The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
The planet doesn't really care about per capita emissions, what matters is the total emissions.

Doesn't really matter if we cut per capita emissions by 50% if the population doubles.

Lets cut the population by 80-90% to match Australian population density and continue to enjoy some quality of life at the same time as saving the planet.
Fuck Israel
if the planet doesn't really care about per capita emissions, why the fuck are you constantly ranting and raving about individual tourists taking planes? i have been the one making the argument that individual, lifestyle choices are 'micro-nudging bollocks' that make hardly any difference so long as the structural and systemic picture doesn't change. YOU are the one preaching the gospel of 'personal responsibility' and 'personal choice'. so which is it? can we change the climate change picture by boycotting shell petrol stations or not?

in terms of total emissions, australia is still WAY high. a nation of 25 million, 0.33% of the globe's population, is ranked 15/16th GLOBALLY. how are you going to sit there and lecture everyone else, on a personal or crass race-based level? except for germany and the UK, australia outputs more emissions than any other western european nation ... with a fraction of their population. again, your per capita emissions are SECOND IN THE WORLD, behind only saudi arabia. that's pretty impressively shit, my friend.

and the global population isn't doubling though, is it? and in the areas where the global population is projected to take off, namely africa, emissions are so low as to be negligible. even by your own preferred metric of co2/land mass, africa is a giant white sheet, a beautiful nil. so why are you obsessed with population? it's a diversionary tactic away from the uncomfortable truth that you enjoy an extremely high quality of life that involves, on an individual per capita basis, far more injury to the planet/ecosystem than almost anyone else on earth. again, well done chap. you preach the gospel of individual choice and choose to live in a country in which the supply of modern amenities evidently costs far more than 99% of the rest of the globe.

but if you're advertising for a global cull, be our guest. you can kill off 80% of your own household first. they are consuming far more power than your average chinese peasant or african family.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 20:35:55)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Problem is Africans don't want to stay in Africa do they?

Already said nobody needs to die, asians just need to stop breeding.

"you enjoy an extremely high quality of life"

Yes, what would be better would be if we could just go on expanding the population until everyone has such a miserable quality of life that they kill themselves.

Population is clearly in wild overshoot territory, what is the point of a huge population which can't sustain itself?
Fuck Israel
of course the majority of africans will stay in africa. what total tabloid-level claptrap.

the hypothetical mass migration of people away from equatorial africa will be due to ... projected consequences of climate change. something that africans have contributed almost zilch towards. and yet you're blaming them for their need to move away from drought-struck, desertified regions? lmao well done dilbert! u r the smartest boi evah! even your tabloid-level idiocy doesn't display joined-up thinking.

the global population is not projected to expand indefinitely. that's not how it works. if you're going to be a faux-malthusian with your handbook of victorian concerns about 'dark races proliferating', could you at least check the actual science and data on this? population growth slows with development.

asians just need to stop breeding.
the (east) 'asian nations' you decry so much all have shrinking populations. derp.

china: 1.70 births per woman
japan: 1.36 births per woman
south korea: 0.82 births per woman

it's amazing. when confronted with the hard data about co2 emissions, both in terms of totals or per capita bases, you pivot away from talk of actual carbon footprints to land mass or population growth. whatever happened to bragging that 'my area has been on wind power for most of the day'? very shabby stuff.

Yes, what would be better would be if we could just go on expanding the population until everyone has such a miserable quality of life that they kill themselves.

dilbert: you are all selfish assholes! i live a superlative lifestyle. you all just want to eat steak and go gawp at tourist attractions. you ingrates!
also dilbert [when shown actual carbon data]: yeah, right, let's all just sacrifice our western lifestyles so much that we commit SUICIDE!

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-04 04:33:28)


Dilbert_X wrote:

The planet doesn't really care about per capita emissions, what matters is the total emissions.

Doesn't really matter if we cut per capita emissions by 50% if the population doubles.
Your infographic is highly misleading in this discussion, and not very useful on its own. Reasons already mentioned. I don't think you even took it into consideration, or you'd have seen how easily picked apart it is.

