SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There was 20 years between OKC bombing and Trump. Which group was running the score in terms of destruction and terrorism in those two decades?

Sure, I guess the government could have done more to clamp done on white nationalism during those two decades. But I feel that Trump personally made manageable friction into a fire.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

i find it really hard to talk about the 'problem' of muslim immigration when islamic terrorism was brought to the west as a consequence of western foreign policy. the muslims didn't just decide to wage a holy war on the states for no reason.

like dilbert, it might surprise you to learn that not many muslim migrants are salafists or wahhabists.
We have been through this before. The United States has victimized a bunch of different culture groups and civilizations yet Islamic civilization is the only one to react with widespread violence against innocent people. The pattern is true for other places also.

I acknowledge that individual Muslims can live perfectly fine lives wherever. But I think that once Muslims reach a certain threshold of the population, they get involved in organizing and identity politics that is detrimental to public harmony.
the same could be said of just about any moiety in a social grouping.

but whatever. you keep your ahistorical pet theories about muslims. it's really not an interesting conversation to have for the 300th time. ultimately your reading of it is over-determined by some weak-piss trad-cath 'culture wars' trip that you're on.

The pattern is true for other places also.
i'm really not sure about that one. the british empire had the role that the united states' pax americana until recently took over. how many indian/pakistani or african separatist terror attacks were there? how many irish catholic ones were there? yeah, the IRA were by far the most active and most dangerous terror threat to the post-imperial UK for several decades.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-15 07:45:55)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

yes right timothy mcveigh and the militia movement were created by *checks notes* turkish immigrants living in europe.

i'm sure any number of other phantasmal and imaginary enemies, like 'big government' or 'african-americans' or 'jews', would have stood-in as the radicalizing catalyst for white nationalists. the important thing is the structural Other, it's hardly specific. the 90s were full of survivalists living in idaho or montana and talking about zionism and the new world order.
African American culture is a subset of western culture. African Americans have done well in promoting American arts and media. Jewish conspiracy theories are fundamentally linked to Nazism and therefore basically unappealing. I don't dispute that a lot of white people would still find something to be mad about.

I think it is more likely that instead of utopian multiculturalism being obtainable there are just some things incompatible between groups that makes coexistence in the same space impossible. You can sympathize with BLM and also want Islamism to stay far away from our nation. You could even be a black person and hold the view that Islamism isn't good for you and your community.
I am all that is MOD!

The west has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed westerners. The US has killed more Muslims than the other way around and it isn't even close. Would you feel better about it if it was an Islamic government attacking the west? Because I'm not sure how you can sidestep western aggression in this conversation. The west has intervened and shaped middle east politics for 100 years now. The west (especially the US) has been intervening in muslim nations for over 50 years, aggressively. But it's the Muslims who are full of bloodlust.

WhY dO ThEy eXpOrT tErRorIsM!?
and remember christians have never done anything wrong or committed atrocities against innocent people in the same timeframe. instead he has to make 'pepe le frog' level meme jokes about maronites' in lebanon and continually pretend that ireland, and the entire axis of funded terrorism extending to the irish-american community, just didn't exist. because that's how you do giant historical generalizations: by blotting out 40% of the picture that you don't personally like.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

the same could be said of just about any moiety in a social grouping.

but whatever. you keep your ahistorical pet theories about muslims. it's really not an interesting conversation to have for the 300th time. ultimately your reading of it is over-determined by some weak-piss trad-cath 'culture wars' trip that you're on.

The pattern is true for other places also.
i'm really not sure about that one. the british empire had the role that the united states' pax americana until recently took over. how many indian or african separtist terror attacks were there? how many irish catholic ones were there? yeah, the IRA were by far the most active and most dangerous terror threat to the post-imperial UK for several decades.
In the era of post-colonial global capitalism which our entire lives has been subject to, Islamism has been the driver of terrorist attacks. Once the British left India and Africa, people from those places didn't continue to promote violence against the British and Europeans. Ugandans aren't blowing themselves up on London buses.

And I was speaking for the U.S. anyway. Again I will point out that there are Mexican children in cages in our border region yet there isn't any terrorist attacks or movements against the U.S. by Hispanic organizations. Mexican criminal gangs are an issue but their long term goals is to make money and have their families escape with it to the U.S. Meanwhile almost all transnational criminal organizations with links to the Middle East are also linked with terrorism financing. Again an unique issue.
you talk about 'unique issues' when you are dealing with heterogeneous regions and peoples. i mean it's kind of tautological. 'the issue of islamic financing is unique'. well, yes, just like the issue of mexican cartels is unique. i mean, what sort of analysis is that? we're off down the yellow brick road of totally profitless comparisons again.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


The west has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed westerners. The US has killed more Muslims than the other way around and it isn't even close. Would you feel better about it if it was an Islamic government attacking the west? Because I'm not sure how you can sidestep western aggression in this conversation. The west has intervened and shaped middle east politics for 100 years now. The west (especially the US) has been intervening in muslim nations for over 50 years, aggressively. But it's the Muslims who are full of bloodlust.

