Zee Ruskie
+295|7089|Moscow, Russia

uziq wrote:

even if poisonings fail, the message is still the same, shahter. it's intimidation, not only directly to the victim but to anyone else who might consider dissent/resistance. you're being a little bit limited in your grasp of 'what intelligence agency would use such a weapon'?

the entire chain of events, and the pattern, in fact (it hasn't just happened to navalny) of poisoning people before getting on long plane journeys, is a pretty sound one. if you can keep someone away from an intensive care unit for long enough, they are going to die; ditto if you can delay any suspicion or question about secret chemical agents being used, as delay inevitably leads to metabolism and a vanishing chemical trail. is it less effective than a bomb in a cargo hold? sure. but russia has enough bad press about bringing down civilian airplanes.
or they could have given him a cyanide and he would've dropped dead on the spot. just as intimidating and no need for a plane flight. why weapon-grade nerve agent again?

btw which pipeline project or new world order conspiracy was involved in shooting down MH17 and blaming it on russia?
proxy war in ukraine?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Shahter I think you need to understand what plausible deniability means and how it relates to your stance here. On the surface the position that there should be irrefutable evidence before we point fingers is a good one, even if you do simultaneously peddle nonsensical explanations for what happened. Ultimately though, it is very unlikely absolutely hard evidence will ever be gathered or be publicly presented and that any conjecture can be fully eliminated from the argument implicating who did it. These sorts of crimes are committed by entities that have a very high degree of secrecy surrounding their movements and, in some countries, these entities literally operate outside the rule of law answering only to select political leadership.

In practice I only know of two countries possibly involved in this mess whose intelligence services behave like cowboys, who would wantonly poison their opponents and who may actively deploy this family of nerve agents: the United States and Russia. Fact is I see absolutely NO conceivable reason Skripal would be eliminated by the americans, and I also see no reason whatsoever for them to poison Navalny. There are however plenty motives for the Russians AND an established history of using rather scary means to dispose of political opponents and turned double agents.

Now back to plausible deniability. You reserving judgment (perhaps out of some misguided good faith) allows these actors to literally get away with murder. In the case of Russia, they're allowed to strip bear whatever farcical democracy you have and impose Putin's rule in perpetuity as there seems to be no way you will ever truly turn on them. I expect your loyalty to your russian identity will even have you side with them and their narrative in the case of any western repercussions. After all, how can those hypocrit westerners punish Russia / how can they punish without proof? In other words, you're a useful fool.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-09-19 10:11:58)

because an exotic nerve agent is much, much harder to trace and requires high-level intelligence? your local hospital could detect cyanide poisoning.

if it's established objectively that x or y agent was responsible, anyway, you will then just begin contesting who deployed such an agent. so if navalny was insta-gibbed on a plane using a bomb or cyanide, rather than disputing that the agent in question was ever used, you'll pivot to asking who used it, etc. it never ends and you'll never be satisfied. not when there's shadowy 'capitalistic elites' in this world and their nefarious schemes!

similarly, any inferred motive you dismiss, because everything ultimately can also be ascribed to the shadowy motives of a nebulous, vague 'capitalist elite'. so putin's very ordinary motives for killing or scaring a political opponent are dismissed; everything falls into the whirlpool of 'capitalist elites'. you will literally never be satisfied with any account of the 'truth' because you're engaged in a manichean struggle against the forces of darkness.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Probably the point is that it sends the message that Putin can kill anyone anywhere and no-one is going to do anything about it.

A bullet in the back can be from anyone, Novichok can only be on Putin's say so.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

very cool video.
"Cameroon soldiers jailed for killing women and children"

watch the video, it's good investigative journalism.

there's a site called architectural forensics that specialises in this sort of stuff.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Let's just cut to the chase: What religion were the killers and the victims?
they were killed for being suspected islamic militants. they weren't.

cameroon has a majority christian population/military. the soldiers responsible for the murder had christian/french names.
Fantastic journalism but some narrative jabs don't sit well with me. Of course the perpetrators needed to be punished and got what they deserved, without question. But that place seemed devoid of any infrastructure beyond the most basic nevermind a functioning legal system. Far away from government control, in an area where borders are but lines on a map, where militant organisations do as they wish and where most people have trouble finding food for the day. It's an insight into what life is like for a too large part of humanity: brutal. It's not uncommon in places like these for local punishments to be a barbaric affair, just that the particular idiots who did this gleefully filmed their own despicable crime.

That is to say an unbelievable amount of development has to take place before any semblance of centralised authority, rule of law and fair trials can reach the Sahel. IF it can be done. A one off victory parade over the meting out of easy justice seems hollow in that environment. While I can see the example is used to pressure the government into controlling its forces, will they? Chances are the rogue soldiers now know not to film, and no one will be the wiser the next time.
are you missing the part where a group of soldiers just shot two women and their children? this isn't extra-judicial killing of caught islamic militants.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
If it were Muslims executing Christians women and children, white people in Europe wouldn't care because they don't want to offend Muslims.
that's not true, either, france is basically waging a war against islamic militants in central africa. all that stuff is covered often in the media here.

why do you keep pretending to speak for the attitudes of 'white' or 'christian' europe when you've literally never left new jersey?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
And you never went to Africa.
i've been to several african countries, and have family who live in africa now. thanks.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
And I have been outside of New Jersey. Have you been to Cameroon?
i have not been to cameroon. but what is your point here? i linked the video because it’s a good example of tech+journalism merging to chase down a story. bellingcat did the same thing throughout the syrian conflict. it’s interesting.

i’m not terribly invested in the conflicts in the sahel. and god knows what the fuck you’re on about making everything a holy war between christendom and islam, europe and the hordes. you just play too many RTS games and run your tongue over the broken tooth of priestly child abuse on catholic subreddits.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am just saying there might be some context we are missing and need to hear the soldiers side of the story.
for shooting two women and their toddlers?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The soldiers are black men facing down a unfair justice system. Why do you want to hear the sides of story from black guys shot by police but don't want to give these guys a fair chance to clear their names? Don't Black Lives Matter or do you just hate the police?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What do you think of the Muslim herdsmen in Africa that kill settled farmers? Mostly Christian farmers. … in_Nigeria

Have you ever even heard of it? Where is the international outcry over that? Oh wait the international outcry is against the Christians who defend themselves.
did you miss the entire decade when europe was in paroxysms of alarm over zimbabwe being repurposed?

you do know we went through the often times painful and violent experience of decolonisation, right? white settlers and farmers were murdered in places like kenya. this stuff is IN the national consciousness here.

you are so sheltered it’s bizarre.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why don't you want these men to get a fair trial?

uziq wrote:

are you missing the part where a group of soldiers just shot two women and their children? this isn't extra-judicial killing of caught islamic militants.
Absolutely not. But to the people who live in that area of the Sahel or the 'soldiers' who are stationed there, will any of this be well received or taken seriously? Justice that isn't dependable or perceived as legitimate means little. Perhaps the narrative should rather focus on the fact that these governments do not have control over the Sahel including the soldiers they station there, they only pretend claim to the detriment of all. Only focusing on 'Holding the Cameroonian government to account' ignores that reality.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-09-23 07:18:25)

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