
Dilbert_X wrote:

I have many edgelord fanboy opinions, I don't care about Musk really but the fact is he's doing clever stuff and pushing the boundaries, not looking backwards and vegetating.

Engineers aren't 'exceptional' either, they mostly just quietly do useful stuff which does change the world.

I guess what uziq doesn't like is that Musk is a successful self-promoting engineer and thats exactly what arts-narcissists can't stomach.
elon musk doesn't do much of anything except take LSD with his hipster wife and casually commit financial crimes when high on his twitter account. he is one of the most over-rated people on the planet. elon musk a 'successful engineer' L M F A O. the guy couldn't engineer a swing-set. he talks about space travel and electric cars as convincingly as i talk about astrophysics, i.e. someone who reads a lot of the stuff and spends a lot of time around actual scientists. i'd never claim to be an astrophysicist, though. elon musk an engineer? hahahahaha. he flunked his undergraduate education – a rich-kid who didn't complete at lowly queens university and moved to u penn to be a fratboy – and parlayed his way onto a mat sci PhD, which he attended for all of 2 DAYS. the guy is ALL bluster and mythos. but don't let, you know, actual facts get in the way of your cringeworthy fanboyism. a 'successful engineer' who seriously proposed HYPERLOOP? hahahahahahhahahahahahhaa. it's almost as illiterate as the matrix proposing human beings as efficient batteries. pure sci-fi bullshit ... or, er, should that be pure 'fantasy'?!?

musk is literally the least worthy billionaire on this planet. his personal 'fortune' is based on rampant over-valuation and sci-fi wish fulfillment. if an 'arts hipster' had bamboozled investors and the public (or should that more correctly be govt contracts, like every good libertard) out of this much money and good faith, you'd be fulminating here every day of the week. fAkE neWz.

amazing how an highly educated imperial engineer becomes a queefing fanboy over this person with ... no substance or delivery whatsoever. most of his companies are headline-seeking ventures with zero actual potential. the boring company? the hyperloop? LMFAO give me a fucking break. nicola tesla he fucking ain't. and, once again, he didn't actually found or contribute any substantial work to paypal, or tesla, or spacex. he didn't write the paypal code. he didn't design an electric car. he doesn't know anything about rocket propulsion. all he can talk about is about as much as you and i could muster after reading a few journal articles, plus the 'visionary' rhetorical delivery to swindle investors. good job elon!

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-20 01:43:37)


Weekly reminder that Dune is a sci-fi. I should bring this up every Sunday.
successful engineer.

'lets build a 600km vacuum chamber to transport people'.

NASA's biggest working vacuum chamber: 30,000 cubic metres.
musk's paper napkin engineering genius idea: 2,000,000 cubic metres.

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-19 18:23:55)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
COVID has really thrown a wrench into public transportation advocacy. It turns out we don't actually need to spend billions of dollars moving people from the suburbs to offices everyday. We could even unload the corporate cost of providing office space onto the workers by making them pay for WFH accomodations.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

There can't be anyone cleverer than me
Well now thats your ego-fragility talking.

The Hyperloop is an old idea, no-one has ever suggested making it a NASA-grade deep-space vacuum.

Like him or not Musk has created an organisation which rivals NASA, certainly anything Europe has produced.

But yeah, I guess he should have spent his life rummaging around in old libraries looking for that one nugget only two people in the world care about, then he'd have your respect.
Fuck Israel
when have i ever spoken about someone's intelligence, relevant to my own? i'm talking about musk's public relations branding and his totally ridiculous reverence amongst a very specific type of dweeby male on the internet.

musk has talked a very fine game and is mostly a bullshit merchant. talking about securing plans to build hyperloops between major US cities, etc, before  even the most basic proof of concept. talking about boring tunnels under los angeles or building fancy future-tube highways beneath vegas. all they've amounted to is daft, borderline dangerous baubles for tesla fanboys to cheer at. in almost every case a high-speed train or, you know, a fucking bus would have been better. genius! revolutionising travel! what a great use of city funding.

amazing. he proposed replacing a public monorail system with ... two one-way, single-vehicle tunnels ... which took 18 months to construct and can accommodate about 6 tesla taxis at once. genius!

remember when he announced the amazing tesla truck which was going to 'revolutionize' haulage? but then omitted to mention in his presentation any salient fact or figure which a logistics/haulage company actually needs? like, you know, it's range and efficiencies? instead he kept bragging about its 0-60mph speed or something. because that's what haulage companies really want. trucks you can race at red lights. this is your 'engineering genius'?

