
So anyway I had an opportunity to touch on MacNamara stuff with one of the usual boomers (never forget that "boomer" is now a "bad word" regardless of the context in which it's used; they'll get defensive about that, but of course they're allowed to use "millennial" any way they want). Their defense was that he gave up a lot to assume the position because he was a responsible patriot and felt obliged. "Worked his butt off to the detriment of his family!" as if that somehow makes his performance and contributions sacrosanct. The rose tint is practically stained brown sometimes when it comes to this sort of personality nostalgia.

Further defense when pressed went into skirting around r-mac's avoided topics (he had a lot to talk about, after all), and generalizing "all politicians" as evil actors (except, of course, ones they admire - and if one of those has done bad things, then at least "he's was our bad guy").

Reeeeeally interesting opinions sometimes. I'll watch the MacNamara interviews with interest, but not rapt adoration.
i never expressed rapt adoration for him. he’s a stooge of disastrous american foreign policy ffs. but late in his life he did give some extremely candid interviews, which are highly revealing (including yes, of course, a psychological profile — including all the evasions and self-deceptions he has to tell).

his life trajectory was pretty wild.

I was pretty much operating under the assumption that you were watching it because it was interesting, mostly the same reason I do? Making specific complaints about Macnamara was my sidetrack.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

This is why we lost the war in Iraq.
Is this for real or are they hurt? That shit is really bad for our image if they're legit cuddling
gang shit
It's actually something you're taught to do if it's very cold, to make sure you don't die from hypothermia. Going by the terrain that looks more like Afghanistan to me, which can be absolutely frigid during winter, esp. at high altitudes.

Also, going by uniforms and the gear lying around I don't think these are americans.

In any case they're not doing it because it's fun, but that should be glaringly obvious....

Last edited by Larssen (2021-07-22 12:27:05)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Statistically at least one of them is enjoying it
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7034|Purplicious Wisconsin
Well, they are marines...
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

Larssen wrote:

It's actually something you're taught to do if it's very cold, to make sure you don't die from hypothermia. Going by the terrain that looks more like Afghanistan to me, which can be absolutely frigid during winter, esp. at high altitudes.

Also, going by uniforms and the gear lying around I don't think these are americans.

In any case they're not doing it because it's fun, but that should be glaringly obvious....
Well I was never in the military so it's not obvious to me. That makes sense if they're doing it cause of the cold. Gear looks american to me but once again not an expert on military shit

Either way not a good picture to post from any military. Other people see that shit as a sign of weakness. Not saying I agree with that but it's true
gang shit
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7005|United States of America
Strong military be like

lil_droo wrote:

Larssen wrote:

It's actually something you're taught to do if it's very cold, to make sure you don't die from hypothermia. Going by the terrain that looks more like Afghanistan to me, which can be absolutely frigid during winter, esp. at high altitudes.

Also, going by uniforms and the gear lying around I don't think these are americans.

In any case they're not doing it because it's fun, but that should be glaringly obvious....
Well I was never in the military so it's not obvious to me. That makes sense if they're doing it cause of the cold. Gear looks american to me but once again not an expert on military shit

Either way not a good picture to post from any military. Other people see that shit as a sign of weakness. Not saying I agree with that but it's true
i’m sure america’s enemies are going to be emboldened now they’ve seen soldiers trying to keep warm in freezing temperatures. the nukes, aircraft carriers and attack helicopters aint shit. these guys are fags!!!
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Probably losing more heat into the ground than they're gaining by snuggling.

Should have taken their MLP groundsheet.
Fuck Israel

lol, your house is pretty glassy to be chucking stones at military teens and their cartoon-pattern groundsheets.

lil_droo wrote:

Larssen wrote:

It's actually something you're taught to do if it's very cold, to make sure you don't die from hypothermia. Going by the terrain that looks more like Afghanistan to me, which can be absolutely frigid during winter, esp. at high altitudes.

Also, going by uniforms and the gear lying around I don't think these are americans.

