Two famous statues were pulled down by protesters gathered around the state Capitol in Madison on Tuesday night.
The two statues -- the Forward statue, located on the west entrance to Capitol Square at the end of State Street, and Hans Christian Heg statue, located on the east entrance of the Capitol at the King Street corner of the square -- were removed from their pedestals.
Protesters took the Heg statue and dumped in Lake Monona, almost a half-mile from where it was toppled at Capitol Square.
Jean Miner designed "Forward," an allegorical bronze statue of a woman raising her right arm as a symbol of progress.
https://www.wpr.org/protesters-tear-dow … te-capitol
Hans Christian Heg (December 21, 1829 – September 20, 1863) was a Norwegian American journalist, anti-slavery activist, politician and soldier, best known for leading the Scandinavian 15th Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment in the American Civil War. He died of the wounds he received at the Battle of Chickamauga.
Heg became a rising young politician who found slavery abhorrent. He naturally became an ardent member of the Free Soil Party.[3] Heg was a major in the 4th Wisconsin Militia and served as Wisconsin State Prison Commissioner. He was the first Norwegian-born candidate elected statewide in Wisconsin.
He soon joined the recently formed Republican Party. He was an outspoken anti-slavery activist and a leader of Wisconsin's Wide Awakes, an anti-slave catcher militia.[4][5] During this time, he sheltered Sherman Booth, who was made a federal fugitive after inciting a mob to rescue an escaped slave.
In 1860, Heg was elected commissioner of the state prison in Waupun, and served there for two years. Heg spearheaded many reforms to the prison, believing that prisons should be used to "reclaim the wandering and save the lost."
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