"Everyone but us, get ready to tighten your belt." lmao

Lets cut the population by 80-90% to match Australian population density and continue to enjoy some quality of life at the same time as saving the planet.
Engineers with the "real solutions (tm)."

Whatever happened to your crusade against covid? Back to "we need another plague" already?
The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
OK lets find technological solutions which allow us to double the population, because what we really need to do is double our population then triple it after that.

Would it be OK if Australia just planted lots of trees? No inward migration or population growth, we can solve it with trees.

Anyway, from what I can see Australia is about dead level with South Korea on consumption per capita

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_c … per_capita
https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per- … energy-use

Nerdzique needs to shut up and stop bullying me and turn off his coal fired AC.
Fuck Israel
who is proposing doubling the population? the global population isn't projected to double in any model. you are incoherent.

the data on that wikipedia table was last updated in 2014. the second link states that australians consume more kWh than koreans.

here's a newer source, from 2015 figures, estimating the carbon footprint per country/person.
https://worldpopulationreview.com/count … by-country

australia: 15.83 tonnes per person.
south korea: 11.58 tonnes per person.

here's the per capita emissions data for 2020, significantly more up-to-date with the current picture than a wikipedia link.
https://www.statista.com/statistics/270 … y-country/

australia: 14.6 tonnes per person
south korea: 11 tonnes per person.

turn off his coal fired AC.
the total emissions data for australia would suggest that an awful lot of your amenities and facilities are fossil-fuel fired, too, derp-head. again, you can really stop with this selective 'look how green my state' is bullshit, when australia is in the world's top15 high-emitting countries. you don't live in a green-energy nation.

not that i am south korean or even responsible for south korea's energy use. the UK's stats are much lower than both australia and south korea, but i won't labour the point as i am, after all, the one calling for governments, western governments especially, to get their fucking acts together. but it's nice to acknowledge that you, as an individual and on a per capita basis, consume either 3x as much carbon as me (per UK figures) or 1.3x as much as me (per SK figures). keep lecturing me about that one flight i took in the last decade, though!

did i mention you could benefit from a humanities education? you learn useful things in grad school like 'how to research and find useful information, rather than hyperlinking wikipedia or clicking the first web result that looks advantageous to your argument'.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 21:29:04)


Dilbert_X wrote:

As of 9am my state is coal-free and 75% renewables


For the bulk of the consuming day the price of electricity will be negative.


Its not my fault the rest of the world is lazy, stupid and overpopulated.
Fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) accounted for 93% of Australia’s primary energy mix in 2019-20. Oil accounted for the largest share of Australia’s primary energy mix in 2019-20, at 37%, followed by coal (28%) and gas (27%). Renewable energy sources accounted for 7%.


let's look at the UK, shall we?

Power production from renewable sources again provided record levels of generation in the U.K. last year, with 43% of the nation’s electricity met by sources including wind, solar, and biogas, up from 37% in 2019.

The U.K. government released its Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) for 2020 today, published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

In terms of electricity generation, the report highlighted a coal-free period of 67 days from April 10 to June 16, followed by another window of 55 days, to August 12. Coal fell to a 1.8% share of electricity generation while gas peaker plants provided 35.7%.

Growth in renewables outpaced fossil fuels, with the DUKES data showing, since 2010, renewable generation has increased from 6.9% to the current record high.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah 🤣🤣🤣

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 21:45:31)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Those figures include transport you ignoramous.

Its not my fault other states are backward any more than its my fault Korea is mostly coal fired.

I hope you enjoy your first world lifestyle thanks to Australian coal.
Fuck Israel
Fossil fuels contributed 76% of total electricity generation in 2020, including coal (54%), gas (20%) and oil (2%). The share of coal in the electricity mix has continued to decline, in contrast to the beginning of the century when coal’s share was more than 80% of electricity generation.

