
I remember being slightly annoyed that Halo's development was cut short to push it out on Xbox. I actually felt it in parts, unless the dull repetitiveness of the last areas was intentional.

If the old games are being put on Steam, let's just hope they work "out of the box." Steam hasn't had a perfect track record on these things.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6807|Riva, MD
Well, it's finally on Steam now.  I'm still waiting for them to iron out most of the bugs with these PC Halo games before I jump in, I've heard a lot of bad things on Reddit.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6827|Oxferd Ohire
I've only played the campaigns and some firefight so far but no big issues that I remember, even the flights worked fine.
There was some gunplay issue with Halo 3 they since fixed, didn't notice it in camp.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have been wanting to try ODST for years. I liked the concept. Does it support 4 players co-op? I enjoyed that time we played with your friend.
On console yes.... On PC.. don't know
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6807|Riva, MD
This article says that apparently Firefight was released simultaneously with the PC version of ODST, unlike the XBox version which only recently had Firefight added in.  So it should be good to go.

I might have to pick the MCC up next time it goes on sale to check some of these games out.  I've been wanting to marathon play them in order of events through Reach, 1, 2, ODST, 3, 4 and 5 at some point and this would be a great way to do it once they're all out on PC.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6827|Oxferd Ohire
Well 5 they have no plans to release on pc last I heard. I like the gameplay/visuals/sound but the story is trash and the spartan 1v1 is awful to watch

Last edited by RTHKI (2020-09-28 05:59:30)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6827|Oxferd Ohire
Beat legendary last weekend. One glitch, the AI character stayed in a tank, had to restart level but only lost 10min. Good fun, beat it in 3hrs in game, 5 actual.

Last edited by RTHKI (2020-10-05 14:41:27)

The very model of a modern major general
+795|6775|United States of America
NGL I was today days old when I figured out ODST stood for something and wasn't just me misreading Original Soundtrack.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6827|Oxferd Ohire
It does have a good soundtrack
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6827|Oxferd Ohire
Halo 4 finally came out

Looked at keybindings again and it was chain reacting again but I hit reset to default and it fixed everything as I wanted it. MS is weird

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