i would have just left it at the moment he ran away. giving chase escalated it. why are you chasing a guy armed with a taser over a DUI? it's not a rapist or an armed robber. that guy is zero danger to the public. impound his vehicle and trace his address. serve him with a notice of DUI and evading arrest. whatever. why do you need to give dangerous chase over such a trivial felony? why is there this hunt and capture at all costs mentality?
i totally agree that a very nasty situation unfolded for the cops. but why is it always guns-out and lethal rounds? every encounter with the police in america seems to involve a deadly weapon and the risk of a life being taken. that calculus seems fucked, to me. i agree with you that policing is a very fucking difficult job at the moment.
at the end of the day a guy just lost his life because he fell asleep in his car after a few too many beers.
serve him with a notice of DUI and evading arrest.
So cops are now supposed to go to his house and cause a scene where his family lives? We just had a lady wrongly killed due to a police raid. You rather risk something like that? What if the guy goes onto commit a crime with that taser you would want him to have?
the lady killed in the police raid was an absolute scandal. they had a no-knock warrant and turned up to her apartment in numbers, in plain clothes, and emptied high-calibre assault rounds through her doors and walls. they shot that woman to death and turned her apartment into the alamo. even after she was dead her partner on the phone calling 9/11 didn't realize it was the fucking police who had turned their home into waco. they never announced themselves as police. that's not policing, that's an execution squad.
it really couldn't be done differently?
how do you think the rest of the world does traffic stops or DUIs? how many people get shot to death in finland or the UK over falling asleep in their car? i'll let you guess.
it's not altogether uncommon here for people who make a break for it on foot, e.g. when being arrested when drunk and disorderly, to be let go. the cops do not give chase at all costs. that's because it endangers life, not least their own. this seems to me a more sensible approach to public order policing than shooting someone in the back 4 times over a 4-pack of beers.
the far-right had a rally here in the UK. it was really something to behold.
it was meant to be a 'counter-protest' to a BLM protest. the totemic fear was that the BLM protestors would graffiti and desecrate central london's statues of churchill, the war memorial cenotaph, etc. (never mind that these get vandalized at every single protest, as a matter of course; even student protests).
instead, BLM cancelled their london rally and went ahead and hosted half-a-dozen peaceful, well-organized protests in other cities around the UK.
meanwhile, the far-right turned up in london. with no one to fight with, they rioted against the police. the police who were posted there to protect the very same statues. they rampaged around central london, spitting on police, spitting on picnickers in nearby hyde park, punching and kicking over riot police (and getting away with it without arrest; good luck to any BLM protestor doing that). they had a giant piss-up (police had to request local supermarkets stop selling alcohol as it was getting so bad). they had a giant piss in general, apparently, judging by the rivers of urine all around central london. they pissed on statues and war memorials. one of them was photographed taking a piss on the memorial set-up for a dead policeman who was killed in a recent terrorist attack.
some of them were seen throwing up nazi salutes. at the winston churchill statue. go figure.
this really was one of the best chess moves by BLM. they took their peaceful protest elsewhere and let the right-wing 'patriots' reveal themselves as thuggish, drunken football louts. what a terrible self-own by the UK's right wing.
what exactly were they protesting for? defending again? unbelievable.
it has produced some very great lulzy photos. such as this one, of a BLM protestor carrying a white racist who was half getting his ass beat to death, to safety.
at the end of the day a guy just lost his life because he fell asleep in his car after a few too many beers.
He lost his life because he attacked the police for no reason, grabbing for their weapons. Probably he shoudn't have been shot running away, a hard decision in the moment.
Lets be real, he had no reason to attack those officers. All he faced was a ride to the police station, a fine and a driving ban.
In the circumstances the average person is going to question why anyone would do that, what does he have to hide? is he carrying a weapon? is he a wanted felon?
He probably shouldn't have been shot running away, but he'd taken one shot at an officer with a taser, he could have been about to pull a gun, maybe he'd already taken the other officers gun.