Renewables contributed 24% of total electricity generation in 2020, specifically solar (9%), wind (9%) and hydro (6%). The share of renewable energy generation increased from 21% in 2019.

oh, okay, so you're still significantly worse than the UK. still makes you look a bit disingenuous when you make all your arguments about 'my local state' or 'my co2 usage per land mass', doesn't it? it's rather like an american moving to south dakota, installing solar panels, and then pretending that america's total or per capita emissions aren't a problem. once again it's the dilbert classic: 'i'm alright, jack'. are you starting to see the problems with your intensely individual-blaming approach to climate change yet?

no wonder australia, a tiny nation of 25 million people, appears in all the top rankings of carbon emissions totals and per capitas.

korea is a developing nation. it industrialised in the last 50 years. what's australia's excuse? once again we're back at my usual point: 'world's best white civilization' should really take the fucking lead and demonstrate some leadership. instead, it looks like the australian political class is fatally addicted to fossil-fuel revenues, and entitled bogans like yourself expect all of the 21st centuries' most modern amenities to be piped to your doorstep at a cut-rate price, incurring a cost-per-capita in line with some of the worst petro-states on the planet (saudi arabia, notably).

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 21:56:27)

LMAO, i just checked and the population of your state is 1.7 million. so 6% of australia's population are getting their energy source from a decently green grid. amazing stuff, really top performance.

you're claiming to be blameless and like you have the problem sorted when 95% of your own country don't necessarily enjoy the same conscience-free green energy. hahaha.

Its not my fault the rest of the world is lazy, stupid and overpopulated.
woooo, boy, you sure are circumscribing a very small sample there when you talk about 'your area' and declaim the 'rest of the world', aren't you? very, very selective. how amazingly insincere and disingenuous to continually link energy data from a tiny southern state of australia, and conveniently ignore the fact that your country's carbon emissions and per capita ratio are ENORMOUS.

great job that you live in an area of 1.7 million people with impeccable energy source credentials though. a vast number of people on this planet live in cities with populations many times bigger than that. oh, if only everything was so simple and we all lived with our parents in bungalows in wagga wagga!

if you seriously can't see the problem in your hyper-individual, hyper-selective take on climate change, then you truly are stupid as fuck. 'my own particular lifestyle in SA is superlative ... nevermind that australia's stats are horrible, my tiny state is doing OK so nurrr'. jesus fucking christ, you are thick as mince.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 22:06:02)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
My state is over three times larger than the UK and South Korea put together,

Korea is a 'developing nation'? LMAO It really looks like it


Its not my fault the rest of the world is overpopulated and producing too much CO2, just stop it.
Fuck Israel
lotte tower, in that picture, was built in 2011. gangnam, the area in the foreground which is now korea's 'luxury' centre, was developed only in the last 20 years. the average age of a building in seoul is 24 years, so essentially everything you see in that picture that looks 'modern' and 'advanced' was built post-2000. so, yes, i'd say that classifies as a 'developing' picture, and so it makes sense why korea doesn't have the most impeccable green credentials.

again with the land mass thing. why is it fucking relevant? i honestly cannot see any logical or causal link between the size of a territory and its energy usage. who cares if the people are piled on top of one another or spread 15km apart if the personal energy use in the latter is SKY high? are you fucking stupid?

and the point stands that you continually point to your impeccable green credentials and have been focussing, exclusively, on graphs and data for SA, a tiny territory of australia that accounts for 6% of her population. that's like me saying how amazing my part of the globe is when i link the data for gloucestershire, or something. it's so hyper-specific, local, and zoomed in as to be almost meaningless when considering the bigger (i.e. national or global) picture. you are being selective to the point of dishonesty. australia's contributions to global emissions is MASSIVE, especially when considered as a function of her population size. it's that fucking simple. and yet you keep making out the rest of the world are making mistakes and you are perfect, because of your tiny-ass state of 1.7 MILLION PEOPLE – nevermind even the 95% rest of your own compatriots. it's plainly fucking ridiculous and you look like a fool.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 22:20:15)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Right, so if Australia doubles its population and only increases its CO2 consumption by 75% that would be a per capita reduction in energy use.

