only the very last link in that post actually involves murder. the rest of the time it is harassment and legal infractions with people simply for being outside their own homes. a black academic in central park had the police called on him because he told a white woman to leash her dog, in an area where leashing your dog was the rules. that is everyday abuse.

as for disadvantaged, again, you can find the educational acceptance rates, job employment stats, and earnings comparisons yourself.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Most people's experience of racism is ‘people being nasty’ or finding racism in banter or - nothing at all.

Someone put out a plate of crackers at the monthly drinks, ZOMG for white people thats like tying a garage pull-cord into a handy loop is for black people.
speak for yourself, dilbert.

so, to clarify, you claim that you have an equal experience of racism because someone made fun of your surname and someone else joked that you were lost when wandering through a neighbourhood with a local ethnic community. wow! you really know racism!

has anyone ever crossed the street to the other side of the road when you're walking around? maybe, maybe.

has anyone ever called the police on you because you're in their neighbourhood, and they're immediately suspicious and feel threatened? or because they know that the mere suggestion of calling the police is in-itself a veiled threat to a black person? 'i'll call the local white police on you if you interrupt me any more!' … irdwatcher

how about ... has anyone ever stopped and questioned you, and threatened to call the police on you, when you're in your own neighbourhood, outside your own house, because they are skeptical that you could even possibly live in such a respectable area? has anyone ever demanded that you leave your own building, and followed you around insisting that you leave 'their' area?

Or Tower Hamlets late at night? … louis.html … -12848700/

assuming people have called the police on you for simply being in the 'wrong' area, have you then ever got into an altercation with a police officer? have you ever feared for your life when talking to a police officer? have you ever feared wrongful imprisonment? being forcibly restrained? killed? somehow i sincerely doubt you've ever had to confront this sort of fear or anxiety.

have you ever been pursued and chased down by people carrying guns, intent on performing a 'citizen's arrest', simply because you're out for a jog in their neighbourhood?

tell me more about how you know about racism, and it's 'mostly just banter'.

you know, dilbert, and i mean this quite sincerely, once in a while you should really actually shut the fuck up and try listening to someone else's experiences. you file everything away in your own little 'culture war' contraptions, you have an answer and retort to everything, and you look like a very, very silly man. shut up and learn something.
Why don't you try going for a jog in downtown Lagos and report back your experience?

Or Tower Hamlets late at night?
so it was his fault?

remind me the next time a white jogger gets hunted down and shot for being in the wrong area of london. lmao i have friends who live in tower hamlets. you REALLY haven't been to the UK since the 1970s, have you?

and again with the bizarre comparisons to somalia or nigeria or haiti. we are talking about race relations within the context of america and democracies. so because there are unstable states in africa, black american citizens who have no ties whatsoever to africa for 400 years should accept being murdered?

you are a fucking retard. i'm sorry.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

remind me the next time a white jogger gets hunted down and shot for being in the wrong area of london.
I can remind you of the last time a white person was killed for being in the wrong place in London!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/ratio_4x3_w1200/image.jpg

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-06-28 02:56:06)

Fuck Israel
OK, so your answer is to invoke a terrorism incident committed by an islamic extremist.

nice to see you've lost the argument.

glad you recognize that an american citizen shouldn't be murdered for jogging in the wrong area. lagos doesn't have anything to fucking do with it.
also that is a complete travestying of lee rigby's murder. you should really have a word with yourself. he was not killed for 'being a white person in the wrong area of london'. it wasn't a racially motivated crime at all. the terrorist literally explained to the cameras that he murdered lee rigby, who was in military dress outside an army barracks, to protest the UK military's involvement in the middle-east. for you to appropriate that for your racist narrative is absolutely repellent.

i believe lee rigby's own family spoke out about the appropriation of his murder by the british far-right, who tried to make a martyr of him. you really are moral scum. … 93911.html

The family’s statement said: "The family have always said that Britain First's views are not what Lee believed in and they have absolutely no support from his family. We have repeatedly asked Britain First and other political parties not to use Lee's name to promote their views.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-28 03:11:47)


uziq wrote:

