
That's not pragmatic at all. Calling it even shortsighted would be too generous. In some cases, send them back to what homes exactly.

Dilbert_X wrote:

So send refugees back to their homes, not expect every other country in the world to shoulder the burden of a tiny selfish minority.

dictionary wrote:


a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
"tens of thousands of refugees fled their homes"

Dilbert wrote:

send refugees back to their homes
You moron
thick as mince.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, deal with the symptoms not the disease. Have you considered a career in medicine?

Just think, if the UN had lanced the suppurating boil that is Israel and not allowed the persecuteion of all the neighbouring countires we'd have about 10 million fewer refugees to deal with right now.

Probably wouldn't have had Gulf War I, 9/11, Afghanistan or Gulf War II to deal with, we could have been focused on containing actual threats like Russia and China.

Makes u think
Fuck Israel
huge parts of medicine are about treating symptoms and managing illness rather than eradicating it. ever heard of palliative care?

well done at misapplying a poorly formed analogy to geopolitics, though.

and nice try, but the migrants dying in boats are often from former colonies in west africa/the sahel, or failed states like libya (courtesy western intervention). palestinians are not creating the refugee crisis.

Last edited by uziq (3 years, 10 months ago)


Did Israel even have military involvement in the first Gulf War besides, if you want to count it, being hit by SCUD strikes?

re: medicine, treating symptoms can be an important part of eventually getting rid of the actual illness or preventing further injury/disability/etc.

stress alone can make you sick.

Wandering a bit,

A prominent feature in the history of Iraq was the Brit-botched drawing of their borders without taking into consideration the politics and ethnicities in the area. Without Mandatory Iraq (itself a separation from the Mandate for Mesopotamia), would the Gulf War have happened?

T.E. Lawrence Foresaw the Middle East’s Problems (But No One Listened)
100 years after his proposed Middle East map, remembering Lawrence of Arabia’s ignored insights.
https://www.insidehook.com/article/hist … e-listened

“The [British] Cabinet raised the Arabs to fight for us by definite promises of self-government afterwards…. It was evident from the beginning that if we won the war these promises would be dead paper, and had I been an honest adviser of the Arabs I would have advised them to go home and not risk their lives fighting for such stuff.”

-T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 1926
Lawrence himself presented a proposed map of the Middle East to the British cabinet. Deborah Amos noted on NPR’s All Things Considered that Lawrence “strove to recognize tribal patterns and commercial routes” and tried to take “into account local Arab sensibilities rather than the European colonial considerations that were dominant at the time.”

Ultimately, the British chose a different, particularly colonial method of mapmaking: one literally drawn with a ruler.

Straight Lines for a Crooked World

In 1916, Sir Mark Sykes, operating on Britain’s behalf, and Francois Georges-Picot, France’s representative, drew a new map for the region. Syria and Lebanon would fall under French influence, while Britain took much of Iraq and Palestine.

This was, to put it generously, shortsighted. The Arabs felt betrayed and were understandably embittered. Soon enough Britain and France saw their spheres of influences slip away.

Beyond this, the new national borders ensured future tensions and outright violence, as can be seen by examining the northern region of a place that has received a great deal of American attention in recent decades.

“F—-d Over in a Major Way”

A writer and editor for publications including LIFE and Epicurious, Michael Y. Park traveled throughout Kurdistan in 2012. (His brother had previously served near the region with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.) If you look at a map you won’t see Kurdistan—which lies in northern Iraq and the surrounding region—but you’ll certainly hear about it if you go there.

“People would talk about Kurdistan as opposed to Iraqi Kurdistan or Turkish Kurdistan or Syrian Kurdistan,” Park told RCL. “They talk about Kurdistan as one region.”

Much of Kurdistan is located in Iraq. The people are Kurds, but also Iraqi. How did they view that relationship?

“There was no relationship between Kurdistan and Iraq,” Park said simply.

Military force had kept the Kurdish region a part of Iraq. One of the places Park visited was Halabja, site of a chemical attack by Saddam Hussein on the Kurds: “There’s a big memorial to the victims.” On March 16, 1988, bombs containing mustard gas were dropped, killing as many as 5,000 civilians.

Saddam remained unrepentant to the end. On trial in 2006 for this and other genocidal crimes that killed as many as 180,000 Kurds, he declared: “My message to the Iraqi people is that they should not suffer from the guilt that they killed Kurds.”

