here we go, the richard dawkins school of critique. 'look at these harmful verses taken from their religious texts!'
every religion has various schools of interpretation and multiple 'faiths'. just as there are biblical literalists who would be considered extreme (and, connectedly, as there are constitutional literalists), there are the ascetics in the islamic tradition too. different branches of a religion will emphasize different aspects or parts of their holy canon over others: that's just how it is.
'do not flaunt your finery' is a simple moral lesson in humility. almost all of the ethical content in the old religions comes from a basic need to have large communities of people coexist without strife or civil/marital conflict. people flaunting their wealth and worshipping said material things isn't an uncomplicated or altogether happy situation in 'secular' society, you know; neither is adultery. of course, no western liberal will consent to this perennial social problem being solved by 'making the women cover up', but you're being rather selective there. modesty of dress is not an alien concept to non-religious cultures, either, and for much the same reason.
you could quote things from a 1500- or 2000-year-old book until the end of time and conclude that, yes, wow, many of these attitudes are in fact 1500 years old. religions change and adapt: some parts are preserved, others are left behind. most christians in the world today do not behave like puritans or dress like the amish. most catholics do not have any especial zeal or fervour to go and convert (or burn) heretics. religions become moderate, they modernize, they adapt; or they don't. just quoting random bits of scripture does not exactly constitute 'analysis' of said issue. the matter of scriptural interpretation and adherence is not exactly simple and unambiguous. indeed, religious groups have been bickering over just such things for almost as long as the fucking books have been around.
in terms of the islamic world, look at how the women dress in turkey for a good indication of how 'punitive' and 'restrictive' such verses from the quran are. look at how iranians dressed up until the UK and US decided to destabilize their liberal, elected government.
Last edited by uziq (2020-11-12 09:27:35)