
So I guess a GOP candidate to replace Liz Cheney admitted having sex with a 14 year old as an 18 year old to "get ahead of a story" about it that was going to come out. Likened it to a Romeo & Juliet thing.

"This really is a message about how dirty politics is. They'll stop at nothing, man, when you're in the lead and you're somebody who can't be controlled, you're somebody who works for the people. They'll come after you. That's why good people don't run for office."


Even addressing it seems like the barest of formalities. For the Trump GOP, it's probably enough if he supports Trump and opposes a Republican who stood up to Trump. War of the scumbags.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

So I guess a GOP candidate to replace Liz Cheney admitted having sex with a 14 year old as an 18 year old to "get ahead of a story" about it that was going to come out. Likened it to a Romeo & Juliet thing.

"This really is a message about how dirty politics is. They'll stop at nothing, man, when you're in the lead and you're somebody who can't be controlled, you're somebody who works for the people. They'll come after you. That's why good people don't run for office."
U.S. House candidate Anthony Bouchard had a relationship with and impregnated a 14-year-old girl when he was 18, he told the Star-Tribune late Thursday, hours after he disclosed the relationship in a Facebook Live video to his supporters.
Bouchard’s ex-wife killed herself when she was 20, he said. Online records list a woman with her name as being buried at a Jacksonville, Florida, cemetery in 1990. The Star-Tribune is choosing not to identify her.

“She had problems in another relationship. Her dad had committed suicide,” Bouchard said in the video. … 32eda.html

Holy shit, he got her pregnant at 14, married her and moved her across the country at 15, and she kills herself at 20.

This guy straight up ruined a girl's life.

As I understand it (and I don't understand it well), her family virtually booted her when she didn't abort, and she had problems in some other relationship. None of which makes me think he's isn't the scumbag here. Definitely isn't "the Good Person who can't be controlled by no deep state!"

They were legally married under Florida state law a year after the pregnancy. 19 and 15. lol

*hollis crickets*
mmmf mmmf mmmf
lady was dumb for not pulling over after 2 minutes. cop was dumb to use a pit maneuver
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

lady was dumb for not pulling over after 2 minutes. cop was dumb to use a pit maneuver
It was significantly more dumb to run the bitch off the road. I have heard police actually advocate pulling over in crowded areas in response to rapist pretending to be cops abducting women on the road.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

SuperJail Warden wrote:

RTHKI wrote:

lady was dumb for not pulling over after 2 minutes. cop was dumb to use a pit maneuver
It was significantly more dumb to run the bitch off the road. I have heard police actually advocate pulling over in crowded areas in response to rapist pretending to be cops abducting women on the road.
But yeah you should pull over on the short shoulder. If a speeding car takes the cop out while he is going to give you a ticket, you will get to be on 'America's wildest videos' and Reddit snuff subs.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
Pretty stupid and dangerous, I hope she wins the case.

I bet if she had pulled over the cop would have gone apeshit for putting his life in danger by pulling over in a dangerous spot and she'd be on an attempted murder charge or shot.

I don't even know why police bother pulling people over for minor traffic offences, just put the ticket in the post.
There's no swaggering around and giving people orders I guess.
Fuck Israel

I don't agree with rthki that she was dumb. Besides the reason mac mentioned:

I've heard of cops chewing people out for pulling over on a narrow shoulder. People assume they'd rather get out of their patrol car onto a surface that isn't a lane of traffic. I've heard people explain that after pulling off into a gas station or something, and be cheerfully thanked for the thought. She put flashers on. I know some cop shops prefer recruiting the dumb, but how many brain cells does it take to put that particular two and two together.

It's bizarre that the pit was so abrupt. I was under the impression in that past that due to the danger it was one of the last resorts. I've seen chases go on for much longer before it's attempted (or even authorized?). But I guess its use is on the rise according to that chart. Unfortunate.

If this is valid force for I guess a 15-over speeding "pursuit," then we need a lot more flipped and rolled cars in Washington, say 10 in every 15 I see on the highway sometimes. Cops here must be dropping that ball. Maybe the state can mandate a remote explosive in every car manufactured past 2024 that police have the triggering frequency for.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't even know why police bother pulling people over for minor traffic offences, just put the ticket in the post.
There's no swaggering around and giving people orders I guess.
Seattle inspector general urges elimination of routine traffic stops by police
mmmf mmmf mmmf
The cop is retarded and should have just followed her for 5min before doing anything. But she's still dumb. 2 minutes is a long time. I don't think just putting hazard on and changing lanes is enough. You have an initial reaction, and then nothing for 2 minutes. 3 by the time she got to the exit.

Yes I've heard everything said above. I've also heard
Call 911 and get them to tell the officer your situation, probably would have been pitted before she got anywhere.
Stop, traffic was light and while dark modern cop lights are bright as shit, when he comes up say you dont feel safe there and want to go to the next exit. Worst outcome is he see yours black and shoots you.

do 2 idiots mean less pitting. Hopefully
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
She was a danger to exactly no-one, no reason to cause a collision - which was probably lucky not to clean up someone else too.