In any case they're not doing it because it's fun, but that should be glaringly obvious....
Well I was never in the military so it's not obvious to me. That makes sense if they're doing it cause of the cold. Gear looks american to me but once again not an expert on military shit

Either way not a good picture to post from any military. Other people see that shit as a sign of weakness. Not saying I agree with that but it's true
The sacred band of thebes was famously full of gays. The greeks were convinced that men who love eachother will fight harder, droo. You see weakness, I say: dont drop the soap

Last edited by Larssen (2021-07-23 04:03:56)


The fiveheads of reddit who hide three-inch overbites and double-chins underneath a scraggly layer of facial hair probably think stuff like that picture is a sign of weakness. Not exactly primo sources.

But droo's right, soldiers should go back into their borg alcoves when resting so as not to tarnish the military image.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:


v good read.
Read about half. What a cuck. Guy had a really cool job.and threw it all away.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

uziq wrote:


v good read.
Read about half. What a cuck. Guy had a really cool job.and threw it all away.
All those clowns fighting for Trump and freedom and against 'the other guy' don't even know they're living in a one party state.
Fuck Israel

Larssen wrote:

It's like you're trying to talk yourself into supporting something of which you know it's deeply immoral and frankly despicable. I shouldn't need to link the youtube videos; you know full well that Trump, at various occasions, played racist stereotyping because it appealed to his base and crowds. Tell them mexicans were rapists, and he'd be greeted with cheers. Tell them he was going to build a wall, louder cheers. Tell them he would 'make mexicans pay for it', the crowd goes wild. Creating an image of an unwelcome enemy that was assaulting the USA was central to his message, racism & stereotyping was part and parcel of that creation.
Welcome to election campaigns.. that is called building up the energy and enthusiasm.. of course you will tap into what your base want.. remember Obama talking about peace in the world and hope etc.. he then proceeded to destroy Lybia and Syria.
You may not like the language but it is the truth.. having open borders invite all kinds of criminals.. nothing to do with the color of their skins.
Btw Biden is on tape saying a bunch of crap about ppl of color.. and the N word.. still waiting for that tape showing Trump saying the N word.

Larssen wrote:

Whatever any border patrol agent who self identifies as a gatekeeper of sorts may anecdotally tell you, people have actually researched this stuff. Not just the border wall in the USA, but lots of walls. I remember seeing several publications that outlined the fact that the border wall is and was largely ineffective.
From the department of homeland security website: Effective physical infrastructure works to secure our Southwest Border. Since the U.S. Border Patrol began constructing border barriers nearly 30 years ago, these barriers have proved to be a critical component in gaining operational control of the border.

Read the entire thing, you will be amazed at the stats.. it's not a pro Trump website, its the DHS

https://www.dhs.gov/news/2020/10/29/bor … -smugglers

Larssen wrote:

Oh he didn't just ban flights from china, he banned them from the European Union as well. You say he did it to contain covid, it's a pretty foregone conclusion that didn't help one bit.
You just said that banning travel in a pandemic is not helping.. i honestly don't know what to tell you..  yeah let's keep ppl travel around the world and infect each other. I know you hate the guy but c'mon man!

Larssen wrote:

But the telling part is that he went on and did everything in his power to frustrate and sabotage the efforts of his own CDC in their fight against covid when it entered the USA. Covid would just disappear like a miracle. He refused to wear a mask. Equated the disease to a mild case of the flu. Why would you even shut down flights if all that were his real views? He was just looking for an excuse to be a petty PoS and to lash out.

Let's also remember that before covid the US was considered the #1 country in the world best prepared to handle a pandemic event, with the most extensive crisis planning. It ended up being the worst hit country next to Brazil. That's about the extent of Trump's competence in action. And you follow this man like a fool.
I think part of his early discourse was to try to prevent panic.. Remember China was sending pictures of people dying in the streets etc.. people were hoarding toilet paper and stuff.. a true leader must keep control.. prevent panic.. not say this is the end of the world we will all gonna die. 

Give me an example of him sabotaging the efforts of the CDC to fight covid please..  I only remember the CDC flip flopping about masks and saying that hydroxychloroquine with zinc didnt work (when in fact it did, no conspiracy here.. look it up) to alleviate covid symptoms.

You blame all the death and destruction on him.. remember Cuomo sending covid patients into nursing homes?

Nobody can prepare for a pandemic .. it hits you, you ban travel, you lock down, you find a cure.. rinse and repeat.

Still believe that it originated in a wet market in Wuhan?

