It's not complex, the fact is everyone seems to have drawn their own personal arbitrary line of in and out group, of who gets to use the 'coveted' n word and who doesn't. Like a verbal symbol defining some sort of tribe opposed to the rest of (racist) society.

It's a racial slur in origin and still is, and it will never be rid of that history. When hiphop was just counter culture in african american ghettoes it made some sense to use it within that context, but since its export into the global mainstream you now just see multi millionnaire rappers still clinging to their hood credentials or whatever dropping album after album riddled with n-word bombs rapping about oppression while they're actually living in gated community mansions with 10 cars in the driveway. From angry and oppressed to the foremost participants in the capitalist inequality machine and all too eager to sell their merchandise to all the suburbanites they oppose, but they're still from the hood man! A lot of these guys have spent more of their lives rich as hell than poor by now.

I like the music but the people promoting it piss me off quite a bit sometimes. Instead of maturing, rising up to use the fame and means they received to better their communities and act responsibly, most have removed themselves into a safe distance surrounded by material wealth where they're perpetually stuck in their childhood golden years, only going around to help entrench deeply negative aspects of the culture that painfully birthed their art. The original 'gangsta rap' crew that popularised the use of racial slurs are worth billions collectively and what are they doing? Mostly just making movies about themselves and eternally reminiscing about the time they were 14-20. It's sad shit. But a non black person saying the n word? Out comes the dormant activist again, that's unacceptable!
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

uziq wrote:
Really it's just an article with anecdotes from expats that you can find from literally anywhere. Oh, 50% of the law firm management isn't female = inequality! So you move to Paris because French society really isn't run by a much more chauvinistic old boys network? What?

Or 'why doesn't australia take in more sudanese refugees?' That Sudanese people choose Europe, I can somewhat understand, but how in the F does a Sudanese refugee cross the thousands of miles of ocean to Australia? Do they hitchhike all the way to Indonesia to take a boat there?

Let's be honest you're not quite a refugee at that point anymore and I doubt they're poor if they can pay their way there.
Thats what I said.

Australia has a more generous refugee intake than many countries, letting in africans and muslims has been a mistake.

But yeah, people do travel half way around the world and take a boat from Indonesia, and uziq still thinks we should take them.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-01-02 15:33:59)

Fuck Israel
Difference is though Dilbert I don't fault them for trying or look down on them for having been born with a different skin tone.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Australians are still less racist than indians.
Fuck Israel
I don't understand your argument. You personally are much more racist than australian society is, and australian society is by all accounts still pretty racist. That other places can be even more exclusionary does not excuse those facts.
it's the sort of whatabouttery you find deployed by CCP drones on comment sections which are critical of china, funnily enough. exact same rhetorical trick. 'yes, china does this now, but the west had a holocaust 80 years ago. your move!'

i linked the article mostly because all of those asked - anecdotally, yes, of course - plus several dozen user comments afterwards specifically mention the 'i'm alright, jack' attitude. which is pretty much dilbert's entire personal-political credo in one phrase. anything that doesn't pressingly affect him or end in a negative result for him and his family = not a problem!

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-03 04:21:44)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

I don't understand your argument. You personally are much more racist than australian society is, and australian society is by all accounts still pretty racist. That other places can be even more exclusionary does not excuse those facts.
Australia is one of the least racist places in the world, India, Malaysia, pretty much the whole of Asia is certainly more racist.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Larssen wrote:

I don't understand your argument. You personally are much more racist than australian society is, and australian society is by all accounts still pretty racist. That other places can be even more exclusionary does not excuse those facts.
Australia is one of the least racist places in the world, India, Malaysia, pretty much the whole of Asia is certainly more racist.
'least racist places on the world', i don't think anyone would say that. australia envisioned itself as a a 'white civilization' until the 1970s, didn't it?
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Most other countries really are mono-racial thanks to their more racist policies.
Funny that you're a Korea/Japan fanboy. Multiculturalism just produces a brown shitty soup of nothing after all.
Fuck Israel
When Europeans conquered the world they drew their maps among and between one another irrespective of local social dynamics. As a result there's many countries with diverse ethnic/racial/tribal makeup. The closest to you being Indonesia, which has far more diversity than australia or almost any other country.

There isn't a country on the planet without ethnic or racial minorities.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Indonesia is more diverse than Australia?
They're basically one race, lots of little tribes but one race.

Japan is 98% one race.

South Korea is 96% on race.

Strange that uziq wants to get out of multicultural Bristol and enjoy a proper monoculture no?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-01-03 15:11:13)

Fuck Israel
Wikipedia will tell you there's over 600 different ethnic groups in the archipelago. Depending on where you are people will look physically different too.

It would be like saying Russians are white so we should all get along. What are you smoking? Besides, go to Russia then go to France. Both 'white people' but they look VERY different.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-03 15:14:32)

Dilbert, Japan is probably the only country almost entirely homogenous. If you didn't know, it didn't start out that way. After massive civil wars and a conscious isolationist policy pushing monoculture, Japan 'achieved' homogeneity somewhere in the 19th century.