WhY dO ThEy eXpOrT tErRorIsM!?
The U.S. intervenes almost as much in Latin America as it has the Middle East. I again will acknowledge that transnational criminal organizations from those places are problematic but their goals are always to make money and buy fancy things and not commit mass murder of American civilians. I would credit this to the fact that they lack religious motives or grievances that Muslims carry by virtue of the fundamental tenets of their religion.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

you talk about 'unique issues' when you are dealing with heterogeneous regions and peoples. i mean it's kind of tautological. 'the issue of islamic financing is unique'. well, yes, just like the issue of mexican cartels is unique. i mean, what sort of analysis is that? we're off down the yellow brick road of totally profitless comparisons again.
The Italian, Russian, Irish, and half a dozen other mafias exist in the U.S. too. No terrorism from those places. Transnational criminal organizations are an issue for many cultures but only one is involved in mass terrorism against Christians.
the irish mafia was literally involved in funding terrorism directed at protestants. … ode=uter20

it's honestly damning how wilfully ignorant you are of modern irish politics. ireland has been one of the most religiously influenced societies in modern western history; the catholic church WAS ireland for most of its history until now. the same church and religious belief system contributed towards some seriously questionable politics: up to and including domestic terrorism and the murder of civilians. but you just don't want to know.

not very good work, mr history post-doc.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-15 08:09:15)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

the irish mafia was literally involved in funding terrorism directed at protestants. … ode=uter20
Yeah in their part of the world. They weren't killing Protestants in Sri Lanka were they?
what is the fucking difference? america has been the 'oppressor' interfering in power politics in the middle-east, just as britain was the oppressor in power politics on the island of ireland.
I am all that is MOD!

i guess we are in the era of post-colonial global capitalism because macbeth says so. Colonialism according to macbeth can only mean white men with whips overseeing manual resource extraction. It doesn't matter that multinational western corporations are still extracting raw materials from the global south because it's not the government explicitly doing it (even though the US government, through both diplomacy and mililtary might, are never more than an arms length away). Nevermind that multinational corporations like Chiquita and Chevron employ private military groups to engage in local terror campaigns in order to maintain resource extraction. Nevermind that western imperial forays (especially in the US, especially related to the Monroe Doctrine and our policies in Latin America over the last 40 years) have led to far greater inequalities and violence in those countries AND the US. Those don't count because they aren't an easy stat to digest in the form of a suicide bombing or other terror attack.

There have been more terror attacks in the US by US armed forces members than islamic terrorists in my lifetime. Macbeth wants to only look at the past 20 years, but he doesn't want to think about the context of those last 20 years. What could have happened in the last 20 years that would lead to an increase in islamic terrorism? Hmmmmmm, i just can't put my finger on it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

what is the fucking difference? america has been the 'oppressor' interfering in power politics in the middle-east, just as britain was the oppressor in power politics on the island of ireland.
So why were Sri Lankans killed because America does bad things? Looks like it had to do with religion and not anti-imperialism in the Indian Ocean region.
the point is that more religions other than just islam have reached for violent resistance or terrorism when they are opportune. it depends on the specific political economy of each situation. where violence has an achievable end, such as in the very proximal conflict between the IRA and britain, bombings and civilian casualties was the fucking norm.

why would the russian mafia opt for domestic terrorism when they quickly captured major industry and the state? why would most 'trans-national' crime organizations opt for violence at all when sub rosa corruption works much better, furthermore? these comparisons are just too scattershot to make any good sense.

the history of sri lanka and the tamils is a completely separate story. do you use armed maronites in lebanon to damn baptists in tennessee?

does that mean you’re terribly interested in catholic croat or orthodox serb death squads in the balkans? in greeks executing muslim villagers in cyprus?

please stop wasting our time.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-15 08:26:41)

I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:


The west has killed more Muslims than Muslims have killed westerners. The US has killed more Muslims than the other way around and it isn't even close. Would you feel better about it if it was an Islamic government attacking the west? Because I'm not sure how you can sidestep western aggression in this conversation. The west has intervened and shaped middle east politics for 100 years now. The west (especially the US) has been intervening in muslim nations for over 50 years, aggressively. But it's the Muslims who are full of bloodlust.

WhY dO ThEy eXpOrT tErRorIsM!?
The U.S. intervenes almost as much in Latin America as it has the Middle East. I again will acknowledge that transnational criminal organizations from those places are problematic but their goals are always to make money and buy fancy things and not commit mass murder of American civilians. I would credit this to the fact that they lack religious motives or grievances that Muslims carry by virtue of the fundamental tenets of their religion.
You think the main motivating factor of islamic terrorists committing terrorism in the west is fundamentally religious in origin? Are you fucking stupid?
he has tried to make out many times that muslims have a monopoly on religious violence nowadays and that it is ‘unique’ to their theology.

it’s subreddit crusader trad-cath nonsense to a T. ‘our civilisations are incompatible with the barbarians!’

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-15 08:28:51)

Afghanistan was hardly a case of oppressor interference. Kuwait was hardly unjustified. I believe you'd also do well to place previous ventures in the context of the cold war. The longer ago it is, the less we seem able to empathise with and understand the sentiments of the time, or the interests at stake.