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-20 06:38:10)

Much of his succes can be attributed to his willingness to go for high risk investments, which he usually puts quite a bit of effort behind. Who would've considered a commercial electric car company or rocket manufacturer when he founded them?

I wouldn't ever think of him as some sort of 'mega genius', but it's clear that early adoption of new concepts and high risk ventures has been a good formula for him, from paypal to spacex. I suppose his successes have caused him to overreach in this arena by looking for even more niche topics to invest in with stuff like the boring company, or trying to push something that clearly wasn't working yet like electric hauling.

These failures hardly make him a bullshit artist though. On balance Tesla and SpaceX have done much to open up fields that were not considered commercially viable yet. And in doing so he's helped push some important advancements. Doesn't excuse his vices and failures, but as far as billionaire tech/engineers go he's not that bad.
elon musk DIDNT found tesla.

amazing how a perfunctory bit of research can confound his fanboys. the company already had a car in development ffs.

i’ve already granted that he’s a great frontman. but silicon valley loves throwing money at blaggers. not a ‘successful engineer’. he didn’t engineer shit at tesla.

who would have considered a commercial space company? i don’t know … richard branson? the idea was kicking around in the private sector since the 1990s. the fact NASA was chronically underfunded hardly means these billionaire ‘astronauts’ are great pioneers.

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-21 21:40:28)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Pretty well no relationship between the first prototype Tesla vehicle and anything which followed.
Fuck Israel
yes the complete disconnect is why he chose to symbolically fire his first tesla roadster into space.

and he personally engineered their later vehicles.

righty ho. fanboys gonna fanboy
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Yes CEOs don't spend their day on in the workshop grinding stuff so really they don't do anything.

I don't care about Musk but the fact is he's built at least three impressive companies.
Fuck Israel
he took over the board of tesla. it’s rampantly overvalued.

he didn’t do anything for paypal tbh. other VCs with proper business school chops and connections built it up.

spacex is making strides, sure. but it’s timing as much as anything. state funding for space travel is low. the private sector is going to take advantage of new leaps in materials and rocket tech. i hardly credit him as some space genius.

many of his other business ideas are squibs on a notebook. hyper loop, boring company, etc. completely mad thinking that don’t even hold up to simple scientific scrutiny. ‘if it seems too good to be true’ / ‘if it hasn’t been done already …’. but choo choo goes the hype train.

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-22 02:47:41)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I'm sure he'd be upset to know that you don't credit him.
Fuck Israel
again with the asinine, childish ‘counter-arguments’.

‘oh yeah no one can be smarter than YOU’.
‘if he’s so bad, where’s your space exploration company?’
‘LOL i’m sure he’s really bothered by your comments’.

sigh. i just said he’s totally over-rated and has a cult of personality around him. i don’t need to be a more successful businessman or a noteworthy fellow CEO to shoot down his ridiculous levels of praise on the internet. (though hasn't warren buffet expressed extreme skepticism about tesla's market value?)

for a levelheaded scientific type you seem weirdly allergic to ordinary scrutiny and skepticism. any cursory look at the history of elon’s ‘businesses successes’ shows a guy piggy-backing upon, and inserting himself into, success stories. that’s a skill in-itself, to be sure, though networking, self-congratulatory and prophetic insider clubs, and bluster curiously seem like the skills you decry in ‘arts hipsters and humanities graduates’.

he wrote hapless code for his first business which had to be scrapped by the first professional full time coder to come in. he was ‘chief technology officer’ at the time. in the same way that someone with a small office and a few thousand dollars to trade can be a ‘vice chairman’ or ‘co-VP of a venture capitalist firm’ or whatever.  silicon valley, it goes without saying, is the epicentre of the ‘fake it until you make it’ philosophy … and some horses really do go all the way, until the inevitable crash or bottom falling out, at which point they’re already ‘celebrities’ with the ability to leverage immense capital anyway (cf. uber, wework, tesla).

silicon valley is full of this self-mythologising crap. what’s amazing is that tesla itself has a LONG history of workplace grievance, poor work culture, engineers moaning about the sky-high and deluded talk that elon was selling to investors (possibly committing fraud in the process). elon is a lot like elizabeth holmes, of theranos, who promised the world on a platter, had the forbes magazine covers to show for it, and meanwhile kept rooms of engineers in a cold sweat under NDAs.

if it was your CEO or manager you’d be queefing about it in the work complaints thread. but instead elon is a genius polymath … lol ok. do some reading there buddy.

