
I still want to hear an actual, serious argument from you on why furry fetishism should be taught in schools.

Also I'm not here to kink shame you, but aren't furries and people into bestiality sort of on the same sliding scale? With the stuff posted here, your preferences seem to fall on like 60-80% human on hybrid cat-people. The ones in Cats 2019 were depicted as more or less cat-sized. Do you have a preference for people who are like 1' tall as well?
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
I like girls in cat make-up, thats as far as it goes, not so much the whiskers, mostly the eye make-up.

Works best on asian girls


Shouldn't schools teach tolerance for everything, not just that being gay is the ideal they should aspire to?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-06-14 06:42:52)

Fuck Israel
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7002|United States of America
It is my understanding that furries are weird in their own way and not necessarily or even predominantly into bestiality. I do recall listening to a podcast about a nascent fascistic movement in the subculture and how at least one convention worked against it.

Zeek is correct though in all our estimations of gay people range from like 3-8% of the population currently based on how it's defined and via self-reporting. If anything, the true number is a tad higher because of those who aren't sharing. It's certainly not lower than those estimates, though.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Now nerdzique is confused between bestiality and furryism.

Not having a great day with words eh.

Also no, I don't confuse homosexuality with people who aren't, so yes it is about 1% of the population.

How did nerdziques tedious worldview infect yet another thread?
you think gay people make up less than 1% of the world
population. that doesn’t accord with any statistical picture at all. the U.K. literally has an OFFICE OF NATIONAL STATISTICS that polls things like this. it’s 2% of the population at a minimum — and that’s people who self-identify as ‘homosexual’ on a census ffs. many many more people are on the spectrum of bisexuality or curiosity, without it being their avowed ‘orientation’ and public lifestyle.

the fact you think furries and homosexuals are equatable and equally popular is hilarious. one is an ultra-niche internet subculture; the other is a sexual orientation with thousands of years of cultural histories across multiple continents. but i’m sure bronze age man thought aurochs were totally hot. you pathetic bastard.

Last edited by uziq (2021-06-14 11:11:01)


DesertFox- wrote:

It is my understanding that furries are weird in their own way and not necessarily or even predominantly into bestiality. I do recall listening to a podcast about a nascent fascistic movement in the subculture and how at least one convention worked against it.

Zeek is correct though in all our estimations of gay people range from like 3-8% of the population currently based on how it's defined and via self-reporting. If anything, the true number is a tad higher because of those who aren't sharing. It's certainly not lower than those estimates, though.
Either I heard the same podcast or one similar to it. It's reasonable to assume that some of them are just into anthro stuff without being sexually into it. But it wouldn't really surprise me to learn or be reminded that some of the high profile bestiality perps in recent decades have had commissioned fursonas.

Dilbert seems to be saying that every kink and fetish should be taught in sex-ed because homosexuality is a topic. It's not an honest argument, but one intended to shut down talk of homosexuality.

I think furries can plug sex-ed into their kink without fursuits having been explicitly covered in-class. Instead, how about some more anti-bullying assemblies/classes on tolerance so that boy with the My Little Pony backpack can hope for a week without a black eye?
the rhetorical line dilbert is taking is standard homophobic stuff. the notion that homosexuality is a 'perversion' and thus opens the floodgates to all forms of degradation and sinful behaviour. it's an 'open the floodgates'-type argument.

the fact he doesn't understand the objectives of teaching sex-ed in a balanced, neutral way, so that young human beings can discover their sexuality amongst other human beings in a respectful, consensual, and most importantly safe, way, is not surprising. turning animals into objects of sexual desire is not the same thing. human beings enter consensual relationships; sexuality is an expression of their humanity. finding cats a turn on, not so much.

i'm very live-and-let-live about anyone's lifestyle choices, on the broad liberal grounds that, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, it's strictly the individual's business. but this is not an argument about tolerance. this is one of those hoary old christian-moralist arguments about turning society into a valueless, amoral hellscape as soon as you open the door to let 'the gays' in. dilbert's animal kinks here are merely a rhetorical dogwhistle. he still can't see homosexuality as anything other than an aberration -- which is why he tries to make out its a statistical rounding error. same old bullshit from him, couching his petty views in a sheen of scientism.

https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulation … ityuk/2017

In 2017, an estimated 93.2% of the UK population (49.2 million people) identified as heterosexual or straight, continuing the decline from 2012 (94.4%).
and, again, this is self-reporting and self-identifying, with all of the inherent biases and sensitivities involved, on an official government poll. under-reporting is surely the norm.

