I don't want reparations. I think it would do more harm than good especially if it was called reparations.Jay wrote:
Yeah? You think reparations would make the problem go away? What sort of redistribution do you want?SuperJail Warden wrote:
There are no American conservative/Libertarian solutions to this problem. You either would need redistribution of wealth to equalize outcomes or the sort of cultural nation building that takes place in newly independent countries. The latter requires spending and encroachment on individual/consumer choice.uziq wrote:
what was your solution again? some buzzwords about all getting along? sounds useful.
To close the racial wealth gap and treat racism, I would like higher investment in public services. Staffing up education, maintenance, public works, and even police with minorities. Too much public institutions and workplaces especially in our part of the country are still run by whites who got their jobs through family going back generations. And while it may seem unfair to extract whites from public services in favor of minorities, I think it is important that a population receives their policing and services from people representative of their community. That is the difference between an occupation and community policing. An example you may better understand: During the Iraqi occupation, when the U.S. was putting trying to staff new police forces in the cities did they put out hiring notices in the community or did they try to hire young adults from upstate New York for those jobs? Higher overall investment in American public services would all make the whole thing much less zero sum.
I think we need more police by the way. I oppose the abolishment movement. My position has always been this: the police are not over oppressing minorities. Whites just aren't oppressed enough too.