Republican "snowflakes" have been the counter-meme for a long time.
Some people become triggered about having to wear seatbelts when a reader board proclaims seatbelt patrols in progress. Sometimes my occasional passenger will get triggered when I ask them to buckle up. Seatbelt nazis or something I guess. Masks became a special kind of political trigger though, thanks to Republican/Trumpian efforts against pandemic countermeasures through politicization of the thing.
One of my family members I know will wear a mask without complaint when entering most shopping situations, but getting him to wear one at work or at a place like a mechanic is like pulling teeth. I'm convinced he thinks he'll be made fun of or ostracized or something, and he's probably not wrong. I'll drop him off to pick up his car and shout out the window about his mask as he walks away. He'll pluck it out of his pocket, wave it in the air, and then repocket it as he approaches the door to the place.
Funny thing, he was for masks starting before the CDC finally began to recommend them for the general public. Maybe if it had become thing before it became a liberal thing, maybe getting people to wear one would be less like herding cats.
Glad I got those shots, but annoyed at all this vax hesitancy. I don't want more giant, uncontrolled waves of this thing, because *I* care about the economy …