The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

For democracy to work you need a strong civil society, independent judiciary, a good balance of power with the bureaucracy etc - where was all this in former colonial nations?
None of those are a 'lack of institutions', the problems are graft and corruption.
If the average individual in a country is fine with graft and corruption its inevitable an attempt to impose it from the top down is going to fail.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-02-11 16:10:24)

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I am all that is MOD!

Graft and corruption flourish where civic institutions are weak.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
So why are civic institutions weak in these places?

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SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Because they haven't let Jesus into their hearts.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Larssen wrote:

For democracy to work you need a strong civil society, independent judiciary, a good balance of power with the bureaucracy etc - where was all this in former colonial nations?
None of those are a 'lack of institutions', the problems are graft and corruption.
If the average individual in a country is fine with graft and corruption its inevitable an attempt to impose it from the top down is going to fail.
I just can't be bothered to explain all this. It doesn't matter whatever anyone writes on this forum, within a day or two you'll revert to your usual extremely racist routine. You have the memory of a goldfish and the cognition of a seven year old. What's the point? You should count yourself lucky that you were born in one of the wealthiest places in the world with all possible opportunities at your feet. Yet instead of recognising this fact and showing some awareness that the safe, structured, prosperous society you grew up in really helped you on your way vis-a-vis some kid who was born in Liberia, you appear to ascribe your successes to your skin colour and the failures of those born in lesser circumstances on their genetic inferiority.

Say you grew up somewhere in the Congo or indeed Liberia, you would probably have no access to education or really any modern infrastructure and may well be caught in various violent conflicts. What's the best you could aspire to living in those circumstances? Sure as shit wouldn't have had a free ride to an engineering degree from imperial eh?

It's so beyond ridiculous that somehow you seem to expect that within a handful of generations all African and Middle Eastern peoples should just 'get along' and 'be like us', while they were, mind you, subjected to centuries of hardship through either colonisation or the cold war. They were not the masters of their own destiny until fairly recently. And up until that point, the powers that were did their damndest to keep them down and under control, building the entire local society and economy to facilitate the subjugation of the natives.

Of course there's a discussion to be held about domestic issues that have their own causes, but you're wilfully, purposefully blind to whatever contextual factors are at play that made the world what it is today. And in your stupid confusion and lack of understanding it seems as though you're not able to conceive of much else besides simplistic shit like 'black ppl dumb', 'middle easterners corrupt' and 'asians are twofaced'. You strike me as dangerously vapid with every post. How is it even possible to live on this planet for some 40+ years and still not be able to move beyond this shit? READ a book for christ sake.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

It's so beyond ridiculous that somehow you seem to expect that within a handful of generations all African and Middle Eastern peoples should just 'get along' and 'be like us'.
However when they do have multiple generations living in western countries they barely progress - how do you explain that?
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SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Their religion holds them back when they move to Europe. Things wouldn't be perfect for them but a lot of them would do much better if terrorism wasn't a constant issue the poor Europeans had to go through. The Coptics and Maronites (who did nothing wrong) are good people.

Yeah, dilbert should probably stop with these maps and the flawed comparisons between them. Recently with France vs. British Empire lol. Even of we want to go down this flawed route, ignoring many other factors at play, there are areas of blue in his spammed democracy map that do coincide with formerly French areas.

Stick with being all "history is for losers" dilbs, this doesn't suit your persona (fursona?).
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Dying in wars is for losers.
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SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We should ban ties.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The newest thing conservatives are mad about: Satan Shoes.
Almost 350,000 comments. I have never seen so many comments on a news article.

Basically the shows are a tie in for a music video in which the rapper goes to hell and gives Satan a lap dance. There's a lot of funny stuff in this controversy. The onion had a good take.
i still think america has a serious issue processing the concept of 'gay black man'. it's another turn of the screw.

probably the same reason why frank ocean lives in japan.

If it wasn't for the Onion not being cropped out I might have believed it of them.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why are Muslim countries like this?

