
SuperJail Warden wrote:

I just checked and I am 4% British. So maybe later this week I will try to live my life as an Irish barber in Boston. That's how I feel inside. And you need to respect my inner feelings.
wow this guy really hasn’t ever left NJ. calling the irish ‘british’ is like calling a pole russian.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It's already escalated beyond tweets and slogans. People have died over politics this year. There's been kidnapping plots against officials. Armed thugs at government buildings and harassing people, ignored by police, outside of polls. It's probably too much to hope that the alt-right nutters will just crawl back into their holes during Biden's presidency.

I wonder if the cops would have been as killy if Michael Reinoehl had been an alt-right shooter who shipped in from across the country to crash a BLM protest, or if they'd just have taken him in peacefully all smiles and back patting. … 3259afbc42

now the spell has been banished these guys really do look like a bunch of nitwits. amazing how quickly fascism seems like a bad pantomime when the central figure falls.

can you remember how much jay would talk about trump being secretly an intelligent guy, doing lots of research, spending lots of his free time looking into things of his own initiative? the guy who played golf, recommended people inject bleach, and whose team booked their final press conference at a landscaping centre? i really want to know what the jay’s of this world feel and where their heads are at now the enchantment must surely be weakening. how could you be so stupid? sometimes stupid really is as stupid does.

however there is every chance that the republican party will continue down this path defined by ‘identity’, of a specifically white-rural or otherwise ‘christian’ cast. the real danger is that they find someone who isn’t as singularly incompetent, venial (and unchristian, really) and dumb as trump. trump has been the least intelligent person in the room for 4 years. they’ve got to be able to find someone now they know the formula.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-07 23:49:35)


uziq wrote:

however there is every chance that the republican party will continue down this path defined by ‘identity’, of a specifically white-rural or otherwise ‘christian’ cast. the real danger is that they find someone who isn’t as singularly incompetent, venial (and unchristian, really) and dumb as trump. trump has been the least intelligent person in the room for 4 years. they’ve got to be able to find someone now they know the formula.
I've been saying so for a while now. The country is ripe for a Putin esque president to take control.

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I just checked and I am 4% British. So maybe later this week I will try to live my life as an Irish barber in Boston. That's how I feel inside. And you need to respect my inner feelings.
wow this guy really hasn’t ever left NJ. calling the irish ‘british’ is like calling a pole russian.
I know Irish catholics (and mongrels who style themselves Irish catholic but are neither) who are pretty angry about Biden's victory. How terrifying for old white men that an old white man won. "Oh great, I get to be the evil white guy again!" *reporter "fuck off"*

uziq wrote:

can you remember how much jay would talk about trump being secretly an intelligent guy, doing lots of research, spending lots of his free time looking into things of his own initiative? the guy who played golf, recommended people inject bleach, and whose team booked their final press conference at a landscaping centre? i really want to know what the jay’s of this world feel and where their heads are at now the enchantment must surely be weakening. how could you be so stupid? sometimes stupid really is as stupid does.

however there is every chance that the republican party will continue down this path defined by ‘identity’, of a specifically white-rural or otherwise ‘christian’ cast. the real danger is that they find someone who isn’t as singularly incompetent, venial (and unchristian, really) and dumb as trump. trump has been the least intelligent person in the room for 4 years. they’ve got to be able to find someone now they know the formula.
I don't remember every detail of every jay post, but that does sound familiar and actually fairly standard. People have convinced themselves that Trump is in reality a 1000 IQ mastermind manipulator who only pretends to be deranged and stupid in public and in private "for ratings." The line of thinking sounds so dumb when reduced to one sentence, and I still can't completely wrap my head around why anyone would cling to that in 2020.

Even with him gone, his headache of a presidential legacy will remain an eyesore.

e: I should add that some people from the same group who thinks Trump is a genius both fancied themselves as scientifically-inclined (or thoughtful-intelligent), and nodded ponderously at the suggestion to nuke hurricanes. Where do you even start with a mend-the-rift conversation? "Yes maybe bleach-injection was a good thought."

