The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
One day their heads are literally going to explode.

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
I am all that is MOD!

uziq wrote:

the video means nothing to me except as a testament to the utter senselessness of american public life in the 2020s.
Growing up in OC, it was well-known that HB is/was a bastion of white supremacy. There's a weird mix of 40-something loser beach bums and older white people who can't afford to leave because they bought their house 30 years ago and it's worth more than they made over their whole careers. It's a fucking cess pool and I don't recommend anyone go there.

Tito Ortiz is the Mayor Pro Tem. All you need to know about that city.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
First they said we had to support the troops. Then they said we had to support small businesses. Then they said we needed to support the police. Now they are saying we need to support the Jews.

I am not saying I don't support the Jews. But I resent this guilt trip about Jewish people being attacked in NYC by black people. This isn't like the attacks on the innocent Asians. All the Jews need to do is to dress like normal white people and stop trying to cause scenes whenever they go places.

I really want to see more "conservatives" hash it out with each other over this conflicting platform of supporting Israel but still hating Jews.
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
I'm looking forward to when Israel decides its in their best interests to flip sides and ally with China.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
american conservatives like pro-israel jews. there's a weird symbiosis between zionism and evangelicals. even though both theologies technically state that the other group will be excluded in the end-of-times. the important thing, in the short-term, is that they both want to usher in the fucking end-of-times.

lots of evangelicals go to israel to do charity work. it's a really weird quirk of american religion.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

american conservatives like pro-israel jews. there's a weird symbiosis between zionism and evangelicals. even though both theologies technically state that the other group will be excluded in the end-of-times. the important thing, in the short-term, is that they both want to usher in the fucking end-of-times.

lots of evangelicals go to israel to do charity work. it's a really weird quirk of american religion.
They just like that the Israelis kill Muslims.

I forgot who said it but I heard it once argued that 9/11 was the worst thing to ever happen to the Palestinian movement (aside from everything else).
the palestinians have scored a lot of own-goals in their own struggle to become the world's most-sympathized-with-people. like the whole arafat thing. and the whole continuing hamas thing. still, israel are clearly the oppressor and the wrong-doer in this situation.

there's probably a lot of truth in the observation that american evangelicals have taken a 'the enemy of my enemy is a friend' approach w/r/t muslims.


uziq wrote:

the video means nothing to me except as a testament to the utter senselessness of american public life in the 2020s.
Growing up in OC, it was well-known that HB is/was a bastion of white supremacy. There's a weird mix of 40-something loser beach bums and older white people who can't afford to leave because they bought their house 30 years ago and it's worth more than they made over their whole careers. It's a fucking cess pool and I don't recommend anyone go there.

Tito Ortiz is the Mayor Pro Tem. All you need to know about that city.
now explain this:

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

still, israel are clearly the oppressor and the wrong-doer in this situation.
Both sides are awful. The Israeli government is extremely racist in ways that other 'despotic' countries aren't. If you are a black American for instance, you would probably be treated better in Iran, Russia, or China than Israel. That said, if the Palestinians controlled the area they would convert all of the Jewish and Christians sites to Mosque or destroy them like the Muslims do all over the Middle East to this day. The GDP of the region would be two orders of magnitude lower if the Jews never set up shop there. The place would be a total shit show.

"It's a pity they both can't lose."
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
Once again, historically Palestinians haven't been particularly muslim and haven't historically subscribed to radical islam.
Jews are Palestinians after all.

The jewish invasion and persecution of non-jewish Palestinians drove them to Hamas, Lebanon wouldn't have Hezbollah if Israel didn't keep attacking them etc

Lebanon and various regional places have been trading hubs over the years.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Jews are Palestinians after all.

it's amazing that when i make an argument for law-abiding, community-contributing, safely coexisting muslims in the UK or other european countries you go into apoplexies of religious rage and keep talking about grooming gangs. but then when it suits you you'll say such bilge as 'the palestinians haven't been bad muslims historically'. hahahaha

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-27 19:11:04)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