Last edited by uziq (2021-06-14 20:37:39)


Obviously the commie liberals are lying about being gay just so they can pump those numbers up. It was on the agenda panel of gaycon 2016.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Now nerdzique is confused between bestiality and furryism.

Not having a great day with words eh.

Also no, I don't confuse homosexuality with people who aren't, so yes it is about 1% of the population.

How did nerdziques tedious worldview infect yet another thread?
you think gay people make up less than 1% of the world
population. that doesn’t accord with any statistical picture at all. the U.K. literally has an OFFICE OF NATIONAL STATISTICS that polls things like this. it’s 2% of the population at a minimum — and that’s people who self-identify as ‘homosexual’ on a census ffs. many many more people are on the spectrum of bisexuality or curiosity, without it being their avowed ‘orientation’ and public lifestyle.

the fact you think furries and homosexuals are equatable and equally popular is hilarious. one is an ultra-niche internet subculture; the other is a sexual orientation with thousands of years of cultural histories across multiple continents. but i’m sure bronze age man thought aurochs were totally hot. you pathetic bastard.

While every major religion has equated homosexuality with bestiality and decreed the enthusiasts of either are to be put to death, furryism has a long and noble tradition stretching from the dawn of time to the present day.

Do I really have to educate you on this?
Fuck Israel

What nonsense. "Furryism," as you call it, is described in modern context as a relatively recent phenomenon. A subculture with roots in comics, conventions, and zines. Very far cry from tribal totemism or whatever. You can't just decide that you're attracted to cartoon catwomen and say "but bro, my prehistoric roots." Pfft.

I guess you don't even understand your own fandom. Goes along with your "love for science" when it suits you.

(You have also made clear your derision for organized religion.)
lmao dilbert thinks ancient egyptians were furries.

pantheism and the belief that animals have 'spirits' or embody certain deities, or human ancestors, is NOT the same thing as finding a cuddly fox a turn-on.

you fucking kook. hahahah. all those ancient egyptians getting hot n heavy over their pet cats whilst the jews built the pyramids outside. you LITERALLY cannot make this stuff up. it's almost as if reading history is a good idea.

next he'll be telling us that ganesha and other hindu gods with animal forms are evidence of a long history of mixed-species breeding. and what was all that about leda and the swan in the ancient greek pantheon ... egads!

someone explain to dilbert once more the difference between myth/mythopoeic symbolism and history please. i'm going to get vaccinated.

Last edited by uziq (2021-06-15 06:01:44)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
All nonsense.

Furryism has been central to humanity since before the beginning of civilisation.
It predates religion

The problems of the modern world are due to people turning away from the true path and adopting gay worship, amongst other depravities.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-06-16 07:04:33)

Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

you think gay people make up less than 1% of the world
population. that doesn’t accord with any statistical picture at all. the U.K. literally has an OFFICE OF NATIONAL STATISTICS that polls things like this. it’s 2% of the population at a minimum — and that’s people who self-identify as ‘homosexual’ on a census ffs. many many more people are on the spectrum of bisexuality or curiosity, without it being their avowed ‘orientation’ and public lifestyle.
But how many people are furry-curious?

the fact you think furries and homosexuals are equatable and equally popular is hilarious. one is an ultra-niche internet subculture; the other is a sexual orientation with thousands of years of cultural histories across multiple continents. but i’m sure bronze age man thought aurochs were totally hot. you pathetic bastard.
Right so what is the tipping point for a minority to be acceptable and mainstream instead of derided?

I'm sure there aren't anywhere near as many gays as they'd like us to think there are.
AFAIK it does really hover around 1%.

Shouldn't kids be taught tolerance for minorities, not just gay-worship?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-06-16 07:05:42)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
As the senior LGBT researcher here, I have stats for you.
A record number of U.S. adults – 5.6% – identify as LGBTQ, an increase propelled by a younger generation staking out its presence in the world, a poll released Wednesday shows.

The survey by Gallup marks more than a 1 percentage point jump from the last poll in 2017 in which 4.5% of adults identified as LGBTQ.

The estimated 18 million adults who identify as LGBTQ represent a continued upward trajectory since Gallup started tracking identification in 2012, Gallup senior editor Jeff Jones said.

