Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I’m at a loss for words. The level of insecurity amongst my countrymen is baffling. On both extremes of the “debate” fear rules the day. What to do?

I’ve got a libertarian buddy who live in a small conservative town in western mass. He’s a trust fund kid who literally doesn’t have to leave his home. He is ready to start shooting liberals for impinging on his life. Guess what’s on his tv all day long? Fox News and Alex Jones. He has the most strong and vile disdain for BLM and antifa- yet has never even heard a protest from a distance.

I think most people round here have no self worth and desperately boring or lonely lives. No real sense of belonging to anything besides an ideology.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2020-07-16 17:21:11)


Obviously our numbers are bad because we're the only country on the planet doing any kind of testing.

you are heading towards a full-scale disaster and there's still no leadership.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
And so it was foretold...
you're heading towards 100,000 new infections per day and july is only half-way done. faucis worst-case scenarios are looking plausible.

funny how jay has been quiet since the virus curve took off exponentially again. i thought the curve had been flattened and the virus was a spent force?

Superior Mind wrote:

I’m at a loss for words. The level of insecurity amongst my countrymen is baffling. On both extremes of the “debate” fear rules the day. What to do?

I’ve got a libertarian buddy who live in a small conservative town in western mass. He’s a trust fund kid who literally doesn’t have to leave his home. He is ready to start shooting liberals for impinging on his life. Guess what’s on his tv all day long? Fox News and Alex Jones. He has the most strong and vile disdain for BLM and antifa- yet has never even heard a protest from a distance.

I think most people round here have no self worth and desperately boring or lonely lives. No real sense of belonging to anything besides an ideology.
Reminds me. All anecdotal but the most vile far-right anti-immigrant types I've met came from small towns with few to no people living there who had a different cultural background. On the other end the hardcore pro-green animal rights people are mostly found in middle class city suburbs and haven't ever interacted with wild nature or animals. Things people only know through TV seems to leave a rather warped view on reality.

Your point on loneliness is also something I've noticed. The far right is very overrepresented in the internet and anti-social / more reclusive circles of people.
at least the greens and animal rights lot have track records of standing around in the rain, chaining themselves to trees, living on failed communes,  squatting, vegan diets and ethical consumption, etc. there's an actual counter-culture there; it's not solely some suburban-consumerist affectation of people who go to the organic aisles at the supermarket.

i see fairly little harm in a comfortable suburbanite taking concern in the environment, animals rights, etc. even if they're not living some agrarian existence of animal husbandry and crop farming.

most libertarians and right-wingers who get their ideology off the internet have never lived by a single libertarian principle in their entire fucking lives. jay is a good example. it's a psychology of bluster, self-delusion, and huge and rampant projection. they all want to be living like the 1%er super-men when really they are dopes and wagecucks, whilst projecting their worst fears and insecurities on everyone else.

Last edited by uziq (2020-07-17 04:52:25)

I'm not referring to a suburban individual having some concern over the environment. I'm talking about those who fetishize and anthropomorphise nature and animals, or the animal rights terrorists of the 90s and early 2000s. Highly unlikely any of them grew up on or near farms.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-07-17 05:05:13)

i mean, anthropomorphizing nature and animals is a very human tendency, i'm not sure it's overtly political. the right-wing tend to do a lot of mythologizing of places, hills, trees, forests, animals, etc. themselves. it's a fault of human psychology.

but sure, i don't know enough about 'animal rights terrorists' to comment. an abattoir was burned down in my town when i was a child, but for all i know the perpetrators could have been 'the real deal' hippies with dreadlocks and no shoes.
The X stands for
+1,812|6248|eXtreme to the maX
LOL Anyway

I don't know what fake numbers look like but I do know Russia's numbers look fake.

I've seen no commentary on tensions between Russia and China, I would guess there would be some now.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,812|6248|eXtreme to the maX
India is exponential - thats a mathematical term which means they're fucked - no end or improvement in sight.

My state has had no community transmission in three months.
If we could just keep the Victorians out and stop letting Indians in we could be OK.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
russia's strategy seems to be to fake the stats, much like america are now doing, and to meanwhile hack and steal from other's vaccine research and hope for the best. much like america's, except they actually have some much-beleaguered and widely derided scientists and companies doing the work.
I know they're trying to steal info from vaccine developers, but honestly I don't know if I can fault them for that move. Over the last few months and in other topics over the past decade worldwide alliances and solidarity seem but a façade, everyone scrambling primarily to satisfy their own interests. Whether it's about being first in line for masks or protective equipment or a vaccine for that matter. Whoever develops the first or most effective/long term vaccine will be obligated to help their own people first too.

Hopefully some altruistic scientists will allow the blueprints to be publicised via a wikileaks type organisation but I'm holding my breath on that.

i mean, anthropomorphizing nature and animals is a very human tendency, i'm not sure it's overtly political. the right-wing tend to do a lot of mythologizing of places, hills, trees, forests, animals, etc. themselves. it's a fault of human psychology.
Never argued the right didn't have their own mental issues to sort out.
whilst that is true, it's also the case that most western nations have their own universities, scientists/researchers, medical establishments, virologists/immunologists, labs and private enterprise, etc. all working on it. i'm not sure what russia has been doing other than industrial espionage.

they're very good at producing novichok, though.

