again, it's no-true-scotsman for you. the same old fallacy. 'thatcher? not a REAL scientist'. xi jinping spent 15% of his time studying marxism at university? surely not a REAL scientist. oh but mao had an interest in poetry, as is very common entertainment in most cultures in pre-technological, pre-television eras? DEFINITELY all of mao's programmes stem from this idle amusement!

did you know hitler liked to whistle? really MAKE U THINK about these whistlers!
The X stands for
+1,810|6147|eXtreme to the maX
So you're citing two people, Thatcher and Xinping, Thatcher worked a total of two years then retrained as a lawyer, Xinping none at all then retrained as a lawyer
From 1998 to 2002, Xi studied Marxist theory and ideological education in Tsinghua University,[43] graduating from there with a doctorate in law and ideology in 2002
Both of them craven opportunists with no interest in science or engineering, not really great examples except to show you can't trust lawyers, well done chap.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Thatcher worked a total of two years then retrained as a lawyer, Xinping none at all then retrained as a lawyer
and how many of your 'notorious humanities' leaders were ever published poets, or celebrated artists, or tenured humanities professors?

derp derp derp deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerp.

amazing how you can read someone's education/career ambitions as just one facet of their life, 'craven opportunists', who were passing through the sciences as it were ... but a person who read Cicero at 19 and can quote Catullus ... must essentially be a rotten humanities graduate their entire life!

fuck ME you are one dense idiot.
The X stands for
+1,810|6147|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

. but a person who read Cicero at 19 and can quote Catullus ... must essentially be a rotten humanities graduate their entire life!
Depends if they spend the rest of their life making a thing of it I guess.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
yes, right, johnson's life has been spent in pursuit of the classics. nevermind that he hasn't done anything towards the humanities in his entire life post-university, and has instead focussed all of his energies on journalism, television work, and the daily grift of being a politician.

i guess including latin words in your public speeches and quoting poets is 'making a thing of humanities'. he's practically an emeritus professor!

nevermind that many classicists wince at his fudged quotations, bad allusions, incorrect pronunciation ... no, johnson's showboating and shtick makes him a bona fide 'classicist'.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Trump is heading home today. The doctor said he is COVID free and can go home. He is still taking experimental anti-viral medication and a steroid. Still he beat COVID in less than a week. Amazing recovery.
if anything it attests to the brilliance of the current cutting-edge medicine, despite trump's best efforts to spread misinformation about covid. trump followers probably have a pretty big venn diagram with the 'bill gates is trying to vaccinate our babies to track them'/'covid isn't real'/'the CDC are scumbags' lot. wasn't jay explicitly full of criticisms about the CDC and epidemiologists whilst also simultaneously suffering from covid? lol.

it sounds like they threw caution to the wind and just threw every single clinical and pre-clinical treatment available at him. he took 3 treatments that weren't even available or known about 6 months ago. (but where was the hydroxychloroquine he spoke so much about? hmmmm.)

probably worth pointing out that lots of people died in the spring even when they were asking for things like remdesivir. like a lot of frontline workers. black ones. those people jay was so busy shit-talking as 'cowards' lmao. remember when he said that covid was rampant in NYC because 'poor people and blacks' didn't care about society? now half of the white house and top republicans have it. whoops!

Last edited by uziq (2020-10-05 13:29:38)

Nonetheless this will simply embolden that entire crowd, giving them a feeling of vindication. Trump himself has already started this by proclaiming people don't need to be scared of covid. It's just a flu, beat it only in days.

He will use it to assault the dems/Biden's platform. Either it's just miracles, or proof that we have a medical cure, i.e. no need to keep restrictions imposed.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
People are speculating that Trump feels better since they are giving him steroids and probably pain killers so he doesn't realize how sick he is and no can put their foot down and tell him he is staying in the hospital.

The doctor at the press conference said a bunch of good things then when people started asking more pointed health questions the doctor quoted HIPPA confidentiality.

