look how enabled this cop looks. how much he's enjoying it.

whoops, turns out he's a trump-enabled white supremacist.

let's hope where he's going he can get raped a lot.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-26 17:14:54)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I was going to make a post about how you should never let your photo be taken with the MAGA hat on but didn't read it until just now. Oh dear. This cop is pretty dumb. Why would you take a picture with that?
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Why would you take a picture with that?
because all cops are bastards?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Oh no. You said the phrase. >:[

Police recruitment definitely needs reform. Unfortunately in the patchwork legal system our country runs on that would be a slow process if it ever would even be legislated.
they should probably train cops not to kneel on people's windpipes, too. seems like a good idea.
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Oh no. You said the phrase. >:[

Police recruitment definitely needs reform. Unfortunately in the patchwork legal system our country runs on that would be a slow process if it ever would even be legislated.
that's your take? That recruitment needs reforming? Maybe if the police just stopped recruiting racists that by magic the idea of "the thin blue line" and lack of accountability and transparency would just vanish? I think you fundamentally do not understand why people say 'ACAB'.
for one day of the year everyone should get to shoot cops. kneel on cops. tase cops. tear gas cops. it would be a tremendous release of energy in the populace. it would ensure the peace, overall. people would be satisfied. kind of like old jewish societies kicking the shit out of a goat once a year.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


SuperJail Warden wrote:

Oh no. You said the phrase. >:[

Police recruitment definitely needs reform. Unfortunately in the patchwork legal system our country runs on that would be a slow process if it ever would even be legislated.
that's your take? That recruitment needs reforming? Maybe if the police just stopped recruiting racists that by magic the idea of "the thin blue line" and lack of accountability and transparency would just vanish? I think you fundamentally do not understand why people say 'ACAB'.
Changing the makeup of police forces would have an effect on long term policies and work culture.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Changing the makeup of police forces would have an effect on long term policies and work culture.
Which race are you going to single out for chokeholds when you're a cop?

I'd go chinese but many don't even have necks.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
MN police are tear-gassing the inevitable protestors to the murder above ^.

where was the tear gas when a bunch of fat LARPers seized a capitol with assault rifles?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6890|Oxferd Ohire
You wouldn't tear gas your friends would you?
I'm happy I've lived in places with respectful, well trained police officers. What the fuck man kneeling on his neck until he's dead?
I am all that is MOD!

But what if the person shoplifted 2 years ago? Doesn't that make it OK for the cop to kill him now?
the cop only wears 'make whites great again' out of work, that's strictly a recreation and hobby and none of the dept's business.
Wrong personality types, wrong training, wrong culture - it's clear again and again. This was also such a mild problem compared to anything else I've seen. The guy was already detained and they tried to put him in the police car but apparently couldn't. Well, now he's dead. If something so small and insignificant can rouse this level of aggression and malice in that officer, imagine what he could do or maybe has done to people when the situation was actually dangerous. A high speed chase, an armed guy on drugs, a robbery or street shootout, calls to domestic violence etc. I have rarely seen officers more unfit for the job than this lot of fucking useless animals.

Look at the kid standing in front as well, no way in hell he could even pass a PT test. The level of arrogance and disregard for life I'm seeing is appalling.

With how often these sorts of cases happen and how little is systematically done about them, it's as though the US is just waiting for an explosion of violence until actual reform is pushed through. Of the prison system, the police force and the rule of law. This sort of stuff is unforgivable and definitely turns the public against the police. Worse yet, it's fuel for racially charged violence as well.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-27 13:37:17)

no matter how many of those US cop videos i watch, i can never get my head around it. how the police seem to escalate and antagonise 95% of the situations. it’s almost like it’s better for the police not to be involved at all. it inevitably means guns drawn, being pinned, tasing, sprays, someone getting kneeled on or choked out.

i have never seen the police roughly handle someone in the UK (and i speak from, er, personal experience). it’s very rare for the police to even take out a baton. cops in america seem too much like fat rejects from the marines. truly, if i was american, i would live in deep suspicion and mistrust of the police.

thank god i’m white also. that goes without saying. fucking hell.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6890|Oxferd Ohire
And half of cop culture is just a weird wanna be military thing. They'll drive 2 hours to be in a funeral procession of a cop they've never met and trade coins made for various events including said cop funerals.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There has been incidents in America where police have killed young white men when they didn't have to. The police have gotten acquitted in those cases too. The white community didn't make a big deal out of police reform in those cases.

The issue is that there is a substantial amount of white Americans are so comfortable with status quo that white cops killing young white men isn't a problem with them either. White right wingers don't truly value the lives of other white people. This dovetails with their opposition to universal healthcare, a social safety net, face mask etc.

So don't expect there to ever be enough political support to make systematic changes to a fundamentally conservative institution like police  when the people within those institutions and their supporters don't even care about the value of their own lives. You really can't expect them to care for minority communities when they don't even love themselves.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5511|London, England
They've found that publishing stories about cops killing dogs brings more outrage than cops killing humans.

The last thing I would ever want to do is call the cops on someone. If the cops are called, there's better than zero odds that someone is going to get killed.

Not all cops are bad, but there's certainly enough bullies and wannabes that the odds of running into one are fairly high. Couple this with their training, which is all about maintaining control 100% of the time, and it's a recipe for a lot of escalation and confrontation. A cop will criticize another cop only if he loses control of the situation, not if he uses excessive force or kills someone. That's the crux of the problem. Any time that someone is taught to be in control they will perceive any challenge to their authority as a personal challenge and the response will likely be out sized.

They'll tell you how it's a hard and dangerous job and they're just seconds away from being killed at any moment. They'll tell you that they have a family to go home to and they'll be damned if they use one less ounce of force than they feel is necessary to get home to their wife and kids. And their union will back them 100%. And the judges have set it up so that they get qualified immunity 99% of the time. And there is an entire industry of traveling expert witnesses that testifies at every cop trial that the force used was within bounds.

Cops need to be retrained across the board and the bullies need to be sent packing. We won't have reform until the cultures change across the country.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I am all that is MOD!

The modern US police force has its origins in fugitive slave chasing, labor strike breaking, and protection rackets. The civic-minded buy the idea of "protect and serve" despite that being a made up and untrue phrase. The police pretend that their job is a more venerated version of the postal worker, the social security clerk, the city inspector. Police want to enforce, legislate and adjudicate the law- law enforcement has argued time and again (with overwhelming success) for the ability to determine legality and justice.

Why anyone would want to voluntarily participate in such a fucked profession is beyond me. Like saying there are good people in the Gestapo. Fuck em
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I support continued prosecution of former SS and Gestapo members.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
Everyone in the US needs a civics lesson, Police don't 'enforce the law' or 'take down perps', they deliver them into the court system where the rights and wrongs are determined.
Plus american police seem to be largely bullying cowards.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Aye up duck!
+440|6862|England. Stoke

uziq wrote:

look how enabled this cop looks. how much he's enjoying it.

whoops, turns out he's a trump-enabled white supremacist.

let's hope where he's going he can get raped a lot.
Those are two different people the guy in the cap is some convicted fraudster or some shit.
is that true? serves me right for taking stuff right off the frothing waves of twitter, if so.

Trump tells cops they should rough people up more during arrests 2017 … ong-island

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