the public are rightfully alarmed when anyone is shot to death in the street or in their vehicle by units of armed police screeching up in cars.

of course the police have to use deadly force sometimes, in self-defense or to protect the public.

not quite such a good look when hard-working migrants get shot in the head when trying to enter the tube, though. being maximally cautious about armed police seems wise to me, i think.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

I haven't described all opposition as looters and badnits.

I've also noticed blacks only care about black issues.
considering that BLM is effectively building an alliance across not only latinxs and LBGT-whatever, and considering its politics are explicitly concerned with issues such as fair pay and representation, and considering its members are actively involved in left-wing organising across a broad swathe of issues, in many industries ... yeah, you are totally full of shit.

you continually try to make out that any group which argues that they have a bad lot or are discriminated against by the ‘status quo’ are therefore trying to angle themselves as the new oppressor. it’s really stupid. ‘oh lesbian schoolteachers in australia are just trying to establish a man-hating gynocracy’. right ok.

unfortunately none of your paranoiac twerpy little doomsday scenarios accord with reality at all. BLM is part of a progressive alliance. they are not the black panthers.
Nope, I'm right on the money. The 'white left' is involved in the black community, you can bet the black community doesn't give a single shit about the white left.

Wherever blacks are in positions of power they treat whites worse than blacks are treated by whites, and in fact they treat each other worse than white people treat them.

Take a look at Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Africa or ... pretty well any country or area run by blacks.

In the West this is what happens every single time.

If they hate living amongst whites in countries built on slavery why don't they just migrate to Wakanda?
this is illiterate and embarrassing.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

the public are rightfully alarmed when anyone is shot to death in the street or in their vehicle by units of armed police screeching up in cars.

of course the police have to use deadly force sometimes, in self-defense or to protect the public.

not quite such a good look when hard-working migrants get shot in the head when trying to enter the tube, though. being maximally cautious about armed police seems wise to me, i think.
Well its funny that the black community only turn out and loot demonstrate when its a black thats shot, they're quiet as mice when its a white person getting killed.
Fuck Israel
when's the last time a white person was publicly executed in the street with a crowd of strangers gathering around?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

considering that BLM is effectively building an alliance across not only latinxs and LBGT-whatever, and considering its politics are explicitly concerned with issues such as fair pay and representation, and considering its members are actively involved in left-wing organising across a broad swathe of issues, in many industries ... yeah, you are totally full of shit.

you continually try to make out that any group which argues that they have a bad lot or are discriminated against by the ‘status quo’ are therefore trying to angle themselves as the new oppressor. it’s really stupid. ‘oh lesbian schoolteachers in australia are just trying to establish a man-hating gynocracy’. right ok.

unfortunately none of your paranoiac twerpy little doomsday scenarios accord with reality at all. BLM is part of a progressive alliance. they are not the black panthers.
Nope, I'm right on the money. The 'white left' is involved in the black community, you can bet the black community doesn't give a single shit about the white left.

Wherever blacks are in positions of power they treat whites worse than blacks are treated by whites, and in fact they treat each other worse than white people treat them.

Take a look at Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Africa or ... pretty well any country or area run by blacks.

In the West this is what happens every single time.

If they hate living amongst whites in countries built on slavery why don't they just migrate to Wakanda?
this is illiterate and embarrassing.
In January, 2013 Finance Minister Tendai Biti announced that Zimbabwe's national public account held just $217.[74] The election budget for the July 2013 presidential election was $104 million and government budget for 2013 was $3.09 billion at a projected economic growth of 5 per cent.[75] The Economist described the 2013 election as "rigged" and how, after regaining full control of the government, the Mugabe government doubled the civil service and embarked on "...misrule and dazzling corruption."

In mid-July 2019 inflation had increased to 175% following the adoption of a new Zimbabwe dollar and banning the use of foreign currency thereby sparking fresh concerns that the country was entering a new period of hyperinflation.[89][90] The Zimbabwean government stopped releasing inflation data in August 2019.[91] The year-on-year inflation rate was 521% in December 2019, but Zimbabwe central bank officials said in February 2020 that they hoped to reduce the figure to 50% by the end of December 2020.
They're doing so well now they've got rid of the white devils. Wakanda forever!
Fuck Israel
yes, dilbert, the reason those countries are in the state they are in is because of 'the blacks'.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So they canceled the show COPS
The Paramount Network confirmed on Tuesday that it had removed the reality show from its schedule, as protests nationwide call for police reform. Late last month, the network had temporarily cut the show from its schedule.