Again, I wouldn't much want to be out having to arrest people who are bigger than me and likely drunk, drugged and armed.
the far-right had a rally here in the UK. it was really something to behold.
it was meant to be a 'counter-protest' to a BLM protest. the totemic fear was that the BLM protestors would graffiti and desecrate central london's statues of churchill, the war memorial cenotaph, etc. (never mind that these get vandalized at every single protest, as a matter of course; even student protests).
instead, BLM cancelled their london rally and went ahead and hosted half-a-dozen peaceful, well-organized protests in other cities around the UK.
meanwhile, the far-right turned up in london. with no one to fight with, they rioted against the police. the police who were posted there to protect the very same statues. they rampaged around central london, spitting on police, spitting on picnickers in nearby hyde park, punching and kicking over riot police (and getting away with it without arrest; good luck to any BLM protestor doing that). they had a giant piss-up (police had to request local supermarkets stop selling alcohol as it was getting so bad). they had a giant piss in general, apparently, judging by the rivers of urine all around central london. they pissed on statues and war memorials. one of them was photographed taking a piss on the memorial set-up for a dead policeman who was killed in a recent terrorist attack.
some of them were seen throwing up nazi salutes. at the winston churchill statue. go figure.
this really was one of the best chess moves by BLM. they took their peaceful protest elsewhere and let the right-wing 'patriots' reveal themselves as thuggish, drunken football louts. what a terrible self-own by the UK's right wing.
what exactly were they protesting for? defending again? unbelievable.
it has produced some very great lulzy photos. such as this one, of a BLM protestor carrying a white racist who was half getting his ass beat to death, to safety.
oh and this great soul-searching from the daily mail, the main rabble-rousing right-wing tabloid.
make u think
OK, so to summarise:
Black people being aggrieved and smashing the place up and burning it down = Good
White people being aggrieved and having a pee = The most egregious and outrageous act of this century.
Why do you hate white people so much?
When the lockdown is over I suggest you take a trip to somewhere actually dominated by black 'culcha'.
For example Haiti, Lagos and Mogadishu. I'm sure they're fully multicultural, not like the 84% white enclave you live in. Maybe you can relocate and remote-work?
i already remote work and have done for over half a year.
nothing has been smashed up anywhere in the UK by BLM protests. a statue got taken down by a majority white crowd of locals. a few things were graffiti’d, as happens in every protest. why didn’t the far-right stormtroopers come out in defense and outrage when the students plastered trafalgar square? odd, that.
which still rather conveniently ignores the awkward paradox of people assembling to ‘defend our culture’ then proceeding to piss all over it and treat it with a maximum of disrespect. hitler salutes in front of churchill? i mean really? strange form of cultural deference and protectiveness.
again with your references to haiti and somalia. it’s almost like you haven’t a clue how to construe the simplest argument. bad analogy on top of capricious judgment on top of simmering barely contained racist bollocks.
A statue of former KKK leader and Confederate soldier Nathan Bedford Forrest that has been in the Tennessee capitol for over 40 years could be replaced by another famous Tennessean.
Local lawmakers are considering options to replace Forrest and according to reports, Dolly Parton is one candidate. ... “If we want to preserve history, then let’s tell it the right way," said Faison. "How about getting a lady in there? My daughter is 16, and I would love for her to come into the Capitol and see a lady up there... What’s wrong with someone like Dolly Parton being put in that alcove?”
Do you Europeans know who Dolly Parton was or do I have to include a picture?
i already remote work and have done for over half a year.
nothing has been smashed up anywhere in the UK by BLM protests. a statue got taken down by a majority white crowd of locals. a few things were graffiti’d, as happens in every protest. why didn’t the far-right stormtroopers come out in defense and outrage when the students plastered trafalgar square? odd, that.
which still rather conveniently ignores the awkward paradox of people assembling to ‘defend our culture’ then proceeding to piss all over it and treat it with a maximum of disrespect. hitler salutes in front of churchill? i mean really? strange form of cultural deference and protectiveness.
again with your references to haiti and somalia. it’s almost like you haven’t a clue how to construe the simplest argument. bad analogy on top of capricious judgment on top of simmering barely contained racist bollocks.