We can solve the climate crisis that way.
Fuck Israel
Its not my fault the rest of the world is overpopulated and producing too much CO2
Right, so if Australia doubles its population and only increases its CO2 consumption by 75% that would be a per capita reduction in energy use.
i really don't know how to make this any simpler for you.

australia is in the world's top 15 emitters of co2. there are 195 countries.
australia has 0.33% of the world's population and yet she's 15th in the global table.

australia's per capita emissions are between 2nd and 5th in the world.
your average australian consumes many, many more tonnes of co2 than a chinese person or african in one of those 'overpopulated hellholes' you talk about.

your use of statistics, and in particular your appeal to land mass and whatever else, is disingenuous bollocks. stop it. you are in the top 5% of carbon consumers in the entire world. your lifestyle and the quality of life that you take for granted is right there at the apex of ecological waste and devastation. and yet you point fingers at 'overbreeding asians' (their birthrates are all lower than australia's) or 'africans'. or you ignore the big picture and to choose to focus, exclusively and to the detriment of all else, on your personal diet or shopping habits. it's dumb, my guy. fucking dumb.
The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

laustralia's contributions to global emissions is MASSIVErm no it isn'E, especially when considered as a function of her population size..
Erm no it isn't, the per capita figure is practically the same as South Korea's.

Australia emits 400m tons/yr, South Korea - a teeny little country - 600m tons


Anyhoo, I'm perfectly comfortable with cutting off South Korea's energy supply right now.

Or you could just turn the light off yourself.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Erm South Korea is #9, Australia #14
https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emiss … y-country/

People in glass houses.
Fuck Israel
i'm not south korean, am i? i've been here 9 months. and i've explained that their energy consumption is symptomatic of a quickly industrializing nation (like china's). korea has signed a green new deal and is aiming to rapidly decarbonize its economy. australia is planning a huge expansion of its fossil-fuel exports in the next 5 years. so, uh, yeah ... ok i guess? good point?

i'm not going to disagree with you that south korea needs to transition away from fossil-fuels, much like any other major global emitter (like canada, another comparable contributor). it is significant, though, that korea and australia have similar emissions, when australia has less than HALF her population, don't you think?

haha 'a teeny country', a 'massive country'. i literally don't think anyone can see your point about land mass here. nobody reading your posts is getting the point. australia has a massive land mass but only a relatively small fringe of hospitable territory, where the population is concentrated. korea has a tiny land mass and an even tinier amount of suitable land for development. any resulting figures are completely meaningless.

once again, since you seem to miss the general argument, i think stressing individual lilfestyle choices is bollocks and that the major industrialized nations need to take the lead on this. your argument seems to consist of cherrypicking your energy stats from buttfuck-nowhere in SA and lambasting people for taking holidays. that'll do it!

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 22:36:08)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

Right, so if Australia doubles its population and only increases its CO2 consumption by 75% that would be a per capita reduction in energy use.

We can solve the climate crisis that way.
Fuck Israel
that's a totally disingenuous use of statistics and you know it. if you can't see the basic significance of the current snapshot, then i can't help you.

you are one of the smallest human populations on the top contributors list of carbon emissions. the only other nation with a comparable population size to yours which appears on the noteworthy top list is taiwan – and their total emissions are 60% of yours!

if the per capita picture you feel is unfairly distorted (it's not), then the point still stands that you are lecturing everyone else on their wasteful lifestyles whilst residing in the 14th worst polluter in the world. erm, that makes for a helluva lot of people who can point fingers at you and call you a selfish hypocrite.

how the hell does 0.33% of people on the earth manage to climb to 14th place for total emissions? the only nations with a similarly huge footprint per capita are saudi arabia, qatar, kuwait, oman, bahrain, etc, and canada. very auspicious company you're keeping there. and yet you try to make out you're living in a green and eco-conscientious paradise ...?

you like to pretend your shit doesn't stink, but you have to pinch your nose and focus exclusively on the state of SA and its 1.7 million inhabitants in order to cherry-pick the energy statistics and paint a pretty picture. i think everyone here can see very well what you're doing. you claim to be above criticism when you focus on a sample size that excludes 95% of your own countryfolk. meanwhile your national economy and general prosperity continues to boom as you continue to dig the stuff out the ground and belch huge amounts of emissions into the atmosphere. pretty spurious stuff.

no wonder you prefer to talk in terms of 'personal carbon footprints' and to stress your own precious lifestyle. head thoroughly in the sand. dilbert is perfect and everyone else, apparently including most of his compatriots, are in the wrong.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-03 22:59:34)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
You drone on about carbon emissions per capita, but when I point out mine are practically zero you move the goalposts.