It's like there's some encrypted mental block along political lines. If Obama suggested nuking hurricanes, some of these very same people (including folks I know) would have jumped all over the energy difference between the two forces.
There's few things that make me more aggressively angry than the far right folk claiming a reliance on science and facts. We have more of those in Europe than you do the US, these are a truly insufferable bunch. I believe the Dutch are leading that new right front with their forum for democracy party - a collection of lawyers, engineers and 'enlightened atheists' grandstanding between tocqueville and spengler to argue the loss & corruption of democracy, the loss of national pride and the downfall of the west/Europe through invitation of incompatible cultures. It's a particularly nasty brand of intellectualised nationalism/racism that seems to have a large following in the electorate.

Holland in particular seems to be a place of interest for picking up on far right trends in the wider western world. The anti muslim hatred already brewing in the mid 90s, its crass popularisation in their own blonde fascist (Wilders) and now a 'toned down, acceptable' version of the same shit in that new party.
this is all just reheated ‘evolutionary biology can be a political platform’ stuff from the 19th century. it comes across often as reactionary and conservative because it’s worldview has been preserved in aspic since the colonial era. same people who attend dodgy scientific ‘seminars’ in small stuffy rooms about ‘racial intelligence’ and ‘the IQ debate’. same people who still think eugenics might work, after half a century of abortive experiments and failures from the late 1800s US to nazi germany.

a strange tribe that says something very revealing about many of the underlying ideologies of science, especially in its western ethno-centrism. all that ‘objectivity’ with the strangely non-objective aim of propping up white superiority and colonial-era hierarchies.
Well yes it's just a shifting of the goalposts, most noticeable in a enveloping dialogue on superior and inferior cultures, as opposed to the debate of the past on superior and inferior races. The argument being 'I swear I'm not racist, you can have any skin colour you like, as long as you dress, act, speak and think the exact same way I do'. And this stuff is taken very seriously, all of them insisting that assimilation is the only way. Bunch of narcissist fucks to be honest.

But it's a very effective platform that has swayed much of the centre right.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-11-08 03:41:38)

as that twitter thread i linked above attested to, that’s because the right has a specious relationship to the ‘truth’, like ‘common sense’, that masks its more naked ambitions for power and class-interests. the left and liberals massively under-rate this generally.

‘science’ in the mouths of that lot is just yet another mystification in a long line of mystifications to justify some hierarchy of power and status quo. we are not discussing scientific ideas for genuine valence or truth in a liberal ‘forum’ or even ‘marketplace of ideas’. it’s about enlisting merely useful ‘experts’ for a very specific gain/end in the same way that trump directs a lawyer to litigate.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-08 03:52:45)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

There's few things that make me more aggressively angry than the far right folk claiming a reliance on science and facts. We have more of those in Europe than you do the US, these are a truly insufferable bunch. I believe the Dutch are leading that new right front with their forum for democracy party - a collection of lawyers, engineers and 'enlightened atheists' grandstanding between tocqueville and spengler to argue the loss & corruption of democracy, the loss of national pride and the downfall of the west/Europe through invitation of incompatible cultures. It's a particularly nasty brand of intellectualised nationalism/racism that seems to have a large following in the electorate.

Holland in particular seems to be a place of interest for picking up on far right trends in the wider western world. The anti muslim hatred already brewing in the mid 90s, its crass popularisation in their own blonde fascist (Wilders) and now a 'toned down, acceptable' version of the same shit in that new party.
Maybe they're right and you're wrong, give it 100-500 years, when Europe looks like north africa and children are dying of malnutrition and curable diseases it'll be too late.
I vote you and uziq freeze your heads now and report back.
Fuck Israel
You don't read history, you don't read sociology, you don't know psychology, you know nothing about anything, and yet always smugly declare your wisdom when it comes to cultural and racial relations.

