SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I went to the bar in the corner 2 weeks ago. First time in a bar in over a year. It was a sausage factory in there. Packed with men but only two girls one of which was in the group I went with. Yikes. Bartenders are new. Black people which is a first for that bar. The black girl bartender was actually cute. I could and would do her.

The most popular bar in town is on the other side of town and I would need to Uber there. Young people go there. It's like a high school reunion. A lot of the staff were good friends back in high school too. It's just needing to travel so far is blah if you are going alone. Sitting alone at a bar something I refuse to do.
I am all that is MOD!

I don't go to the bar alone when I'm at home, but it's something I'm used to doing in traveling for work or leisure.

I can imagine if I had a local pub below me or around the corner I might pop in by myself from time to time, but socal suburbs are zoned and designed in a way that isn't conducive to a neighborhood bar.
going out alone can be very fun. a stranger in a new city. a few drinks or half a gram in one’s pocket. it’s enticing. i’ve had some crazy experiences doing this. very fortuitous.

granted, not quite the same thing as revisiting your college town student bar and recognising half the people there. that’s a bit dejected in tone.

I do miss going out from time to time, playing pool with college buddies (don't miss having to dump quarters into the tables, at least have air hockey if you're going to make people pay).


Saved a ton on drinks. Stuck with sodas, iced teas. Depending on location there were decent deep fried pickles (sports bar), chow mein (bar conjoined with Asian restaurant), or pizza (bowling alley). I'd say "darn pandemic" but it had already been a few years since we met up anyway. Note that this is my "arts" class. The STEM one I took prior never does anything together.

As an aside, the bowling alley had tried its best to set up outdoor eating in years prior to the pandemic, but the city wouldn't let up on things they kept wanting them to change. First the brick wall was too short, then not high enough, then the pad was too small, but they didn't want to cut off a lane? Incredible amount of nonsense, so now it's just a bricked in concrete pad used to store things. These small-fry regulators need to just be straight with people on requirements and stop moving the goal posts. It's honestly a scourge in some towns.

It doesn't help that while struggling, they get those "the staff and facilities were very nice, but the bowling computers need updated. 1/5 stars" yelp reviews.
even though bars and nightclubs are open here, i haven't really spent much time in them, which is surprising. i loved bars and clubs in the UK. a year of lockdown and closed venues was a bit of a circuit-breaker on my relationship to nightlife and going out. everyone here just gathers in outdoor parks, at the han river (with beers and fried chicken, which is an odd pastime when you think about it) or even outside convenience stores.

the weather is so much better than the UK and convenience store drinking is way easier on the wallet than cocktail bars or whatever.

i pretty much only go to bars/nightclubs specifically for music now. as a drinking or social experience they are less and less good. still, nothing beats a good sound-system, an excellent DJ, and 6 hours of mind-melt and collective energy.
the weather literally anywhere in the world excepting maybe Ireland is better than the UK.

My fwp of the day is that I hate workplace sprints into the summer period. Everyone wants to get their shit done before all the kids get their summer break. The last 3 weeks I've been putting in 2-3 hrs of overtime almost every day. It's fucking rough if at 8pm the little time you have left is spent rushing for groceries, cooking, cleaning, laundry - it's groundhog day all the time.

I love what I do but can't wait for mid july to come.
really bro? belgium has better weather? paris gets more rainfall per annum than london. i know ‘english weather’ is some trope but, actually, i think there’s something to say for the pleasant english summer.

seasons here can be hellish. winter is siberian and arctic. summer is 100% humidity, stifling 33 degrees, and then it rains nonstop for a month (last year the monsoon season was uninterrupted for 3 whole weeks). i think the best time of year is really this spring and early summer run-up.

the U.K. doesn’t have droughts, wildfires or extreme weather phenomena. it snows 3 times a year. there is occasional river flooding. that’s it.

english summer, especially in the south and areas like cornwall, is pretty much perfect imo. not too hot and you still get the crystal blue sea, beaches, etc.

certainly nothing for a fucking german to be sniffy about. i’ve spent a winter in berlin. it’s a suicide factory.