Having a few beers and picking fights are two cornerstones of white culture - why are you so against proud ethnic traditions which have been followed for thousands of years? I think you're just an intolerant bigot and probably a racist.
Are you equating taking a leak into a hedge with burning down a neighbourhood? Very strange. Take off the goggles.
You say you're in favour of 'multiculturalism' yet you have no experience of the cultures you're so keen to import, apart from buying drugs from rastas apparently. I recommend you get out of your chalk-white enclave and spend a little time in a few places where black culture is dominant, I suggest Harare, Lagos and Port-au-Prince, a fortnight in each should do it. Maybe you can then pick one for an extended deep-immersion - six to twelve months should be about right.
Then I think you'll find that what you're promoting is corruption, criminality, misogyny, racism and regressivism, not right-on progressive equality at all.
Lets be real, he had no reason to attack those officers. All he faced was a ride to the police station, a fine and a driving ban.
In the circumstances the average person is going to question why anyone would do that, what does he have to hide? is he carrying a weapon? is he a wanted felon?
He probably shouldn't have been shot running away, but he'd taken one shot at an officer with a taser, he could have been about to pull a gun, maybe he'd already taken the other officers gun.
Again, I wouldn't much want to be out having to arrest people who are bigger than me and likely drunk, drugged and armed.
Let's be real, the police had all the power in this scenario, and used it to shoot a man in the back. Does it really matter whether or not the man was being a dumbass, next to lethal force being used so often when it clearly isn't necessary?
The police were in control in terms of deciding to shoot him in the back. He wasn't running at them with a knife. He was running away. This is just one more thing on the pile of things.
The police were in control in terms of deciding to shoot him in the back. He wasn't running at them with a knife. He was running away. This is just one more thing on the pile of things.
Finally some people who won't be afraid to employ a little violence against US citizens.
Prison guards are the most pig men of all American law enforcement. They shouldn't even be called law enforcement. To join many police forces you need a 4 year degree. To become a prison guard you don't need any. Any educated person who becomes a prison guard eventually uses it as a jumping off point into full law enforcement. I have two cousins who did the same while one is still working corrections. All of the people in corrections I have spoken to said the job feels like you are incarcerated yourself with the prisoners.
The police didn't have 'all the power', he had overpowered two of them after being tased once, maybe twice. Was he on crack?
like i said, it's a pretty major fuck-up when two armed police officers can't properly detain one drunk, half-asleep man.
why is it that so many people die from knees on their neck, lethal choke holds, guns being discharged because the cop has lost control?
two police officers should be able to dominate one guy. are they not taught any grappling skills?
i don't like to get into this sort of hypothetical 'this is what should have happened' talk, because i appreciate the fact that 'the heat of the moment' explains a lot of rash and poor decisions. i sympathize with the officers on that one.
but jesus fuck. two versus one and the guy slips away AND with a taser. the cops had fucked up and fucked up badly by that point.
It really does say a lot that Some Americans(TM) gleefully sit around and rub their hands at the idea of people being beaten and raped while in government custody.
Having a few beers and picking fights are two cornerstones of white culture - why are you so against proud ethnic traditions which have been followed for thousands of years? I think you're just an intolerant bigot and probably a racist.
Are you equating taking a leak into a hedge with burning down a neighbourhood? Very strange. Take off the goggles.
You say you're in favour of 'multiculturalism' yet you have no experience of the cultures you're so keen to import, apart from buying drugs from rastas apparently. I recommend you get out of your chalk-white enclave and spend a little time in a few places where black culture is dominant, I suggest Harare, Lagos and Port-au-Prince, a fortnight in each should do it. Maybe you can then pick one for an extended deep-immersion - six to twelve months should be about right.
