talking of 'feelings' and people being egotistical ... the UK covid discourse today is literally full of people saying they will 'stop wearing a mask because they don't like it'. there's millions of people who won't get a vaccine because of some irrational fear (or full-on conspiracy nonsense). i wear a mask and follow all guidelines. but i'm the selfish problem? l o l.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

To an extent, maybe. It feels more like people are victims of ceaseless, concerted gaslighting. I've said before that some of this stuff can ensnare otherwise intelligent people. Press and some of the people who have been floating all this stuff out since the first inkling that Democrats were inventing COVID-19 to harm Trump have been doing a good job highly polishing all of their bullshit.

An aside, I've been hearing the word "gaslighting" from right-wingers complaining about what they think critical race theory is. "The liberal left-wing socialists are gaslighting America!"

Darned if I don't see Fox, etc., spinning viewers and listeners up into a dither. Although where the vaccines are concerned, other big groups share some of that responsibility in sacrificing accuracy for scoop.

The facebook and others fold back into how big tech should be held to task for this stuff if they want to act like media groups.

e: Bringing up all the dying unvaccinated people seems to go in one ear and out the other. The conversation will resume about how Pfizer, Moderna, are obsolete or not FDA-approved (not knowing what that means). Also how they're worried about the side effects and how the second dose has floored people (a thing that has gotten a lot of attention). The horse is dead, and we're still beating in an attempt to save lives.

Instead let's talk about the baby bust (millennials killing population growth) or that part in CRT that says we should load all old white men onto transport ships and push them into the Pacific. Hang on, let me see if I can find that part …
Really though there's a point at which it becomes unacceptable. Yes, manipulative psychological games are being played, but on the individual's part they also knowingly insulate themselves from all other info out there. MSM, academia, government - apparently they're all untrustwothy and out to get you. So instead we approve of pundits and facebook. Just what the fuck is going on in the minds of these people

Since the start of this thing, there've been government officials and MSM even to the left of Fox floating out bogus information. So yes, people think they're untrustworthy, and will lean towards sources that sometimes don't make sense. This isn't unique to the pandemic.

I'm not divesting people of their responsibility in trusting chainmails over factual or and responsible reporting. But there have been a lot of psychological speculations and reasonings on how exactly people have had their opinions warped so thoroughly, and I'm going to give that some amount of credit too.

So another guy on the fence about getting a vaccine, in passing "will they cover me if I get sick?" I'm like "who will cover you if you get sick with COVID-19?" Then I get the anti-vax stuff, jumped with a thing about Pfizer vaccines are filled with a chemical that gives lab rats cancer. I feel like I've been over this with anti-vax people in the past, trace elements of a thing being safe, or a similar-sounding chemical actually being quite different (there's always some chemical that people are bringing up to shiver about). Now it's bled out into people who aren't anti-vax in the traditional sense. A whole country of hesitancy, thanks to irresponsible, scaremongering reporting on topics people generally aren't familiar with.

That whole dihydrogen monoxide parody hoax still hits it on the nose.

e: requested proof on their poisons comments, where they read it from. they sent me this: … -explained

Ah yes, fatty acids, sugar, and salt. Not really sure what that proves.
+510|3765 … en-network

note dilbert is oddly quiet about right-wing mouthpieces breaching australia’s quarantine rules. guess it’s beneath comment when white people do it (and even make a point of it).
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
This pandemic would have been a great excuse to change the Olympics to only be held in a permanent location. Greece for summer. Winter? Austria or Switzerland.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

note dilbert is oddly quiet about right-wing mouthpieces breaching australia’s quarantine rules. guess it’s beneath comment when white people do it (and even make a point of it).
Yawn nope, stupid woman can pack her bongo and fuck off. That'll teach her.

Meanwhile we're about to get shut down because an 81 year old absolutely had to make a trip to Argentina.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i don’t want kids in my early 30s. i’m not in a hurry. i’ve got things to do (that don’t involve sitting on my ass at my parents’ house).
Ah ha so at the same age points Jay is in fact ahead of you.

Sit on my ass is not something I've ever done.

Actually Jay has three kids now.

So glad he's still milking his 'military service'

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-07-19 04:16:53)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't believe those kids are Jay's. Compare their noses to his.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
deeply creepy and weird to stalk his facebook and post his children here. no one needs to see that.

dilbert is this seriously how you envisioned spending your middle-age?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Dilbert's been on a roll lately with these imgur links.

Uzique wrote:

deeply creepy and weird to stalk his facebook and post his children here.
I have already proven through science that those kids are not his. Their nose is clearly Azn.

Regardless of whether or not those are his kids, people in general should consider maybe not plastering so much of their family life online and just making it so available to anyone wanting a peek. I grew up before a lot of that became a thing and the idea of filling your blog or social media profile with a ton of pics, videos, and other details about your children seems extremely off-putting to me, and not exactly giving your kids a choice in the matter before they can say "yes" or "no" to baby nudes and other maybe humiliating moments being shared with the planet.