“‘Cops’ is not on the Paramount Network and we don’t have any current or future plans for it to return,” a spokeswoman for the network said.

Spike TV, the predecessor to the Paramount Network, picked up “Cops” in 2013 after the show was canceled by Fox, its network home for 25 years. The show’s 33rd season was expected to premiere on Paramount on June 15.



I recommend the New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. I've recommended it here many times. It really goes through how the justice system in the United States is racist as an institution, rotten to the core. From the judges to the prosecutors to the police, it shows how every facet of "justice" in the U.S. is applied discriminately. Pretending that ending qualified immunity (or any simple, one-note 'solution') will magically make cops less racist, or the institutions that protect them less likely to, is just downright silly. Sorry, it will take lots of small and large steps in unison, over the course of many years, to properly right this ship.

The New Jim Crow also touches on the conversation between uzi and larssen however many pages ago, regarding the next generation of policing in an advanced tech "big data" age. Systems can be created to predict and even stop crime before it happens, but if the algorithms themselves are based on historical (racist) data, there's obviously an inherent bias that will lead to more racism and prejudice. Giving oppressors more weapons is not going to automatically hold people more accountable. The PEOPLE will use it to better document and hold people in power accountable, but the oppressors will use it to amplify and efficiently oppress.
I believe most countries by now have had scandals with automated software systems discriminating against certain communities because as you said the data basis of algorithms can either provoke racist behaviour in the algo or because input was consciously manipulated. I only briefly mentioned AI and drones for crowd control purposes though, different issue.
To play devil's advocate a little I've heard too many rap songs that made mocking references to 9/11 as a 'white people problem'. I know there's reasons for this but it doesn't help the reformist cause much.
lmao. yes, that really is a big credibility problem for BLM's cause.

ever heard of poetic license? dramatic conceit? i'm sure many new york rappers contrast the 'atrocity' of 9/11 to the conditions that people are left to in harlem/queens/the bronx or whatever.
Dunno if you noticed but some famous rappers double as huge figures in cultural movements in the black community in the US including BLM.

And yes, they do. But the jihadis didn't much care for people's skin colour or the internal US divides when they designated western civilians as fair game. I can imagine such statements might not be warmly received by the more militaristic caste of US society.
Convo just 5 mins ago with this young Thai guy that owns a coffee/bagel place I get coffee from before work some days. Dude is pretty funny and friendly, usually tries to chat a lot with me when it's slow in there. He's basically summarized his life story to me over the past year. He lived in long beach for a while when he moved to the US which has some hood parts

"What u think about black lives matter?"

Me "Idk man they definitely got some grievances. The protesting is good but the looting was fucked up, thankfully it's settled down"

Him "They thug. They act thug. If they act normal they will be ok"

Wtf lmao
gang shit

Larssen wrote:

Dunno if you noticed but some famous rappers double as huge figures in cultural movements in the black community in the US including BLM.

And yes, they do. But the jihadis didn't much care for people's skin colour or the internal US divides when they designated western civilians as fair game. I can imagine such statements might not be warmly received by the more militaristic caste of US society.
don't know if you noticed, but BLM activists literally told kanye west and a bunch of other rappers who turned up at protests to take their place in the crowd and STFU because 'this is not about celebrity, it's about young people'. … -12808401/

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-10 05:54:28)

Considering kanye's love for trump a while ago and his recurring stupid I wouldn't be surprised if he fell out of grace too.

