SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Security services just confirmed that there were 3 additional deaths at the Capitol yesterday. So a total of four people were killed because of Trump yesterday.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Highly inflated numbers 3 of the would have likely died anyway with underlying health conditions
I suppose they're already martyred on places like OAN. Like I said let's see what january 20th will bring.

It's a certainty that security will be heightened between now and the inauguration, but protesters might also consider bringing guns this time around, seeing as four of them were shot. You can also rightfully ask questions on how/why they were shot; the woman who bled to death from a neckwound didn't quite strike me as exorbitantly violent.

i.e. why were they unprepared, and why, again, was their force escalation so extreme? It's like there's nothing between stern talking to and opening fire. Also train your riot police ffs. Look at any European country; wall of shields, batons, few horses, if absolutely necessary a water cannon and tear gas. In the US all I see is people in riot police uniforms with shotguns.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The bitch who got shot was trying to climb through a window towards where congress was being evacuated. There is a better video of what her dummy self was doing. … _was_shot/
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
More news from yesterday: Trump people took an American flag flying from the building and three it off a balcony. They then tried to replace it with a Trump flag. … rump-flag/

Why do they hate the flag?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I only saw that one was shot the other 3 had medical emergencies.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Imagine being so fat you are martyred by a heart attack at the start of the revolution.

Larssen wrote:

I suppose they're already martyred on places like OAN. Like I said let's see what january 20th will bring.

It's a certainty that security will be heightened between now and the inauguration, but protesters might also consider bringing guns this time around, seeing as four of them were shot. You can also rightfully ask questions on how/why they were shot; the woman who bled to death from a neckwound didn't quite strike me as exorbitantly violent.

i.e. why were they unprepared, and why, again, was their force escalation so extreme? It's like there's nothing between stern talking to and opening fire. Also train your riot police ffs. Look at any European country; wall of shields, batons, few horses, if absolutely necessary a water cannon and tear gas. In the US all I see is people in riot police uniforms with shotguns.
how exactly do you use a water cannon inside a building? the situation had already escalated far out of control and, for all the guards knew, there were multiple people in the building with weapons, trying to find extremely high-value targets. they already used tear gas throughout the building and on the terrace outside.

there are plenty of photos online of members of the crowd walking around with plastic hand-ties. a cache of molotov cocktails was found on the premises of the capitol building. it was a potentially very dangerous and very ugly situation and people were trying to break through a door into a still-evacuating chamber. of course she got shot. many men had their guns trained on the place where she was trying to climb through, warning about the exact danger of being shot.

i honestly find it mystifying the lengths you will go to to try and exculpate these people.

the woman in question had also been posting 'here comes the revolution!' stuff on her twitter for months. as well as pizzagate/qanon stuff and other conspiracy-minded stuff. her intentions being there were not exactly innocent. she was there to storm the capitol building. she got shot. this is the point where you make a principled stand about excessive police violence? that is, if it wasn't the VP's secret service who shot her dumb ass. this is what offends you? what about all the black people who get shot by police for looking at them funny during a traffic stop?

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 07:39:36)

like i can’t even imagine a situation in which i would be more likely to invite getting shot than if i rampaged through the houses of parliament or buckingham palace shouting about a revolution. these people are not innocent bystanders or poor little lost lambs. they incited violence and criminal action.
I do make a point about police unpreparedness and resulting excessive violence yes. How many gilet jaunes have been shot and killed by police? Zero. Why can every other civilised country pre-empt this sort of stuff and act accordingly, but in the US shit spirals out of control even in one of the most important political locales of all places? It's a fucking embarrasment.

I'm looking at this more rationally, you're foaming at the mouth at the idea of denouncement. What the fuck sort of good will that do? Get your head straight and understand that the solutions in this are not to be found in 'strong' political statements and twitter messages.

I also find it bizarre you can home in on police incompetence in civil rights protests but here all eyes are only on the mentally handicapped in the Trump cult.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-07 07:57:01)

how many people have been intentionally blinded or let with facial scarring or brain injuries by a frankly sadistic french police? go look it up.

