
Buffalo cops resign from unit in protest after two of their own are suspended for injuring 75-year-old 6/5
https://www.yahoo.com/news/75-old-man-s … 46876.html

ALBANY, N.Y. – An entire unit of the Buffalo Police Department resigned from their assignments Friday after two officers were suspended amid outcry over video showing officers shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground, according to the Buffalo News and other media outlets.

All 57 of the members of the department's Emergency Response Team resigned from the unit, which responds to riots and other crowd control situations, according to the outlets. The Emergency Response Team members have not quit the police department, but have stepped down from the tactical unit, the Buffalo News reported.

"Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square," said Buffalo Police Benevolent Association President John Evans. "It doesn't specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don't know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards."

The man who was pushed to the ground was recovering in a hospital.
There's probably enough blame shifting going on in this country to register on a seismometer.
therein is the problem. the police exist to serve the public and the public good. resigning in protest to look out for one another's jobs is pretty much the exact opposite of what police for are. they are acting like a trade-guild or a special caste. a union with special permission to beat up the public.

That the commissioner supposedly has to specify that police probably shouldn't throw elderly people around is one of the many reasons people are so angry to begin with.

Also if they could stop shooting people in the head with rubber bullets, that'd be greeeat.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Microsoft, Sony, and a cavalcade of other companies have put out friendly messages in support of #BLM. What a mistake that was.
Artifice of Eternity
Soy Boi hobby coming to an end. So sad.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Console Cuck. He was doomed from the start.
I am all that is MOD!

I hope for his sake someone talks some sense into him before he ruins his life
he needs help.

for that matter, any adult man who has a fucking presentation shelf of computer games like that needs help. christ.

b o o    k
I am all that is MOD!

i was reading some of the comments to that video and his follow up video. People are fucking STOOOOOOPID

The buzzword for today from my "conservative" friends:
This is an insurrection.

uziq wrote:

he needs help.

for that matter, any adult man who has a fucking presentation shelf of computer games like that needs help. christ.

b o o    k
Honestly that's the least of that guy's problems. He thinks "gaming companies hate my kind and want to see me dead." The same sort of all or nothing rhetoric I hear from white men who think Democrats hate their kind and want to see them dead. The one notion cited so many times when they say stuff like "I'll die before I vote Democrat."

He's a niche youtuber with 16k subscribers. Recent videos are political with majority likes from his disgruntled echo chamber. Channel: "Krist the 30 Year Old Boomer"


The wall is used as a backdrop, which probably makes sense for a gaming channel or a game room.

Washington DC paints a giant 'Black Lives Matter' message on the road to the White House 6/5
https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/05/us/black … index.html

Trump blasts DC Mayor Bowser as 'incompetent' 6/5
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics … r-BB1568pa

President Trump on Friday sharply rebuked Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), calling her "incompetent" after she demanded he withdraw military personnel and federal law enforcement from the district amid ongoing protests against the police killing of George Floyd.

Donald Trump wearing a suit and tie: Trump blasts DC Mayor Bowser as 'incompetent'© Getty Images Trump blasts DC Mayor Bowser as 'incompetent'
"The incompetent Mayor of Washington, D.C., @MayorBowser, who's budget is totally out of control and is constantly coming back to us for 'handouts', is now fighting with the National Guard, who saved her from great embarrassment over the last number of nights," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

"If she doesn't treat these men and women well, then we'll bring in a different group of men and women!" the president continued, without expanding on what that group would be.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Friday the league should have listened to players earlier about racism concerns in a response to NFL players calling on the league to condemn racism and support its black players.

Goodell posted a video to the NFL's social media on Friday in response to the video "Stronger Together," which features several of the league's most famous players asking the league to take a strong stance in the wake of George Floyd's death in Minneapolis.
"We the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people," Goodell said. "We, the National Football League, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest," Goodell said.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/05/sport/ro … index.html
I guess the NFL finally decided it wasn't going to try to hold onto the temperamental conservative demographic.
President Trump on Sunday called for football fans to boycott N.F.L. games unless the league fires or suspends players who refuse to stand for the national anthem, saying that players must “stop disrespecting our flag and country.”
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
Hard to have a season if 70% of your players decide to boycott
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I want to go to the BLM protest Sunday but I don't have a hazmat suit available. Can I borrow yours, Jay?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

therein is the problem. the police exist to serve the public and the public good. resigning in protest to look out for one another's jobs is pretty much the exact opposite of what police for are. they are acting like a trade-guild or a special caste. a union with special permission to beat up the public.
As it says, they haven't resigned from the police, just from the specialist unit.