Meanwhile kendrick lamar's 'alright' was pretty much the anthem of the movement etc.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Larssen wrote:

To play devil's advocate a little I've heard too many rap songs that made mocking references to 9/11 as a 'white people problem'. I know there's reasons for this but it doesn't help the reformist cause much.
Many don't care about white people because they live in self-segregated bubbles where they don't have much interaction with white people, and if they do, it's either a cop or their boss at work. They have their own TV channels, movies, music, clothing, manner of talking, hairstyles, neighborhoods, twitterverse, etc. They don't care about white people and their problems because it's not something that enters their bubble. Some racists like to say "why don't they go back to Africa?" or "why don't we just set up a separate state for them to all move to and live in together?" but it's not even necessary. They've already done it within their own enclaves in every city. So, all these calls for defunding, disbanding, police and talk about systemic racism, it's not really about anything but power and a way to gatekeeper their own communities interactions with the outside world. They don't want white cops coming into their neighborhoods because they don't really want to see white people. They can't relate. They have no common culture. White people in a black neighborhood are as alienated as black people in white society can be.

So, this isn't universal, but it is at the core of the BLM movement. There are loads of black people who wish to be part of society at large and don't want to be locked up in their own enclaves with people who look exactly like them, talk like them etc. But they can't open their mouths without being called Uncle Tom's and shouted down.

The issues aren't going to end any time soon, because the people in charge of the BLM movement are hellbent on using identity politics to get their way. It is in their best interest to fan the flames of racism in order to keep their power. Right now they are on the warpath, bludgeoning governments, corporations and everyone else until they fall in line, or they risk ending up like the CrossFit founder or the Papa John's guy. Ousted and set upon by the mob. They don't want integration because it will lessen their power. They need their victimhood so that they can have strength. Reform the cops all you want, defund the police, none of it matters. Until liberals wise up and abandon identity politics this stuff will just keep getting worse.

Last edited by Jay (2020-06-10 06:05:08)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
so is kendrick lamar dismissive of 9/11? against white people? a black supremacist? i don't listen to his music.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

Dunno if you noticed but some famous rappers double as huge figures in cultural movements in the black community in the US including BLM.

And yes, they do. But the jihadis didn't much care for people's skin colour or the internal US divides when they designated western civilians as fair game. I can imagine such statements might not be warmly received by the more militaristic caste of US society.
That's where you are wrong. Jihadist are well aware of the racial issues of the western world. Example: During the Iranian hostage crisis, all of the black hostages were released "in solidarity with the racial struggle of blah". After the Orlando nightclub massacre, AQ released a statement saying that in future attacks, jihadist should avoid killing American minorities. They don't want their attacks to be mistaken for hate crimes. They also said white Americans make up the political leadership of America and have priority.
i find it an incredible reach that the black community's 'attitudes', according to some rap lyrics, of 9/11 are jeopardizing the credibility of BLM.

Until liberals wise up and abandon identity politics this stuff will just keep getting worse.
well, jay, that's very left-wing of you. because the real alternative to identity politics is meaningful redistribution of wealth (and property). level the actual economic field rather than making identitarian gestures and cultural nudges. meaningful integration will be achieved when race is irrelevant to earning or promotion potential.

somehow i doubt this appeals very much to you. because the current socioeconomic order is tipped in your favour.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-10 06:21:54)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Dunno if you noticed but some famous rappers double as huge figures in cultural movements in the black community in the US including BLM.

And yes, they do. But the jihadis didn't much care for people's skin colour or the internal US divides when they designated western civilians as fair game. I can imagine such statements might not be warmly received by the more militaristic caste of US society.
That's where you are wrong. Jihadist are well aware of the racial issues of the western world. Example: During the Iranian hostage crisis, all of the black hostages were released "in solidarity with the racial struggle of blah". After the Orlando nightclub massacre, AQ released a statement saying that in future attacks, jihadist should avoid killing American minorities. They don't want their attacks to be mistaken for hate crimes. They also said white Americans make up the political leadership of America and have priority.
Leading up to/directly after 911 Osama's fatwas more or less stated that if you pay taxes in the US or live there you are supportive of the US regime, killing american civilians is therefore justified. Individual variations among the rather disorganised terror groups notwithstanding, I'll agree that they also attempted to exploit existing tensions in the US to their gain. But make no mistake, they were very much opposed to any cultural images or practices associated with black america and would only play coy if they could get people to aggress against the US government or otherwise help their cause of complete (governmental and cultural) withdrawal from the 'muslim world'.

uziq wrote:

so is kendrick lamar dismissive of 9/11? against white people? a black supremacist? i don't listen to his music.
Not really, he's very introspective and I'd actually recommend listening to some of it. To pimp a butterfly is probably one of the best albums of the 2010s in all of music and is definitely worth a listen. The texts are rather good too - very thematic in the context of BLM.