At the end of the following year, as the gilets jaunes began protesting, often violently, and the police reciprocated, there was a significant rise in the number of demonstrators with eye injuries, including blinding, caused by anti-riot projectiles aimed at the head, against every rule in the book. The symbolic use of day-glo jackets by the gilets jaunes had sent a clear message: don’t overlook us in the twilight areas of the economy, or pretend you haven’t seen us. The response from riot police was to acknowledge the visibility of the demonstrators and turn it against them: yes, we see you, but by the time this is over, some of you won’t be able to see us. At least forty people were wounded in the eyes during gilet-jaune protests; around thirty required surgery and nine of those had to have an eye removed. The UN raised the issue of violent policing in France; the Macron administration was dismissive.
your incessant liberal bienpensantism is very tiresome. 'europe has things figured out', 'europe is the wisest form of governance', blah blah blah.
Well at least they're not getting murdered right? Because local crisis management is swift and prepared, and it would take a damn army to get inside the assemblée nationale. That over the course of months people got hurt and that french police too can be violent; yes. But let's not compare beating by baton to police regularly shooting people in the head.
ah, yes, losing your eyesight because you're protesting a fuel-tax. isn't european democracy a paradise?

i honestly have no problem with an armed and baying mob who have stormed the seat of government being shot. i am surprised that so few people ended up being killed, to be honest with you. they were posing a direct threat of harm to the entire senate. what's more 'fucking embarrassing' for democracy in the world today, handling like yesterday or scenes in which US senators get trussed up, handcuffed, berated, or (much) worse by a baying mob?

go figure it out poindexter.

and, yes, of course massive questions have to be asked about how things even got to that point. where were the national guard? where was the police presence? the answer is an uncomfortable one for washington politicians and police officers. it comes down really to the whole idea of white privilege and the fact that trumpers aren't deemed as 'dangerous' as a BLM crowd, or any other protest movement.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 08:03:53)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

Well at least they're not getting murdered right? Because local crisis management is swift and prepared, and it would take a damn army to get inside the assemblée nationale.
The president controls the national mall. He deliberately understaffed security and then refused to send in the national guard. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff had to get permission from the vice president and congress to send in the national guard which they technically don't have the authority to give at all.

Any national assembly could be overtaken if the leader of the country, the person most responsible for security, acts to make it happen.
lol the president incited a fascist angry mob to storm the senate and larssen's take is that the police are brutal and those poor white people were treated really badly.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Considering no one in congress was hurt, the police did an okay job regaining control of the place. But can you imagine if the mob had gotten their hands on AOC, Nancy P. or anyone else they consider "Satanic Pedophiles"? Do you think they would have just given them a list of their disapprovals and sent them on their way?
exactly. the stakes were enormous. disaster movie scenario. one person who was aggressively trying to reach the politicians got shot. honestly there are times to criticize police brutality, lord knows, but i don't think this is it. that woman had an intent and agenda of her own.

uziq wrote:

lol the president incited a fascist angry mob to storm the senate and larssen's take is that the police are brutal and those poor white people were treated really badly.
You're such a dim individual at times. Ignoring the fact that you'll brand as enemy anyone who doesn't exactly agree with your take, look at this practically: here you have an excellent opportunity for cross party support over the issue of police incompetence. Well now don't let that go to waste.

If the president himself is directly responsible for security of the most important political premises and caused this, that is a different issue altogether and something I really don't understand. Anywhere else it would be local mayors, civil servants, or even national guard etc.
here is an excellent opportunity for cross-party condemnation of trump, populism, and enraged angry mobs storming state capitols across the country and in washington, d.c.

you really think the takeaway from the events yesterday are for broad political condemnation of police brutality?

what fucking planet are you on?

if anything, i'd like to see an inquiry into why the police were so lenient and let trumpers through the barricades. the police have been SOFT on trump and white nationalists throughout the trump presidency. now one woman gets shot and all of a sudden you want a national moment of reckoning over police violence? LMAO my guy.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 08:37:02)

Why not both?