And btw i don't follow him like a fool.. i will never take HIS damn vaccine!

Politicians like to fire up their base, yes, very good. It's too bad that Trump chose the fine people of right-wing militant groups and white nationalists among those to fire up.

Defense of Trump always comes down to Obama or the Clintons, doesn't it. Very critiquable people to be certain, but never a good deflection from Trump. Particularly not the Trump and Republicans of 2020+, actively sabotaging the fight against the virus with politicization. FFS, just go back through the tweets and interviews. You guys have such a three-second memory of this stuff. "Democrat virus, China virus, they want to make you afraid and pliable" kind of nonsense is why we have grown men screaming at dollar store employees about masks and Joe Biden and the fake virus. Families are being broken because of it.

"But a democrat did something bad in regards to fighting the virus too," yeah, real nice save, good relevance.

Trump Administration Abuses Thwart US Pandemic Response
https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ … c-response

The inside story of how Trump’s COVID-19 coordinator undermined the world’s top health agency
https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/10 … rmined-cdc

Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/23/us/c … tacks.html

Testimony sparks controversy over political influence at the CDC
A Trump appointee was accused of trying to exert influence over a CDC report, and a CDC official testified that she was directed to get rid of evidence.
https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-sho … c-n1250749

New evidence shows Trump appointees' political interference with CDC weekly Covid data reports, House subcommittee says
https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/27/politics … index.html

We fight viruses prominently with vaccines, once we have them. Now we have them. Get vaccinated. Don't be one of those idiots on the hospital bed asking for one in vain before your intubated.

re: 'burrowed' trump appointees, one of the prominent examples,

Trump Appointees Are Sabotaging Biden’s Stimulus Checks
https://attorneymotionnews.com/2021/03/ … us-checks/

While the president has pledged a return to normalcy, he’s been shy to root out all of the influences of Trumpism in Washington to the full extent of his power.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Politicians like to fire up their base, yes, very good. It's too bad that Trump chose the fine people of right-wing militant groups and white nationalists among those to fire up.

Defense of Trump always comes down to Obama or the Clintons, doesn't it. Very critiquable people to be certain, but never a good deflection from Trump. Particularly not the Trump and Republicans of 2020+, actively sabotaging the fight against the virus with politicization. FFS, just go back through the tweets and interviews. You guys have such a three-second memory of this stuff. "Democrat virus, China virus, they want to make you afraid and pliable" kind of nonsense is why we have grown men screaming at dollar store employees about masks and Joe Biden and the fake virus. Families are being broken because of it.

"But a democrat did something bad in regards to fighting the virus too," yeah, real nice save, good relevance.

Trump Administration Abuses Thwart US Pandemic Response
https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ … c-response

The inside story of how Trump’s COVID-19 coordinator undermined the world’s top health agency
https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/10 … rmined-cdc

Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/23/us/c … tacks.html

Testimony sparks controversy over political influence at the CDC
A Trump appointee was accused of trying to exert influence over a CDC report, and a CDC official testified that she was directed to get rid of evidence.
https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-sho … c-n1250749

New evidence shows Trump appointees' political interference with CDC weekly Covid data reports, House subcommittee says
https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/27/politics … index.html

We fight viruses prominently with vaccines, once we have them. Now we have them. Get vaccinated. Don't be one of those idiots on the hospital bed asking for one in vain before your intubated.
Both political parties have extremists.. the right have white supremacists and the left have blm, antifa and a bunch of hardcore communists.. there will always be extremism on both side.. 
white supremacist will vote republican
communist and free loaders will vote democrat
Voting republican does not make you a white supremacist
Voting democrat does not make you a communist

And the anti asian crime are mostly committed by black people in blue cities.. are they following Trump marching orders?

There is no amount of links from CNN, new york times, MSNBC that will make me change my mind, don't waste your time.

I just want to know YOUR opinion:

Was banning travel to and from China at the begginning of the pandemic a bad idea?

(And i'm not antivaxx by the way and i don't bash people wanting to get it.. i just want to wait until the trials are over.)
I am all that is MOD!

white supremacists vote republican. antifa and communists don't vote dem

freeloaders could be extremists or could not be. The largest freeloaders (people who don't pay taxes but receive public benefits) vote republican.