Last edited by uziq (2021-06-16 08:16:23)

Whenever I've been it was either rain or dreary overcast, which I see now is weird because supposedly we have 2x as many rainy days.
spring has showers but it’s really not overcast for most of summer.

only brits can complain about their weather. it’s a rule. shut up you fake kraut.

Last edited by uziq (2021-06-16 08:19:37)

I am all that is MOD!

I was in London in the summer and it really was perfect weather.
thank you for defending our assailed island's proud climate against the vanities of euro-peens.

to rephrase my original point: the weather is has been so much better in the spring months that i've been here, which has been way more conducive to outdoor drinking and avoiding bars. but beer gardens, pubs, rooftop terraces, cobbled streets, soho, great city parks ... ah ... high summer in britain is a joy too. july–august here in korea gets pretty damn uncomfortable. sun is nice and all but i've never really been envious of the equatorial countries that have to spend noon inside near an air con unit.

also, fuck the climate: the UK doesn't really have mosquitoes worth talking about either. i am being eaten alive here at present.

Last edited by uziq (2021-06-16 11:07:58)


Two alerts at the top of my phone are Samsung's "new" legal terms (6/1) and account privacy notice (6/10). Quick skim, virtual novels in dry legal forms leading up with "we know how important blah blah is to blah blah" but no good summary for someone without 30 minutes to spare. Do I even have to tap agree to be considered to agree, or does my phone just assume I agree after a time limit. I'm trying to do work, not enter a blood pact.

It's a constant stream of "updated TOS" with these companies. Who has time.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My phone has been asking me to restart so it can finish updates for a few weeks now.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What do we say to the God of Updates? Not today.

If I see a big phone update I assume it's just going to change all my settings, scramble my icons, and randomize my UI. No thank you.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Huh nothing really changes when I update
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have had phones upgrade their Android version and makes things weird/new. I am not afraid of that. After my experience with Windows 10, I am more afraid of updates breaking features/components. Can you imagine if your phone uninstalled the drivers for your camera in an update?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Yea my last phone camera got worse each update. As in wouldn't work half the time, though they said they fixed it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Burger King gave me a paper straw. I had to drink my iced coffee very fast because paper straws melt. It's a good thing we banned plastic straws and bags though. It freed up a lot of space in the ocean for face mask.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I don't like mobile chromes new home or whatever you call it where you have to select continue browsing. I keep opening new tabs cause I'm not used to it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Colleague retired. She gave me keys to her cabinets and told me I can have anything in the room. I don't know if I am getting that room later so as instructed I put my name on everything including the chairs. The lady lives on the opposite side of the state and said she is not coming back for anything. I noticed a Mac monitor in the room. I tried to stick the monitor into one of the cabinets but felt shame and remorse when an aide saw me struggling to make it fit into a cabinet. So I put the monitor back where I found it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A lot to unpack there. Thank you for sharing.

I am not a germaphob but I do wash my hands after touching garbage, animals, plants and before touching food.

I make sure to scrub clean everything before I put it in the dishwasher. Time in the dishwasher should be "disinfectant time".

My personal living quarters can get a little messy as I have projects half complete/waiting on parts. I always make sure the spaces guest have to use is nice and clean though. I used the bathroom at a friend's house and it was a mildewy mess. Really makes you reevaluate who you're spending time with.

Also, you should never marry a girl unless you lived with her for a few years. You don't want a lifetime of disagreements over cleanliness.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

e: Later I'll flip a coin on self-destructing this post like macbeth.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Also, you should never marry a girl unless you lived with her for a few years. You don't want a lifetime of disagreements over cleanliness.
On a personal level, my home office workspace isn't always in pristine condition. I have a lot of things with limited storage space, so I sometimes feel like Gandalf searching for information in that loose paper library, with the light coatings of dust to sometimes go with it despite the best efforts of the air cleaner. But I do make efforts to not manslaughter people with my food prep, and am a proponent of surface decontamination, vacuuming, mopping, keeping "wet rooms" dried, and not wearing shoes inside.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I'm way behind on editing pictures cause I keep going out every weekend to take more.

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