All these police who are being suspended, fired or reassigned will be quietly reinstated in a month or two when this blows over, most likely with back pay as if they'd never been gone.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

That is true, but I wonder if we aren't also increasingly projecting unrealistic expectations on law enforcement, or on military in a warzone for that matter. There seems to be a belief that they should act without emotion, without any prejudice towards the actions of others, to be a beacon of control and reason in the chaos around them, or be subjected to relentless public outcry. Of course excesses should be addressed, but to what extent and where do you draw the line in terms of reasonable force or allowed errors? They're still human after all, should cuomo chastise any transgression and publicly criticise/lambast the police in this situation? Would that be wise politically?
I don't think anyone is talking about occasional errors or accidental transgressions, this is about decades of aggression and abuse which seems to be institutional in many police forces, some much worse than others.

It does seem to be that there is a hardcore of people who join organisations with the intention of committing violent abuse, wait until they think no-one is watching then go wild with their sadistic fantasies.

The Australian SAS is in deep trouble at present, seems every US police force also has a hardcore just itching to shoot blameless and defenceless people in the face. Whether its just them or if the culture seeps into everyone else I guess will be the subject of many studies.
It does seem to be the thugs are able to intimidate those around them into covering up and protecting them.
Fuck Israel
larssen’s posts in this thread thus far have been really tone deaf, which is interesting to me. i do wonder about his managerialist-technocratic ‘third way’ politics. the worst part of that strain of (neo)liberalism is its constant attempts to impute all racism or xenophobia or anti-immigrant feeling to other groups (‘reification’ eeek) and to adopt an attitude of all-knowing wise passivity.

i mean, first of all he mocked at and said he couldn’t see the point in people protesting outside of america. as if nowhere else has a history of institutional racism and as if the black lives matter movement can’t be exported to ‘different historical contexts’. now he’s wondering if we’re not just being unrealistic about law enforcement, and unwittingly welcoming in an era of being policed by T2 robots and skynet (it’s no accident he was styled as an LAPD officer btw).

meanwhile there’s 30,000 protestors in sydney today.

very odd. why are all the people on this board who identify most strongly with liberalism or libertarianism like this?

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-06 01:25:48)


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

uziq wrote:

he needs help.

for that matter, any adult man who has a fucking presentation shelf of computer games like that needs help. christ.

b o o    k
Honestly that's the least of that guy's problems. He thinks "gaming companies hate my kind and want to see me dead." The same sort of all or nothing rhetoric I hear from white men who think Democrats hate their kind and want to see them dead. The one notion cited so many times when they say stuff like "I'll die before I vote Democrat."

He's a niche youtuber with 16k subscribers. Recent videos are political with majority likes from his disgruntled echo chamber. Channel: "Krist the 30 Year Old Boomer"


The wall is used as a backdrop, which probably makes sense for a gaming channel or a game room.
it’s the root cause of the guy’s problems. he is 37 and has built his entire identity and is trying to make a career out of video games. why is he so full of anger and impotent rage? could it be because he’s a maladapted manlet?

no shit videogames and their creators are inept and cackhanded with politics. games are bright distractions for children and teenagers. they are not deep wells
from which one can and should draw spiritual fulfillment.

every professional streamer or whatever i see seems to be full of either narcissistic delusions because of their fanbase, combined with their total isolation and separation from the real world, or is utterly abjectly miserable because they’re locked into spending 12 hours a day playing and thinking about things that are ultimately piss-puddle thin.

also having a gamestop aesthetic in your bedroom or living room is never a good look, i don’t actually care what you say on this. ur wrong.

uziq wrote:

larssen’s posts in this thread thus far have been really tone deaf, which is interesting to me. i do wonder about his managerialist-technocratic ‘third way’ politics. the worst part of that strain of (neo)liberalism is its constant attempts to impute all racism or xenophobia or anti-immigrant feeling to other groups (‘reification’ eeek) and to adopt an attitude of all-knowing wise passivity.

i mean, first of all he mocked at and said he couldn’t see the point in people protesting outside of america. as if nowhere else has a history of institutional racism and as if the black lives matter movement can’t be exported to ‘different historical contexts’. now he’s wondering if we’re not just being unrealistic about law enforcement, and unwittingly welcoming in an era of being policed by T2 robots and skynet (it’s no accident he was styled as an LAPD officer btw).

meanwhile there’s 30,000 protestors in sydney today.

very odd. why are all the people on this board who identify most strongly with liberalism or libertarianism like this?
Seems your reading comprehension is failing you - I'm fine with people protesting if the basis of it is their own experience in their own national context, not an export of whatever is happening in the US. Does it make sense to you if UK residents would protest police brutality en masse while you yourself linked a graph that showed your country has among the very lowest police-related fatality rates? Doesn't seem quite right to me to directly equate their behaviour to that of police in the US in that case. (note that I'm not writing anything on racial profiling, which may be similar - but the 'brutality' is provably not even remotely comparable).

