uziq wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
Believe it or not there's a pandemic happening
Also incredible as it may seem if 40,000 people decide to take a foreign trip every month the queue to get back in doesn't get shorter.
australia has the lowest rates of vaccination right now of any OECD country. you're at like 4-5%.
No we're at, like, 12% which is not good but AZ has been a disaster and the jews barged the queue and took our vaccines.
meanwhile you yourself evince vaccine skepticism and say you won't have it.
Dilbert_X wrote:
Got my jab, I can literally feel my RNA being manipulated.
Sprinkled iron filings on the injection site - no result
Tomorrow I'll check it with a RF spectrum analyser, but I'm guessing any microchips will need a polyphasic multi-frequency encrypted algorithm to trigger a handshake so its probably a waste of time.
half of australia is back under lockdown.
Um no it isn't
this will continue interminably as long as any every variant turns up on your shores (inevitably it will; you can't turn the whole country into a sterile zone).
Isn't it a shame that
- China kept this outbreak secret for months when they could have admitted a novel virus had escaped and a pandemic was in the offing
- China bullied the WHO into not declaring a pandemic and quarantining them when they should have.
you'll still be shaking your head no-no at a vaccine when the lambda and gamma variants are here (peru and brazil are brewing them up).
you're part of the problem but you don't see it.
UK full re-opening after 60-70% vaccination. sky-high cases but the same deaths as korea or taiwan.
it's almost like science works. but why am i telling you this? i thought you were the SCIENTIST.
Well then there's no prospect of vaccines keeping ahead of this thing so what is your solution?
Crimping international travel is a very small price to pay for containing and killing new variants of this thing, instead of allowing every variant to infect the whole world.