Dilbert there's nothing wrong in feeling good about where you're from and who you are, and to want to be the master in your own house so to speak. It becomes problematic when you're convinced that you're the only one who deserves to be in that house, and that all others must be exactly like you. More than at any time in the past due to our globalised economy, politics, information exchange etc. that path leads only to one outcome and that is the aggressive oppression of everyone else on the planet. I don't know how you feel about such episodes in our history, but I'd like to avoid repeated mistakes.
europe will look like north africa anyway due to climate change and forced mass migration. if you think the displaced persons camps and refugee crises from war is bad, wait until the equatorial band is literally uninhabitable due to heat and totally unproductive of any food or water.

funnily enough, it’s the nativist right-wing creeps like yourself who want to do the least about climate change as well. you never see a right-wing nationalist party campaign on the greatness of the volk AND their huge green new deal. they seem perfectly happy to keep pinning all of civilisation’s discontents on victims of war or regime change whilst taking millions from their friends in the oil and petro-chemical business.

funny how that works. i don’t suppose it has anything to do with the fact that in the status quo, all the resource and wealth extraction and environmental destruction and social unrest happens elsewhere, out of sight? which allows you to sit and gloat about how fantastic the quality of life is in the ‘wealthy’ west.

your worldview is a good one.
I don't understand why figures like lindsay graham and ted cruz keep throwing into the media allegations of 'illegal votes' and 'fraudulent votes' without anything to back them up. Even if some votes weren't legal, the margins are too wide for Trump to somehow claim the presidency.

The height of the pettiness was in Don Jr. and some others who tweeted about there being 4 years of doubt sown over daddy's legitimate victory through fantasised links with Russia - a sort of evasive manouever that also seems to imply that it's perfectly fine to insinuate without any proof that the democratic process is no longer free or fair.

So what's the actual gameplan here? What's the endgame? Will they spend the next 4 years portraying Biden as a dictator who usurped the presidency, regardless of fact or court decisions? Where do these people believe that path will lead? You're fucking well spoonfeeding militias the argument they need to act out their precious second amendment rights against tyranny.
99% of the militias won't do shit cause they're fat accountants from mid-western suburbs. they've been emboldened to do mad shit because, let's face it, the president tacitly endorses them, the police give them leeway/tolerance, and it has been their moment. as soon as they seriously sense that they're on the losing side and/or people won't stand for it, they'll stick to their facebook feeds.
It's not the people with stable jobs one should be concerned about. There's a large pissed off underclass of white trash that collectively aren't doing too well.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7002|United States of America
I mean, I did just see the rural police officer who used to work at my place post that he's joining Parler, which I'd never heard of, but is popular with Trumpists, antisemites, and Saudi nationals, apparently. A lot of people were radio silent yesterday, but they're making up for it today.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

It's not the people with stable jobs one should be concerned about. There's a large pissed off underclass of white trash that collectively aren't doing too well.
They aren't doing so well because they are lazy and incompetent. They won't suddenly start putting in effort and hard work because of Trump losing.
They will if someone pushes the right buttons, and Trump was their hero.

What worries me more than the all-out civil war don jr is calling for are the outlying nutjobs who might get up off their asses, and who could do a lot of damage with the effort of very few people. A murder here, a bombing there, even terroristic threats that don't get executed. Armed intimidation implicitly supported by police, and the ongoing effort and resentment against the hated "experts" ("I guess I should just sit back and let my 'betters' run everything /s"). It would be easy for people like that to make a menace of themselves if they had half an inkling to do more than endlessly sulk and make their families miserable around them.

The propaganda train will continue rolling throughout Biden's presidency.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7002|United States of America
It is a pitiable and cringe-inducing sight to watch the inevitable. Apparently the new Qanon prediction is something is gonna happen on the 14th to show how it was all part of the plan. I also worry about the snap back to reality. There's been a lot of talk from the armed nutjobs that I don't envy the Secret Service going forward.

As an aside, I did end up on Reason after being linked an article tonight and some of the writers aren't complete fools, but the comments section is hilarious. There's a very small number of prodigiously posting libertarians calling each other sockpuppets and everything leftist.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

You don't read history, you don't read sociology, you don't know psychology, you know nothing about anything, and yet always smugly declare your wisdom when it comes to cultural and racial relations.

