fuck's sake. yes, 'people go', which suggests patterns of migration, integration, cultural conflict, socioeconomic issues, etc. in short, HISTORICAL and environmental processes. not the gene expression of some innate and unignorable desire to be violent.

jesus christ.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-10 17:21:20)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
After multiple generations why are black americans 8x more violent than white americans?
Fuck Israel
I am all that is MOD!
+2,977|6805|949 … escription

Black Wealth/White Wealth demonstrates how an analysis of private wealth uncovers a revealing story about race in America. An examination of how assets are created, expanded and preserved reveals a deep economic divide between blacks and whites. Charting the changing structure of inequality over many generations, the authors examine how and why many blacks have had difficulty accumulating wealth and opportunities for a better life. In combining quantitative data from over 12,000 households and interviews with a range of black and white families, the racial face of wealth in America is measured and conceptualized.
It was written 25 years ago so it should gel with the datasets you like to reference.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, being poor forces people to rape.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

After multiple generations why are black americans 8x more violent than white americans?
because black americans are still not integrated into mainstream american society? they are confined to pockets of deprivation and inured to a culture of street-violence? centuries of legal and de facto segregation meant that their communities developed their own 'code' which, yes, involves violence and aggression in responses to their environment (among many other factors).

you're looking for the simplest solution – it's just the way they're born, duh – but that is simply illiterate.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Yes, being poor forces people to rape.
again, simplest dumb-level explanation for a complex criminological picture.

so there's a 'rape' gene as well as an 'assault' gene? neat! you should publish your findings.

most rapists have a history of crime, for which see above about criminality and poverty. most rapes also involve an intoxicant or substance, did you know that? neat!

Being forced to have intercourse against one's will and substance use behaviors differed by race/ethnicity. African Americans had the highest prevalence of having been forced to have sexual intercourse (11.2%). Hispanic adolescent women were the most likely to drink (76.1%), Caucasians to binge drink (28.2%), and African Americans to use drugs (44.3%). When forced sexual intercourse was regressed onto both race/ethnicity and substance use behaviors, only substance use behaviors were significantly associated with forced sexual intercourse.

Differences in substance use behaviors account for the racial/ethnic differences in the likelihood of forced sexual intercourse. Future studies should explore the cultural and other roots of the racial/ethnic differences in substance use behavior as a step toward developing targeted interventions to prevent unwanted sexual experiences.
here's one hypothesis with some interesting data.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Hispanic adolescent women were the most likely to drink (76.1%), Caucasians to binge drink (28.2%), and African Americans to use drugs (44.3%).
Wait, I thought nothing depended on race and to say otherwise was racist.
Fuck Israel
different racial groups consume different substances because of environmental factors, dipshit, not genetics.

do you think white people are born with a gene that gives them a predilection for binge drinking? or perhaps it's the general culture to which they belong, and its norms of behaviour? are white people born with a hard-coded biological drive that destines them for frat parties and wine nights?

maybe northern europeans prefer beer and schnapps because of their genes? and southern europeans can't help but prefer wine, it's innate? or maybe those groups have historically consumed different beverages because ... wheat and grain can be grown in northern climates and grapes in southern ones? make u think!!!!

east asians like koreans and japanese actually do have a genetic variation that makes a high percentage of them allergic to or highly susceptible to ethanol. something like 30-40% of all east asians get 'asian flush' when they drink, and get drunk very, very quickly. so hurrah! an actual genetic basis that should determine their patterns of consumption, right? oh wait ... korea and japan are some of the largest consumers of alcohol in the world. d'oh!

you are so fucking scientifically illiterate it's laughable. i wish you could have a conversation with an actual geneticist about this stuff.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-10 19:52:47)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Well, dipshit, this article is about people who have lived in the US for multiple generations, yet have different preferences.
Race, Ethnicity, Substance Use, and Unwanted Sexual Intercourse among Adolescent Females in the United States

uziq wrote:

Racial preferences can't exist because they can't
Who is the scientific illiterate now, dipshit?
Fuck Israel
hey, dipshit, different racial groups in the US have very different domestic/family cultures and very different circumstances. the environment is a bit more stratified and particular than 'the united states'.

i said racial 'preferences', or crime trends, don't have a deterministic genetic basis. i've never claimed that different ethnic groups don't have different cultures. are you fucking dense? a culture is precisely environmental, an aspect of nurture not nature, and historically contingent and thus subject to change.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-10 19:55:08)

i love how you seriously contend that other people are scientifically illiterate whilst seriously claiming, based on, erm, an animus against african-americans and recent news from ethiopia, that 'all blacks are inherently disposed to violence'.

AFRICANS HAVE THE MOST DIVERSE GENETICS OF ANY GROUP ON EARTH. there is hypothetically more genetic variation between, say, a nigerian and a zulu than there is between a nigerian and a white caucasian! and yet you seriously think you can explain the behaviour of multiple population groups across multiple continents because 'they have black skin'.

ohhh boy. read a book?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

a dipshit wrote:

different racial groups in the US have very different domestic/family cultures and very different circumstances.
5-6 generations on, seems a bit odd different racial groups haven't integrated and are still following their own culture no?

The report you cited seems to be victim-blaming for rape. Victim-blaming is bad, please check your privilege and discard your prejudices.
Fuck Israel

Just to plant a reminder here that Dilbert invokes ancient African cat deities.

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