
It's a very arbitrary selection. Probably scarier than "a population 80% the size of Walla Walla, Washington."

Also reads without saying, "we're going to settle them all in a tent colony outside of Jackson, Wyoming."

Although I hope we don't create refugee ghettos.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I hope we don't either but we will.
I assume the older ones would be happy to live in an isolated warm hill community in wherever hills are in the Midwest.
the exact same people who get rattled about 95,000 refugees, from a literal warzone fleeing near-certain death, torture or persecution … are the people who are sanguine about 750k americans dying to covid. lol.

Last edited by uziq (2021-09-16 18:37:34)


I think a lot of people are feeling numb to it. It's hard to process those kinds of numbers the way you would smaller amounts of deaths. The several hundred thousand dead Americans just get conservative doubting they even existed.

The cops who died at that Lakewood coffee shop still have a memorial on the street corner, that was quite the solemn thing.

From within their own department, point of trivia:

Lakewood cop accused of embezzling $150K meant for slain officers’ families
https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-ne … -families/

A Lakewood police officer who was supposed to send on donations in memory of Lakewood cops killed in 2009 instead stands accused of using the money on things like Cirque du Soleil, gambling and outdoor gear.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
The US has admitted that a drone strike in Kabul days before its military pullout killed 10 innocent people.

A US Central Command investigation found that an aid worker and nine members of his family, including seven children, died in the 29 August strike.

The youngest child, Sumaya, was just two years old.

The deadly strike happened days after a terror attack at Kabul airport, amid a frenzied evacuation effort following the Taliban's sudden return to power.

It was one of the US military's final acts in Afghanistan, before ending its 20-year operation in the country.

Great job chaps.
Fuck Israel

Making zero excuses for US military intelligence here, but don't Australian commandos have a rather questionable reputation as well? There's a lot of "haha" America going on right now from countries that had some role in matters, as long as we're on the same page.
i think this is particularly relevant because it’s clear that america wants to switch to waging wars remotely using drones and minimal troop presences. this new m.o. clearly has a sky-high civilian kill rate – it was a shushed up thing during obama’s tenure – and is probably generating as much blowback as actual occupation. rofl.

Remote control drones and forms of automated warfare certainly are an interesting ethical question. Although it doesn't replace the larger question of whether or not we should have been there or for how long or with what war goals.

I don't think I would feel very comfortable about a foreign power's flying Terminators shooting rockets at my neighbors.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
If hellfires from drones are a legitimate tool for waging peace then suicide bombers are too really.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

The very model of a modern major general
+796|6858|United States of America
Gotta be copyright infringement.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
$60? jfc. just get some corvette racing c7r skull covers its similar enough
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You don't see the back of the seat cover has tactical webbing?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
is it bulletproof
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Not the back head rest. Just as Chris Kyle would have wanted.

Is there really a Chris Kyle tacticool product line? It's hard to imagine anything more gaudy or American.

That said, I'm not really going to shed a tear over the target demographic being exploited like that.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
At least Chris Kyle never got to see his own movie, meet Donald Trump, or enjoy his ill gotten wealth.

What does the bible say about live dogs and dead lions?

So his first kill (according to wiki) was an Iraqi woman with a grenade and a toddler, on orders. Kind of puts the rest of his weirdness in context. Probably needed help, not commercial glorification. Although money lets you afford help.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

So his first kill (according to wiki) was an Iraqi woman with a grenade and a toddler, on orders. Kind of puts the rest of his weirdness in context. Probably needed help, not commercial glorification. Although money lets you afford help.
Fuck all that. His lying, and murder glorification were his own sins. He wasn't writing sad stories on Tumblr all day. He was trying to make money off of his brand as someone who ended a lot of lives. Plenty of people have done worse in war and led functional and productive lives just fine.

Tony Soprano made some good points
Gary Cooper would have never mentioned he shot a woman and toddler.

I mean just because you don't think you need help doesn't mean you don't need help. He was a symptom of a war that probably shouldn't have happened. Making money off of that doesn't seem wildly different from or more crass than stuff like arms mfg. profiteering.

The row with Jesse Ventura was pretty weird, and spilled over into his estate. Nice move, just couldn't stop himself from lying.

Anyway, killed by a Marine with mental issues, go figure.

Routh was a 25-year-old U.S. Marine Corps veteran from Lancaster, Texas. Kyle and Littlefield had reportedly taken Routh to the gun range in an effort to help him with his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Routh had been in and out of mental hospitals for at least two years and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.[8] His family also said he suffered from PTSD from his time in the military.[55][56] On the way to the shooting range, Kyle texted Littlefield, "This dude is straight-up nuts." Littlefield responded, "Watch my six," military slang meaning "watch my back."[57] Four months later, while he was in his jail cell, Routh shared with former Erath County Sheriff's Deputy Gene Cole: "I was just riding in the back seat of the truck, and nobody would talk to me. They were just taking me to the range, so I shot them. I feel bad about it, but they wouldn't talk to me. I'm sure they've forgiven me."[8]
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I mean just because you don't think you need help doesn't mean you don't need help. He was a symptom of a war that probably shouldn't have happened. Making money off of that doesn't seem wildly different from or more crass than stuff like arms mfg. profiteering.