The Kurds suffered thousands of deaths in the most depraved manner possible, in large part because two white, European men jammed them into a country with which they otherwise had no real connection. Park summed it up bluntly: “The Brits f—-d everyone over there in a major way.”

These particular atrocities didn’t have to be—Lawrence’s map had called for the Kurds getting their own homeland back in 1918.

Understandably, Lawrence’s reputation among the Arabs suffered when it became clear that his British compatriots wouldn’t keep their promises. Anderson wrote in Smithsonian that Sheik al-Atoun—a modern tribal leader in Jordan whose grandfather had fought alongside Lawrence—saw Lawrence as a man who ultimately served the British interest: “May I speak frankly? Maybe some of the very old ones still believe he was a friend of the Arabs, but almost everyone else, we know the truth. Even my grandfather, before he died, he believed he had been tricked.”

Another video for the pile of American cop stuff:

Probably wouldn't have gotten much of anything definite out of Hollis here.

I like the clip where the cop uses a baby as leverage to break down a door.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The show "Cops" has been denounced as Copoganda by leftist and I can see that. I genuinely wonder if they would have aired the scene if the cop tipped over the baby carriage while leaning on it. I have to watch the scene again to see if he was even kicking the right part of the door. (You are supposed to kick where the handle is to break it. Hitting the door at the center does nothing.)
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
I brought up a long time ago it was funny that in 'Cops' whenever a black person did something minor they were slammed into the pavement whereas white people got a mild ticking off.
Fuck Israel
and yet you claim time and time again that racism doesn't exist anymore, 'slavery ended hundreds of years ago', and BLM don't have a point.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
You really have not been paying attention.

I've said racism is alive and well in everyone, black BLM activists included, not just white people.

Putting blacks or any other ethnic group in a position of domination isn't going to change it, it will just mean we're subjected to their racism - and progress will go backwards.
Fuck Israel
‘you’ve not been paying attention’ says the guy who still insists, one year on from BLM, that it’s a movement asserting ‘black dominance’.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
There's never been any movement which didn't want dominance.
Fuck Israel
i thought you claimed christianity was all about loving everyone and looking out for others, as opposed to the group?

your deluded and illiterate generalisations don’t even have the simple benefit of being consistent.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
Why wouldn't anyone want peace and love to displace everything else.

Once again, there has never been a movement which did not want to achieve dominance.
Fuck Israel

The "peace and love" can rather be a veneer, can't it. Too often it's conditional.

I wonder how many blogs and articles I could find of Christian families disinheriting their gay children, with the support of their church. Even find some where the poor kids are run out of their community.
dilbert doesn't actually care about that. he just wants to use christianity, palestinians, and even ancient egypt to prop up his racial hierarchies. he will dragoon any group, whether it's the religious or militant islamists, to punch down on someone he sees as inferior. the actual worldview of ancient egypt, like the history of christianity or the religious beliefs of palestinians, does not concern him.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The "peace and love" can rather be a veneer, can't it. Too often it's conditional.
I think you nearly understand religion.

I wonder how many blogs and articles I could find of Christian families disinheriting their gay children, with the support of their church. Even find some where the poor kids are run out of their community.
Well the old testament says kill all gays, the new testament says everyone should be gay.
Its easy to see why people are confused.
Fuck Israel

Me, "nearly understand it?" And you do? The person who thinks history is a waste of time, understands religion, a subject very tied to history.

You're the one who flopped out that "peace and love" business.

I'd love to see what part of the new testament you say tells people to be homosexuals.

It should go without saying that I don't fully "understand religion" in its broadest sense. What a vast topic, even if we were to keep it completely confined within all the permutations of Christianity. Outside that, how many old gods and their origins/mythos have been utterly forgotten?

It would be weird to me if someone who devotes their academic energies to learning about this stuff merely decided to stop under the assumption that they learned it all.

Nice gotcha anyway, set up the troll bait with the Christian love and peace garbo, someone points out that even modern Christians are often shown not sticking to that, then you jump out of the bushes. "HA! Looks like you neeeearly understand religion. My point about Jews stands."

The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
Fuck Israel

I bet that made all the other students in fourth grade giggle.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
Its funnier than saying gays should be stoned to death.
Fuck Israel


Woman ‘hoarding fuel’ catches fire after crash during attempted traffic stop in South Carolina
https://wgntv.com/news/trending/woman-h … -carolina/

Just everything about this article. Using a fire graphic for a burn victim, hoarding fuel in your trunk, running from police while you have a bunch of fuel in your trunk.

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