Its expected the average citizen might be an idiot, cops who are idiots shouldn't be employed.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The unfairness of this situation is comical. The lady was trying to be considerate and not get the cop pulling her over turned into a 4chan gif and he decides to flip her car.

RTHKI wrote:

The cop is retarded and should have just followed her for 5min before doing anything. But she's still dumb. 2 minutes is a long time. I don't think just putting hazard on and changing lanes is enough. You have an initial reaction, and then nothing for 2 minutes. 3 by the time she got to the exit.

Yes I've heard everything said above. I've also heard
Call 911 and get them to tell the officer your situation, probably would have been pitted before she got anywhere.
Stop, traffic was light and while dark modern cop lights are bright as shit, when he comes up say you dont feel safe there and want to go to the next exit. Worst outcome is he see yours black and shoots you.

do 2 idiots mean less pitting. Hopefully
If she started fumbling with her phone at that time, distracted driving could probably just be another thing the cop could write her up for. She didn't initiate the pit maneuver, the cop did, and very quickly too. This sentiment is present in many memes: untrained citizens shouldn't be the ones under scrutiny for failing to deescalate things with our hothead LEOs.

There's a growing amount of stories where people get into some shit with unreasonably impatient traffic police for pulling over where they feel safe, or where they think is out of the way of dangerous traffic. It's mixed messages. You're always told "pull over where it's safe to do so, pull over where you feel safe, use indicators." This cop is all like "no you pull over immediately."

She didn't have the opportunity to explain shit. Zero concern from the guy's voice, too. "Can you get out? Come on out." Her overturned vehicle at that point might have been the only thing between her and getting her face ground into the pavement under his full weight.

I've seen more professional cop roleplays on GTA Online videos.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
Damned if you do damned if you don't.

Remember the mods on this forum?

If you brought up a topic which already has an old thread "AWM: Do a search noob!"

If you brought up an old thread "AWM: No necroposting!"

Does power make people over-bearing assholes or do over-bearing assholes seek out power?
Fuck Israel

Mods were sometimes under pressure from administration and members alike to "perform." There were a lot of people flooding the reports system with their petty rivalries. If mods didn't do anything about it, they weren't "doing their job." And if they did, they were being dictatorial. There were expectations that mod x should handle stuff exactly like mod y, and attempts made to uniformize penalties for stuff, but it's all just becomes bad blood.

An aside, getting modded actually came as a bit of a surprise. Previously I'd milked an AWM for all the troll I could get out of it. I even have an ancient user thread I posted the contents of in EE(?) at some point in recent years. I think the last thing I ever did here as a mod was handle a complaint about something from jay? I don't know if that was before or after the Christmas-parents thing on the pandemic thread. Generally though there's not really a lot to do. I can't even merge the bot posts anymore since bots aren't getting through. There's not a lot of people here and members know each other on different platforms. Policing stuff seems rather pointless. You'd probably have to do something really egregious to get banned.

I don't think forum moderators are that comparable to police. Police are trained (to questionable standards, I guess), paid, and an encounter with one could end your life. I don't remember being briefed to curse users into submission.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
So defensive little one, perma-bans were serious shit.
Fuck Israel

I'm just being up front, not defensive. I guess my point isn't that dictatorial mods aren't a hassle, but rather that despotic internet moderators aren't very comparable to police officers.

Remember AWMs for thread bump/necro? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me sometimes. Some places both disallow bumping, and creating duplicate topics. Like, what are you supposed to do if you get in trouble regardless? Not a problem if bumps are kept defined to keeping a post refreshed with no useful information, problematic if a user is attacked for adding useful information in an old post, or creating a new post for the same information.

I bumped my own mod thread in user discussion 3 years after it was made and considered it a completion of a long game troll I didn't even know I was playing until then. Varegg hotlinked an image in the same thread. I like to imagine someone AWMd him for it, good times.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Way too many people were banned in the past on these forums. Popular members producing tons of post getting perm banned by uninteresting absentee mods was a serious problem.

I am still annoyed that usmarine was perm banned by Ultrafunkula after being away from the forum for months. Marine already had the most post of any user meanwhile Ultrafunkula was some uptight north European who was modded along with half a dozen other Scandinavians for some reason. The Scandinavians mods were the worst. Extremely uptight, sanctimonious, and boring people who genuinely believed they were better than everyone else because people hyped up "SwEdEn" back in the early 2000's.

Quick-checked, none of the mods who were super-active in usmarine's 25 page long thread are active at all anymore. Forum's been gutted like a grenade alley on Strike at Karkand.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
A smart kid would be able to post USMs 25 page long thread here, or at least PM it.
Fuck Israel

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Way too many people were banned in the past on these forums. Popular members producing tons of post getting perm banned by uninteresting absentee mods was a serious problem.