I do think crisis preparedness needs to be seriously reconsidered. What fucking planet are you on for ignoring that? You'd make a wonderfully incompetent leader yourself, I imagine a strongly worded letter is all you'd come up with.
ok cool insult guy. maybe go and examine the unreconstructed petit-bourgeois fascism you've had instilled in you by your swamp-dwelling, unlettered relatives.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We should come together with Trump supporters and condemn the police and also hear out their opinions on checks notes Satanic child eating pedophiles and their role in promoting checks notes again the extermination of the white race.
hahah. trump literally created a domestic version of the benghazi attack, which republicans have loved to wave over the dems' heads, but the real shame here is that any of the cosplaying coup-attempters got hurt.

after state capitols were stormed, without consequence earlier this year.

after several plots were foiled in which white nationalists/far-righters wanted to abduct an elected representative.

after any number of plots and threats have been posted to members of congress or senators throughout the year.

the REAL problem here is POLICE VIOLENCE!

the police have been lenient and institutionally sympathetic to right-wing groups throughout the trump presidency. more often than the scenes we saw yesterday, in the vast number of cases there is a friendly cooperation, if not collusion, between police forces and armed militias, proud boys, trumpers, etc. the police have treated them with politeness, deference, respect, if not outright enabling them; the same can't be said for the BLM movement.

you can hear in lots of the clips of proud boys brawling with police yesterday a note of outrage and disappointment. 'traitors!' 'we won't forget this!' 'we remember last summer!'. proud boys are more used to the police backing them up than pushing them back. people don't get to storm state capitols on multiple occasions unless the police/security forces are being a soft-touch or pushover.

but now one person gets shot and suddenly the real issue here is police violence. okay. i think your sympathies might be showing a bit.
If you can't bring yourself to question how and why things escalated as they did and instead keep focusing on your enemy driven narrative, good luck to ya. I did not at any point somehow  absolve or deflect from the fact that those who stormed the capitol were incredibly wrong headed, or that Trump is a hate inciting asswipe. But really, only now, at the end of his term, you want to use this immediate moment to grandstand on the line of 'unacceptable behaviour'? That line had already been crossed a thousand times and yesterday was only the culmination of years of gross negligence, willful political manipulation and ignorance of structural faults in politics, the bureaucracy and society at large.

You can go and demand the republican party distances itself from Trump, or that it caves in on itself whatever. But perhaps more importantly analyse and address the issues that led to this, of which the lacklustre security on the day itself is certainly one. Of which the powers of the presidency and his administration over the country are another. Of which the (social) media landscape and its non existant regulation is a third. I can go on.

But no sure let's come together to condemn first, foremost and only the baboon-esque congregation and the specific variants of insanity within its ideological mixture. And anyone who instead prefers to emphasise other issues as more important must be an apologist, fascist-loving, white supremacist! Yet again our image of the enemy is more important than all of the more concrete, systemic causes for the situation at hand that policy can address. No, let's push to rage over right wing extremism only - surely that is enough.
police brutality is a problem. we have spoken about it at length throughout the long BLM summer. one person getting shot yesterday was a good result. a mob were on the prowl in the capitol looking to incite revolution and calling out for politicians, at the invocation of the president.

what's more embarrassing, a gunshot being let off in a hallway or the vice-president being lynched live on tv?

how bizarre that your first response to the events yesterday is to start talking about police brutality. what police brutality? these people were engaging in terroristic tactics, themselves in large part enabled by police leniency.

of COURSE there are a huge number of causes and factors in this. but at the end of the day, people are still responsible for their actions. you are trying to extend the sympathy and causal-analytical explanations too far; you're basically smothering the simple question of human agency. these people were avowed 'revolutionaries' and were free and easy with violent rhetoric. they stormed the capitol. those actions have consequences. 'social media' didn't force these people to do that. at the end of the day people still went out and chose to break the law in a particularly shocking and egregious way. who knows where they were going to stop? certainly not the police or secret service in those packed corridors.

it's this 'now now, let's talk about the pernicious influences of ...' approach that is really puzzling. were you similarly sophistical about AQ or ISIS?

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 09:14:56)

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