Jay wrote:
Larssen wrote:
Jay wrote:
No shit. Which is why I've been saying it's most important to reopen the economy.
I reckon your social safety net needs some work if it's so far below a level of subsistence for the vast majority of people living in NY. As if everyone has savings & job security. As soon as someone becomes unemployed in a field where there is no scarcity, or during an economic crisis, you might as well sell your appartment. The fuck man.
Unemployment insurance payments are set below minimum wage to discourage people from staying unemployed. If you can make more money at a minimum wage job, take that job instead of collecting unemployment. Normally, although I assume it's waived right now, you have to demonstrate that you are actively looking for work to keep collecting. It's not meant to be a long term thing.
If you can afford to own an apartment, you should be able to build up savings. I'm not really sure why you are against having personal savings built up.
Your argument fundamentally assumes a healthy economy & healthy sectors with low unemployment. Natural disasters, war, a pandemic - a society is supposed to prepare for these situations that will disrupt the labour market. It's fatal short terminism if that is not accounted for.
Nevermind the fact that some age groups, 20 year olds and those 45-50+, have a MUCH harder time finding jobs. The young people can still 'get by' if they get fucked but someone in their 50s who gets laid off will on average be unemployed for longer periods of time. While their cost of living is also high if they have kids and whatnot.
It's perfectly possible to make it income dependent and capped to a maximum. In germany it's 60-70% of your previous average income capped at 7k euros/month (pre taxes etc) for up to 24 months (dependent on age & time in labour force). Same or similar rules apply everywhere else in Europe. 500$ a week is stupidly low especially considering NY is the most expensive city in the world by far, save for maybe Geneva or Monaco.
Of course I'm not 'against savings' - but there's a million reasons why you might not have savings or not have a lot of savings on hand. A single income in NY of 50k is not going to net you a big bank account. Or you could become unemployed long term because of health issues. Does your health insurance cover a hit to income as well?
You yourself can last for maybe 6 months while your household is worth a multitude of 50k.
Last edited by Larssen (4 years, 8 months ago)