Dilbert there's nothing wrong in feeling good about where you're from and who you are, and to want to be the master in your own house so to speak. It becomes problematic when you're convinced that you're the only one who deserves to be in that house, and that all others must be exactly like you. More than at any time in the past due to our globalised economy, politics, information exchange etc. that path leads only to one outcome and that is the aggressive oppression of everyone else on the planet. I don't know how you feel about such episodes in our history, but I'd like to avoid repeated mistakes.
Maybe people should build their own house instead of breaking into someone else's and stealing from them?
How many refugees have you and uziq invited into your own home? I'm sure you have the space and resources.

Aggressive oppression is about the only constant in history, I'm sure the current period has seen it lower than its ever been.
Do you think other nations wouldn't be doing it to us twice over if they could?
How is the African Union working out? Are African nations allowing free movement between them?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

europe will look like north africa anyway due to climate change and forced mass migration. if you think the displaced persons camps and refugee crises from war is bad, wait until the equatorial band is literally uninhabitable due to heat and totally unproductive of any food or water.

funnily enough, it’s the nativist right-wing creeps like yourself who want to do the least about climate change as well. you never see a right-wing nationalist party campaign on the greatness of the volk AND their huge green new deal. they seem perfectly happy to keep pinning all of civilisation’s discontents on victims of war or regime change whilst taking millions from their friends in the oil and petro-chemical business.

funny how that works. i don’t suppose it has anything to do with the fact that in the status quo, all the resource and wealth extraction and environmental destruction and social unrest happens elsewhere, out of sight? which allows you to sit and gloat about how fantastic the quality of life is in the ‘wealthy’ west.

your worldview is a good one.
Australia is a net exporter of natural resources so any direct impact of resource extraction is felt here, my state is one of the closest in the world to being powered by 100% renewable energy, with a little effort the whole country could be and be a renewable energy exporter.

Apart from that you're doing great, B-.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-11-08 23:38:36)

Fuck Israel
australia, the country whose PM brought coal into parliament, is a hair’s width away from a full pivot to green energy. yep, you’re not economically reliant on exporting dirty fuels and resources at all. nice one dilderp.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
I said 'my state' you moron.

Reading comprehension - straight D
Fuck Israel
but your state isn’t the important part, is it? and i was talking about australia from my very first post.

‘my county of gloucestershire exports no fossil fuels. we’re basically on the brink of making climate change a non-issue here!’

Dilbert_X wrote:

Larssen wrote:

You don't read history, you don't read sociology, you don't know psychology, you know nothing about anything, and yet always smugly declare your wisdom when it comes to cultural and racial relations.

Dilbert there's nothing wrong in feeling good about where you're from and who you are, and to want to be the master in your own house so to speak. It becomes problematic when you're convinced that you're the only one who deserves to be in that house, and that all others must be exactly like you. More than at any time in the past due to our globalised economy, politics, information exchange etc. that path leads only to one outcome and that is the aggressive oppression of everyone else on the planet. I don't know how you feel about such episodes in our history, but I'd like to avoid repeated mistakes.
Maybe people should build their own house instead of breaking into someone else's and stealing from them?
How many refugees have you and uziq invited into your own home? I'm sure you have the space and resources.

Aggressive oppression is about the only constant in history, I'm sure the current period has seen it lower than its ever been.
Do you think other nations wouldn't be doing it to us twice over if they could?
How is the African Union working out? Are African nations allowing free movement between them?
I worked for a refugee NGO for a year. I've worked in asylum shelters and provided legal assistance to refugees in court cases. The point isn't in the asinine argument that 'if u like them so much let them sleep in ur house', but in upholding the laws we as a society have written and decided upon.

Speaking of which it's always striking to me that the far right appeals to law and order, but is particularly intent on breaking the law.

Dilbert it's a general statement. If you feel all immigrants should fuck off, start with yourself and move back to england.

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