Once again, historically Palestinians haven't been particularly muslim and haven't historically subscribed to radical islam.
The vast sum of Sunni Muslim extremism has its roots in Israel giving the Arabs lessons on modern warfare. 9/11 itself was inspired by the bombing of Lebanon. Of course the U.S. gave the Islamic world a lot more to be angry about in the near past but Palestinian nationalism is like Serbian nationalism: nothing good has ever come of it. The world would probably be a better place if Israel managed to push out all of the Muslims from the area and made them into Egyptians, Syrians, and Jordanians.
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

it's amazing that when i make an argument for law-abiding, community-contributing, safely coexisting muslims in the UK or other european countries you go into apoplexies of religious rage and keep talking about grooming gangs. but then when it suits you you'll say such bilge as 'the palestinians haven't been bad muslims historically'. hahahaha
Before Palestine was invaded were the non-jewish Palestinians causing any trouble?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
there was literally a 5-year arab palestine revolt before the founding of israel. you're not very good at the history of colonialism are you?

maybe it's because you can't admit that britain ever did anything wrong in the region.
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
And what caused the Palestine revolt exactly?

20 Years of jewish invasion and terrorism no?

The only wrong thing Britain did was letting the jews in.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
are you seriously, really suggesting that palestine and the holy lands was a peaceful area before the arrival of zionists in 1900?

laughing my fucking ass off
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
Probably no more disrupted than any other part of the worl, did the jews bring peace to the region?

Pretty sure they brought terrorism and genocide, that was their plan, again.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
the holy lands 'no more disrupted than any other part of the world'?

jesus christ read a fucking book. i can't think of many other territories that have been as hotly contested throughout history.

the periods when they've enjoyed relative peace and stability have mostly been when ... they were ruled over by an occupying empire. LMAO.

Pretty sure they brought terrorism and genocide, that was their plan, again.
remind me when and how muslims first conquered palestine, again, in the 7th century?

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-27 19:47:18)

The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
So your argument is jews and muslims don't really have any more claim to the region than each other or anyone else, and certainly not an exclusive one.

Personally I'd be fine with the world giving the Palestinians refugee entry and fencing the place off.
When Israel is 90% orthodox and no-one works the place will disintegrate of its own accord.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
both groups have historical claims to the region. it's probably worth paying attention to the actual history --- something you seem singularly incapable of, thinking, bizarrely, that 'jews are from egypt' and 'jews are palestinians, after all'. you are totally incoherent on this point. the jewish people have been there since the late bronze age. the palestinian 'people' didn't even exist until relatively recently, and is effectively an admixture created by numerous colonial powers (roman, ottoman, british).

in any case, considering islam didn't even arrive in the levant until the 7th century AD, it's safe to say that what you think of as palestinians now, i.e. arab-muslims, are a later identity formation than the jewish tribes which are on the archeological record there from 400 BC. amazing what a basic grasp of history will do, isn't it?

to say that the holy lands and jerusalem have been peaceful and 'no more disrupted than anywhere else in the world' is laughable. the holy lands have been the focal point of conflict and territorial gains/losses for literally two millennia. it was a hotbed of rebellions and uprisings even during the roman era. the only time, again, when it hasn't been an area of strife and contest is when an empire was squatting on it.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-27 19:59:48)

The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

So your argument is jews and muslims don't really have any more claim to the region than each other or anyone else, and certainly not an exclusive one.
Reading comprehension FTW

Why do the jews think they have exclusive rights and everyone else can GTFO or die?

Why do american jews largely support this view?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-05-27 20:13:36)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
zionists believe they have an exclusive right, but this view is not unique to jewish theology.

did you miss the part where christians and muslims both fought over jerusalem and believed it was theirs?

are you genuinely interested in the history of zionism? i doubt it. whenever anyone mentions the mandate or the british empire, you put your hands over your ears and start saying la-la-la. whenever anyone tries to explain to you that opposition to zionism within judaism has a long counter-history, you make some inane remark. jews, particularly in western europe and latterly in the US, have been vocal opponents of the zionist project since the 19th century. freud is on record speaking against it. as is einstein. but you aren't interested in this.

americans in general are pro-israel, yep. the israel lobby definitely has an influence on capitol hill, and christians generally are more sympathetic to jews than muslims, especially post 9-11. but to make out that one group making exclusive claims on the region is an aberration is funny. read a book, i sincerely implore you.
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
Are you saying zionists don't believe they have an exclusive claim?

Why do the majority of American jews support zionist israel?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
'reading comprehension ftw'

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