
How much do you love/hate the USA? (I am a(n)...)

American who unapologetically loves America30%30% - 100
American who loves america, just not American policy17%17% - 56
non-American who is sympathetic to Americans14%14% - 47
American who has become disillusioned by America5%5% - 17
American who would leave if it weren't a hassle to.3%3% - 10
non-American who hates Americans.17%17% - 59
American or American't...makes no difference to me11%11% - 39
Total: 328
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7089|Great Brown North
Are you sick of all the anti-anything NOT from where the poster is from bullshit trash in these forums?

yes i am, thanks

i dont care where you're from, and if you treat someone less because they're not from where you are, then go play in oncoming traffic
My opinion is, that it doesn't matter where you come from and how look like BUT how you BEHAVE!
I always judge people by their behavior. I also think the number of idiots in a free selected group is constant.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7026|Riva, MD

yerded wrote:

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

Im not againt americans/hate them..........never been to America, but we see allot of Americans who only say : USA For ever and F*ck the rest, well this makes a bad image of America. but well gonna visit soon i think.
Don't come to California!
You'll never want to leave.
I know I didn't, L.A. was awesome.  They sell crackpipes on the boardwalk, lol.  They got some HOT chicks there too.  They also have a Maryland Fried Chicked, an extremely small chain that I have only seen in L.A., CA and Myrtle Beach, SC, lol.
I'll take two
+132|7095|Perth, Western Australia
Hey buddy you missed one (which I fall under)

Non American who doesnt mind Americans, just  doesn't like their governments policy
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7080|AUS, Canberra
you left out

not american but likes the people and country but no the government.
+788|6965|Brisbane, Australia

Cant mod's edit polls?

Or even reset it with all the new options?
Geez...I wonder if non-American's feel that this entire post was trolling to begin with.

Hate/Love/Dislike, its all relative.

And for that matter, as a non-American I don't have any negative feelings about Americans.

But GWB and his foreign policies is another matter...

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Hey buddy you missed one (which I fall under)

Non American who doesnt mind Americans, just  doesn't like their governments policy
Be careful, I got negrepped by an anonymous coward for saying just that
[X] American or American't...makes no difference to me   

I think nobody is allowed to point his finger on a country and say that's shit, full of idiots or what ever.
Well maybe GWB is a asshat, i don't mind, in every country are idiot politicians. Even here in Austria
But there's a difference: We can't kick the shit out of another country because our army is way too small for that purpose
Also a little bit sympathetic to America. Nice country, a lot of opportunities....
Gonna visit ya again

Last edited by D00MSAYER (2006-05-30 05:24:38)

I think we should have just let the UN take care of Saddam. They sure did a bang up job with Hitler.  It wasn't too long ago that France and the UK hated Germany. I guess we're the new Germany.
Junglist Massive

the_heart_attack wrote:

you left out

not american but likes the people and country but no the government.
I vote that one.
you left out

non-american who likes chicken but dislikes pancakes with canadian bacon on it.
I for one am glad America actually does something about the problems in the world....
But there will always be people who bash the ones who have the stones to do what it takes.....
I would like the option "I'm a non-american who is afraid of America".

Once US gets to the point where liberating the next country can only be achieved by nuking them, the world as we know it will end.  And with it, Internet.  And we'll never chat on a forum again, or play BF2 again.  And our three-headed grand-children will play out famous clan-battles from the golden age of the second battlefield... using sticks and stones.
this is the best we can do?
go ahead and hate the U.S. but just remember...all of you complainers out there have some background to us here.  We just took some of each country, background, etc and ground it up and now you dont like it...oh well pity
I'm an American and support our armed forces and all, but like I said before, I have the right to disagree with our politics. I agree with what [someone] said before: we should judge on behavior, not nationality or ethnicity. I for one have noticed a lot of Europeans posting about how dumb Americans are, too. Not that I think that this is how all Europeans think, I'm better educated than that. I'm not racist or anything, and I oppose anything that is, especially at school.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7103|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Even as an American.....there are some people that live here that are just plain idiots and should be allowed to live here since they have no ideas.    I served my country in the military and will protect it to the end if needs be and I feel that some people should just not live here.
+276|6964|United States of America
Question:  Are you sick of all the anti-american rhetoric in these forums?

