… phe-reportwe are relaxing measures here and not giving local councils the data or testing capability they need to be able to respond dynamically to new outbreaks.
so leicester is now a plague-town with a far worse outbreak than other areas of the UK. great! so let's deal with leicester, right? except the government kicked the issue into the tall grass for over 2 weeks, didn't give them the means to do drive-through testing, didn't give them any centralized data, etc. so now leicester is fucked and its mayor, already presiding over a funds-starved council that has been gutted by 10 years of austerity, has to try and manage a local meltdown in the health system.
oh and the engine of their outbreak? under-19s and workers.
jay's plan seems water tight!
We need actual technocrats running the place, not career wonks with history degrees and no experience of doing anything.
yeah because no conservative-leaning technocrat in the world has a science background, right? get real. the idea to contract out everything to 'private industry' or business, or to put things up for tender in a free market, is not limited to history graduates.
Last edited by uziq (2020-07-02 01:39:19)