But it's just an example of how much influence musical artists have in that community. The kids rioting I imagine are much more likely to look up to tupac than open a book about MLK and Malcolm X.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-06-10 06:27:59)

i don't like his rapping style very much. not being the biggest rap fan doesn't help. i can see he's influential, though.

people recommending me 'introspective' or 'intelligent' rap music makes me feel a reflexive cringe. please don't corner me about immortal technique.

i think the organizers and people involved with BLM are very literate with MLK and malcolm X. the younger generation now are intensely political and far more activist than our own. do not under-rate it. 'wokeness' is a trope for a reason. the people (from the black community, that is) using it as a put-down have done the reading and are familiar with their own histories.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-10 06:33:12)

At least look up 'the blacker the berry' and the conversation with tupac (of which a small portion is played each song) on the album. I'd agree with a reflexive cringe but the man didn't win a pulitzer simply on hype (though I wouldn't have awarded it for his last album, rather TPAB as it's his best piece). It's that good.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

yes, dilbert, the reason those countries are in the state they are in is because of 'the blacks'.
They were doing great before, now they can't keep the power on or supply water.
Fuck Israel

Larssen wrote:

At least look up 'the blacker the berry' and the conversation with tupac (of which a small portion is played each song) on the album. I'd agree with a reflexive cringe but the man didn't win a pulitzer simply on hype (though I wouldn't have awarded it for his last album, rather TPAB as it's his best piece). It's that good.
they gave a nobel prize to bob dylan. i have been post-prizes for a long time. the pulitzer is like the booker prize anyway, modish and given to publicity.

They were doing great before, now they can't keep the power on or supply water.
you sound like boris johnson. he wrote in a 2002 spectator column that the ex-colonial states of africa would be much better if we went back; and we should do it better and 'rule unapologetically'. ripping stuff. total bollocks, of course.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Dunno if you noticed but some famous rappers double as huge figures in cultural movements in the black community in the US including BLM.

And yes, they do. But the jihadis didn't much care for people's skin colour or the internal US divides when they designated western civilians as fair game. I can imagine such statements might not be warmly received by the more militaristic caste of US society.
That's where you are wrong. Jihadist are well aware of the racial issues of the western world. Example: During the Iranian hostage crisis, all of the black hostages were released "in solidarity with the racial struggle of blah". After the Orlando nightclub massacre, AQ released a statement saying that in future attacks, jihadist should avoid killing American minorities. They don't want their attacks to be mistaken for hate crimes. They also said white Americans make up the political leadership of America and have priority.
Leading up to/directly after 911 Osama's fatwas more or less stated that if you pay taxes in the US or live there you are supportive of the US regime, killing american civilians is therefore justified. Individual variations among the rather disorganised terror groups notwithstanding, I'll agree that they also attempted to exploit existing tensions in the US to their gain. But make no mistake, they were very much opposed to any cultural images or practices associated with black america and would only play coy if they could get people to aggress against the US government or otherwise help their cause of complete (governmental and cultural) withdrawal from the 'muslim world'.
OBL wasn't the total sum of the jihadist movement. And his designation of tax payers as valid targets didn't mean he was completely ignorant of western cultural attitudes towards minorities. He lived in the U.K. in his youth.

I also will say that among the generation of jihadist that went to Syria and Iraq from Europe and U.S., there wasn't a total hostility to western culture. European ISIS members were still releasing jihadist rap songs in European languages. In the Taliban training camps of AQ, OBL used to organize soccer matches. It was the Egyptians vs other Arabs in the game. OBL loved soccer. ISIS also had indoor soccer stadiums.

You are awfully close to the "they hate us because of our freedom" thinking.

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