“It reflects what we are seeing in society and the way society is changing,” he said. 

One of the biggest headlines in the 2020 poll is the emergence of Generation Z adults, those 18 to 23: 1 in 6, or 15.9%, identify as LGBTQ. In each older generation, LGBTQ identification is lower, including 2% or less of respondents born before 1965.
Gen Z being 16%  LGBT is probably pretty accurate for where the population is. The older generations have a lot of closet cases while the younger people are willing to just run with it. Internet probably has a big effect on those numbers. For instance, junior LGBT researcher Desert Fox discovered he is bisexual after subscribing to a YouTube tranny's videos.

Dilbert_X wrote:

All nonsense.

Furryism has been central to humanity since before the beginning of civilisation.
It predates religion

The problems of the modern world are due to people turning away from the true path and adopting gay worship, amongst other depravities.
It's amazing to me that you edited this post, then sat back and thought "yeah that still looks good." You really are a furry, or an ironic furry, who doesn't understand his own fandom. Cranking out some of the strangest ascriptions I've ever seen, and misrepresenting religion and myth in the process.

Even the wacky neopagan stuff about spirit animals and totem quests doesn't really go into furries and being sexually attracted to demihumans and animals. My description was correct. I'll ask you for advice on CAD stuff but certainly not history and human thought.
furryism central to humanity for longer then religion

the cave paintings at lascaux … furry pornography? make u think

I am not an "expert" in religion and myth. I took a few classes in college, and read the rest of my way through it. But nowhere have I ever found a description of Neolithic man yiffing it up in a hotel orgy after a hot and sweaty day at the Baltimore convention.
humans have obviously had a profound relation to the natural world and animal kingdom for as long as we have been sapient. close inter-living with animals was a fundamental part of early agricultural civilisations.

we ascribe spiritual powers to animals. always have done. we also have ascribed spiritual potency to places: hilltops, deep forests, deserts, the sea.

man is a meaning-making creature. myth and symbolism, a thick tapestry of folklore and wisdom, have been integral to it. ovid representing an historical fruition, for example.

to say that’s the same thing as furry kinks is so fucking laughably bizarre. i actually love it. total delusion.

Animism/etc. != "furryism" is something dilbert is just going to have to have a breakthrough with on his own, I think.

The history of the furry fandom is the collective history of science fiction, cartooning, animation, tabletop gaming, role-playing, costuming, and countless other fan communities. Anthropomorphic, or human-like, characters have existed since the earliest examples of human artwork. However, dedicated fans to this genre, in the context of modern fandom, have only come into being in the last forty years.

Fans of funny animal characters, such as those seen in Disney animation and comics or underground comics such as Fritz the Cat, formed the first organized groups in the mid-1970s as artist-centric Amateur Press Associations. Concurrently with the independent comic book boom of the early 1980s, numerous titles featuring anthropomorphic characters rose to prominence, including Albedo Anthropomorphics, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Usagi Yojimbo.

As a result of the popularity of these works, fans outside of the preexisting funny animal artist groups organized the first general fan parties in the mid-1980s. Based around the shared appreciation of animal characters, the gatherings initially took place at room parties at science fiction conventions, but notably consisted of fans of comics, media such as Star Trek, or even literature such as Watership Down. The diverse population of attendees at these early general parties was the first to dub themselves furry fans.
I mean, there it is described by a furry wiki. I was even going to mention Star Trek as something more on the furry wavelength than ancient history.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Regarding furries. The newest craze among them is that creature from the new Ratchet and clank.

What even are they supposed to be?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I googled it. Bipedal cat like creatures. Aliens.
dilbert is the best (worst) example of bloody-mindedness i have ever seen. he is 'mr. double down'.

the sad joke is that he likes to present himself as the most 'rational' and 'scientifically minded'. i don't think there's much about the enlightenment's scientific values that involves doubling down in the face of contrary or new evidence. if he even cares for evidence at all, that is.


Last edited by uziq (2021-06-16 11:15:00)


Not the first time I've seen that meme passed around today, crazy.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
All nonsense again.

Furryism has been around in various noble forms all the way from this:


Through this:


Right up to this:


Its you guys who are weird frankly
Fuck Israel

Wholly out of context. This is kind of pathetic regardless of whether you're trolling or actually believe your own words. Even huge furry nerds say it's not old. I'd take their word over someone who at once conflates biblical myth with history but doesn't respect religion (or history).

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