elon musk doesn't do much of anything except take LSD with his hipster wife and casually commit financial crimes when high on his twitter account. he is one of the most over-rated people on the planet. elon musk a 'successful engineer' L M F A O. the guy couldn't engineer a swing-set. he talks about space travel and electric cars as convincingly as i talk about astrophysics, i.e. someone who reads a lot of the stuff and spends a lot of time around actual scientists. i'd never claim to be an astrophysicist, though. elon musk an engineer? hahahahaha. he flunked his undergraduate education – a rich-kid who didn't complete at lowly queens university and moved to u penn to be a fratboy – and parlayed his way onto a mat sci PhD, which he attended for all of 2 DAYS. the guy is ALL bluster and mythos. but don't let, you know, actual facts get in the way of your cringeworthy fanboyism. a 'successful engineer' who seriously proposed HYPERLOOP? hahahahahahhahahahahahhaa. it's almost as illiterate as the matrix proposing human beings as efficient batteries. pure sci-fi bullshit ... or, er, should that be pure 'fantasy'?!?Dilbert_X wrote:
I have many edgelord fanboy opinions, I don't care about Musk really but the fact is he's doing clever stuff and pushing the boundaries, not looking backwards and vegetating.
Engineers aren't 'exceptional' either, they mostly just quietly do useful stuff which does change the world.
I guess what uziq doesn't like is that Musk is a successful self-promoting engineer and thats exactly what arts-narcissists can't stomach.
musk is literally the least worthy billionaire on this planet. his personal 'fortune' is based on rampant over-valuation and sci-fi wish fulfillment. if an 'arts hipster' had bamboozled investors and the public (or should that more correctly be govt contracts, like every good libertard) out of this much money and good faith, you'd be fulminating here every day of the week. fAkE neWz.
amazing how an highly educated imperial engineer becomes a queefing fanboy over this person with ... no substance or delivery whatsoever. most of his companies are headline-seeking ventures with zero actual potential. the boring company? the hyperloop? LMFAO give me a fucking break. nicola tesla he fucking ain't. and, once again, he didn't actually found or contribute any substantial work to paypal, or tesla, or spacex. he didn't write the paypal code. he didn't design an electric car. he doesn't know anything about rocket propulsion. all he can talk about is about as much as you and i could muster after reading a few journal articles, plus the 'visionary' rhetorical delivery to swindle investors. good job elon!
Last edited by uziq (2021-09-20 01:43:37)