Such a small thing to ask, to devolve into an absolute freakout. I feel embarrassed for her.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

also that is a complete travestying of lee rigby's murder. you should really have a word with yourself. he was not killed for 'being a white person in the wrong area of london'. it wasn't a racially motivated crime at all. the terrorist literally explained to the cameras that he murdered lee rigby, who was in military dress outside an army barracks, to protest the UK military's involvement in the middle-east. for you to appropriate that for your racist narrative is absolutely repellent.

i believe lee rigby's own family spoke out about the appropriation of his murder by the british far-right, who tried to make a martyr of him. you really are moral scum. … 93911.html

The family’s statement said: "The family have always said that Britain First's views are not what Lee believed in and they have absolutely no support from his family. We have repeatedly asked Britain First and other political parties not to use Lee's name to promote their views.
Would they have killed a black man walking down the street? They were looking for a white soldier.

Apart from that there have been plenty of stabbings of people  'in the wrong place at the wrong time' in London, mostly carried out by young black men. And they complain when people call the police over black youths loitering.
Fuck Israel
you are scum, sorry. good to know that you're recycling far-right tropes now. i'll interact with you as such.

and no, islamic extremism is not a counter-example of racism against whites. it is irrelevant to the discussion above.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-28 03:19:20)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
OK, whatever, enjoy commenting on things you know nothing about from your pasta-white enclave.
Fuck Israel
enjoy reading far-right doggerel and telling me what it's like to walk around tower hamlets, an area i've spent a lot of time in, whilst in your fucking parents bungalow in AUSTRALIA.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I don't read far-right doggerel, thats Jay.
Fuck Israel
you just cited the murder of lee rigby as an example of racist violence against whites.

literally an incident that has been mythologized and used as a clarion call for britain's far-right for over a decade.

literally a political hijacking that has been denounced and disclaimed by his own family and loved ones.

you are scum.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Well it literally was two black men killing a white man for no reason other than he was white and near an army base.

He wasn't wearing 'military attire', he was just an average person walking down the street.

Thats going to get the average Brit worked up no?

I mean you think its OK for the BLM crowd to riot, loot, burn buildings to the ground and pull down monuments but if whites complain they need to 'shut up' and 'grow up' because they're 'scum'?

You're a strange self-hating person.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-06-28 03:37:55)

Fuck Israel
they killed a soldier in a ‘help for heroes’ hoody, carrying his uniform in a backpack into an army barracks to protest the UK’s involvement in the middle-east. the terrorist spent several minutes proclaiming their intention to the fucking news cameras. it’s not a racially motivated crime. obviously i don’t support or defend any fucking part of it.

you’re completely wrong, you’re disingenuous and you’re cynical. you’re manipulating the truth and using someone’s murder for your own political ends. in doing this you are doing exactly what the far-right, violent, militantly fascist parties of britain have tried to do for the last 10 years, in inciting a race war or nativist politics. you are behaving like utter scum.

or are you going to plead ignorance about how hugely controversial lee rigby’s murder’s appropriation by the far-right has been in the UK? perhaps you’re innocent about this? whilst telling me how little i know about my own country?

you’re not having the greatest few hours, are you? go away and have a little think.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-28 03:43:48)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I'm sure they could see his uniform through his backpack and the logo on his hoody from the side at 40mph.

Its just an example of a white person in London being killed for no reason other than they were white and in the wrong place at the wrong time, you asked for it and you got it.

I wasn't in the UK at the time, you can rant all you like.

Like I said, try taking a stroll through Lagos of an evening and see how it goes.
I think you'll find the average Nigerian is a whole lot more racist than white Londoners.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-06-28 03:48:27)

Fuck Israel
islamic extremism has killed a great number of non-white people in london. it is not a racist anti-white ideology.

lee rigby’s own family have said that he didn’t subscribe to your interpretation of the world, that he had no sympathies with your claptrap about the plight of whites.

i think you stop abusing the man’s memory and move on.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-28 03:49:03)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I'm not abusing anything, just laying out the facts, maybe you should calm down.
Fuck Israel

Has anyone on this forum actually said they're behind burning and looting, or is this once again a conflation of peaceful protests with vandalism and robbery?