Then I think you'll find that what you're promoting is corruption, criminality, misogyny, racism and regressivism, not right-on progressive equality at all.
this is so stupid i can't really even be bothered anymore. i'll leave this here for you and you can go figure it out for yourself.
Having a few beers and picking fights are two cornerstones of white culture
funny, that. punching a police officer and spitting on someone during a lethal pandemic is a crime in any other circumstance. but a bunch of pissed-up football hooligans see it as a summer day out and diversion. no, it's not harmless. it's violent crime.
actively punching, spitting at, shouting hate at the police. one of them walks straight up to the line whilst wrapping something around his knuckles. what would happen to a regular citizen in an ordinary situation if they squared up to the police brandishing a knuckle-duster? you'd be in court very sharpish. what would happen to a british-pakistani or a black person if they did the same? make u think.
at the end of this clip you can see them kick over riot police from behind and then start laying into them. again, your or my life would be over if we went up to a policeman and began assaulting them.
please show me where any such violence has taken place in any BLM protests. they are still protesting now, btw.
here's a video and news story of the 'patriot' protestors wandering to hyde park afterwards, bored and with no one to bother, and assaulting innocent members of the public having a picnic. spitting on girls during a pandemic. is this your 'white culture'? bravo.
Are you equating taking a leak into a hedge
no, i'm saying that if you're a far-right hooligan, congregrating to 'defend our culture' from vandalism, then when you piss on memorials you have, er, no leg to stand on. where's the hedge by the way?
cornerstones of white culture
great 'culture'! turning the streets of a city into rivers of piss. do you piss in the street often? funny, it looks more like mogadishu.
and yes, black people in bristol, whose families have been in the UK since the 1950s, are just the same as black people in lagos and port-au-prince. they are directly comparable! it's almost like you're full of racial-essentialist hokum.
yes, every single place in the UK is a 'white enclave' because it is a majority white country! amazing stuff. to get 'multiculturalism', apparently you have to go to africa.
rastas don't deal drugs anymore, by the way. albanians control the drugs trade. another one of your views from the back of the fridge with an expiry date in the 1970s.
It really does say a lot that Some Americans(TM) gleefully sit around and rub their hands at the idea of people being beaten and raped while in government custody.
Share a cell with "Bubba" meme.
I read some IAMAs from prison guards and they mention that child rapist and murderers aren't as mistreated as people like to imagine. Turns out criminals generally aren't interested in vigilante justice. You kind of have to be deluded to expect people in prison for murdering strangers for money or drunk driving into families to develop ideas about righteous justice.
I keep seeing this pic get circulated around like some weird monument to anti-protest argumentation. I haven't saved it (unsure if even real), but a black man with wounds all over his face was supposedly acknowledging that he was in the wrong and that the cop was just faster. Lots of mutual back-clapping involved where people are happy about him knowing his place, or how it obviously invalidates protests against police brutality, and so on.
The Nazi salutes in front of Winston Churchill's statue and fighting probably sympathetic cops isn't strange when you actually read what these people talk about in their spaces. The alt-right claims that if the generation that fought the Nazis had known what their societies would later turn into they would have sided with the Nazis instead. These people see their governments and society at large as having betrayed their interest. This reminds me of a quote that was said by a World War 2 historian about the right wing during the Weiner Republic. It went something like "No matter how much the Republic did everything it could to placate, protect, and advance the interest of the German right wing, the right responded back with ever more contempt for the whole system".
Also I don't think the people getting into physical altercations at these protest or any goddamn protest are the best and brightest historians. It is only the bottom of the barrel who go to these things to get into fights especially as they get older. People with advanced careers or professional licenses don't want to risk that in a street fight.
