
Jay wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There's like two days between the first example's posts. Crazy. I wonder if Jay is on twitter with this stuff? Earlier in this thread I would have probably been panned by him for saying I wore a mask. Now he doesn't have a problem with it and never did.
I guess you don't remember giving me shit for buying masks at home depot back in march. I believe you told me to donate them to a hospital.
If I did, it was probably a recommendation for the N95 masks that hospitals were low on.

CDC's mask policy change came as new information was uncovered, but did not invalidate other measures like social distancing, not touching your face, staying at home when possible, or (and I know you made fun of it) washing your hands. And the concerns about incorrect wearing and handling of the masks and the inherent overconfidence are still a thing.

Most of the masks I see in public these days are the DIY ones. I have a cloth one with a filter insert.

Should I be flattered or disturbed at the claim that you spent 180+ pages in this thread posting wrong information just to troll me?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5448|London, England

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Jay wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There's like two days between the first example's posts. Crazy. I wonder if Jay is on twitter with this stuff? Earlier in this thread I would have probably been panned by him for saying I wore a mask. Now he doesn't have a problem with it and never did.
I guess you don't remember giving me shit for buying masks at home depot back in march. I believe you told me to donate them to a hospital.
If I did, it was probably a recommendation for the N95 masks that hospitals were low on.

CDC's mask policy change came as new information was uncovered, but did not invalidate other measures like social distancing, not touching your face, staying at home when possible, or (and I know you made fun of it) washing your hands. And the concerns about incorrect wearing and handling of the masks and the inherent overconfidence are still a thing.

Most of the masks I see in public these days are the DIY ones. I have a cloth one with a filter insert.

Should I be flattered or disturbed at the claim that you spent 180+ pages in this thread posting wrong information just to troll me?
I never posted wrong information on purpose. I did say it was just the flu, and that was incorrect, I agree. I spent most of my time in this thread arguing with people that were convinced 10% of earths population was on the verge of being wiped out. I believe I spent a lot of time pointing out the overlap with the people who believe the world is going to die from climate change in ten years. I never said people shouldn't social distance or take precautions with ppe. I did say it wasn't worth it to shut down the economy and I believe my reasoning was that the American population can't be controlled and the virus would spread regardless. You focused on my one comment about tissue boxes for 180 pages and ignored the rest.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

I could probably count the number of times I mentioned that on two hands. I think at least half of the time it was in response to one of your snarks or some aggravatingly misinformed opinion. I don't think that's very significant spread across 180 pages. I also don't remember telling you to go die in a fire. I could probably count my callbacks to that on one hand.

Also climate change over the long term and the immediate threat of this novel coronavirus is probably apples and carrots.

You say the population can't be controlled, but every time I go out to shop, most people I see are observing mask and social distancing requirements, and the observed number is increasing. Maybe us Washingtonians are generally less derpy. Or maybe if the president hadn't wasted so much precious time earlier in the pandemic sabotaging the country's efforts to fight it, we'd be better off today than we are now.

What do you think?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I could see the southern states getting hit as hard as they are now if Clinton was president. The country would probably be worse off in totality too. That wouldn't be the fault of the democrats or liberals though. Conservatives would strongly push back against a national plan to fight COVID if it came from "Karen Clinton". Republicans would have done very well in the '18 midterms and prevented all aid packages from passing Congress in order to weaken Clinton in November, something Congressional Democrats wouldn't do. 

But that's all hypothetical anyway. It is a failure of national leadership that our graph looks like this
Instead of this
When historians write the history of how the U.S. handled COVID, they aren't going to say "But Clinton would have been worse. Trust us". Historians will instead point out how a government gifted with so many tools did so little to protect its people.

What are historians anyway but people who exist to create more historians. /s
The X stands for
+1,812|6196|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

I spent most of my time in this thread arguing with people that were convinced 10% of earths population was on the verge of being wiped out.
Very hard to predict at the outset of a new virus. Thank god its a trivial 5%
I believe I spent a lot of time pointing out the overlap with the people who believe the world is going to die from climate change in ten years.
No-one on earth has ever said that.
In ~50 years it could be starting to get serious. At that point it would take ~50-100 years of planet-scale engineering to get back to square one.
I never said people shouldn't social distance or take precautions with ppe.
You never said anything about either IIRC.
I did say it wasn't worth it to shut down the economy and I believe my reasoning was that the American population can't be controlled and the virus would spread regardless.
Then the American population will get what it deserves.

At this point New Zealand is about done with the virus. But for some fuckwits Australia could have been done too.

With the benefit of hindsight would you go back in time and shut the country down completely for 2-3 months and be done with it like New Zealand?
Or do nothing, let it run out of control and be fucked for the next 2-3 years at least?

At this point do you still think nothing should be done about climate change, and risk your children's entire lives being colossally screwed?
Six months of leisurely lockdown will look like nothing.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ … arty-texas

A 30-year-old patient died after attending a ‘“Covid party”, believing the virus to be a hoax, a Texas medical official has said.

“Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said ‘I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not,’” said Dr Jane Appleby, the chief medical officer at Methodist hospital in San Antonio.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6828|Oxferd Ohire
It's not a real pandemic without at least 3 million deaths
the irish and the japanese are pissed at americans. huge outbreak associated with okinawa and american military there. the civilian population had kerbed the local epidemic. now soldiers are spreading it and japanese are accusing americans of 'not taking it seriously'. same with irish people complaining at american tourist's travel to the region. 70,000 new cases put on by america in a day and meanwhile thousands of american tourists are taking walking tours of ireland. lmao.

america has become the sick man of the world.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Or do nothing, let it run out of control and be fucked for the next 2-3 years at least?
Pretty much what I've been hearing, except for the being screwed part. That part just gets shrugged at with an "I don't know what to tell you."

Anecdotal dead horse:

"Let it run its course, it's going to do it anyway and we won't know how effective vaccines will be for another few years out," rather than "fight it with what means we have so that the damage is mitigated until it can be addressed with better means."

I eagerly await Jay's response to the question in my previous post. This is more important than deck updates.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6828|Oxferd Ohire
Why did they let us in

uziq wrote:

the irish and the japanese are pissed at americans. huge outbreak associated with okinawa and american military there. the civilian population had kerbed the local epidemic. now soldiers are spreading it and japanese are accusing americans of 'not taking it seriously'. same with irish people complaining at american tourist's travel to the region. 70,000 new cases put on by america in a day and meanwhile thousands of american tourists are taking walking tours of ireland. lmao.

america has become the sick man of the world.
One of my contacts still emphasizes that China intentionally shipped its sick people across the world in an act of biological war and economic sabotage. Regardless of the extent of truth or lack of (Chinese bio-terror), it'll be interesting to hear their tack on this.


Trump employs infected agents in vow of revenge against international Dem allies for coronavirus coup conspiracy
The X stands for
+1,812|6196|eXtreme to the maX
Its a fact that China aggressively supported the right of its citizens to travel the world when China knew it had an epidemic on its hands, and the seriousness of it, and the world didn't.

Conclude from that what you like.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

I presented that neutrally to dodge a four page long sidetrack intended to distract from how the US is doing it.

Found on social media:

I am all that is MOD!

My best friend just tested positive for COVID-19. He started running a fever last night, followed by coughing fits and sore throat. He said he slept all day today, and just got his results back. I last saw him on 7/3 (we went hiking together) so I think I'm in the clear.

He has a wife and two boys. I hope he is not one of the unfortunate cases. This is the first positive case in my immediate circle of friends and family. Maybe I am worrying too much, but I can't imagine how his family is feeling right now.

Man. Hope he pulls through.

Shades of Randy Marsh.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Los Angeles and San Diego unified school districts announced plans on Monday to resume instruction in August with online teaching only, citing “skyrocketing” coronavirus infection rates in California during the past few weeks.

Los Angeles and San Diego rank as the two largest public school districts in California, with about 706,000 students and 88,000 employees combined on more than 1,500 campuses overall. Los Angeles is the second-largest school district in the United States.
NYC last week said they are only going to do part time instruction. The fact that three of the largest districts in the country are committing to not reopening is huge. I expect a lot of others will follow their lead.
LA just got re-cucked by the mayor and governor. malls, salons, non essential office spaces etc shut down again. i am back to WFH every other week. i can't really WFH with my job so basically just chilling. shit kinda sucks because i have to call in at start time and call out so i can't really do anything cool. i'm also technically on call the whole day too if an emergency happens. wanted to plan some offshore fishing trips during the week or go up to the mountains but there's no cell service.

i feel like they jumped the gun on opening up in the first place but idk what can you do? ppl were getting antsy and you can only keep businesses shut down for so long. cases might go down a little now and they're gonna open back up and then shit's gonna spike again really bad around fall/winter and then we're gonna shutdown again. it's gonna be a rollercoaster for the next year or so i feel.

@mac is your district gonna do part-time instruction or are u gonna be WFH for the fall time managing your reddit porn subs? KJ's people in orange county just voted to reopen schools next month with masks being optional and no social distancing required. people on SJW twitter are calling it the florida of california. KJ you can't make fun of me for being from acton/santa clarita anymore

Last edited by lil_droo (2020-07-14 09:23:13)

gang shit

Do Californians make fun or Oregonians and Washingtonians? Because apart from the Florida Man distraction, Californians are the butt of state jokes up here.
I am all that is MOD!

every state hates their neighbors. Californians hate Texans though.

mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6828|Oxferd Ohire
Fuck Michigan.
Go Cougs!
+688|6381|Washington St.
NJ hates everyone
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
It should be the other way around. Everyone hates Nj.

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