The statues are the least of the worries here. They don't even belong in the same category. I will say that if a few non-racist statues are (regrettable) collateral as a byproduct of the removal of insincerely-erected Confederate monuments from public spaces, it might be a small price to pay for that progress.

But ideally, local and state governments should take them down of their own moral accord. They don't represent anyone's heritage. A big fat statue of Jefferson Davis looming over a city is a monument to segregation and the opposition of civil rights.

Did you know he was styled as "His Excellency?" Puke.

People getting more worked up over a lump of metal than the lives and health of their fellow human beings is repulsive.
yes, such powerful arguments you’re making about racism against black people in the US and other western liberal democracies, in which individual equality are supposed to be paramount.

‘so an american citizen was hunted down and killed for jogging in the wrong part of down? well, try doing that in lagos!’

really persuasive stuff. it’s beneath comment.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
How many times has uziq said, "well you have to accept burning, looting and graffitiing is a normal part of protest these days"
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

yes, such powerful arguments you’re making about racism against black people in the US and other western liberal democracies, in which individual equality are supposed to be paramount.

‘so an american citizen was hunted down and killed for jogging in the wrong part of down? well, try doing that in lagos!’

really persuasive stuff. it’s beneath comment.
Your point was white people are never harassed or killed for being white, the fact is they are.
Fuck Israel
i don’t believe i’ve ever said that. in fact i’ve said multiple times that jay should stop ignoring the weeks of peaceful protest and casually eliding genuine protest with small bouts of criminality. i have no interest in defending shoplifting. i think larssen has said more on that topic than i have.

why can’t you properly address my long post above? all those examples of everyday racism? why exactly should a black american, who has lived all their lives as american citizens, and for generations past, answer and be responsible for the situation in Lagos or Mogadishu? why should their lives be forfeit because of how an african country happens to govern or not govern itself?

everybody else can see the utter rank stupidity, dilbert. please make an actual point.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

yes, such powerful arguments you’re making about racism against black people in the US and other western liberal democracies, in which individual equality are supposed to be paramount.

‘so an american citizen was hunted down and killed for jogging in the wrong part of down? well, try doing that in lagos!’

really persuasive stuff. it’s beneath comment.
Your point was white people are never harassed or killed for being white, the fact is they are.
i asked you if you’ve ever suffered racism equivalent to those examples, as you were talking about ‘racism’ mostly being a tit-for-tat exchange of banter, and nothing more. this is patently nonsense.

quite obviously i am talking about racism within the context of countries where racism is an active topic and cause for reform, i.e. liberal democracies that proclaim values of equality and liberty for all, not for one skin colour.

the fact a white person could end up beheaded in certain valleys of pakistan or wouldn’t be safe walking around syria doesn’t have anything to fucking do with it. you are a stupidity-monger and merely distracting the issue.

Dilbert_X wrote:

How many times has uziq said, "well you have to accept burning, looting and graffitiing is a normal part of protest these days"
Speaking for myself, I think it's accepting it as the inevitable conclusion of poor governance and malicious/negligent crisis handling. This doesn't mean I condone it.

It would have been nice if there weren't any protests at all. We're still in the middle of a pandemic.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

yes, such powerful arguments you’re making about racism against black people in the US and other western liberal democracies, in which individual equality are supposed to be paramount.

‘so an american citizen was hunted down and killed for jogging in the wrong part of down? well, try doing that in lagos!’

really persuasive stuff. it’s beneath comment.
Your point was white people are never harassed or killed for being white, the fact is they are.
i asked you if you’ve ever suffered racism equivalent to those examples, as you were talking about ‘racism’ mostly being a tit-for-tat exchange of banter, and nothing more. this is patently nonsense.
And once again, as a white person living in a white country I wouldn't expect to, however when I've strayed into ethnic enclaves I have based purely on my skin colour.

Black people are just as racist as whites, they're in the minority and downtrodden so you don't really see it, and when you do you dismiss it as a 'reaction'.
Fuck Israel

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