"Millennials are killing privacy" would be a stereotypical headline I could've gotten at least partly behind in the aughts on.

e: This isn't just an 80s kid hang-up of mine, either.

Don’t Share Photos of Your Kids on Facebook. Here’s Why
Cybersecurity experts would not post this on social media … -facebook/

4. Oversharing photos/videos of your children with everyone
As much as you’d like to share those wonderful shots you’ve taken of your kids and family on vacation or other places, we suggest being careful about what images you are sharing on social media.

We know everyone is social these days and love to share all kind of stuff on Facebook, mostly photos with kids and cats. The question is: Is it safe, or even ethical to publish private images of your kids? To post or not to post?

The answer is NO, you should not do it. Here’s a simple and real life example: Imagine your parents showing your album photos since you were a kid to everyone on the street. You wouldn’t like that, would you?

Why? Parents should be concerned about their kids’ Internet safety and make a priority of it. Before over sharing photos or videos of children online, you need to consider the social and emotional impact on them. Also, check the privacy settings for any only social network you use and revise what you post. It might be useful to make those photos visible only for a closer group of friends.
see also, geotags, private conversations

from the comments:

brutuss100 ON OCTOBER 4, 2019 AT 7:52 PM
My kids keep getting pissed at me for telling them to stop posting bath and pottie shots, etc. both daughters naked (my grandkids)… They think I’m just acting old. This is why our society is plunging into an emotional abyss… a total disregard for social conscience.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2021-07-19 16:10:17)


Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

note dilbert is oddly quiet about right-wing mouthpieces breaching australia’s quarantine rules. guess it’s beneath comment when white people do it (and even make a point of it).
Yawn nope, stupid woman can pack her bongo and fuck off. That'll teach her.
You probably wouldn't have mentioned it if uzique didn't bring it up. Too many indians and jews to make posts about.

You do see how sour that can be, right?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

deeply creepy and weird to stalk his facebook and post his children here. no one needs to see that.

dilbert is this seriously how you envisioned spending your middle-age?
My life has worked out 1000% better than I ever envisaged.

That is Jay's public facebook profile pic. And if people don't want their kids photos on the internet they shouldn't take them to playgrounds - its parenting 101.

Speaking of creepy, out of everyone here who was it who moved to southeast asia to chase after young asian girls? There's a water buffalo in the room.
Do you think the good people of South Korea want a bile-filled gweilo after their daughters?

Your life and job literally involves nothing more than sitting on your ass, at work I reckon to get through a pair of shoes every 6-12 months. QED.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

You probably wouldn't have mentioned it if uzique didn't bring it up. Too many indians and jews to make posts about.

You do see how sour that can be, right?
I've already said Britain has achieved critical stupidity, this case didn't hit my radar but it does help prove it.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Uzique since you live in Korea, would you please head the investigation into finding the Azn man or men who cucked Jay?

Dilbert, not to be pedantic but I'm not sure South Korea counts as "Southeast Asia?" I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and call it a brain fart.

There's nothing inherently wrong with someone staying with their parents. Lots of economic downturns, expensive rent, low paying jobs. But does someone holding down a good engineering job really have much of an excuse for staying with their parents, without some other reason like caring for them in their elderly years? Other cases like expansive farmhouses that can support multigenerational living without people stepping on each others' toes I can understand.

Without any of that, it's seems meanly shrewd to take advantage of your parents like that if you've sufficient income to move out, and not a very solid platform from which to fire barbs at other people's life successes. Jay is like mentally handicapped or something, but at least he's got a home, job, kids (that he resents spending time with, I guess), wife, and maybe a completed deck. He still needs to update us on that.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Near enough.

I'm sure we've done this before but:

My situation is not ideal and certainly different. With boarding school, which was as close to Lord of the Flies as it gets - a boy did die, and university I was away from home much more than not.

For 10+ years after that between
- refurbishing a mansion - we had a complete upper floor for insulation and rooms bigger than most people's houses
- Subsidising my parents - living visa bill to visa bill but never paying interest
- trying to build a career in a not particularly easy or friendly industry - two of my colleagues had complete mental breakdowns
- trying to forge a path in national level sport
- dealing with the nastiest shit inflicted on us by others - literally the whole apparatus of govt out to destroy us, but we brought down a DPP and a Chief Constable and achieved some measure of justice, and ended the careers of two assistant chief constables, a chief crown prosecutor and probably people we don't even know about
I was there for my family and it was all pretty fucking tiring - meanwhile uziq is 'burned out' after a year of sitting on his ass in his flat and has abandoned his family to have a nice time abroad - during a pandemic.