This is not to absolve parties from blame, rather an appeal to see things within their complete context instead of regurgitating chomskyisms.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-15 08:29:42)

i think ken sounds more like john pilger than chomsky, myself, but those critiques deserve to be repeated so long as there’s meliorists like yourself who pop up to say ‘ackshually, funding death squads in latin america and deposing democratically elected leaders in iran was part of the cold war so it’s okay’.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have to go now but I will just leave you with the premise that I believe and you can think it over.

I think that liberal defensiveness towards Islam puts on display the same cultural and racial ignorance that white supremacists operate on.

I would say it is totally wrong to judge and discriminate against people based on the color or their skin, texture of their hair, shape of their skulls, shape of their eyes etc. People can have a wide range of beliefs despite their physical features. And beliefs are important. You can systematically find the differences between beliefs system. And the most fundamental, complex, and all encompassing belief system is religion.

Some belief systems are more aggressive and dominating than other belief systems. Islam is particularly aggressive and conquest and elimination of other belief systems are part of the fundamental beliefs of Islam as well as part of the earliest Islamic history. This is a large reason why violence follows mass migrations of Muslims on top of material conditions that I acknowledge as having a large role too.

Going back to my point about liberals: I can separate someone's physical features from their belief system. That is why I am sympathetic to the complaints of BLM but not a supporter of Islamic accommodation. I think tying opposition to racial discrimination with opposition to religious discrimination helps combat neither. Plenty of people can recognize the difference between culture and race. I think vastly more people are racially tolerant than would ever be religiously tolerant. Telling that group that they need to accept racial minorities and also Islamic accommodation will make you lose them on both. Further, Islamism has hurt other American racial minorities in this way. And liberals aren't helping the situation by pretending that it is possible for diametrically opposed belief systems to exist within the same space without discord.
any islamic scholar at a western university would just label that above as orientalist balderdash. you are literally trying to explain the dynamics of complex, multicultural societies today by referring to mohammedan conquest. right. because a muslim family living in toronto or new york today are really in the same mould as those early groups who were trying to assert a new religion in the middle-east.

when's the last time you walked on your knees to the church at santiago de compostela? been on any crusades lately? it must be *checks notes* an active facet of your christian identity today. i mean it's intrinsic to your religion's belief system, no?

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-15 08:56:53)

I am all that is MOD!

Larssen wrote:

Afghanistan was hardly a case of oppressor interference. Kuwait was hardly unjustified. I believe you'd also do well to place previous ventures in the context of the cold war. The longer ago it is, the less we seem able to empathise with and understand the sentiments of the time, or the interests at stake.

This is not to absolve parties from blame, rather an appeal to see things within their complete context instead of regurgitating chomskyisms.
Invading Afghanistan was a terrible policy decision, but Afghanis aren't exactly flying over to the US and bombing buildings, are they? I think there was a mastermind behind those attacks, and his motivation was well-known, but hey, that's all just conveniently forgotten in this discussion, right?

The US supported the Baathist regime in Iraq up until the invasion of Kuwait. The US even told Saddam to go ahead and attack Kuwait, and that we wouldn't intervene, because of #policy goals!

The military interventions into Central and South America were ok because of domino theory? Why do we have the term Banana Republic if it's really all about stopping communism? Viewing US intervention in the western hemisphere through the lens of the Cold War erases almost 100 years of colonialism in Latin America that predates the Cold War. Funny how we called them Banana Republics instead of successful capitalist societies then, yeah?

Yes, let's put these into context. That's precisely what I'm doing, after all.

As long as people like you want to put forward these theories that everything needs to be looked at in the context of stated policy goals without factoring in background motives and actual results, I will continue to "regurgitate chomskyisms". FYI Chomsky doesn't hold a monopoly on criticizing western foreign policy goals, but he's probably the only one familiar to you because you stopped reading critiques of western policy when you finished your education.
i'm pretty sure larssen didn't even know that chomsky was the big popular non-fiction writer of the american 'left' until a bunch of BLM stuff came up anyway. larssen was talking wholly unironically about chomsky as if he was some irrelevant egg-head linguist who pops up every now and then and not, oh, one of the most active writers publishing in modern times on western foreign policy. i distinctly recall that we had a good 3-page argument about whether or not chomsky was a heavyweight in the BLM discussion.

and now he breezily pops in here to accuse people of peddling 'chomskyisms', like he's only concerned with high-level white papers and hardly deigns to notice the man's output. lmao.

e: i self-correct myself. the search feature is now working (miraculously). larssen did know chomsky's criticism of the iraq war.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-15 09:17:20)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

any islamic scholar at a western university would just label that above as orientalist balderdash. you are literally trying to explain the dynamics of complex, multicultural societies today by referring to mohammedan conquest. right. because a muslim family living in toronto or new york today are really in the same mould as those early groups who were trying to assert a new religion in the middle-east.

when's the last time you walked on your knees to the church at santiago de compostela? been on any crusades lately? it must be *checks notes* an active facet of your christian identity today. i mean it's intrinsic to your religion's belief system, no?
That's all you took away from my post? Sidestep criticism of your sides approach to the whole subject in order to checks notes debate Islamic theology.

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