I admit the idea of him dropping dead is a lot of wishful thinking but I don't accept that the 74 year old obese man beat COVID in less than a week. At the very least he is more sick than he is letting on.
Well certainly impossible that the virus has already completely left his system. I reckon you need a negative test first. He hasn't even been sick for 10 days yet.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Trump wrote:

“I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”
This will be good for the pandemic response...
lol he's probably low-level high on the steroids. dexamethasone really do hit like that.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
2020 is saving it's best for last. I feel like we are going to have a SCOTUS case a week before the election as to who all the votes for Trump count for since Pence might take over while Trump is on a ventilator.
The White House has decided not to trace the contacts of guests and staff members at the Sept. 26 Rose Garden celebration for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, where at least eight people, including the president, may have become infected
and you people seriously wonder why america is doing so piteously badly at this pandemic thing.

meanwhile in korea the government regularly texts every citizen on an almost daily basis, detailing individual cases of positive infections and telling people EN MASSE the places, bus routes, train journeys, etc. that the positively-testing person took in recent times.

lmao the contrast is so bad it's not funny.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
But Asians have no creativity or freedom so it works in their system and we just can't do the same here.
south korea and taiwan are not the PRC.
Interestingly dexamethasone has been recommended for use for patients who receive breathing assistance, possible indicator Trump did spend some time with a ventilator. I can't find if it causes a high or any numbing, so I'm unsure if it really affects his mental state.

In any case, from what I'm reading, patients who end up getting complications suffer a progressively worsening condition with some slight 'up' days. I haven't yet found anything that describes a case where the patient seems to be doing absolutely fine or is discharged to then relapse. I suppose it means Trump has actually beaten the disease, so perhaps he got either a very mild case and/or some of the experimental treatment had a rather quick positive effect.

Could also be the case that he's bluffing his way through but I reckon that is somewhat unlikely given the exceeding caution of the medical staff.
dexamethasone is for seriously ill people, yes, but he's the fucking president and has a circle of doctors who will throw anything at him as a precaution.

it does make you loopy, it's widely reported in the medical literature.

speaking of which, trump's weird little parade to the balcony to remove his mask is genuinely one of the most surreal moments i have seen in politics this year. very fascist strongman vibe. he looked incredibly ill, drawn, out of breath, and also basically fucking high. i do not think he is fully with it.

why is america parading around its sick, still-contagious leader like this? does nobody have the authority to advise this guy to recuperate in hospital, or what? he has been discharged in record time even for a hale-and-healthy 20-year-old. you don't go from taking steroid treatment and huge doses of anti-virals to return to work the next day. he is clearly very sick. now we are being treated to this bizarre spectacle of him trying to discreetly gasp for breath at the white house. what the FUCK is going on
+492|3493 … ly-divided

Donald Trump’s erratic and reckless behavior in the last 24 hours has opened a rift in the Trump family over how to rein in the out-of-control president, according to two Republicans briefed on the family conversations. Sources said Donald Trump Jr. is deeply upset by his father’s decision to drive around Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last night with members of the Secret Service while he was infected with COVID-19. “Don Jr. thinks Trump is acting crazy,” one of the sources told me. The stunt outraged medical experts, including an attending physician at Walter Reed.