Now we have a big house with plenty of space and I continue to support my family indefinitely because the alternatives aren't pleasant, for reasons I'm not going into.
Of course its financially efficient, otherwise its not conventional or ideal and I just have to eat the sideways looks without saying anything, not that I could care at this point.
The Morgan enquiry opens a few doors, some of the same people labelled corrupt are the same people we dealt with so we're thinking about that, if we can face it is the main issue, and the public interest in bringing down people who should be brought down so the next lot don't repeat it.

I've only criticised Jay for being a hypocrite and trying to inject stupid libertarian theories into everything.
Look at the Florida building collapse to see why it doesn't work in practice.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-07-20 20:51:52)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert wrote:

Hmm, very interesting. Thank you. Let's get down to brass tacks here though. Is your dishwasher working at maximum efficiency? Are your plates and cups clean? Does your house smell like cat? Please respond.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

deeply creepy and weird to stalk his facebook and post his children here. no one needs to see that.

dilbert is this seriously how you envisioned spending your middle-age?
My life has worked out 1000% better than I ever envisaged.

That is Jay's public facebook profile pic. And if people don't want their kids photos on the internet they shouldn't take them to playgrounds - its parenting 101.

Speaking of creepy, out of everyone here who was it who moved to southeast asia to chase after young asian girls? There's a water buffalo in the room.
Do you think the good people of South Korea want a bile-filled gweilo after their daughters?

Your life and job literally involves nothing more than sitting on your ass, at work I reckon to get through a pair of shoes every 6-12 months. QED.
who moved to south-east asia to chase after 'young asian girls'? . (it's east asia, by the way, nothing 'south' about korea's location; and 'gweilo' is a mandarin term, not korean.)

i think it says more about you than me when that's the first thing you think of when it comes to moving to another continent. there are asian women in the UK, dilbert. nobody uproots their life and travels 9000km for a fetish.

and haven't you been the one populating 'asian women' threads with posts for years? at which i only expressed distaste, or mockery?

i think you're projecting. speaking of which ... christ, are you having a meltdown today or what? nobody cares about your memoirs.

Last edited by uziq (2021-07-20 20:37:27)

Meanwhile uziq is 'burned out' after a year of sitting on his ass in his flat and has abandoned his family to have a nice time abroad - during a pandemic.
i didn't take any holiday or leave my family's home acre for 6 years. none of us have been abroad in that time for fear of being far away should anything happen. none of us could even mentally check out and 'relax', so holidays were senseless. after that, the year of covid lockdown, with nothing but work and family stress, was the final impetus to take some time for myself.

i spent 6 years keeping a bedside vigil for my brother. every weekend visiting – note i was living independently, as an adult, and not using tragedy as some excuse to sit at home like a sadsack piece of shit – and often times making the trip on weekdays, too, after work, if there was some medical emergency or a time of heightened concern.

after 6 years, it became a cliché case of 'time to live for the sake of him', rather than everyone sacrificing everything of their own lives, considering there is absolutely nothing to be done and no way of ameliorating the situation. i'm the only 'child' left in my entire family now, the only 'young' person who is still building a life, and all of my family agreed that it was senseless for me to spend my 30s, as i spent most of my 20s, within an hour of his bedside.

i had always spoken to my brother about my vague plans to go to asia for a year or two, initially to teach english and do the typical post-graduation thing. after 6 years of grinding away on nothing but a career and taking care of family things, now i'm in a position where i can actually work freelance abroad, make a good income, be stimulated in my work, and avoid teaching kindergarten kids their A-B-Cs in a lacklustre meme job.

i deed poll'd his name into my middle name, refreshed my long expired passport with it, and made a positive change in my life – for both of our sake.

you're not going to make me feel bad about being in asia dilbert . i'm not here as a depraved sex tourist with a fetish, and i didn't 'abandon' anything. you are really projecting so much in these last few posts. it reads like one big list of self-exculpation. 'yes i've stayed at home with mumsy and daddy for my whole life, but boarding school 35 years ago was really traumatic!'. get a grip and grow up.

Last edited by uziq (2021-07-20 20:55:23)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
the alternatives aren't pleasant, for reasons I'm not going into
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Please be careful with the low self esteem Korean women you deal with in Asia. (Only Asian women with low self-esteem would date outside of their race in Asia). Having a child with a girl you met on the opposite side of the world might feel like destiny but having a child to watch is no joke. Especially when the kid is only half your race/face.

Dilbert, I'm not going to spend a very long time belaboring a point, but the southern tip of South Korea is more northly than the southern tip of Japan. It centers at like 35 degrees N. Latitudinally, North Korea is close to southern Mongolia. Definitionally, Southeast Asia is to the south of China and the southeast of India.

Korea is not "near enough" to Southeast Asia. It's important to be specific with your racisms.

e: Imagine being lectured by an American on geography.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2021-07-20 21:04:08)

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