Yeah I don't think intelligent aliens have been here and it's doubtful they would treat us any different than we do undiscovered amazonian tribes at the moment: as a fly-over area. If they're smart enough to figure out interstellar or even intergalactic travel, why consider contacting a species that is still restricted to its own orbit.

Apart from that, some astro- physicists and biologists are quite certain life is only possible on a handful of planets in the entire galaxy, that number being even smaller for intelligent life. We'd probably be tremendously lucky to live in the same timeline as an intelligent star-travelling species.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-05-23 01:20:30)


Dilbert_X wrote:

First nuclear detonations were in the 40s, first h-bomb in the 50s, learn to history.
i was thinking of the hydrogen bombs when i mentioned a 'small nuclear explosion'. hence why i made passing reference to bikini atoll. if you really think an alien civilization is paying attention to gnat's farts like that on the cosmological scale, then lol. as i said, there are weather systems on other planets in our solar system that absolutely dwarf a h-bomb.

consider the putative space-travel technology required to even get to earth at the speeds reckoned. so they detected our first tiny (even by today's nuclear missile standards) nuclear explosion in the mid-40s, and got here for a peak of UFO activity in the 50s and 60s? they could traverse inter-galactic space in 5 or 10 years to ... check out a small plutonium core explosion? lol. the fucking engines in their spacecraft would be far, far more sophisticated. it would be like taking the concorde to go and peer at a rickshaw.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-23 01:26:34)


Larssen wrote:

Yeah I don't think intelligent aliens have been here and it's doubtful they would treat us any different than we do undiscovered amazonian tribes at the moment: as a fly-over area. If they're smart enough to figure out interstellar or even intergalactic travel, why consider contacting a species that is still restricted to its own orbit.

Apart from that, some astro- physicists and biologists are quite certain life is only possible on a handful of planets in the entire galaxy, that number being even smaller for intelligent life. We'd probably be tremendously lucky to live in the same timeline as an intelligent star-travelling species.
a small cavil here but actually, contemporary and current exoplanetary research is turning up a surprising picture. there are many, many planets which could support life in our galaxy. the earth is nowhere near as unique or special as we (have) like(d) to imagine.
I don't remember where, but vaguely remember reading an estimate of there being maybe 20 planets with intelligent life in our galaxy.
you're thinking of so-called 'superhabitable zones', which is a category based on several huge assumptions of finding life very like our own (or even in conditions better than earth's own).

the real goalpost of exoplanetary research is the regular 'habitable zone', of which there's at least already 4000 and counting. really it's a matter of pointing the telescopes at a patch of sky and crunching the math. we are finding them all the time. … exoplanets

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-23 01:29:56)

On a galactic scale that number is still kinda trivial. I imagine many may be quite inhospitable too.

This is the article I was referring to … ions-is-36

I miss MS Space Sim. Wish MS would revisit that, though not in a games-as-a-service format.
on a galactic scale we have looked at about 0.005% of the total sky. of course the number is 'trivial'. we haven't fucking looked very long or hard! exoplanetary research as a discipline is about 15 years old.

it's worth pointing out that research into 'habitable zones' is based on real observation from telescopes. all the extrapolation and conjecture about 'intelligent civilizations' is based on the drake equation. we move from computer modelling and data to something much more hypothetical.

the article you linked is a press release based on the astrophysics journal that i edit. lol. you're not telling me anything new. the ApJ is one our journals!

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-23 01:38:26)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
We have a lopsided view of what a 'habitable zone' is.
And as we know once life exists it can transport itself and make uninhabitable zones habitable and/or adapt to it, there's a word for it, like biostasis- which is also relevant.

A nuclear bomb going off may well be a gnats fart but equally it may well have a very distinct signature, and if someone is looking for it maybe they'll find it.

We can see supernovae that happened billions of years ago and half way across the universe, we can look up and see the same in our own galaxy when they happen. If someone in our galaxy were actively looking for nuclear explosions I'm sure they'd detect them.

Unless faster than light travel exists, and its improbable, its not likely we have been visited, but its fun to think about.

The only wackaddodle theory I think is plausible is that life may well not have originated here, and it may have arrived multiple times.
The differences between bacteria, macrophages, viruses, octopi and vertebrates for a few being too extreme to seem likely to have developed in parallel and independently. If they did then its probable it happened elsewhere.
Fuck Israel

You'd need some kind of sensor or telescope and data transmission that could feed you real time information from across the stars, and a vessel or probe already stationed or able to travel massively FTL to our planet for any meaningful alien reaction to a bunch of primates splitting the atom.

Multiple E.T. origination theory for life on earth seems more far-fetched at a glance than simply successful life here being quite adaptable to the vastly different and rapidly changing environments of this world.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

Where are you exactly?
Outside of NYC. I assume the topsoil must be thin but my area wasn't heavily developed.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Depends where though, from google it is in the region 0-50m below surface
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Thank you. So what will it look like when I reach it? Will it just look like concrete?

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2021-05-25 08:06:12)
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Um well apparently there are all kinds of rocks around NYC 50:50 whether you're on sedimentary or metamorphic.

Speaking of metamorphic rocks

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-05-26 02:02:05)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

Um well apparently there are all kinds of rocks around NYC 50:50 whether you're on sedimentary or metamorphic.

Speaking of metamorphic rocks
Thank you. I googled 'ordovician metamorphic rock' and found this picture of what the rock will look like.
So when I reach the bed rock, it will just be pure rock for miles underneath it? How far down in the soil will I continue to find bugs? Is soil 25 meters down different than soil 1 or 10 meters below the surface?

Thank you again
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I don't know anything about soil but zero knowledge has never stopped a hipster pontificating so I don't see why I shouldn't make a wild guess and say past about 2m you won't find any bugs.

25m down soil will be highly compacted and have little organic material.

Further down apparently it looks like this.
Fuck Israel

I don't seem to recall a single time when having zero or poor knowledge on a topic has ever stopped you from having a strong opinion on it.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
My opinion is as valid as anyone's knowledge.
Fuck Israel

Uziq wants to keep things focused, on track, and in serious mode at least in this section. So I thought I'd post something from our very serious US politicians.

So how about it libruls? Got an answer for this gentleman?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
The best option at this point is to terraform mars.

Far easier than maintaining the form on terra.
Fuck Israel
my hypothesis is: if dilbert got laid with a woman who wanted him once in the last 10 years, he could have spared us 10,000 posts of bile and claptrap.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
People like you are the reason we need to terraform Mars
Fuck Israel

People believe in things like lizard men, flat earth, 5G corona, and don't trust vaccines. How are you going to convince them to go live on Mars? Things would have to be preeeetty bad here.

What if the Martians don't want us sullying their hotels?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Vaccines always carry a risk, I'd prefer to make that choice myself.

Rushing into it for spurious reasons to accommodate selfish people, when chances are the virus has already overtaken the vaccine?
I'll take that decision myself when it suits me.

Meanwhile we really really could have killed this thing by locking down and cutting travel, all we needed was for people to just not be stupid.

An extra three months notice would have been great, probably wouldn't have made much difference thanks to stupidity.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-06-12 04:47:07)

Fuck Israel
‘chances are the virus has already overtaken the vaccine’. lol. it’s almost … as if … thousands of scientists … are keeping an eye on this very thing …

but yes, dilbert and his ‘chances’. superior scientific mind at work!

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