I want to know YOUR opinion:

if you aren't an antisemite, why continue to use a name that invokes antisemitism?

You fucking clown

So point by point,

Yes, both political parties have extremists and bad actors, well done. "B-but antifa," Trump supporters sputter when confronted with Trump's legacy. The Fallacy (and Laziness) of Both-Sides-ism

"Free loaders" will vote Democrat is kind of funny considering aid sent to red states. Sidetrack: And also a tidy label used against people who want to be able to afford to live where they work. We're constantly told that hard work should be rewarded, but people are so hesitant to actually reward it. Good example with the debate over paying teenagers fair wages. "Oh it's just a little spending money, don't get so worked up." Ignoring the fact of course that high school students shouldn't have to rely on work after school to survive. (e: see also, free-loading execs doing as little actual work as possible, but still raking in the big bucks)

I never suggested that voting Republican makes you a white supremacist, or that all Republican politicians are white supremacists. But while we're on the topic, Americans should probably put extra effort into vetting the Republicans on their ballot for ties to white nationalism/supremacy movements, instead of voting strictly on party lines. Especially with Trumpism having emboldened these groups the way it has. Even politicians who aren't part of these movements may still be enabling them out of self-preservation.

Socialism = communism is a bit of a sad non-sequitur in American politics. Republicans make frequent use of red-baiting in their chain mailers to stir up old phobias. Biden and Harris aren't socialist or communist. Even Democratic politicians who call themselves socialist aren't usually socialist by normal criteria. You can have universal health care and a wide range of benefits funded by higher taxes like what American "democratic-socialists" call for, and still have a privately owned economy. I would point out that Americans already do pay a high amount of taxes spread across multiple levels of taxations and fees. We just don't get as much back from it as in other countries.

All the unhelpful "Chinaman bad" language permeating discourse and social media had no influence over the rise of anti-Asian sentiment. Good take.

What about the two other links? What about sources cited, when cited? What about non CNN/NYT/MSNBC links saying the same stuff? What links do you want, Breitbart? Newsmax? Fox? Or do you have preferred journalists by name? Crazy Uncle Joe's Blog half-filled with rants about being banned from facebook? What is the criteria here?

@ the last, I think screening and quarantine is a good idea. Indefinite travel bans are unsustainable. Trumpers always fall back on travel ban stuff as if one undeveloped, underthought thing maybe roughly towards the right direction absolves everything else. Laser-beam focus on avoiding talking about all the other stuff.

Republicans of Jan 2021, all too happy to whip civilian supporters into a frothing rage and send them to their possible deaths. Republicans stuck at the capitol on Jan 6, panicking. Later, "just a normal tourist crowd." Republicans who stand up for the country and call that shit out, panned as "traitors." Q-cons celebrating Myanmar as a great example of how to git-er-done.

Trump spams emails with scary language, guilt trips, accusations, scarcely worded much differently than cybercriminal scam fare, rakes it in bigly from small-time donors. "Don't worry, I'll take the country back for us in May, or was that August. Hold the line!"

Meanwhile, on bf2s, "I LiKe ThE GuY!"
Journalists are no longer journalists..they are activists.. you said it yourself, they are all saying the same stuff. That does not make it true.. Remember the Russia collusion hoax that they were crying about for the first 3 years of his presidency?  All a big lie.. the steele dossier? Did your favorite news anchor talk about that?
They just want ratings.. and Trump is ratings.. They are falling apart since hes gone so they bring him back again and again and you read them and it feed your hatred for the man and you post the link here.. All a gigantic waste of time.. their opinions is no better than yours or mine.

I try to go with logic

Chinese government(not people) were messing around with bat viruses in a lab, they fucked up and now its out there. People hating on asian people because of that are dumb.. but dumb people will always be part of our society.. not Trumps fault because he just stated the truth.. Chinese government is responsible.. gain of function research is very risky business..  Why would Trump save CHina's face and lie to cover them? The virus is from China, some call it the Chinavirus. China is responsible for all the death and destruction this virus has caused to the world.. not Trump.

And i'm not advocating for an indefinite travel ban , im asking if he was right at the time to ban travel from China, where the virus came from.

And who made KEN-JENNINGS a mod??  I mean even usmarine would have been a better choice

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