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I think myself that I'm good attack helicopter pilot. Then I take good co-pilot with me and HE gets lots of kills! HE uses the TV missle to destroy enemy choppers, and HE can get like 6 kills with just ONE missle! And HE can take tanks out with TV missle! And then when we go to kill infantry, if enemy has just one flag HE gets massive amount of kills! But then when I go to co-pilot the other guy (usually) doesn't fly well and I can't get kills b/c he doesn't know how to fly good so = chopper not steady = I can't hit anynody.

So if he like gets 40 points I get just half of it and I thinks it's somehow unfair because he couldn't get those kill without good pilot, he just needs to shoot...
+50|6923|Cambridge UK
I agree actually, i'm relatively new to chopper piloting but it is hard to get points though combat. Flag capping with choppers is effective, but risky.

You DO have your own missles though don't forget that...
i agree with this totaly, butu i cant think of a fair way to reward the pilots cos if they wer rewarded 2 points for each of the gunners kills their scores would be the sam at the end
prehaps driving ability points or somit
EBC Member
+56|6974|Cambridge, England
Join a tournement like EBC or a clan, then you can take it in turns with other good pilots and then the points will just roll in because not only will you be with an other quality pilot/gunner, you will be able to comunicate through ts or other like programs. There are many Clans and tournements like the one in my sig. that are looking for new members.
Hm, well you do get a pretty high Teamwork score.

However it annoys me that your k/d ratio is almost every time negative.
In my opinion a pilot should only use his rockets vs another heli.
The Gunner should be able to handle other threats on his own with the tv guided/20mm if the pilot knows about his field of view.
Fantasma Parastasie
Just take turns. And if you pilot well, you're bound to get a few kills and not die = +KD

'nuff said
I agree with this, thats really unfair.... the pilot should earn more driving ability points!
i agree with you. i have a k/d ratio of 3.84 with choppers. and i am always the pilot... so you can get some kills with the chopper as pilot too...

but i totally agree with you, my gunner gets every time A LOT of kills!!! often more than 40 kills and sometimes 70-80 kills

that pisses me a little bit off!!! but he is a really good friend of mine so i forgive him ;-)
I love [fiSh]
Take a look at FLTSIM-2005 (http://bf2s.com/player/47495174/). I know him since the Gulf Of Oman Demo Version and this guy flies only - now tell me, you cannot make kills as pilot.
it was fun to fly those U.S choppers before they changed the machine guns accuracy on the choppers. I remember taking spawn ans getting atleast 10-20 driver ability points cuz people was whoring from the chopper machine guns, since they changed that, its fun to fly, but not as rewarded as it should be

Last edited by [1.8.7]TheHemphog (2006-05-30 05:08:45)

Fantasma Parastasie

fierce wrote:

Take a look at FLTSIM-2005 (http://bf2s.com/player/47495174/). I know him since the Gulf Of Oman Demo Version and this guy flies only - now tell me, you cannot make kills as pilot.
hahaha I love that guy, played against him on a Kubra server yesterday. gunned his chopper down with a jet about 5 times IAR (just aim for the cockpit) he got pissed off and tried to get me in a jet himself.. well, he left about 20 seconds later
If you cant get points as pilot.... then you suck , My buddy can get 80+ a round and i will be right behind him with 60-70+
I L0v3 C4k3
ye!, i never get to be 2nd pilot:(
always fly:/

PuN!sHer wrote:

I agree with this, thats really unfair.... the pilot should earn more driving ability points!
Naah, us pilots need something to bitch about!

What I'd like to see, is disabling the seatswitching.. It's damn difficult for any gunner to TV down a rotating chopper (with no pilot at that moment as the TV missile from him is coming your way), and impossible to lock on with a jet (although the guns are still equally as effective).
I need around tree fiddy.

[1.8.7]TheHemphog wrote:

it was fun to fly those U.S choppers before they changed the machine guns accuracy on the choppers. I remember taking spawn ans getting atleast 10-20 driver ability points cuz people was whoring from the chopper machine guns, since they changed that, its fun to fly, but not as rewarded as it should be
ahem, that's the BlackHawk, not the Apache that the rest of us are talking about.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Fantasma Parastasie

DonFck wrote:

PuN!sHer wrote:

I agree with this, thats really unfair.... the pilot should earn more driving ability points!
Naah, us pilots need something to bitch about!