I did somewhat rhetorically ask 'where do you draw the line' - evidently a guy stomping a 75 year old to the ground causing brain injury is not okay. The most important part being that this behaviour is structural as macbeth pointed out, which in this context I can agree with. With Dilbert's reference to the SAS I'm also reminded of that blatant war criminal Trump pardoned, who was a despicable excuse of a person.

Yes there's people protesting everywhere. Sydney, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam - you name it. But does protest anywhere immediately validate whatever people are protesting about? Did you hold the same opinion when Pegida marched the streets all over Europe and vigorously nod your head to the notion that we should 'get rid of the immigrants' because a few thousand cunts demanded it? Similarly while I can see that there's institutional racism elsewhere, in different contexts it is undoubtedly of a different nature. It's fucking ludicrous to copy paste what's happening in the States to all other countries to protest 'police brutality' when statistically the local police may be some of the most restrained on the planet. That's interest groups using this moment to push an agenda.
black lives matter has been spread all over the world for the last few years now. this isn't some new thing. their stickers and slogans appeared in cities after the death of eric garner, even, in 2014. the global aspect of the movement is not some new thing. you were saying how nonsensical it is to see that appear on trains in the netherlands or the UK. well, is it? black people are disproportionately killed at the hands of the police here too.

sure, the rates are not comparable to the US's in total, but there's still a huge asymmetry between races. between white dominant culture and subaltern immigrant cultures. should they not try to improve their lot? i'm sorry but your first post was purely ignorant: ignorant of the long and sordid histories of police killings in the UK and elsewhere, and badly ignorant of the history of these protest movements. it came across as very odd indeed.

pegida and black lives matter. did you really just draw an equivalence in the scale and motivation of these movements? why is a liberal, again, being so sophistical about, ultimately, a matter of universal justice and human rights? you're really oddly sniffy about this.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-06 01:58:42)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I watched a pro-cop video game streamer discuss police reform for about five minutes before I realized I was wasting my time. He did bring up something that was interesting and gave me an idea for a concrete reform we could make. He was making some argument about how there are degrees to resisting arrest and the more extreme attempts can result in perfectly justified use of lethal force. In the U.S. "resisting arrest" is an additional criminal charge and often times people can arrested only to be later charged with just "resisting arrest" to an unlawful arrest.

We should consider abolishing or modifying what constitutes a resisting arrest charge. At the very least it shouldn't be a standalone charge. Small acts of resisting that doesn't result in physical or serious harm shouldn't warrant a charge. To balance it out, serious acts of resisting arrest (biting an officer, grabbing at their guns, etc.) should result in more serious penalties than they are now. I don't have a problem with serious penalties and punishment. But it is important for punishment to not be unreasonable.
Statistical asymmetry is unavoidable as most predominantly immigrant communities are also (very) poor, have high unemployment, have bad or at best brittle relations with surrounding communities and suffer high crime rates as a result of these factors. Emergency hotline deployments and subsequent policing are far, far more common than in any other community. Of course that means more arrests and killings will happen in immigrant neighbourhoods and involving immigrants. Relatively it will be much more compared to white populations.

If the UK fatality rate of black people is even 5 times as high as the average it would still be among the lowest overall rates on the planet. Of course perhaps cause for concern, but nonetheless pretty damn good.

I drew an equivalence based on your comment. The largest pegida demonstrations drew almost 30.000 people. Still didn't justify the cause. Anyway, as I stated, protest in people's own context and with their own grievances, fine. But to speak of police brutality when there barely is any, gtfo.

Oh and it was a train in belgium.
i mean what could black people in belgium, a country that hardly acknowledges leopold II's role in the congo, and celebrates one of the worst figures in the entire history of colonialism, possibly have to complain about?

do you not think that BLM tallies with civil rights struggles for, ultimately, economic justice too? to stop seeing black 'bodies' and hearing black 'voices' as subaltern and second-class citizens is rather the whole point. it's not narrowly focussed on police killings, at the end of the day. we are back to MLK and the fact that his cause is inseparable from serious economic reform.

please do explain to anyone you see protesting that the killings are inevitable due to a nexus of economic factors, sociological traits, and, sadly, unavoidable statistical realities.

are you liberals 'for' the universal human rights and equality thing or are you just apologists for a vastly unequal status quo? i can never quite pin you lot down.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-06 02:18:28)

Resisting arrest isn't a crime in most continental european countries - we don't fault criminals for not wanting to get caught.

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