bojo spent 10 years ensconced in europe writing piffle about the parliamentary process for the knaves gallery back at home. somehow i sincerely doubt he's our strongest negotiator in the matter. nobody in europe takes him seriously and for good reason.

i see we sent michael gove, he of the white-ringed and powder penumbra'd nostrils, to brussels for all of about a day. another clown with a portfolio that should have been swapped out for some party string a long time ago.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I should have clarified, by 'rescue the situation' that can mean deliver a deal, or deliver no deal.

And by that I mean BoJo may believe he can rescue the situation but I don't think anyone else believes he can.

Even if he wanted a deal, and at this point he actually might since America is now closed to him, more than likely he'll fuck it up at the 11th hour Dick Fuld style.

This is probably all very confusing, best of luck chaps.
Fuck Israel
funny definition of 'rescue', to 'deliver' a no brexit deal ... which, er, would have been the result of just as well doing nothing for the last 3 years.

'special delivery! recorded mail: we brought you a large container of fuck all. sign here please'.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
If it looks like there could be a deal BoJo may well choose to 'recue the situation' by wading in and fucking it up, so the ERG don't take his PMship away.

Who knows what the fuck is going on at this point, whatever happens BoJo will be the hero, for achieving a deal, for saving Britain from a bad deal. Either way he's not going to let some minion take the credit.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
How much whining is there going to be when the Brexiteers find they can't just retire to Tuscany or Burgundy or whatever.
Fuck Israel
there’s been a lot of funny articles asking the gammons on the spanish costa del sol the same question. most of them seemed to assume it was their god-given right to stay in their expat communities near benidorm, watching only fools and horses on repeat forever.

they sound a bit like you in australia tbh.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I'm a citizen thanks, and so is my cat.

Wait til the numpties have to pay spanish or italian tax.
Fuck Israel
evil incompatible muslims are ruining christmas! again!!! … 98981?s=21

i’ve certainly never reported any experiences like this of having a muslim housemate. i am shocked and appalled.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Now he just needs to convert to whatever domination of Christianity is the paramount in the region and change his name from Mohammad Hussain to Mark Henry. And then I will call him my brother.

uziq wrote:

evil incompatible muslims are ruining christmas! again!!! … 98981?s=21

i’ve certainly never reported any experiences like this of having a muslim housemate. i am shocked and appalled.
Cute series of posts. His roommate seems to take Christmas pretty seriously though. I've left the lights up all year before, though not plugged in. Some of the nearby business parks don't take them down either. There is no menu here, just what you feel like eating. One of my grandmas stressed about that kind of stuff (a real stickler for western food formalities until she got too old to care). The other would just go out to a restaurant or have mac & cheese or something.

No traditional movies to watch. I think one year I watched Robocop. Usually give games a break and do something else though. Tomorrow, I might work on my uke.

The most stressful aspect are the gifts and exchange etiquette. I ask someone if they want to exchange gifts, and they're like nah. Then sometimes they'll buy one anyway. I keep some sealed, reserve DVDs just in case of emergencies.

re: lights

Once your hooks and snaps are in, they can generally just stay there. I also put up Easter colors, red white and blues, and Halloween.
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
Put up programmable LED's (w/ arduino/raspberry pi/etc.) so don't need to take them down. Each holiday just program in a different color scheme.

Ditto for not having much stress though. Watch whatever, eat whatever, do whatever.
Only stress is gift buying and receiving: frequently I get asked what gifts I want but I'm fortunate enough in my life that aside from ultra-expensive things, I just buy whatever I want and otherwise live a relatively frugal life. That makes it stressful to come up with things I want as gifts. I usually try to push people to donate to charities (in my name if they choose), but part of gift giving is buying something personal and seeing the look on their face when it's opened so donations aren't great for that, and I understand that, it's not a perfect system.

Last edited by pirana6 (2020-12-24 20:40:38)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

uziq wrote:

evil incompatible muslims are ruining christmas! again!!! … 98981?s=21

i’ve certainly never reported any experiences like this of having a muslim housemate. i am shocked and appalled.
Cute series of posts. His roommate seems to take Christmas pretty seriously though. I've left the lights up all year before, though not plugged in. Some of the nearby business parks don't take them down either. There is no menu here, just what you feel like eating. One of my grandmas stressed about that kind of stuff (a real stickler for western food formalities until she got too old to care). The other would just go out to a restaurant or have mac & cheese or something.

No traditional movies to watch. I think one year I watched Robocop. Usually give games a break and do something else though. Tomorrow, I might work on my uke.

