SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
MacBook charger stolen

I was in my 20s when this thread was made. ffs, lol
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
I was a teenager in hs

There are threads on this forum more yellowed than my gradeschool book report on Indian in the Cupboard.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I wish I could share some more of my insane children stories and inner feelings on how all of this works. But the internet isn't like that anymore. At least I am not blurting it all on Facebook with my name.

Also, it is kind of shit Fox News still is hosting that article. Those people are in their late 20's and early 30's.

None of the three links are working for me.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Weird that they would still host the image then.

You should delete the thread then.
Victoria Lindsay was attacked on March 30 by six teenage girls when she arrived at a friend's home, authorities said.
Do it for Victoria and Online poker tax evasion.

If there was a command to delete all posts within a specific time frame, I'd self-censor so hard it'd make you blush. I don't really feel a strong urge to police posts from 13 years ago though like I would on more personal social media.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Very well then. Looks like school is back in session. All of these videos are new. Facemask that kill clams make it easy to date internet videos now. All videos less than 24 hours old.

"Fight between student and teacher" … d_teacher/

"Just because the teacher isn't there doesn’t mean lessons aren’t being taught." … esnt_mean/

"Mom Confronts School Bus driver For Making His Kids Cry Every day!" … aking_his/

"Just another day in the US of A- Backpacks no longer allowed at secondary schools in Idaho school district after school shooting yesterday" … kpacks_no/

Backpacks shouldn't be necessary. Kids shouldn't have to bring more than one book home with them, ever. Need less homework, not more. Getting homework in like 5 different subjects, how the heck are they expected to retain anything out of their wasted evening? Same with too many subjects in a day. So much time wasted going from one class to the other, settling in, picking up where you left off, getting antsy for the bell, packing up and leaving. College was a revelation, getting into the zone for like five hours and actually learning something.

If homework can't be cancelled, the government needs to supply proper backpacks for carrying the kind of vertebrae-grinding bookweight I remember. Dollar store fair ain't gonna cut it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I saw a kid with a tactical backpack. It had a Blue Line flag on it.

I suppose there are some cases where a cop might be on a kid's side. Probably not when they're getting beaten up in a bad neighborhood by other kids, or being walked within 10 blocks of a protest by their parents, but maybe when a cop video is being shot of a response to a mental breakdown dad holding his family hostage.

Thin blue line, sometimes. Not always, but coincidentally when it happens?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Richard Lenhart, a 72-year-old school bus driver for Pasco School District in Washington state, was stabbed to death by an intruder while elementary students were also on board.

According to the Pasco Police Department, the assault occurred Friday near Longfellow Elementary School. As Lenhart was preparing to transport 35 students home, Joshua Davis, 34, approached the stopped bus just after students finished boarding.

Lenhart reportedly reopened the doors, presumably to see what Davis wanted, the police stated. Davis then allegedly boarded the bus seemingly empty handed, to ask if the bus went to Road 100.

When Lenhart responded that the bus does not go to Road 100, Davis turned to leave. However, police said that at that point he allegedly produced a knife, turned back and attacked Lenhart, who was belted into his seat. The attack and ensuing struggle caused Lenhart’s foot to come off the brake, sending the bus forward over a curb and into a sign. The bus came to a complete stop only after it struck landscaping and a tree.
Well that's a new one. I wonder what will be the response to this. I assume the town will station cops on every school bus for awhile.

Hopefully the kids have thin blue line backpacks so a cop doesn't snap and rough a kid up for spilling their Capri Sun on him.

The (/s) obvious answer is to arm bus drivers, but then you'd arm the one Crabtree woman in that freakout video you posted.

Unrelated, Pasco is one of those areas in the state that gets unreasonably hot. I remember one summer there where it was getting nasty at like 3am.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Kids are resilient. I am sure nobody will be traumatized to see a firearm incident between a psycho bus driver and a concerned mom.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Timothy Simpkins Timberview school fight moments before shooting Arlington Texas classmates" … t_moments/

"Timberview high school in Texas getting shot up just 30 minutes ago" … g_shot_up/

"Stabbing at a nearby school in Toronto." … n_toronto/

"Bro got rocked and had a seizure (not my video)" … _my_video/

Why is the world filled with so much violence? Why can't we just get along and learn to live with each other, forgive, and be forgiven?

Some kids just never learn to keep their hands to themselves.
i think a more relevant question is 'why do you spend so much time looking at gore and snuff videos'?

i can honestly say the only time i've been inclined to watch violent or morbid content is when i was whacked out of my skull on anti-depressants at 21, following a drug meltdown. being morbid is a known side-effect of SSRIs. what's your excuse, you fruitcake?

read a novel. watch a movie. look outside the window. why do you want to watch people getting brained on redGIF?

Last edited by uziq (2021-10-06 19:35:42)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Well there is always something new and novel and it isn't scripted like reality tv or sitcoms.
really? i would have thought that once you've seen one worldstar-style knockout video, you've seen them all.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't go to WorldStar anymore. Watch the video where the person has a seizure. The reason the reason the guy gave the other guy a possibly life altering injury was unexpected.
i'll pass. i've seen enough people dribbling and incontinent due to avoidable injuries.

go wild though! might i recommend getting a life?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have hobbies and interests. You constantly make fun of them. And all I am trying to do is be a good friend.
you teach young black children whom you hold in contempt.

your room in your parents' house smells of PVA glue on account of your 1:25 scale gundam models.

you bought a triple LCD set-up using a stimulus check.

you use this boost to watch gore-porn and fight footage on reddit.

literally the saddest portrait imaginable. you need to change your life.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
Surely Mac uses plastic cement. Right Mac?

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