I've not been clear, specifically how it relates to the US.
i'll check it out!
And it all post-dates jewish extremism and terrorism.uziq wrote:
yes, sure, but as i said, islamic extremism pre-dated the soviet union/cold war, afghanistan, the mujaheddin, etc. the iranian revolution came before that; and the real groundwork for islamic terrorism was done by the muslim brotherhood in egypt, with people like qutb and al-banna. jihad as explicitly armed struggle has been invoked at several periods in the history of islam, and within the modern history of islam specifically it pre-dates afghanistan.
Fuck Israel
If only the Jews had cooperated with the Romans...

If only they'd accepted they lost.
Fuck Israel
oNe MaN’s tErroRiSt iS aNotHer’s fReEdOM fighter.
i take it you’re okay with islamic terrorism when it comes in the form of hamas or hezbollah, dilbert.
i take it you’re okay with islamic terrorism when it comes in the form of hamas or hezbollah, dilbert.
Terrorism is never good, but the Israelis can't really point a finger at anyone can they?
Not when terrorism is how they achieved all their objectives and continue to.
Not when terrorism is how they achieved all their objectives and continue to.
Fuck Israel
lots of the world's status quo has been achieved by state terrorism or state-sponsored terrorism.
did you tell americans that they couldn't rally behind a 'war on terror' in 2001 because they'd spent the 80s and 90s funding paramilitary death squads and terorrist groups in latin america?
also it's literally not true that israel 'achieved all of its objectives by terrorism'. if you're going to criticize the state, do it properly, otherwise you once again look like a ranting loonie. you don't do your cause any favours. i think most people would be inclined to agree with you when it comes to criticizing israel's annexations and ethno-nationalism. but you do that a discredit when you accuse them of a 'century of terrorism'. lots of israel's territorial grabs and borders were achieved using the same means as modern european states, dilbert.
did you tell americans that they couldn't rally behind a 'war on terror' in 2001 because they'd spent the 80s and 90s funding paramilitary death squads and terorrist groups in latin america?
also it's literally not true that israel 'achieved all of its objectives by terrorism'. if you're going to criticize the state, do it properly, otherwise you once again look like a ranting loonie. you don't do your cause any favours. i think most people would be inclined to agree with you when it comes to criticizing israel's annexations and ethno-nationalism. but you do that a discredit when you accuse them of a 'century of terrorism'. lots of israel's territorial grabs and borders were achieved using the same means as modern european states, dilbert.
Last edited by uziq (2020-09-27 06:03:36)
quite a few did. have you not read josephus?SuperJail Warden wrote:
If only the Jews had cooperated with the Romans...
The jews don't even have a word for zealot.
Fuck Israel
is there a point buried somewhere in that gnomic comment?
I like this song unironically. It's catchy. I like that this song is such a little time capsule from stranger better times.
Basically it is country music's response to 9/11. Most famous part
Basically it is country music's response to 9/11. Most famous part
Anyhow, did we "put a boot in the ass" of the people responsible for 9/11 enough for the Muslims and others to fear us again?Justice will be served and the battle will rage
This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage
And you'll be sorry that you messed with
The U.S. of A.
'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass
It's the American way

I only heard that song the first time recently when watching Lindsay Ellis' video about protest music of the Bush era. I can't believe it's a real song. It sounds like a parody you'd come up with for stereotypical 'MURICA bravado.
Toby Keith makes some cringey songs that actually sound catchy.

Erm well not really, they learned its easy to get America to do what they want ie get sucked into an unwinnable quagmire, the endgame - an islamic caliphate in control of the oil fields - very nearly came off.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Anyhow, did we "put a boot in the ass" of the people responsible for 9/11 enough for the Muslims and others to fear us again?
Fuck Israel
america spent enough money in iraq and afghanistan to just about give everyone universal healthcare into their 90s and cancel the total US student debt about 3 times over.
what did you 'achieve'? a lot of dead people, destroyed lives, and two destabilized states. russia now has more leverage in the region than it did before. as does iran. iraq is quickly settling down into disorganized, sectarian fractiousness again. isn't afghanistan literally back in the hands of the taliban? still, you built a nice semi-paved ring road around the place -- for the handy cost of $3 billion.
you sure showed those goat farmers and yoghurt makers!
what did you 'achieve'? a lot of dead people, destroyed lives, and two destabilized states. russia now has more leverage in the region than it did before. as does iran. iraq is quickly settling down into disorganized, sectarian fractiousness again. isn't afghanistan literally back in the hands of the taliban? still, you built a nice semi-paved ring road around the place -- for the handy cost of $3 billion.
you sure showed those goat farmers and yoghurt makers!
Last edited by uziq (2020-09-29 04:30:55)
Could have paid for everyone to have solar panels and an electric car.
Oh well.
Oh well.
Fuck Israel
I enjoy reading military subreddits and watching combat videos. It is just so annoying to see the constant invincible tough guy attitude so many people who also frequent that space have. This is particularly true when it comes to China. The somewhat racialized opposition to China doesn't bother me as much as the frequent dismissal of their military capabilities and supposed inferiority compared to ours. America doesn't have the heart to fight a prolonged conflict with China. And I think they would surprise us in how well they perform considering they have been thinking about what a war against us would look like while we were shooting $200,000 missiles at guys burying $5 IEDs in the Afghan mountains.