Yes yes, Korea and the UK have a dismal record, but what about Australia which produces lower emissions? Aren't they the bad guys?

SA is doing great environmentally, criticising me because other parts of Australia aren't so good is like criticising Californians for the output of Texas
Fuck Israel
your carbon emissions aren't practically zero though, are they? you focus on your individual lifestyle choices whilst conveniently ignoring the vast background of production/consumption that sustains your lifestyle. you are the beneficiary of an australian standard of living but don't want to include the huge carbon costs of being an australian in your book-keeping. it's very odd. you're excluding an awful lot of material factors from your analysis.

and, once again, individual carbon footprints are not useful when discussing global climate change. what good is it of you living a perfect lifestyle when 95% of your own compatriots don't? what good is it when your national government is intending to scale-up your emissions? 'the planet doesn't care about per capita emissions' you say, then you gloat about your own personal carbon footprint. are you fucking this dumb, or what?

and people do criticize the USA taken as a whole, don't they? that's because, dumbass, we need to act collectively on the national and global level. it's no good saying, 'well, my state of 1.7 million people are doing OK so nur', and ignoring other groups of people that belong to your SAME polity. we need widespread collective action! the USA has to make national commitments! it's no good talking in terms of states, cajoling texas to do better whilst the vermonters feel smug about themselves ... that's hopeless! and yet it's you who keeps linking graphs here, on multiple occasions, about SA's energy grid and declaring 'that's it, problem solved from my end'. dumb, dumb, dumb. you also belong to a NATION and you still elect a national leadership don't you? what's the point of being in a federal democracy if you don't think the people in the next state over, or the leadership bringing chunks of coal into the parliament building, share accountability with you? australia's figures are your figures.

australia doesn't produce lower emissions than the UK. it's 14th globally and the UK is 17th. which, relative to population size, means australia emits, per capita, over 3x the amount of co2 per person. am i going insane here or what? are you incapable of reading basic fucking statistics? australia is a significantly smaller nation than the UK and still emits 12% more carbon.

australia is not doing 'great environmentally' is the only conclusion. forget your tiny state of 1.7 million people. your nation of 25 million people are world-beating in some of the least illustrious metrics for carbon emissions. renewable energy in 2020-21 in the UK accounted for 43% of her production. renewable energy in 2020-21 in australia accounted for 24% of her production.

and, once and for all, stop going on about land size. the relation between land mass and energy consumption is irrelevant. it's not the land itself that uses energy or generates a demand for fuel, is it? it's human beings that use energy. and if you happen to live in a country with vast amounts of land, big open spaces, low population density, etc, then it's still YOUR human responsibility for the high carbon emissions involved in piping all that water, gas, electricity, internet, etc. to your doorstep, isn't it? YOU'RE still the one insisting on living in an oasis in the desert with all of the conveniences of the 21st century and to a first-world standard. to say nothing about the fact that 85% of said land mass is utterly irrelevant and uninhabited, anyway! the metric has absolutely no significance. the vast majority of australians are concentrated in state capitals and major cities, just like people in any other first-world nation leading comparable lifestyles and relying upon similar infrastructure.

blaming koreans for their high co2/land mass ratio is just bad statistics. koreans live in extremely high density housing due to a lack of available landmass, similar to how australians live on the coastal plains near the sea. the vast majority of koreans live in high-rise apartments and high-density housing. do you want to take a bet on which type of housing/lifestyle is more energy efficient? high-rise apartment blocks or a suburb in adelaide? here's a hint: look at the per capita emissions data, you fucking retard! even with their poor renewables record, their addiction to huge concrete pours, their explosive expansion and development, their lack of green credentials, etc, their per capita emissions is still better than australia's! now, there's no question that korea's overall picture is bad – it's just that australia's is comparably bad, in the same ballpark, and by some metrics (meaningful metrics, that is) australia is worse.