Last edited by uziq (2020-07-17 07:19:23)

+492|3594 … 1595002028

well lookie-here. facebook a top source of disinformation about covid-19.
+492|3594 … ge/614122/

The likelihood that more cases of COVID-19 would mean that more people would die from the disease has always been very high. Even at the low point for deaths in the U.S., roughly 500 people died each day, on average. Now, with the national death numbers rising once again, there’s simply no argument that America can sustain coronavirus outbreaks while somehow escaping fatalities. America’s deadly summer coronavirus surge is undeniable. And it was predictable this whole time by looking honestly at the data.

By the absolute or per capita numbers, the U.S. stands out as nearly the only country besides Iran that had a large spring outbreak, began to suppress the virus, and then simply let the virus come back.

No other country in the world has attempted what the U.S. appears to be stumbling into. Right now, many, many communities have huge numbers of infections. When other countries reached this kind of takeoff point for viral spread, they took drastic measures. Although a few states like California are rolling back reopening, most American states are adamant about opening into the teeth of the outbreak. And this level of outbreak will not stay neatly within a governor’s political boundaries. There’s no way to win this state by state, and yet that’s exactly what we’re attempting. From the look of the map, the South and West—regions with a combined 200 million people—are in trouble.

New York City is and probably will remain the worst-case scenario. New York City has lost 23,353 lives. That’s 0.28 percent of the city’s population. If, as some antibody-prevalence surveys suggest, 20 percent of New Yorkers were infected, that’s an infection-fatality rate of more than 1.3 percent, which exceeds what the CDC or anyone else is planning for. To put it in the same terms discussed here, New York City saw 2,780 deaths per million people. A similar scenario across the South and West would kill over 550,000 more Americans in just a few months, moving the country to 680,000 dead. It is unthinkable, and yet, 130,000 deaths—the current national death toll—was once unthinkable, too.

Last edited by uziq (2020-07-17 09:43:00)


It's still denied or diminished every day. "Yeah well we have a high population."
you guys are fucked and the political half who were antagonizing everyone over being 'cowards', turning masks into political statements, and downplaying the disease as 'just flu' are hugely to blame. but watch them pivot to blaming something or someone else now.

If pressured enough our politicians can always skip earlier context again and blame the CDC or Fauci for old mask recommendations.

Never mind what the recommendations are now. Also #WHOcorruption

That the approach to political argumentation is handling them like personal attacks doesn't really help things now that the virus is so politically charged. Fight or flight.
No state in America is more vulnerable to the pandemic than Mississippi. That’s because, as Shelton says, “We’re one of the poorest states in the nation, and we’ve had a health crisis for a long time.” Indeed, Mississippi leads the country in nearly every “underlying condition” that makes people especially susceptible to dying from covid-19. More than fourteen per cent of adults have diabetes. The state tallies more deaths from asthma and cardiovascular disease than any other. And it’s second only to West Virginia in adult obesity. Mississippi’s refusal to accept billions of dollars in expanded Medicaid funding under the Affordable Care Act has only exacerbated the health crisis. “We had an opportunity to get three hundred thousand people provided with insurance with expansion,” Shelton notes. “It defies logic.”

The resistance to what Reeves sneeringly calls “Obamacare expansion” hasn’t just left more Mississippians dangerously susceptible to the novel coronavirus; it’s also weakened the state’s hospital system, or what’s left of it. The majority of counties statewide have no I.C.U. beds. The state’s health department has asked the federal government for twenty-one hundred ventilators to weather the coming storm; as of Monday, it has received none.

Even before the coronavirus, almost half of Mississippi’s rural hospitals were on the edge of bankruptcy. Because so many Mississippians are uninsured, they often delay getting care—sending them, ultimately, to emergency rooms when their conditions worsen. That’s forced hospitals to cover large amounts of uncompensated costs, leaving many of them in financial peril; thirty-one of the state’s sixty-four remaining rural hospitals are already at “high financial risk,” according to a study from 2019. Now they’re scrambling, with few resources, to prepare for a pandemic. There’s little chance, if they have to spend months providing uncompensated covid-19 care, that all of them will survive. … type=owned

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Unless my job forces me to, I don't plan to get the COVID 19 vaccine if one is found. At least not without a place like Germany, France, or Japan approving it also. I don't trust an expedited research and rollout of a vaccine by this administration. I have little faith our best interest are being looked out for. I am generally pro vaccine otherwise.
yesterday florida (pop. 21.5 million) put on more covid cases than ALL of europe combined (450 million).
The X stands for
+1,812|6248|eXtreme to the maX
I would sacrifice every one of you if the government would reopen the cat-houses.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
america has form and pedigree in this sort of thing.

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