Having a few beers and picking fights are two cornerstones of white culture - why are you so against proud ethnic traditions which have been followed for thousands of years? I think you're just an intolerant bigot and probably a racist.
Are you equating taking a leak into a hedge with burning down a neighbourhood? Very strange. Take off the goggles.
You say you're in favour of 'multiculturalism' yet you have no experience of the cultures you're so keen to import, apart from buying drugs from rastas apparently. I recommend you get out of your chalk-white enclave and spend a little time in a few places where black culture is dominant, I suggest Harare, Lagos and Port-au-Prince, a fortnight in each should do it. Maybe you can then pick one for an extended deep-immersion - six to twelve months should be about right.
Then I think you'll find that what you're promoting is corruption, criminality, misogyny, racism and regressivism, not right-on progressive equality at all.
this is so stupid i can't really even be bothered anymore. i'll leave this here for you and you can go figure it out for yourself.
Having a few beers and picking fights are two cornerstones of white culture
funny, that. punching a police officer and spitting on someone during a lethal pandemic is a crime in any other circumstance. but a bunch of pissed-up football hooligans see it as a summer day out and diversion. no, it's not harmless. it's violent crime.
actively punching, spitting at, shouting hate at the police. one of them walks straight up to the line whilst wrapping something around his knuckles. what would happen to a regular citizen in an ordinary situation if they squared up to the police brandishing a knuckle-duster? you'd be in court very sharpish. what would happen to a british-pakistani or a black person if they did the same? make u think.
at the end of this clip you can see them kick over riot police from behind and then start laying into them. again, your or my life would be over if we went up to a policeman and began assaulting them.
please show me where any such violence has taken place in any BLM protests. they are still protesting now, btw.
here's a video and news story of the 'patriot' protestors wandering to hyde park afterwards, bored and with no one to bother, and assaulting innocent members of the public having a picnic. spitting on girls during a pandemic. is this your 'white culture'? bravo.
Are you equating taking a leak into a hedge
no, i'm saying that if you're a far-right hooligan, congregrating to 'defend our culture' from vandalism, then when you piss on memorials you have, er, no leg to stand on. where's the hedge by the way?
cornerstones of white culture
great 'culture'! turning the streets of a city into rivers of piss. do you piss in the street often? funny, it looks more like mogadishu.
and yes, black people in bristol, whose families have been in the UK since the 1950s, are just the same as black people in lagos and port-au-prince. they are directly comparable! it's almost like you're full of racial-essentialist hokum.
yes, every single place in the UK is a 'white enclave' because it is a majority white country! amazing stuff. to get 'multiculturalism', apparently you have to go to africa.
rastas don't deal drugs anymore, by the way. albanians control the drugs trade. another one of your views from the back of the fridge with an expiry date in the 1970s.
Like I said, why don't you actually try visiting a black-controlled country and see if thats the sort of culture you really want to promote over traditional British culture.
If you make it back I think seeing piss in the streets and hooligans fighting the police would bring tears of nostalgia to your eyes.
And why is graffiti now a 'normal part of demonstrations' but taking a piss in a hedge not? Which one is more damaging to public and private property?
Meanwhile you're literally exactly like the clowns running the country, an over-educated moron with a superiority complex and a bunch of pet theories based on nothing which have no connection with reality.
Best of luck with Brexit, hopefully it will solve a few of the race issues afflicting Britain.
why do you think all 'blacks' have the same culture everywhere? it's ridiculous. i am talking about my ability to exist in a multicultural britain, with other people who are british. you do realize that someone with black skin born in bristol is not the same, socially or culturally, as a somalian right? they have british-born parents and grandparents, likely, too. jesus christ why does this have to be explained to you? where am i saying anywhere that i would blend right in in addis ababa? it's an african culture!
lol i can tell when i've riled you because it's always the same things. blah blah humanities grad, oh well! enjoy brexit! it's like a parthian shot except you're a dweeb going nowhere.