in terms of the comparison, it's probably worth mentioning here, also, about the political picture and general collective werewithal. korea has already made net zero commitments and is making huge investments in her green sectors. the political class and general population acknowledge that climate change is real and that action is necessary; it's in their self-interest, considering that korea is dependent on imports for her energy, which presents a major geopolitical strategic weakness; the air quality here is a perennial and daily concern for normal people. the australian political class, in contrast, dependent on fossil-fuel incomes as they are, are full of climate change skeptics and deniers. korea will probably come together collectively to act on its carbon neutral goals, whilst australia's self-serving elites will continue to plunder her natural reserves and put off decisive action.

to summarize: australians have some of the highest per-capita energy contributions on the planet. australia is one of the world's biggest carbon emitters despite her small population. australia's renewable energy sector is still relatively small. australia is planning to substantially grow her fossil-fuel exports. that's the picture. that's it.


Last edited by uziq (2021-11-04 00:11:51)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, who wants to live like this


When we could live like this


Per capita emissions, its per capita emissions which are important.
Fuck Israel
you really don't get it, do you? your nice, luxurious, low-density lifestyle has a direct relation to the high carbon cost per person. even if 'per capita' emissions aren't important (a strange flip-flopping on your behalf, considering how much you emphasize personal carbon footprints and personal lifestyle choices, reducing the climate crisis to the individual scale), australia is still in the top 10% of carbon-emitting nations on the planet! it doesn't matter whether you take it as a total or per individual ... you're one of the main culprits.

if australia was some tiny nation with a middling carbon profile, and the per capita usage was thus distorted beyond significance, i would see your point. but it's not some statistical aberration, is it? you're 14th in the world despite your tiny size. here are some small nations with a similar per capita usage: gilbraltar (30k people), the falkland islands (2.2k people). nobody is highlighting their per capita emissions as a cause of concern. but how the fuck has australia managed to take the per capita usage of tiny island communities and managed to become 14th in the world in total emissions? here are the per capita emissions of some comparably-sized nations: malaysia at 8.68 tonnes (30 m people), taiwan at 11.72 tonnes (23 m people), the netherlands at 9.62 tonnes (16 m people). the statistical picture here is clear: australia is a HEAVYWEIGHT contributor to climate emissions: 25 million people with a per capita contribution of 17 tonnes each, amounting to the 14th highest total emissions in the world.

whoosh! over your head. i already said that, by dint of leading a privileged, first-world lifestyle, you are already in the top 5% of carbon contributors on the planet by default. which you seem to want to deny because 'my state uses wind power!'. your entire lifestyle is parasitical upon the exported labour and daily grind of the global south; you are the beneficiary of huge international supply chains, online shopping, air conditioning and all the other leitmotifs you keep banging on about. you seem to think all of it comes without a carbon cost (to say nothing of the human cost, which i know you have zero time or sympathy for).

everyone would prefer the first picture. the problem is that it comes with an average carbon footprint of 17 tonnes of co2 per person, per year. that's, again, between the 2nd and 5th worst cost on the entire planet. 'i don't want to sacrifice my lifestyle: we should sacrifice most of the world's population instead', you say. i guess shooting toy pistols and arguing on the internet all day makes your life much more valuable than 2/3rds of the planet.

don't you get it? you can't lecture people on their 'selfishness' when you're at the very top of the pyramid. eating lentils is not going to make up the difference, derpsicle. you reside in one of the chief carbon-emitting nations on the planet; your government is a huge producer and exporter of fossil-fuels; you order home-deliveries with 10,0000 mile supply routes without the blink of an eye, shoes from india, food from south america ... and yet you think you're untouchable and able to lecture people on their selfishness. an astounding lack of self-awareness tbh.

Last edited by uziq (2021-11-04 01:01:43)

The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

you really don't get it, do you? your nice, luxurious, low-density lifestyle has a direct relation to the high carbon cost per person..
Which is fine if there aren't many people.

you're 14th in the world despite your tiny size.
Erm, Australia is the size of Europe


Yeah tiny, OK dude.
Fuck Israel

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