The most stressful aspect are the gifts and exchange etiquette. I ask someone if they want to exchange gifts, and they're like nah. Then sometimes they'll buy one anyway. I keep some sealed, reserve DVDs just in case of emergencies.

re: lights

Once your hooks and snaps are in, they can generally just stay there. I also put up Easter colors, red white and blues, and Halloween.
I love getting people gifts for Christmas. I would totally do this to someone and not expect anything in return. I like hand maid gifts. I would prefer something cheap and thoughtful than anything in monetary value.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

whatever happens BoJo will be the hero, for achieving a deal, for saving Britain from a bad deal. Either way he's not going to let some minion take the credit.

Fuck Israel
nobody thinks it’s a good deal, though, except the predictable grunts of assent from the ERG and farage. what has led to a collapse of enthusiasm across the board, tacitly, is the victory of biden. the ERG and other paleo-neoliberals like rees-mogg were hoping for a bright future with a trumpian free-trade atlantic pact in which their hedge fund portfolios could bulge.

what we have is just a deteriorated relation with our biggest trading partner in every way. johnson as ever is more concerned with ‘optics’ than substance. being able to bring ‘glad tidings’ on christmas is a more important victory to him than anything in those 2,000 pages of boring political deal.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Still better than no deal.

Macron shutting the border was perfectly timed.
Fuck Israel
What I loathe about this is articles with titles like these: … acked-down

How fucking stupid are these people?
the spectator is nothing but a mouthpiece for boris’s brand of toryism.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The most stressful aspect are the gifts and exchange etiquette. I ask someone if they want to exchange gifts, and they're like nah. Then sometimes they'll buy one anyway. I keep some sealed, reserve DVDs just in case of emergencies.
I love getting people gifts for Christmas. I would totally do this to someone and not expect anything in return. I like hand maid gifts. I would prefer something cheap and thoughtful than anything in monetary value.
I love buying, wrapping, and giving them too. The full shebang. I just don't like to make people uncomfortable if they have nothing in return. I like opening them, though.

It would be nice if there were more socially acceptable pathways to determining whether or not people want to exchange gifts. Or maybe my family's just weird. One gathering I recall as a kid, they did that bit where the presents would all go into a stockpile, people would pick them out, and there would be endless swapping before it was concluded. Probably cool for adults but made for a ton of devastated toddlers who would have their gifts, maybe one they really wanted for awhile, forcibly removed. Like a parent would go over and rip it out of their hands to give to another kid.

If the goal was to build some sort of fellowship, I don't think it was working as intended. The result of course was the best stuff often went to the favorites. What an experience, never participated since.
+510|3765 … 98176?s=21

flawless victory. french firefighters and polish territorials managing a humanitarian crisis-like disaster at dover. about 7,000 lorry drivers on an airfield somewhere with one porta-potty between them, and the urgent need for covid tests in order to get freight flowing. all this during a peak pandemic (the new horror movie strain originated in the same county).

this government couldn’t arrange a child’s birthday party.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It would be nice if there were more socially acceptable pathways to determining whether or not people want to exchange gifts. Or maybe my family's just weird. One gathering I recall as a kid, they did that bit where the presents would all go into a stockpile, people would pick them out, and there would be endless swapping before it was concluded. Probably cool for adults but made for a ton of devastated toddlers who would have their gifts, maybe one they really wanted for awhile, forcibly removed. Like a parent would go over and rip it out of their hands to give to another kid.

If the goal was to build some sort of fellowship, I don't think it was working as intended. The result of course was the best stuff often went to the favorites. What an experience, never participated since.
Thats one of the weirder things I've heard.
Fuck Israel
mormons, man.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Thats one of the weirder things I've heard.

uziq wrote:

mormons, man.

I never actually encountered it again or heard about it when I was still at the church. I would hazard it's more of a midwest/mountains thing, since a number of people at the event were from there. You can find identical gift exchange idea and variations in similarly-geared kitsch web-mags. Probably more of a cute party idea for adults, but pass.

I feel compelled to once again separate myself from this. I didn't spend much time at the church, and left as a kid. Most of my knowledge of it comes from anecdotes from family and non-acquaintances, and independent reading. As such, I regard it (though not all members) as profoundly two-faced, bullying, and greedy. Not to mention dangerously meddlesome in childhood development. Kids then were told that they were a part of some grand generation of high-quality souls. What a mindfuck for some people.

I've been told by my parents that when we left, I was asked for my input on the matter, and that I said I had the books and could read them on my own time whenever I wanted. I don't think that's changed, but there is probably over 20 layers of dust on that book case (beautiful editions though, one of my grandpas had it personalized for me).

If I went back to a church, the LDS would be under the barrel of choices.
mmmf mmmf mmmf

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