No, I love it.  Makes me realize how lucky I am to be an American. 

Jealousy and Envy can be a couple of the greatest compliments of all.
Say wat!?

yerded wrote:

Jealousy breeds a lot of hate.
thats the exact reason people get anoyed by yanks, they are just so superior in their thinking.
Some serious blabla follows, feel free to disregard everything
I just have to say that there are MAJOR misunderstandings in this thread. All over the place. For example: there are posters in this thread that said that there is so much "anti-americanism" because people from other countries are jealous.

I makes me sad and I see this as the biggest problem that the people (generalizing a lot of course) are drifting apart and many people life in their own world but are not aware of it. It is crucial to understand that there is NOT ONE Truth. One View of the world that is "correct". Each and everyone of us lives in his/her own unique perception of the world so one should always keep that in mind. Some things can be one way for me but at the same time they are completely different for others and neither of us is right or wrong. There is no such thing as a "neutral" point of view, it is ALWAYS personal so everything is biased. That's why it is so important that we listen to eachother.
Take politics for example: if you have a conservative group and quote something from a liberal they will completely bash the person and disregard what he has said BECAUSE he is a liberal and of course it is exactly the same the other way around. Dialog is impossible because both sides judge eachother before anything is said etc.

Anyways, sorry about the blabla but I had to post this. I have made many experiences that have lead to my views on this subject.


Vilham wrote:

yerded wrote:

Jealousy breeds a lot of hate.
thats the exact reason people get anoyed by yanks, they are just so superior in their thinking.
Cha-ching! First prize!
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
Its not just Americans who get bad press here, because there isn't a risk even the most level headed among us will act like children, flaming other people.

I say just sit down and shut the fuck up. Ive been called sand-monkey and dirty bomb thrower even though im white, ive then been called a chav and a swot, whats the point? Does it make you feel better nonsensically hating on someone else? I dont know about you but it puts me in a bad mood when i complain, so suck it up and dont be a self righteous shit head with nothing better to do. Try and be NICE for a change, maybe you'll make some friends, you never know

Last edited by Cactusfist (2006-06-01 15:50:53)

smells like wee wee

Major_Spittle wrote:

Jealousy and Envy can be a couple of the greatest compliments of all.

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

Im not againt americans/hate them..........never been to America, but we see allot of Americans who only say : USA For ever and F*ck the rest, well this makes a bad image of America. but well gonna visit soon i think.
and those are the same retards you see on here preaching that America is better than every other country in the world, and just part of our population in general.  Dont get me wrong, I love living in this country, while I may not agree with some things the government does, I wouldnt rather live anywhere else.  Granted our president isnt the best public speaker in the world.....but hey, neither am I.  Pres Bush seems to be like a regular guy who happens to have become president to me.  Im not saying hes my favorite president.  I wish there were more presidents like FDR actually.

But back to the beginning, I wish media, etc wouldnt show stuff like that, because it does make a bad image for us, and it gives other countries the idea that we are all a bunch of arrogant assholes that dont give a shit about anyone else.  Well.....partially they are right, some of our people are like that, but not everyone.  So dont get the wrong impression.  If we were all that way, I wouldnt have friends that live in Canada and England lol
I agree with all what you said, except... do you have other friends from countries other than Canada and England... Iraq maybe or Middle East !!!
+276|6964|United States of America

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

TodErnst wrote:

i don't like the american way to kill our planet (for example: you could buy cars, which need less gas!)
but you see Tod, that would make sense.....Its the cool thing to do to drive a SUV the size of a tank and bitch about gas prices when your filling up. lol
thats the irony buy a fuel cell make water
Now their Jealous of our vehicles. Shit dudes buy your own SUV.  It's not my fault you are driving that '82 Yugo.

Last edited by Major_Spittle (2006-06-01 16:44:24)

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