The western world is up on a medium horse at best. Women are still fighting to free their chests from clothing laws and boobs are still viewed as sexual. Even in places where it's legal I imagine people could get into confrontations over it, or the police might not know.
how incredibly disingenuous to make out that bangladesh is 'the muslim world', when hindu india, right next door to it, has an even worse set of statistics for sex crimes and gender inequality. it's an issue with south asia generally, which is to say it's an issue with the developing world. this is not a 'muslim problem'. many muslim countries – as you well know – are extremely puritanical about sexual relations and any sort of public cat-calling.

the fact a guy was there too and they were staring also weakens the argument that it's some 'predatory' or 'sexually problematic' muslim culture. they are rich tourists dressed in a western way on a beach in a shit-poor part of the world. no shit that people stare. you will get stared at in china or gambia too. add that to the fact that the population density and lifestyle in bangladesh is very different to the western norm: of course locals don't find it strange to hang around in huge groups on the beach. have you seen a street scene in dhaka?

if this girl wanted a remote beach island with polite (that is, subservient) locals who know not to stare at the wealthy tourists, she should have paid for the seychelles. instead she got bangladesh, a place whose GDP/capita is $1800. that's lower than angola and the republic of congo.

i think the more interesting question is why you constantly want to fight a vainglorious culture war against islam from the frontlines of new jersey. isn't it all, i don't know, a little 2004 and passé? you're pulling out of your two-decades-long embarrassments now, you can all start forgetting about bad muslims.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-31 21:55:34)


Not to mention that men in America, etc., can be incredibly pervy about how they interact with women. I wonder how many videos of women are on Mac's subreddit were taken on the sly by hidden cameras or sneaky smartphone angles, or unapologetically upfront. Not quite as far as rape but still deeply uncomfortable.
why are americans like this, everywhere in the world, regardless of local laws and customs?

USFK members, foreigners hold no-mask parties on Busan beach amid pandemic


US soldier apprehended for assaulting 3 Koreans

i think i prefer the beach in bangladesh TBH.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Not to mention that men in America, etc., can be incredibly pervy about how they interact with women. I wonder how many videos of women are on Mac's subreddit were taken on the sly by hidden cameras or sneaky smartphone angles, or unapologetically upfront. Not quite as far as rape but still deeply uncomfortable.
people stare in different cultures. eye-contact or close physical proximity is not considered as 'rude' or an 'affront'. it's a whole different cultural semiotic. yes, it can make a westerner uncomfortable to be stared at – i get stared at all the time here, and it's not like in the west where one averts one's gaze when eye-contact is made. the stare is held for as long as they want to look.

if you're going to go to an incredibly poor foreign country, you know you're taking risks with your health and safety. but getting stared at by crowds of people, who have likely never seen a rich western person before, is not exactly having a rough time. i don't know anything about the girl who posted that video, frankly i don't care to, but she seems sheltered and clueless. again, bangladesh is not the caribbean.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-31 22:22:27)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

how incredibly disingenuous to make out that bangladesh is 'the muslim world', when hindu india, right next door to it, has an even worse set of statistics for sex crimes and gender inequality. it's an issue with south asia generally, which is to say it's an issue with the developing world. this is not a 'muslim problem'. many muslim countries – as you well know – are extremely puritanical about sexual relations and any sort of public cat-calling.
Pakistan is worse than all of them.

Inbred muslim indians - If you wanted to create a D+D character which wasn't allowed to roll any dice for attributes that would be it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
because marrying cousins is the sole preserve of pakistani muslims, isn't it?

did you miss the part where it was the guiding custom and principle of europe's bourgeois and elite for several centuries?

isolated and poor communities everywhere feature a healthy dose of incest and beastiality. the new forest in the UK, for instance. or the deep south in the USA.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Well Pakistani muslims are positively encouraged to commit incest today, doesn't really compare with what happened in the forest of dean centuries ago.
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100 or 120 years is not exactly a long time. victorian or edwardian families were marrying cousins. and the upper-classes were pairing off with far closer relatives at their hunt and debutantes balls.

did you miss freud? one of the most influential western thinkers of the 20th century? his entire psychoanalysis is based around feelings of incest in the bourgeois family.

what contributes to poor gender relations and incest (such as it exists) in places like tribal pakistan today is the same as what contributed to it in england's isolated forest communities all of three generations ago: poverty, lack of education, deprivation. paired with an outdated and atavistic concept of property/marriage dowries and you're away to the proverbial races.

it is not 'islam'. how you can point at islam and accuse it of being especially bad for incest or sexual crimes when europe's great and good (the hapsburgs? ffs) turned incest into a high-art is beyond me. LMAO.

Last edited by uziq (2021-06-01 06:19:29)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I wasn't really pointing at islam, but indian and muslim seems to be a really bad combination.

Plenty of third world countries manage to largely avoid incest, pakistanis positively encourage it - even when they're in first world countries.
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