But where did that isolationism leave them, and what is it doing now? Society stagnated, fell behind, was conquered, ended up acting out a Japanese version of nazism in Asia, got conquered again, and now has barely progressed beyond its 70s-80s economic boom. It's clear that cultural narcissism and strong rejection of any outside influence isn't a path to prosperity. Nor does it guarantee stability.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Strange that uziq wants to get out of multicultural Bristol and enjoy a proper monoculture no?
i don't know what you're talking about? i want to live in a culture DIFFERENT to my own not move to a homogeneous nation because i'm really, really interested in ethnic purity. i grew up in cheltenham ffs and went to a 99.9% white school. i know plenty enough about homogeneity.

you are a very bizarre individual.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-03 15:32:53)


Dilbert_X wrote:

Most other countries really are mono-racial thanks to their more racist policies.
Funny that you're a Korea/Japan fanboy. Multiculturalism just produces a brown shitty soup of nothing after all.
lmao where have i been a korea or japan fanboy anywhere on this forum in 15 years? go on, give me a link. i'm all ears!

stop reaching. australia has problems with racism, like many countries. i don't see why you need simultaneously to be validated by 'australia is the least racist country ever' whilst also ... making incredibly racist comments. why is it important to you that australia's record on racism is unimpeachable when, er, you're a complete piece of shit on this same topic? shouldn't you rather relish that australia is a white country?

Larssen wrote:

Dilbert, Japan is probably the only country almost entirely homogenous. If you didn't know, it didn't start out that way. After massive civil wars and a conscious isolationist policy pushing monoculture, Japan 'achieved' homogeneity somewhere in the 19th century.

But where did that isolationism leave them, and what is it doing now? Society stagnated, fell behind, was conquered, ended up acting out a Japanese version of nazism in Asia, got conquered again, and now has barely progressed beyond its 70s-80s economic boom. It's clear that cultural narcissism and strong rejection of any outside influence isn't a path to prosperity. Nor does it guarantee stability.
birth rate is a serious concern in korea and japan. pretty sure more people died in korea last year than were born - a first in their recorded history.

ditto russia has loads of insecurities about its future and birth rate. i know there are lots of government incentives to have children there. i recall some woman who had lots of kids being heralded in public and given applause for being a 'mother of russia' yada yada.

of course, closed-off homogeneous societies with decreasing birth rates are great to dilbert. if humanity silos itself into ethnostates and everyone stops having children so that the global population falls by, oh let's say 80%, dilbert is in heaven.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i don't know what you're talking about? i want to live in a culture DIFFERENT to my own
Just think, if the world were fully multicultural there'd be no other culture for you to experience.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

of course, closed-off homogeneous societies with decreasing birth rates are great to dilbert. if humanity silos itself into ethnostates and everyone stops having children so that the global population falls by, oh let's say 80%, dilbert is in heaven.
Or the whole world can turn into africa and there'll be no white people to save them, won't that be nice.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

i don't know what you're talking about? i want to live in a culture DIFFERENT to my own
Just think, if the world were fully multicultural there'd be no other culture for you to experience.
But that's not how people work dilbert. We'd revert to hating eachother over regional cultural differences, over class issues, over religious affiliation. The sad truth is that if your mindset is one of exclusion and externalising your own problems, you'll never find peace.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

i don't know what you're talking about? i want to live in a culture DIFFERENT to my own
Just think, if the world were fully multicultural there'd be no other culture for you to experience.
yeah because london and manchester aren't 'british' culturally, are they? no, no semblance of 'englishness' at all there. and new york, that's not american, is it? it's a sad fact that you simply cannot experience any aspects of british or american culture in their cosmopolitan hubs.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-03 16:23:11)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
i thought london was muslim now. got to wear face coverings
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

yeah because london and manchester aren't 'british' culturally, are they?
Not any more no, they're african/indian/pakistani melting pots, not much britishness left.

and new york, that's not american, is it?
Not really no.
Fuck Israel
you have a very strange notion of what multiculturalism is. living in diverse cities does not 'destroy' the native culture. it's a dumb tabloid argument and nothing i have ever experienced, having lived in several such 'multicultural' cities. you can still go for pie and mash in the east-end of london, dilbert, and be as english as you like (though i sincerely doubt you have ever done such a thing).

and what do you propose instead of this multicultural blight? living in suburbs with your parents? you've really got it figured out.

but let's try and construe arguments out of the fact i want to live in a different country and explore for a bit! you've got all the answers!
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
The federal government's decision to dump Victoria's Belt and Road (BRI) agreement has apparently struck a nerve in China — or at least in Beijing — with a hashtag on social media network Weibo getting more than 260 million views. While much of the social media fury has been driven by Beijing's propaganda apparatus, some business leaders in Australia say they too are disappointed by the "stupid" move.

The federal government on Wednesday used new powers to scupper four deals Victoria had made with foreign countries: two related to the BRI and one each with the Iranian and Syrian governments.

The BRI is a massive China-funded infrastructure network spanning Asia to Europe that includes projects like deep-water ports, pipelines, railways and airports.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has pledged to welcome more countries to join the sprawling infrastructure-building initiative, emphasising his signature foreign relations project is aimed at strengthening China's economic and diplomatic relations around the world.

In the wake of Wednesday's announcement, the Chinese embassy in Australia branded the federal government's actions "provocative" and "unreasonable", warning they would damage bilateral relations. … /100086594

Ballsy move, probably had to be done, total mystery why a state premier would sign up in the first place.
Now brace for the retaliation.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Nice move on the submarines, and the AUKUS pact, which sounds like Orcas which is neat.
I would have gone with USUKA for comedy value.

Beijing has slammed the new US alliance with Australia and Britain, under which Canberra will acquire nuclear submarine technology, as an "extremely irresponsible" threat to regional stability. … /100468900

Wait a minute, I thought China was going to bring peace and love and prosperity to the world, if they were in an arms race with us they should have said.
And regional stability is just fine, Australia buying new submarines don't change that.
Its as if they want to take over the region and Australia buying defensive weapons upsets their plan. Their anger betrays their intent.

Neat move though, nuclear submarines are exactly what we need, a three-way defence pact with nuclear armed nations is great for Australia, if the Chinese come across a submarine they won't know if its British, American or Australian so they'll have to think pretty hard about attacking it.
Give it ten years and they'll be fitted out with nuclear missiles.
Fuck Israel

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