A lot of hawks I know like to gleefully talk up our nuclear capabilities as an almost desirable resort. Also in previous years, how the Chinese "might want to be careful of Trump/(insert floppy-haired 'strongman' here)."
You can tell someone never researched nuclear weapons by their willingness to encourage using them. Even if we took out every single Chinese/Russian ground based nuclear weapon that we know and don't know about we would still be unable to stop a second strike committed by nuclear subs that we know and don't know about.
But whatever, I don't like to talk about the small details of this stuff since I was never in a war. And you can only talk about small details of war if you sat on a military base and guarded the WiFi.
But whatever, I don't like to talk about the small details of this stuff since I was never in a war. And you can only talk about small details of war if you sat on a military base and guarded the WiFi.

This personality might on alternate days cheerfully theorycraft a second civil war so they can fantasize about shooting the gubbermint, or in general just people they don't like for whatever reason.
How do you wrap your head around someone willing to go out in a spectacular firefight against a hypothetical mass disarmament, yet who raises an eyebrow at someone holding a sign on the sidewalk (for Being Disruptive)?
How do you wrap your head around someone willing to go out in a spectacular firefight against a hypothetical mass disarmament, yet who raises an eyebrow at someone holding a sign on the sidewalk (for Being Disruptive)?
unfortunately this attitude has been fostered right at the top by the american military top brass itself. just think about how oppenheimer was totally side-lined and made a pariah figure because he encouraged de-escalation and disarmament after ww2. teller and the rest thought they could just use hydrogen bombs to terraform europe and the far-east and remake it in america's image. shockingly naive stuff.SuperJail Warden wrote:
I enjoy reading military subreddits and watching combat videos. It is just so annoying to see the constant invincible tough guy attitude so many people who also frequent that space have. This is particularly true when it comes to China. The somewhat racialized opposition to China doesn't bother me as much as the frequent dismissal of their military capabilities and supposed inferiority compared to ours. America doesn't have the heart to fight a prolonged conflict with China. And I think they would surprise us in how well they perform considering they have been thinking about what a war against us would look like while we were shooting $200,000 missiles at guys burying $5 IEDs in the Afghan mountains.
Last edited by uziq (2020-09-29 12:03:08)
American veterans think they are the baddest guys on the planet because they don't realize how tough fighting is when you don't have USAF protecting you.

Well you do get to fight or not at the whim of the president, I guess. Trump claimed he'd have troops home from Afghanistan by Christmas. RIP leverage.
Barnes and Noble Nook services went down today. A lot of online education software goes down every Monday when we go back to school from the weekend. Yesterday was a national holiday for those that don't know.
It retrospect building all of those schools and other infrastructure in the middle east that got destroyed anyway was a bad investment. We could have spent $7 trillion upgrading domestic infrastructure. If we had used even a fraction of that upgrading our domestic internet services, we probably wouldn't have internet blackouts once a week at minimum.
You know thinking about it even more, it would have been a smart thing to include some of the functionally limitless stimulus money on upgrading our internet. We could even had made it law that they had to use domestically manufactured hardware in order to create jobs.
It retrospect building all of those schools and other infrastructure in the middle east that got destroyed anyway was a bad investment. We could have spent $7 trillion upgrading domestic infrastructure. If we had used even a fraction of that upgrading our domestic internet services, we probably wouldn't have internet blackouts once a week at minimum.
You know thinking about it even more, it would have been a smart thing to include some of the functionally limitless stimulus money on upgrading our internet. We could even had made it law that they had to use domestically manufactured hardware in order to create jobs.