The row with Jesse Ventura was pretty weird, and spilled over into his estate. Nice move, just couldn't stop himself from lying.

Anyway, killed by a Marine with mental issues, go figure.

Routh was a 25-year-old U.S. Marine Corps veteran from Lancaster, Texas. Kyle and Littlefield had reportedly taken Routh to the gun range in an effort to help him with his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Routh had been in and out of mental hospitals for at least two years and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.[8] His family also said he suffered from PTSD from his time in the military.[55][56] On the way to the shooting range, Kyle texted Littlefield, "This dude is straight-up nuts." Littlefield responded, "Watch my six," military slang meaning "watch my back."[57] Four months later, while he was in his jail cell, Routh shared with former Erath County Sheriff's Deputy Gene Cole: "I was just riding in the back seat of the truck, and nobody would talk to me. They were just taking me to the range, so I shot them. I feel bad about it, but they wouldn't talk to me. I'm sure they've forgiven me."[8]
He most likely was already a pig man before they sent him to Iraq. Certain psychological profile not only joins the military but chooses to become a sniper. We all saw saving private Ryan. He could have chosen to be a medic.

Jesse Ventura was governor of Minnesota? From what I understand he wasn't a very good governor. But I have no strong feelings on his political career. I do have respect for him taking a strong anti-war stand when he did. He could have embraced the grift. (Which I strongly advise everyone to do) He could be making bank selling books to the Trump supporters. He instead took a stand that was unpopular at the time. The fact that he kept going after the guy's widow was also an impressive level of vindictiveness. I hope he invested the money well.

I remember when Kyle died Ron Paul of all people wrote on Twitter "Live by the sword, die by the sword". I never cared for Paul but it takes both insight and courage to point out that Kyle's life ended because of his violence, vanity, and greed.

Jesse was going after the estate, not the widow. He was the one who was wronged, not her. When you take on a celebrity status, you should be prepared to face the consequences of your lies and rumormongering, and have that spill over into family.

Did Ron Paul write that? Seems unnecessarily snark. Murdered at a gun range outside of a war isn't exactly died-in-battle valhalla fare, nor particularly evocative of vanity/greed. I don't even think it was ironic that he was shot. He was sent to go shoot people, an eminent responsibility of the US government.

On the surface, Ron Paul was a critic of stuff many of us here are also critics of. War on drugs, war on terror, patriot act, torture. I don't agree with some of his economic points though, like going to a gold standard, or fixing debt by abolishing taxes and government agencies. Or his position on global warming (a hoax!), or his support for secessionism. People who were complaining about the 2012 election can go jump in a lake. Conservatives are always going to whine about Democratic victories now.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The widow was in control of the estate. The case is still more of a hassle for her to make a judgment call than she needed in her life. I spent zero hours today conferring with my lawyers on ongoing defamation suits. She probably made the money back by selling merchandise but at the same time Chris Kyle wasn't a Vanderbilt. A million dollars or more is still a lot of money.

Paul's post was even worse than I remembered.
Only references I found to post were from "liberal media" groups saying how deplorable his comment was. So 2013. If Chris Kyle got dropped in 2020 it would be a roaring twitter meme. People nowadays, thankfully, buy much less into that "God Bless America" shit.

Kyle took the guy to the range in his F-350, an even bigger fancier more obnoxious truck than the F-150. After he killed Kyle, the shooter took his keys and drove around his truck. Called his sister and told her he "sold his soul for a truck". Kyle got killed while showing off his truck at a vanity project. Greed and vanity right there. Maybe should have driven the guy in a Ford Fusion instead? Some admins at my job are nearing $200,000 salary. Nobody drives a Porsche into work though. It's not a good look. Kyle was a pig man though. Didn't develop higher level thinking. Didn't live in a state with 4 seasons.

Seeing through the insanity of the War on Drugs and War on Terror back before it was super mainstream is to be lauded. Just lauded out of office, thank you.

Kyle had a net worth of 2 million. Stuff got settled outside of court for probably well under that. Chris Kyle brought that shit down on his own family.

Military wives are probably treated worse by the military than Jesse Ventura's lawsuit. Not exactly the most flattering names for them, "dependopotamus," yikes.

Fine on the vanity/greed point, although driving a greedy truck doesn't mean you died a greedy death.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Kyle had a net worth of 2 million. Stuff got settled outside of court for probably well under that. Chris Kyle brought that shit down on his own family.

Military wives are probably treated worse by the military than Jesse Ventura's lawsuit. Not exactly the most flattering names for them, "dependopotamus," yikes.

Fine on the vanity/greed point, although driving a greedy truck doesn't mean you died a greedy death.
Jesse V. won the case for $1.8 million. Appeal court overturned it and before it went to retrial he settled with the estate and book publisher for an undisclosed amount. I doubt he got anything less than a million.

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