Sounds like you slept through Black Panther 2RTHKI wrote:
Another night another dream. More like 4 but I only remember one.
It was a world of genetically engineered superheroes. Like The Boys plus Jurassic Park
Some were made by a cult on an island 20ft offshore. We went there to free Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle. I kept asking why we didn't just kill everyone there or have mr The Flash use his speed to kidnap him back. Never got an answer
They even had Ancestry score. 10% human, 20% other. 25% ape. 45% generic
A bunch of the first ones looked like Planet of the Apes and killed a lot of people. They felt bad and started dressing like British judges.
It ended with a discussion of why super-brains the color of African American's skin wouldn't be accepted by certain individuals even though you wouldn't see them outside the body.
I had half a pizza. Does that count as cheese, duno