What I'd like to see, is disabling the seatswitching.. It's damn difficult for any gunner to TV down a rotating chopper (with no pilot at that moment as the TV missile from him is coming your way), and impossible to lock on with a jet (although the guns are still equally as effective).
#1: erm, practice? try hitting a chopper doing a barrel roll. The closest you can get with solo choppering is to lean right before switching, making it harder to aim anyway

#2: Not since 1.3
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6869|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
On a map like Ghost Town I am much better flying the chopper on my own.  I have a macro set up so I can easily use the gunner's TV missile but mostly I just fly around super quick in the Apache doing missile bombing raids.  Having a gunner make you slow down and hang in the air which makes you a sitting duck for AA, AT and gun-mounted vehicles.  I can't speak for the rest of the maps but I always do better on my own on Ghost Town.
+129|6886|Bristol UK
I totally agree with the above (Top of thread), you should get double assist points or maybe they should come up with skill points for pilots. You can kill tanks and other chopper etc with the rockets but you have to straffe the target, tanks not so bad but choppers you have to attack from side on, which usually ends up with you flying into them, but you get the kills . I have a problem with not being able to get a good gunner. as im not be at either (not good but not bad) pilot/gunner.
+18|6966|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
If you have a good gunner and you can help him get about 30-40 kills, and get even 10-15 kills with your rockets, you end up with 50-70 points and your gunner will have around 70-90 or so....the attack chopper WAS designed to be a killing machine for the GUNNER, and the PILOT's job is just to keep the GUNNER alive
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savking wrote:

i agree with this totaly, butu i cant think of a fair way to reward the pilots cos if they wer rewarded 2 points for each of the gunners kills their scores would be the sam at the end
prehaps driving ability points or somit
Why not 2 points for pilot? Because without good pilot the co-pilot couldn't get any kills! So it's fair that pilot would get 2 points because pilot has important role helping gunner killing infantry, tanks and choppers. IF the pilot isn't good pilot, the gunner ends up with no kills and probably the pilots hits tree or being take out by another chopper or doesn't undertand when to go to repair or where to go to repair! Hard to explain, u guys understand?
Simply: bad pilot = no gunner kills!
good pilot = lots of points to gunner but no to pilot!

fierce wrote:

Take a look at FLTSIM-2005 (http://bf2s.com/player/47495174/). I know him since the Gulf Of Oman Demo Version and this guy flies only - now tell me, you cannot make kills as pilot.
How can you be sure that HE'S not the TEH _gunner_?

jimmanycricket wrote:

Join a tournement like EBC or a clan, then you can take it in turns with other good pilots and then the points will just roll in because not only will you be with an other quality pilot/gunner, you will be able to comunicate through ts or other like programs. There are many Clans and tournements like the one in my sig. that are looking for new members.
I'm under 18 years so clan or tournaments no for me.
+17|7056|South Africa
I know its not correct but i like it when the pilot uses his rockets on ground targets, i have a low end gfx card and my "TV" has very low fps so while i can turn it and hit stuff 90% of the time i like to know that once my shot is off, the pilot is also going to let a few missiles rip for good show. I personally like to use my rockets as often as possible.They just look so cool streaking towards that lone sniper and if i have a gunner that aint on voip i allways shoot a few at targets to get his attention.

jjrp02 wrote:

If you have a good gunner and you can help him get about 30-40 kills, and get even 10-15 kills with your rockets, you end up with 50-70 points and your gunner will have around 70-90 or so....the attack chopper WAS designed to be a killing machine for the GUNNER, and the PILOT's job is just to keep the GUNNER alive
I love [fiSh]

Hacial wrote:

How can you be sure that HE'S not the TEH _gunner_?
Flying with him?
It's very simple, fly the chopper alone. Your team gets one more man on the ground, and you are at least as effective on your own.
dunno what u guys are talking about, when im piloting with a good gunner, i end up with like 10-2 score and he has 50-2
so thats 100 points for him, and for me a 70 points and a silver star...
you just have to find the right gunner!
i often saw my gunner focused on a heli that was passing by, while i could shoot a few guys on foot walking in front of us... a gunner can't see everything...
anywayz just find a guy that can gun & pilot, so u can switch per round

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