I am still annoyed that usmarine was perm banned by Ultrafunkula after being away from the forum for months. Marine already had the most post of any user meanwhile Ultrafunkula was some uptight north European who was modded along with half a dozen other Scandinavians for some reason. The Scandinavians mods were the worst. Extremely uptight, sanctimonious, and boring people who genuinely believed they were better than everyone else because people hyped up "SwEdEn" back in the early 2000's.
i have said this about 1000 times.

even sourpusses like dilbert act affronted that im still not perma-banned for *checks notes* flaming him once in 2007.

with whom would he have argued, constituting his sole social contact, for the last 10 years?

wasn't DICE originally a swedish or norwegian studio? i think bf2's development was scandi.

Last edited by uziq (3 years, 9 months ago)

The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
You were *checks notes* permabanned multiple times basically for being yourself.
Fuck Israel
and i still provided more life and entertainment to this forum than any varegg or roc18 mongoloid.

Dilbert_X wrote:

A smart kid would be able to post USMs 25 page long thread here, or at least PM it.
Let's make it fun. Here's the last two pages: assignment is to fit a name to the mod#. Passing score 3/8 correct.

posting here because who cares wrote:

mod1 wrote:

Sick of his new account already. Still the same provocative little child he always is. It's incredible how he refuses to not only grow up but show the smallest bit of maturity. I still just ignore everything he has to say but I still want to give him a smack upside the head every time he responds to a post or tries to engage me. Just a poor quality human being all round.

mod1 wrote:

Got another little snide comment from him before. He gets one more then he's gone.

mod2 wrote:

the rugby karma?  nah, it's gotta be something else...

on a separate note...I am in full support of marine NEVER coming off limited.  Can you would be like having another Roc.

and also we should limit

mod1 wrote:

mod2 this has been going on for at least five years now, never mind that I've had nothing to do with him since the last time I told him to sort his shit out, (about a year ago.) Since then it's been constant little jabs, provocations and insults so try and get a response from me which I have ignored. But I don't see why I should have to cope with such a miserable git who a long time ago ceased to add anything positive to this site. If he leaves me alone I can quite happily ignore his conduct on the forums but if he wants to get a reaction from me personally that reaction is going to take the form of a ban and nothing else. I'd explain the situation to him in the hope he'd back off but I know from experience that this does not work.

mod2 wrote:

yeah, I get it.  <3

mod1 wrote:

Also rugby does not suck.

mod2 wrote:

maybe that's marine's boyfriend's name and he was trying to tell you something...

mod3 wrote:

This guy really is a waste of space. All he does is spam those damn pictures and stirs shit up on purpose since he doesn't have anything better to do.

mod4 wrote:

I gave him a temp, he spammed 13 reports in a tiny span of time. I checked them and none of them were off topic ect.

mod5 wrote:

What turns a grown adult into an old fart?

mod4 wrote:

Not sure, frustrating since he is a not a stupid person. Maybe the Internet has made him crack.

mod2 wrote:

They were spewing their usual, "I want you in my butt." IS spam and off topic. Am I not seeing this correctly?

mod4 wrote:

Couple were not but most were.

mod5 wrote:

Didn't go beyond a page as I recall.  Just friendly banter.  I was amused.

mod3 wrote:

Back to posting pointless stuff after the ban.

mod4 wrote:

Yeah we had an exchange back and forth over PMs. He is in a fit of rage.

mod2 wrote:

I dunno...right now I feel like banning him without regard to what anyone says and then keep banning all his accounts just like drooz.

He is about as useful...

mod6 wrote:

What happened?

mod3 wrote:

mod6 wrote:

What happened?
Basically... this.

I think it's time for marine to go troll other forums. For good.

mod4 wrote:

You would get no argument out of me.

mod3 wrote:


mod2 wrote:

Thank god. Now comes the "fun" part.

mod5 wrote:

How old is he?

mod4 wrote:


mod5 wrote:

mod4 wrote:


mod3 wrote:

I think he's -77 or -78.

mod2 wrote:

banned another account.

name of account: mod2 has a FUPA...

had to google it and I am highly disturbed with the amount of thought he has been putting into my

mod7 wrote:

isn't it funny that the two people recreating account after account are so different yet so similar? A 30-something former marine with a respectable job and a socially awkward teenager.  And they share a common thread in that they are disgruntled former members with a penchant for trolling this site.  o.O

mod4 wrote:

The internet strips us down to some kernel

mod1 wrote:

I wish I had an "I told you so" dance to do right now. Hell, I'll improvise.

mod2 wrote:

So...he made a new account...

I just don't get him...

mod3 wrote:

How about an ip ban on him since he probably don't know how to fiddle with it like androo?

mod1 wrote:

He's still a tit. How long do we tolerate him this time?

mod2 wrote:

He has always been a tit, will always be a tit but I have barely noticed him since he can't spam stupid pictures and "mods r fags" crap.  I have become a big supporter of this limited account stuff.

mod6 wrote:

tbh, I haven't really noticed him lately

mod1 wrote:

The limited account stuff is good but I always found Marine most annoying for his snide underhanded comments and moaning. Unfortunately limited accounts doesn't bring about a personality change.

mod8 wrote:

Shock therapy, tbh.

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