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-22 03:20:51)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't care about Musk
Fuck Israel
you namedrop him as an example of a 'successful engineer who changes the world'.

hasn't engineered anything noteworthy.
didn't found 2 of his big 3 companies.
the company which has catapulted him to 'tony stark' fame is overvalued by about 75%.

just some small corrections. glad to hear you don't have an elon musk tattoo.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
The one he did found is almost equivalent to NASA.
Fuck Israel
NASA's budget is a rounding error of the national purse, and, no, spaceX was still very much dependent on the research and work done across NASA's many national labs.

NASA's funding last year was $22 billion.

spaceX employs 10,000 people and is worth $75 billion. not to mention the number of employees and expertise they just took from NASA. it's not exactly a 'competitor' or 'besting' scenario. like all 'libertarian genius tech billionaires', it's proximity to state funding/grants, the military, lucrative monopolies, etc, which ensure their success. you make it sound like he built a company from scratch – and was a 'successful engineer', natch – when that's hardly the picture.

spaceX hasn't made him a global billionaire figure anyway. it's tesla that built the cult-of-personality, and it's tesla that's dramatically overvalued. isn't tesla currently valued as the MOST VALUABLE automobile maker on the planet? bigger than GM? toyota? the peugeut conglomerate? lmao. if the market value of tesla were to be corrected, elon would lose a vast amount of his estimated fortune.

as for genius billionaire, hasn't his drug-addled twitter trolling led to him being almost twice removed from the board/CEO position? doesn't he mostly spend his time nowadays smoking weed with joe rogan and pumping-and-dumping meme crytocurrencies? yeah, what a mastermind. and i'm not even going to get onto his union busting, or his covid denialism, or his rampant self-promotion, inserting himself into rescue scenarios and generally making an ass of himself. genius!

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-22 07:53:49)

I am all that is MOD!

Every single one of Musk's businesses rely on government spending to stay solvent. Tesla had its first profitable quarter after government EV credits earlier this year. The Boring Company is wholly reliant on local government contracts. Solar City relied on solar subsidies and local offsets and still couldn't turn a profit.

He is good at convincing people to invest in his companies. He has an uncanny ability to promote his businesses as pushing forward humanity while at the same time engaging in destructive environmental and labor practices. He is clearly a sociopath and narcissist.

SpaceX is run by a very smart and capable person, but it isn't Elon Musk. Him attaching his name on engineering documents and patent applications is like when a project manager does the same thing. No one is pretending Joe Smukatelli had any input into the actual engineering calculations or drawings, but somehow Elon Musk has convinced thousands of wannabe tech bros that he is in the trenches solving problems. I'm sure the engineers who are doing the heavy lifting wish he would just get out of the way.
it's cringe when teenagers do the 'elon' thing on reddit but dilbert is like a 50-something guy who is actually a trained engineer.

genuinely bizarre how much some people need to believe in these demi-god tony stark engineering figures. too much MCU.

Tony Stark is probably super into charity and putting himself in harm's way to safeguard poor people. So not a very realistic billionaire. Also, very many recent reminders that they don't have god brains.
I think throughout the last few years we've noticed that market value and stock price isn't a good indicator of a company's actual 'worth'. In many cases it just means the stock is popular and changes hands often, which can be wholly based on public goodwill to an investment. Like tesla, or uber. Or crypto.

I haven't cared about musk enough to read up much but I'm a little sceptical of the idea that his involvement in tesla or paypal amounted to little more than throwing money in and pitching sales. If I recall he did have a fairly big hand in the early success.
I am all that is MOD!

Larssen wrote:

I haven't cared about musk enough to read up much but I'm a little sceptical of the idea that his involvement in tesla or paypal amounted to little more than throwing money in and pitching sales. If I recall he did have a fairly big hand in the early success.
Thats because he has spent many hours and employed publicists and lawyers to make you think that way, as evil billionaires are wont to do.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Even if Musk perfected Solar Panels and electric cars, it is still a long way away from "propelling humanity forward". We already have cars and energy generation. It's not like inventing the wheel or the internet.
I am all that is MOD!

Any goodwill he banked by promoting Tesla as a green solution was liquidated when he bought bitcoin and pumped it to add to his 2021 Q1 profits.

He legitimately presented a faked solar shingle in his pitch to the Tesla Board to convince them to approve the purchase of Solar City. Guess who was invested heavily into Solar City?

The guy is a fraud. Tesla partakes in non-GAAP in developing their financial statements. The amount of turnover in their HR, Legal, and Finance departments speak to something unscrupulous that are uncommon even in the wild wild west of Silcon Valley.

People need to stop worshipping terrible people. Do a research, noobs

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