According to sources, Don Jr. has told friends that he tried lobbying Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Jared Kushner to convince the president that he needs to stop acting unstable. “Don Jr. has said he wants to stage an intervention, but Jared and Ivanka keep telling Trump how great he’s doing,” a source said. Don Jr. is said to be reluctant to confront his father alone. “Don said, ‘I’m not going to be the only one to tell him he’s acting crazy,’” the source added.
it's only fitting that the most medicated nation on earth now has a heavily medicated president stumbling around.
In any case, from what I'm reading, patients who end up getting complications suffer a progressively worsening condition with some slight 'up' days. I haven't yet found anything that describes a case where the patient seems to be doing absolutely fine or is discharged to then relapse. I suppose it means Trump has actually beaten the disease, so perhaps he got either a very mild case and/or some of the experimental treatment had a rather quick positive effect.
also, this isn't really accurate. it became very clear even in the early days of covid that people have a latent/asymptomatic period, then a first flush with fever, which then subdues. the 10 day mark was always touted as the 'vital' cross-roads between going into hospital to be emergency ventilated/intubated or not. there is always that second 'rebound' where the virus has been replicating in your body long enough to trigger serious and widespread inflammatory response. that's why they've flooded him with anti-virals and steroids as early as possible: bracing for impact.

we were talking a lot about this 10-day suspense period when jay had it. you are mischaracterising the progression of the disease. 'never heard about patients being discharged to relapse'. that's because there is no relapse: it's just one onset. trump was admitted to hospital pre-maturely so the 'timeline' of his treatment seems out of joint. he's still several days away from that 10-day figure where serious lung infection or heart/brain complications occur.

Last edited by uziq (2020-10-05 17:13:57)

+492|3493 … ve-updates

this guy is totally high on drugs. take it from me.

Itching to get out of the hospital, Mr. Trump got his wish on Monday evening. Doctors allowed him to leave for the White House, while acknowledging he hadn’t yet reached the critical seven- to 10-day window that doctors watch for with the coronavirus to see whether patients take a turn for the worse.


Over the weekend, Mr. Trump’s political advisers said they were clear eyed about who they were dealing with: Mr. Trump is widely seen as a figure incapable of empathy. But the hope was that discussing his own experience would help him manage the pandemic going forward, and could have political benefits.


Mr. Trump did little to adhere to the narrative aides were hoping would emerge, one that would benefit him politically. In videos filmed by aides of Mr. Trump behind the scenes, intended to show him working, the president did not mention the hardship the virus had caused to others or that anyone had suffered greatly from it. Nor did he mention the White House staff members who had fallen sick.

Last edited by uziq (2020-10-05 18:22:06)


Donald Trump Jr. "wants to stage an intervention" because he thinks his dad's "acting crazy": report … 13470.html

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

In any case, from what I'm reading, patients who end up getting complications suffer a progressively worsening condition with some slight 'up' days. I haven't yet found anything that describes a case where the patient seems to be doing absolutely fine or is discharged to then relapse. I suppose it means Trump has actually beaten the disease, so perhaps he got either a very mild case and/or some of the experimental treatment had a rather quick positive effect.
also, this isn't really accurate. it became very clear even in the early days of covid that people have a latent/asymptomatic period, then a first flush with fever, which then subdues. the 10 day mark was always touted as the 'vital' cross-roads between going into hospital to be emergency ventilated/intubated or not. there is always that second 'rebound' where the virus has been replicating in your body long enough to trigger serious and widespread inflammatory response. that's why they've flooded him with anti-virals and steroids as early as possible: bracing for impact.

we were talking a lot about this 10-day suspense period when jay had it. you are mischaracterising the progression of the disease. 'never heard about patients being discharged to relapse'. that's because there is no relapse: it's just one onset. trump was admitted to hospital pre-maturely so the 'timeline' of his treatment seems out of joint. he's still several days away from that 10-day figure where serious lung infection or heart/brain complications occur.

Yes but herman cain spent the entire time in the hospital having serious symptoms that never really abated. I'm sure his money and status allowed him fantastic care as well, though he was unlucky to be infected in the first wave.

But anyway I agree it's too early to draw definite conclusions, in the end I also have no experience with the virus so can't really assess Trump's condition. Just that from what Ive read he seems to be doing rather well compared to cases that end up in the ICU

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Peak male performance … 52769?s=19
also explains why he took his mask off, struggling for breath. if you consulted any physician with these symptoms they would rush you for a bronchial pneumonia test pretty fucking quickly.

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